not sure if this is the right place to put this but I was just wondering what people thought of Jason Lee's commentaries last night, i thought he did amazingly well, he has such a pleasant voice and quite a bit of knowledge aswell as not just being a sheep, he seemed to give his own personal flavour as opposed to just copying a style.
There was a few awkwerd moments in the casts but i chalk that up to poor co-casters, not like Idra and jorgens aren't knowledgable or interesting people they just bring awkwerdness and low energy.
so what did you guys think of Jason, was he trying too hard didn't know enough I'd love to hear.
Poll: How was Jason Lee's castingHe was great with some shaky moments (764) 60% didn't feel like he new what he was doing, but had a great voice (202) 16% did not like him at all (140) 11% would have been legendary with a better co-casters (80) 6% lacked some excitement and knowledge but overall alright (80) 6% 1266 total votes Your vote: How was Jason Lee's casting (Vote): He was great with some shaky moments (Vote): would have been legendary with a better co-casters (Vote): lacked some excitement and knowledge but overall alright (Vote): didn't feel like he new what he was doing, but had a great voice (Vote): did not like him at all
Edit: I just thought of this, artosis' interviews are so painful, while jasons are smooth informative and awesome, what would you guys think of jason being the interviewer?
he was just fine
great voice and good professionalism
lacked some game knowledge but that's learnable
He was good with idra but jorgen just sat there a lot
Jason Lee isn't exactly new to casting you know!
Jason Lee and Idra were great.
For a replacement on short notice doing SC2 for the first time, he was way better than I expected. Exceeded my expectations and worked well with Idra asking him questions.
yeh good play by play but gotta pair him again with idra or someone else who has that in depth knowledge and talks more.
On October 21 2010 08:28 blabber wrote: Jason Lee isn't exactly new to casting you know!
I do realize that, but he hasn't be all that active in SC2 and just wanted to know what the newer/older players thought of him now
He was actually amazing to me, because there were points where he clearly showed you knew very little about the game and had not played it much (salvage among others), but he still did a decent job casting. what is his background? I feel like if he had anywhere near the play time of an artotis or tasteless he would be a way better caster than them, espically if he was alongside someone with great game knowledge like an idra day9 or another pro/ex pro
I think he has a good voice and it seems many agree with me, but the fact that he obviously knew very little and always asked very generic questions was too distracting. Personally his brand of professionalism is bland and insincere, and when he hypes up moments or emphasizes decisions you know aren't important, all the drama built up by his voice evaporates into cringing.
However I think he could be a very good caster if he just knew something about the game.
He got much better as the day went on, I'm watching the 3rd series he did atm and hes noticeably better than he was first series. idrA did a decent job as well, clearly very knowledgeable. The second co-caster is iffy though. He isn't talking nearly as much as he should and it's dragging both down.
Overall, it's acceptable. Hes said a few things that demonstrate a lack of understanding of the game but I can live with that as hes just a sub.
this man was horrible. he had no idea of any strategies, kept saying um and it was annoying as a motherf.
He did very well, but he has to be put with someone who's good at the game or he'll be terrible.
Well if you look at the fact he isn't really a Sc2 caster he did great, idra was superb too
he had some amazing quotes
"He has no tech tree!"
"He destroys the ENTIRE Command Center!"
"LOOK at this game!"
I found his voice highly irritating, so it was hard to listen to. He also seemed to highlight unimportant information and transitioned many of his sentences with non-sense phrases.
I got used to it and it wasn't so bad that the commentaries ruined anything, but I definitely did not like him at all. The fact that IdrA was there to provide the knowledge was helpful, but IdrA, surprisingly enough, seems to really lack some knowledge of the non-Zerg races. I almost face palmed when he said "Wow, that's a really fast second gas" during the very typical gate-gas-core-gas build. Fortunately, there were a ton of Zerg matches.
Either way, the duo was certainly better than nothing. With IdrA being a noob caster and the other guy obviously not very experienced in SC2, I guess I would have to say they did alright.
On October 21 2010 08:35 Piy wrote: He did very well, but he has to be put with someone who's good at the game or he'll be terrible. Definitely a notch up from some of the casters who are with someone good and still terrible.
Jason Lee ftw.
He was quite good, but I got to hand it to IdrA, he was surprisingly awesome. Its so nice to hear a person who has incredible knowledge of the game and at the same time isn't afraid of letting his opinions out. It was a very good duo and with some training (which isnt going to happen) they could be great.
I think he was particularly good with Idra. He stood for the energy and excitement, and Idra for the de-facto in depth knowledge. With other casters I think his lack of game knowledge really stood out though.
Jason Lee is an incredible play-by-play co-caster, but I felt he got really loud when some tense moments came out, which sort of made the cast feel uncomfortable next to Idra's more calm manner.