BUMP BECAUSE TASTELESS USED THIS IN THE CODE A GAME THIS SATURDAY! :D (Code A,Ro32 match 12 - Gilja vs TSL_Killer - 2nd set). YOU ROCK! I genuinely lol'ed :D. Can anyone cut the section and upload it to you tube? I will link+credit you here.
Hey Artosis, I love your casts, but is it truely fair that you use American all the time? Ah, but forgive me, I guess that’s just how it is, you are after all, American. Even I can understand that.
Still, I feel it’s a huge injustice that your appeal doesn’t extend all the way to the very heart of Britain… The finals are tomorrow and I know your busy, but I really do feel that this is a bit of an extended blonde moment.
In the left, playing as the red terran, Britain.
My friend, worry not, this grievous error can be corrected. As you Americans would say, I’ve got your back. Just for you I’ve written this Brit Translation Thesaurus™. Now, whenever you get that urge to use some of your American, why not throw in some Brit?
Simply browse to the American phase you wanted to use, and transition seamlessly to one of the many Brit Tech paths listed underneath. It is my way of trying to give back to the man that has entertained me so gainfully these months past.
High Level Play Can he play any better? Answers on a postcard please. What awesome stuff! He’s got ‘em bang to rights. His skills are truely a sight to behold. That play is the best thing since sliced bread, let me tell you.
Blunder God no, what a blonde moment. [add “Hes made” if you wish] such a grievous error. Oh dear, he’ll regret that one in the morning. [loud] What have you done? [quieter] what have you done…[add sad face]. And he’s just gone and blown it. Terrible errors all-round here
This is huge This is completely and utterly huge Massive (use this word instead of “huge”). Really (You can put this word between “is” and “huge”. Could also include “massive”) That may have been the deciding moment here. It may all come down to [this/that].
Handsome Diamond geezer [Also great because diamond is the top league] Really buff [Just like with spells in starcraft!] Most outstanding fellow Such a dish [Girls only, but you can borrow it Artosis ] Is my dreamboat [Another girly one but worry not, we don’t mind]
So many banelings A vast quantity of banelings. He's got banelings fit to burst. Ginormous army of banelings. Just look at the state of those banelings. Is he sure he's got enough banelings there? ...and the royal mail would take 3 weeks to deliver those banelings, tasteless. Luckily, x is not the Royal mail, he's x.
Baller Outstanding gentleman. Upstanding fellow. A gentlemen and a scholar. Top bloke. Hard [Alternatives: Hardcase, Hard as nails. I swear this does not imply an erectness, but you can imagine that it does if you perfer.]
No way he can come back from this He's getting a right kicking. He's had his chips and he's eaten them. He's in a whole heap of shit without a spade in sight. and he looks like hes had it. it seems we have gone past the point of no return. and French victory is rapidly approaching here.
Makarax Barracks on the rocks [with a slice of lemon/lime if he adds a second]. Bouncer barracks is on the door. And look at this! A barracks that thinks it's a trident submarine. And the barracks is another victim of the postcode lottery. With that placement he's definitely going to try and pull a fast one.
Can't agree with this/disagree with this decision I wouldn't do that if I were you... What the bloody hell are you playing at. Not what I'd do, x, but your milage may vary. Can't see the benefit of this tasteless, the lights are on but nobody is home. This is looking pretty limp-wristed and I don't approve. I'm seeing this here and it's a steaming load of old bollocks.
Practise these, friend and see how you get on. We wouldn’t want to push one too hard and have you fail at the first hurdle. Once you’ve mastered some of these, we can advance your Brit plays to even greater heights. I for one, foresee a future where you truely are the dogs bollocks. So keep on trucking.
I eventually understood what you were talking about, but you should try to make it more clear. You can't just start a post and expect everyone to know whats in your head.
How is the word Baller not anywhere in here! Tasteless does say it more... but Artosis ends up saying it because of how much Tasteless says it. COME ON! Atleast under handsome put "Baller" or "Being a total baller"
On December 17 2010 05:47 Gatsbi wrote: I eventually understood what you were talking about, but you should try to make it more clear. You can't just start a post and expect everyone to know whats in your head.
Since you are clearly new here... let me be the first to invite you to Teamliquid.net :D
On December 17 2010 05:47 BetterFasterStronger wrote: How is the word Baller not anywhere in here! Tasteless does say it more... but Artosis ends up saying it because of how much Tasteless says it. COME ON! Atleast under handsome put "Baller" or "Being a total baller"
I'll think of some replacements for baller if enough people want it .
On December 17 2010 05:51 Flicky wrote: Nice to see you didn't highlight Britain correctly on your map.
"Britain" is highlighted correctly. Great Britian includes N.Ireland. But the map I just robbed off of google images anyway. Feel free to make a better one and I'll edit the post .
Edmon, you are right about one thing. Shout casting terminology has very few words.
In all my life I've never seen anyone use "blunder" or "high level play" so often that it has lost all meaning.
We're talking about the GSL folks, we don't need to be told these guys are playing at a high level. You would give Captain Obvious a head ache. There is nothing wrong with pointing out someone's weaknesses and strengths, but God Almighty! Raise your vocabulary!
Let's see how many different ways I can say blunder.
That will cost him! I don't think <<insert name>> meant to do that, but what do I know. I'm just a sportscaster. Ew, really? He'll be thinking about that one in the morning. Error That will definitely make the blooper wheel of the week. Highli-, I mean low light of the night. Big mistake! That was a disaster waiting to happen. Etc.
Just watch some cricket. You'll learn how to commentate (British) in no time. Esp how to talk shit when there is absolutely nothing going on, like how the caretaker has now changed what grass he is using and how it affects the game etc.
If im not mistaken this was a British person asking artosis to use more British slang in his casts, if im not mistaken, then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. Sit back and enjoy it. Sigh, thanks for the idea i guess?
Surely world class should be in here, it's impossible to watch a sports match in the UK without hearing that at least 10 times, maybe that should be the English word far "baller"
On December 17 2010 05:56 Liquid_Adun wrote: If im not mistaken this was a British person asking artosis to use more British slang in his casts, if im not mistaken, then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. Sit back and enjoy it. Sigh, thanks for the idea i guess?
On December 17 2010 05:51 Flicky wrote: Nice to see you didn't highlight Britain correctly on your map.
"Britain" is highlighted correctly. Great Britian includes N.Ireland. But the map I just robbed off of google images anyway. Feel free to make a better one and I'll edit the post .
For suitably incorrect values of 'correctly'. There seem to be Orkney- and Shetland- shaped archipelagos in the middle of the North Sea, inappropriately highlighted and sited about a couple of hundred miles southeast of where the Northern Isles normally are.
I am also confused and from the US. A lot of those comments don't even seem that "English" and would sound pretty lame in context.
"blonde moment"? I remember using tht in kindergarden... and refering to girls.
If he commentated with a rediculous fake British accent, it would be entertaining (For maybe a couple times)... but if OP is serious, get an English commentator?
On December 17 2010 05:56 Liquid_Adun wrote: ... then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. ...
While i am sure he would like to hear more british slang i am very confident that this was a joke.
On that point i think it would be hilarious to see them do a cast using as many of these as they can, it would sound so unnatural to hear them try and get the terms and phrases correct
On December 17 2010 05:51 Flicky wrote: Nice to see you didn't highlight Britain correctly on your map.
"Britain" is highlighted correctly. Great Britian includes N.Ireland. But the map I just robbed off of google images anyway. Feel free to make a better one and I'll edit the post .
Our survey says? UH UH. Great Britain only includes England, Scotland, and Wales. That's why the full name of the country we live in is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That's why the map is highlighted correctly.
That said, after reading your OP, I now want to hear a cockney caster. I wonder if we can get Ray Winstone into SC2...
On December 17 2010 05:56 Liquid_Adun wrote: If im not mistaken this was a British person asking artosis to use more British slang in his casts, if im not mistaken, then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. Sit back and enjoy it. Sigh, thanks for the idea i guess?
Sigh, get a sense of humour won't you? The OP was just trying to have some fun and if I'm not mistaken if you disapprove so immensely of British slang this marvelous post of yours is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to mankind. Don't just add a bunch of negativity to a thread when its intentions clearly aren't very serious.
More on topic; To hear Artosis use any of the terms that you mentioned would be absolutely remarkable! Let's hope he reads this thread.
A pretty hilarious thread, though, to be honest, those threads aren't very not-American - I've heard plenty of them across the ocean over here. But you know, its cute.
On December 17 2010 05:56 Liquid_Adun wrote: If im not mistaken this was a British person asking artosis to use more British slang in his casts, if im not mistaken, then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. Sit back and enjoy it. Sigh, thanks for the idea i guess?
On December 17 2010 05:56 Liquid_Adun wrote: If im not mistaken this was a British person asking artosis to use more British slang in his casts, if im not mistaken, then this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to man kind. I mean seriously if you want a british caster this is what i propose, download the games from gom tv mute the sound, cast the games yourself. You can add in as much british slang as you want. Sit back and enjoy it. Sigh, thanks for the idea i guess?
Sigh, get a sense of humour won't you? The OP was just trying to have some fun and if I'm not mistaken if you disapprove so immensely of British slang this marvelous post of yours is quite possibly one of the worst ideas known to mankind. Don't just add a bunch of negativity to a thread when its intentions clearly aren't very serious.
More on topic; To hear Artosis use any of the terms that you mentioned would be absolutely remarkable! Let's hope he reads this thread.
The only ones they haven't used already are these:
He’s got ‘em bang to rights. -I guess this is a legitimate UK phrase that us in the US just don't know about.
God no, what a blonde moment. -Only a retard would say something like this. Unless the connotation is somehow different in the UK...
Diamond geezer -Geezer means an old person, so I dunno.
Such a dish -Legitimate UK phrase I guess?
Is my dreamboat -They might have actually said this before, I just don't recall.
So basically, you've given 1 (maybe 2) suggestion that is actually good, and then a bunch they've already used or are already aware of, or that are just inappropriate/don't make sense for the situation.
While the OP says they are Terran, I am pretty sure the British are actually zerg. I mean did you see their creep spread back in the day+ Show Spoiler +
On December 17 2010 06:53 rastaban wrote: While the OP says they are Terran, I am pretty sure the British are actually zerg. I mean did you see their creep spread back in the day+ Show Spoiler +
Some of the English dialects are pretty odd. When I played WoW there was a person in my guild that was Scottish, and when talking to him you basically needed an intermediary and native speaker to translate.
On December 17 2010 06:29 BetterFasterStronger wrote:
On December 17 2010 06:27 Blobskillz wrote: sorry but GB english makes my foreigner ears hurt. So please stick to american
You mean the English from the people who founded our country... that english aka... real english?
To be fair to him, most people in England cannot speak English properly.
It's true
No it isn't It's not a statment of fact. It's false. The vast majority of people in England can speak English properly, they certainly aren't speaking French. Maybe you have a little bit of prejudice for people with "urban" accents and dialects? The problem is then yours my friend, as dialects and accents are a feature of all human societies, and too frequently correlated with intelligence or "correctness".
Someone should give Stephen Fry a crash course in SC2 facts and have him sit in with Tastosis for a game, that should give them new british expressions to last them a lifetime
On December 17 2010 07:15 Talin wrote: After MC wins or smashes Rain's army:
"Take a bow, son" with Andy Gray accent. =D
I would love to see Artosis say that in that accent, I think that would make my decade. :D
While we're on Sky Sports and it's Ashes season... next time Tasteless is about to say "I think we're going to see GG very soon" he should wheel out his best Lancashire accent and shout "START THE CAR!"
I have never heard of this "Britain" you speak of, but I am intrigued and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Shoutcasters, much like sportscasters, usually stick to a handful of cliches for their verbal arsenal. It's pretty difficult to branch out. I'm a writer and like to think I diversify a bit more but it's a totally different game when you're speaking. Everything comes at a fast pace and with more on the way.
But maybe with practice they can add a bit more to their repertoire. Even American English has a few more phrases they could use than saying everything is high level :D
On December 17 2010 07:35 Deep[BluE[ wrote: When I read the OP I pictured Artosis with a monocle, halfway through he suddenly wore a top-hat aswell. Is my mind racist?
On December 17 2010 07:35 Deep[BluE[ wrote: When I read the OP I pictured Artosis with a monocle, halfway through he suddenly wore a top-hat aswell. Is my mind racist?
So many people in this thread with either no sense of humour or just incredibly slow.
Suggestion: Using the word "well" or "proper" instead of or in the context of "very" to add emphasis. "Very good micro" = "Well good micro" "Very high level play" = "Proper high level play" "Very handsome guy" = "Proper handsome bloke"
On December 17 2010 06:29 BetterFasterStronger wrote:
On December 17 2010 06:27 Blobskillz wrote: sorry but GB english makes my foreigner ears hurt. So please stick to american
You mean the English from the people who founded our country... that english aka... real english?
To be fair to him, most people in England cannot speak English properly.
It's true
No it isn't It's not a statment of fact. It's false. The vast majority of people in England can speak English properly, they certainly aren't speaking French. Maybe you have a little bit of prejudice for people with "urban" accents and dialects? The problem is then yours my friend, as dialects and accents are a feature of all human societies, and too frequently correlated with intelligence or "correctness".
Indeed.. this is surely somewhat off topic, but languages are evolved purely by slang, and borrowing words from other languages and changing them. For instance Scandinavian and English people could understand eachother without any trouble 500+ years ago, however the languages have evolved by people inventing new words. So what I'm saying is that as long as you're raised in a sertain country, it's 100% impossible to not speak the language properly. The inproper way of speaking English, is going to be what schools teach you in 50 years, if even that.
Either way there's been alot of complaints on comentators using too few words, so throwing in some british slang might be refreshing. Worth a try atleast ^^ If it gets too predictible, it pretty quickly gets boring imho.
I think the 'High level play' section could use a sprinkling of the word 'Immense', as popularised by many football commentators:
'Immense Banshee play, it's got upwards of a dozen kills' 'The Zerg lad's* baneling macro is immense!' 'A player of immense stature, he straddles the starcraft pro-scene like a mighty collosus'
*lad should be used wherever possible to denote a player, to give the commentary a truly British flavour.
Perhaps use the word 'Massive' more, and when it is used, 'Dick Van Dyke' the syllables until you arrive at a pronunciation more akin to 'Ma-HOO-sive' (as pioneered by Ian Wright).
'A Ma-HOO-sive bioball, it's hard to imagine what could stop this Terran assault' 'The collosus has a Ma-HOO-sive number of kills' 'Frankly, his APM is Ma-HOO-sive, really sorts the men from the boys'
Numerous units (be they banelings or whatever)
'He's got stacks and stacks of banelings!' 'He's got a skip-load of banelings' ''A shed-load of banelings, rolling into into has opponent's base, this game's for the taking' 'He's got more banelings than you could shake a stick at!'
'This lad's wedding vegetables are bigger than Stonehenge!'
Switching Terran tech add-ons:
'He's castling* his Barracks and Factory, looks like we're in for some Thor shenanigans'
*Appropriating the unique King/Rook move from chess, whenever I see buildings switch, I can't help but think in these terms. I played way too much chess as a lad.
thats some funny stuff, british idiums are some of the best in the english speaking world.
you forgot a couple of really good ones tho!
No way he can come back from this It's all gone pete tong for x He's pissing in to the wind right now like a norfolk hooker....there's no way he can come back from that (you really won't get that one if ur not from the UK tho)
On December 17 2010 19:06 emythrel wrote: thats some funny stuff, british idiums are some of the best in the english speaking world.
you forgot a couple of really good ones tho!
No way he can come back from this It's all gone pete tong for x He's pissing in to the wind right now like a norfolk hooker....there's no way he can come back from that (you really won't get that one if ur not from the UK tho)
Unorthodox play here. -> This strategy is totally Barmy/Bonkers/Crackers The army dies and this is over -> The army dies and Bob's your Uncle. WOW huge damage -> Bloody Hell, would you look at that! Zealots hitting a Nexus -> Trashing the place like Chavs in a shopping center. I'm surprised -> I'm utterly gobsmacked. Those Gateways are lined up badly/well -> Those Gateways are wonky/terraced
Hilarious. Perhaps he could say at a massive blunder, "Did you see that ludricrous display Tasteless?" or Baller could be "I reckon he's thinks he's the bees knees after that match" follwed by "Rightly so" from tasteless
On December 17 2010 05:51 Flicky wrote: Nice to see you didn't highlight Britain correctly on your map.
"Britain" is highlighted correctly. Great Britian includes N.Ireland. But the map I just robbed off of google images anyway. Feel free to make a better one and I'll edit the post .
For suitably incorrect values of 'correctly'. There seem to be Orkney- and Shetland- shaped archipelagos in the middle of the North Sea, inappropriately highlighted and sited about a couple of hundred miles southeast of where the Northern Isles normally are.
Great Britain does not include Northern Island. You're thinking of the United Kingdom.