UPDATED May 26, 2010
Now published on US as "Destination" and on Europe as "Destination by nomsayin"
Because of all the interest in my map, I am making a thread to share my map. I've created a new version of the popular broodwar map Destination for SC2.
Current version: 1.0
The original:
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My latest version:
Old Versions:
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How to play
Go to make a custom game in Starcraft II, select "Popular maps" on the drop drown menu, and then search for "Destination"!!
This is a re imagining of the classic brood war destination map for Starcraft II. Two Xel Naga towers have been added near the center bridges, and the back door ramp is now blocked by destructible rocks.
v0.1 Release
v0.2 Fixed mining distances at main bases.
v0.3 Fixed foliage blocking some building placement.
v0.4 Made all bases' mineral patterns identical.
v0.5 Fixed vespene geysers from blocking large units, additional texture work.
v0.9 Expanded the maps' edges. Thor and tank drops are no longer possible on cliffs at natural expansions. Building is no longer allowed on the bridges like the original.
v0.10 Minor changes and published on EU server as "Destination nomsayin's offical"
v0.12 Widened ramps on high yield expansion.
v0.13 Experimenting with no Xel'Naga towers
v1.0 Removed high yield gas, and made main bases more symmetrical.
Please provide feedback and suggestions. Don't hesitate to inform me of even the smallest problem. I have updated the map multiple times in a single day to fine tune it, and I will continue to do so. My goal is to make this map tournament level quality!!
I'm looking for people to let me use their Asia account to publish the map. As I plan on doing continuous revisions and updates, it's important that I can publish the maps myself. I would to get the map up officially from me before I release a public download.
Also if anyone knows how to recreate the mineral patches on the back door ramp, please let me know!