The vice-clan master, CellaWerra soon made it official that at least the Starcraft II portion of the clan was to disband, with its former members to seek membership in other SC II teams or clans. He neither confirmed nor denied the incident. No charges that we know of have been filed as of yet, nor has GundamWerra, the accused ex-manager, made a statement.
CellaWeRRa has announced that the WeRRa clan will disband. The following is a translation of his post on PlayXP.
The clan was de facto disbanded, and now it's official.
In our Warcraft division, HeadWerra and Haha Hyung are organizing the remaining members. They are considering making a new non-competitive clan, or continuing the WeRRa tradition as a smaller, more streamlined clan. They've spent so much time in WeRRa, so thinking about having to start anew with something else.... It would be hard to adjust, so they're thinking hard about it.
I didn't demand the truth from Gundam when I met him today. I told him to follow his conscience and apologize if he did anything wrong... and I told him all of the responsibility lies with him, so he should try his best to make things right. Then I told him not to hate his messed up life, and to care for himself... without getting any stupid ideas.
Like he should have cared for other people too.
Right now, the Stacraft II members of the clan have mostly left, and put in applications to other teams or clans. Vestige is preparing a new clan for the guys who don't really know what to do at the moment. I hope the ones going to new places can adjust well.
Alongside them, I'm wandering without a home. I have no idea what to do.
I apologize for writing some personal stuff in an official notice.
This was CellaWerra, vice clan master of WeRRA, teary eyed and signing off.
For all our faults, thank you for the interest you had in Starcraft II Werra.
Original Post
I know the other threads were closed, and i hope i'm not stepping out of line. I'm not sure what the mods meant by "real story", and i had the translations done, so I thought I might as well post this. mods please close the thread if necessary, and my apologies beforehand if it is.
For those of you who haven't heard, it seems as though members of the WeRRa clan are leaving the clan. 10 members, including 즐겨찢기.WeRRa, AugustWeRRa, and RainWeRRa have left the clan as of 10:28PM KST of Saturday the 23rd. Apparently, GundamWeRRa molested 즐겨찢기.WeRRa at his house, which lead to 즐겨찢기WeRRa (aka LoveRipWeRRa) leaving the clan, which, in turn, lead to the others leaving. LoveRipWeRRa (즐겨찢기WeRRa) put up a post on describing the incident. It's possible none of this is true and the hundreds of blog posts that have come up since the incident are lying, but this doesn't seem likely.
You can find the original Korean here:

One last thing to mention is that the original post in Korean, in itself, is somewhat incoherent and full of (minor) grammatical mistakes, but I don't think it's too big of an issue..
here's the money translation:
This was being talked about for a little while
"GundamWeRRa" is the reason why I left the WeRRa clan.
As you already know, GundamWeRRa is the leader and coach of the WeRRa clan.
He is also the one who scouted me for the clan.
mod edit: this is not the BW progamer V-Gundam, in case people are wondering!
The incident started on Friday, October 22.
It was the day of PhoenixWeRRa's GSL game.
I got a call from Gundam.
He suggested we go root for Phoenix, then go to his house afterward where he could help me practice.
After watching up to the 4th GSL matchup on Friday, we took the subway to Gundam's house.
On the way to his house, he asked me for my trust and confidence, telling me how he brought up Chae-Ho Chang (Moon), Jun Park (Lyn) Ensnare, Zenio, etc, etc.
It was a bit odd..
We arrived at Gundam's house.
His mother was there, he and I went to his room.
He made light contact with me, putting his head on my lap and his arm around my shoulders.
It wass a little gross, and I started getting a little suspicious..
I tried to leave the room in order to change my clothes,
but he demanded that I change in his room. That's when I got the feeling:
"I'd better not sleep [tonight]"
So I played [SC2] until the morning (you can see this if you look at the match history of "즐겨찢기").
When morning came, Gundam woke up and suggested that I lie down and rest if I was tired.
I lied down and dozed off.
I got a strange feeling, and woke up to find Gundam pulling down my fly.
Shocked, I asked him, "what are you doing?"
He answered, "Your fly was open, and I was afraid you would think I had opened it. So I was trying to zip it back up. Go back to sleep."
So I lied back down for about 10 minutes, then asked him if he was gay.
He insisted it was a misunderstanding; he said his work was in meeting (and probably negotiating) with other people, so he definitely wasn't.
I believed him....
But when I put the mouse cursor on the Gom player to watch some vods,
the playlist contained videos related to homosexuality. So I asked Gundam for us to leave.
When we were outside, I asked him in tears:
Why did you scout me? Didn't you scout me into the team because you saw a future in me?
He said yes, but I had already lost trust in him.
He also told me that he was not gay, but bi.
I cried in the taxi, and I cried when I got home.
Even now, I feel like crying thinking about it.
I'm only 15, and I even dropped out of high school to join the team.
I am writing this because cannot stand the feeling of betrayal.
My apologies to other members of WeRRa who had nothing to do with this.
Please do not contact me any more.
This was being talked about for a little while
"GundamWeRRa" is the reason why I left the WeRRa clan.
As you already know, GundamWeRRa is the leader and coach of the WeRRa clan.
He is also the one who scouted me for the clan.
mod edit: this is not the BW progamer V-Gundam, in case people are wondering!
The incident started on Friday, October 22.
It was the day of PhoenixWeRRa's GSL game.
I got a call from Gundam.
He suggested we go root for Phoenix, then go to his house afterward where he could help me practice.
After watching up to the 4th GSL matchup on Friday, we took the subway to Gundam's house.
On the way to his house, he asked me for my trust and confidence, telling me how he brought up Chae-Ho Chang (Moon), Jun Park (Lyn) Ensnare, Zenio, etc, etc.
It was a bit odd..
We arrived at Gundam's house.
His mother was there, he and I went to his room.
He made light contact with me, putting his head on my lap and his arm around my shoulders.
It wass a little gross, and I started getting a little suspicious..
I tried to leave the room in order to change my clothes,
but he demanded that I change in his room. That's when I got the feeling:
"I'd better not sleep [tonight]"
So I played [SC2] until the morning (you can see this if you look at the match history of "즐겨찢기").
When morning came, Gundam woke up and suggested that I lie down and rest if I was tired.
I lied down and dozed off.
I got a strange feeling, and woke up to find Gundam pulling down my fly.
Shocked, I asked him, "what are you doing?"
He answered, "Your fly was open, and I was afraid you would think I had opened it. So I was trying to zip it back up. Go back to sleep."
So I lied back down for about 10 minutes, then asked him if he was gay.
He insisted it was a misunderstanding; he said his work was in meeting (and probably negotiating) with other people, so he definitely wasn't.
I believed him....
But when I put the mouse cursor on the Gom player to watch some vods,
the playlist contained videos related to homosexuality. So I asked Gundam for us to leave.
When we were outside, I asked him in tears:
Why did you scout me? Didn't you scout me into the team because you saw a future in me?
He said yes, but I had already lost trust in him.
He also told me that he was not gay, but bi.
I cried in the taxi, and I cried when I got home.
Even now, I feel like crying thinking about it.
I'm only 15, and I even dropped out of high school to join the team.
I am writing this because cannot stand the feeling of betrayal.
My apologies to other members of WeRRa who had nothing to do with this.
Please do not contact me any more.
Edit: Fixed a typo