*4/1/11* No this is not a joke! I promised this day will come! I got my official annoucement for our first tournament HERE
hope all of you come!!!
*NOTE* for some reason it would not let me type the date or the term relating to that date... so check the post above for the correct info and sorry for any confusion this may have caused...
your not going to believe this... DOA who is a native Minnesotan, contacted me about casting for this event. I told him I would love to have him cast for us. Some time had passed and he told me he wasnt able too now because he was going out of the country - otherwise he would. If you haven't heard. He is casting code A in Korea as I speak. I think he found a better paying gig. LOL
I still cant believe a local Minnesotan is casting the GSL
p.s. join our google group to stay current on our LAN/tournament updates
*3/4/11* anyone who has interest still feel free to contact me (routinetrafficstop@gmail.com)...join our google group... or post here
This will probably be my last update on this thread for sometime until we have an official announcement for one of our upcoming events.
Again if you want to have some input feel free to do the above because we are still looking for casters, sponsors, players, people to help us plan and set our events up, and eventually entertainers (dj's or bands and possibly maybe even comedians).
As always have a good one!
*3/1* I've decided after speaking for quite a few people that we will hold our first planning meeting this Thursday 8:30 PM at the tea garden in St. Paul... Bring friends if you would like. Let me know if you need directions or have any questions. Also we will decide from this meeting a regular bi-monthly time to meet. We may also establish an email list to keep in touch with each other and to get the ball rolling with this event!
Hope to see many of you there!
*2/27* Tentatively the meeting is set for Wednesday at 8:30pm at the tea garden in St. Paul... will send pm's on Monday (tomorrow) to confirm.
*2/25* I sent PM's to about 10 people that expressed interest in helping with the event we are looking for the best time to hold our first planning meeting for next week. PM me or email me (routinetrafficstop@gmail.com) with the times you would be able to meet in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Also I am still accepting people who are interested in casting/planning for the event. We are also looking for Sponsors (local businesses anyone who will be able to provide goods/services/prizes to participants. I am also still looking for a DJ (paid gig)
Thanks RTS
My name is Aaron Miles. I have been kicking the idea around to host a LAN tournament in the Minneapolis area. I'm looking for anyone who is interested in participating: playing, helping set up, finding locale, finding sponsors, or helping with any creative/constructive input. I am looking for casters and performers as well (details below). I live in the northern suburbs (Minneapolis) and am willing to drive to meet with anyone in the area.
I am also looking for a caster or two to co-host the event. This will be a paid position for the event somewhere near 10$/hr for your help. The event will be streamed live so this is a great gig for an up and coming caster. Your not going to get rich but it will be a great time and a chance to get some experience. If travel distance is an issue partial travel reimbursement will be issued.
Minneapolis is very close/central to many key cities in the upper Midwest. Beyond the metro area in MN... Chicago, Milwaukee, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Fargo, Duluth, Des Moines to name a few. If we can generate enough sponsors to have a decent prize pool/entertainment for an incentive to drive and stay in Minneapolis for a weekend.
Beyond sponsors and casters I'm also looking for some entertainment: An original DJ, a band, comedian, to perform and also be streamed live. Performers will also be compensated.
I have a few connections at the University of Minnesota, metro state, and Anoka Ramsey Community College for flyering. Beyond this I am looking for ways to advertise and get the word out.
Projected time for this event would be this summer June-August sometime. More than likely this would be a BYOC event. Again nothing is set in stone so I would love to hear from anyone. Suggestions, comments, ideas are welcomed...
Send me a message on TL... or email me at routinetrafficstop@gmail.com
Sincerely, Aaron Miles
I would totally come. Someone tried to plan a lan a while back but it never really happened. Hopefully this one works out.
I would be interested in playing in it. I'm from the metro area. I'm not a pro player or anything, but im 3.3k master league so I could help produce some good games for you. I don't know much about setting up lans or anything like that, so you'll have to find someone else for that.
But me and my friend would go to this for sure. Keep me updated if you can (through pm's or anything like that)
Excellent... The more the merrier as they say. I'll defiantly be in touch
All levels would be welcome anyone who thinks they have a shot. However if their is a large amount of players in the interest of providing the best games. There may be 2 different tournaments based on play level... Thats if we get an over abundance of bronze-platinum players.
I'm debating on what to do to get a larger prize pool. Ideally I hope to get enough sponsors/donations to not have a entry fee.
However if we are able to get a great venue for the event to help curb some of the costs and add to the prize pool their may be a 5-10 entry fee.
I really want to get at least a 1k first place prize and a 2k overall prize pool in cash/prizes.
The payment for entertainment and casters will come out of my wallet to keep as much money as we can for the prize pool for the participants themselves.
If anyone has local businesses in the metro they would like to promote i.e restaurants/hotels that participants could use/visit while in town. Or provide discounted rates that would be great too...
Whats going to be happening between now and the official announcement for this event will be me making a lot of phone calls. I'll be finding where the event will be held and getting sponsors. Those are the top two priorities. If we can get a great venue, with a good prize pool, with some decent entertainment - people will come....
"if you build it they will come".... if you get that reference rou rock or "if you book them they will come"... and if you get that one you rock even harder! ;-)
This certainly isn't some half baked idea. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done in order to get this going. However... THIS WILL HAPPEN :D
i would love to go to this. I go to the university of st. thomas in st. paul, and i know a bunch of guys (mostly lower leagues) who would love to come to this. I'd also be interesting in casting if you cant find anyone else; its something i've always wanted to try and this is as good a chance to start as any i suppose.
Naturally if you find some good experienced casters use them instead of me by all means.
You do know that the U of M has a big sc2 tournement every semester right? look up the teh pwnage club. The last one was pretty great, they flew in psyonic_reaver to cast it. it was sponsored by blizzard i believe.
Oh, and i'm in a band lol, we could play if you want.
I've heard of the tournament... but not much on the details... my friend was in a 2v2 tournament at the U i'm not sure if that tournament was put on by that club. I'll defiantly check out that club... and possibly send out an invite to its members to participate.
Also if I'm not able to find a "well known" caster you are defiantly first on the list. :-D Also i'll probably need some help, depending on how big we can get this, with more on screen personality beyond casting (interview players, introductions, award ceremony, etc) so I can definatly use some help there 
I'm getting excited for this. I'm going to start making phone calls tomorrow for possible sponsors and trying to get the ball rolling on this!
also if you have any samples of your bands work... cd... or vids anything that would be great! :-D
Yeah, it was the 2v2 event that I went to. I know the tournement was 'sponsored' by blizzard. Its in quotes because i believe they just gave a few copies of diablo and wow and sc1 to people instead of money or anything. I think ubisoft also sponsored because they had a little table where you could play assassain creed and other ubisoft games. I'm not really sure though, you'll have to talk to the club.
right on... thanks for that info... hopefully we will be able to do something like that too
Yes, more events in the midwest please!
I live in Eden Prairie, I knew about 6 people who casually play the game, one plays competitively like myself.
Hi Miles,
Please send me your number. I'd like to connect with you. I am in St. paul and can / will help. * I think with what I read frol your posting, I can help to make this happen.
i'll send you and email nushlong!
and tok glad to hear you have interest and know more ppl interested and at a high level of play!
so far the response has been good. I'm trying to get in touch with some of the universities clubs/organizations, and I am going to look up a few places where a venue would be viable. i'll certainly keep everyone in touch on this thread before an official announcement thread is made!
I'm very excited for this!
Also be aware that with your current format you will need permission from Blizzard to host the tournament. Here is the form you need to fill out.
Pm me for my email, i'll totally help too.
I would attend for shizzle, will watch the thread.
I have talked to a few people privately - the response I have received so far has been great. Getting some great ideas, and many people are offering to help.
Nushlong suggested we hold a smaller tournament first. This will be to gauge the interest see how many people will come out. This would be held sometime around April. It still will have cash/gear for prizes. We are planning to meet next week in the Maplewood/St. Paul area. Anyone who is interested in helping out or having some creative input shoot me an email and hopefully we can work something out :-D
Using the response from this we may gauge how to handle a large style tournament. The one I was speaking of originally.
I sincerely appreciate all the offers to help and will try to include as many people as I can. I will keep people posted on major developments as we go.
So far on the plate meeting next week in St. Paul/Maplewood time TBA i'll try to have the time set within 48 hours to give some advance notice of people who would like to help share ideas/give creative input.
Have a good one guys!
p.s. azarat thanks for the link I will check that out to make sure things are kosher with blizz :-D
I'm afraid I can't really offer any help, but I will definitely attend the tourney.
I know of a lot of people who would be interested in attending. Just posting here to lend some support, this will be fun.
I'll definitely show up to Minneapolis if its sometime during one of my breaks or in the summer. Grandma lives there, good reason to visit 
E: Just saw that it's summer. If you get this together, PM me as soon as you get a date I will definitely make an effort to come.