Hey Artosis, I love your casts, but is it truely fair that you use American all the time? Ah, but forgive me, I guess that’s just how it is, you are after all, American. Even I can understand that.
Still, I feel it’s a huge injustice that your appeal doesn’t extend all the way to the very heart of Britain… The finals are tomorrow and I know your busy, but I really do feel that this is a bit of an extended blonde moment.
![[image loading]](http://www.picturesofengland.com/images/GtBritainRed.jpg)
In the left, playing as the red terran, Britain.
My friend, worry not, this grievous error can be corrected. As you Americans would say, I’ve got your back. Just for you I’ve written this Brit Translation Thesaurus™. Now, whenever you get that urge to use some of your American, why not throw in some Brit?
Simply browse to the American phase you wanted to use, and transition seamlessly to one of the many Brit Tech paths listed underneath. It is my way of trying to give back to the man that has entertained me so gainfully these months past.
High Level Play
Can he play any better? Answers on a postcard please.
What awesome stuff!
He’s got ‘em bang to rights.
His skills are truely a sight to behold.
That play is the best thing since sliced bread, let me tell you.
God no, what a blonde moment.
[add “Hes made” if you wish] such a grievous error.
Oh dear, he’ll regret that one in the morning.
[loud] What have you done? [quieter] what have you done…[add sad face].
And he’s just gone and blown it.
Terrible errors all-round here
This is huge
This is completely and utterly huge
Massive (use this word instead of “huge”).
Really (You can put this word between “is” and “huge”. Could also include “massive”)
That may have been the deciding moment here.
It may all come down to [this/that].
Diamond geezer [Also great because diamond is the top league]
Really buff [Just like with spells in starcraft!]
Most outstanding fellow
Such a dish [Girls only, but you can borrow it Artosis

Is my dreamboat [Another girly one but worry not, we don’t mind]
So many banelings
A vast quantity of banelings.
He's got banelings fit to burst.
Ginormous army of banelings.
Just look at the state of those banelings.
Is he sure he's got enough banelings there?
...and the royal mail would take 3 weeks to deliver those banelings, tasteless. Luckily, x is not the Royal mail, he's x.
Outstanding gentleman.
Upstanding fellow.
A gentlemen and a scholar.
Top bloke.
Hard [Alternatives: Hardcase, Hard as nails. I swear this does not imply an erectness, but you can imagine that it does if you perfer.]
No way he can come back from this
He's getting a right kicking.
He's had his chips and he's eaten them.
He's in a whole heap of shit without a spade in sight.
and he looks like hes had it.
it seems we have gone past the point of no return.
and French victory is rapidly approaching here.
Barracks on the rocks [with a slice of lemon/lime if he adds a second].
Bouncer barracks is on the door.
And look at this! A barracks that thinks it's a trident submarine.
And the barracks is another victim of the postcode lottery.
With that placement he's definitely going to try and pull a fast one.
Can't agree with this/disagree with this decision
I wouldn't do that if I were you...
What the bloody hell are you playing at.
Not what I'd do, x, but your milage may vary.
Can't see the benefit of this tasteless, the lights are on but nobody is home.
This is looking pretty limp-wristed and I don't approve.
I'm seeing this here and it's a steaming load of old bollocks.
Practise these, friend and see how you get on. We wouldn’t want to push one too hard and have you fail at the first hurdle. Once you’ve mastered some of these, we can advance your Brit plays to even greater heights. I for one, foresee a future where you truely are the dogs bollocks. So keep on trucking.
See you at the Finals