tossgirl with some nerd rage
knocking the sign down;;
Now i know why she doesn't live in the team house.
On March 30 2009 20:08 Noah wrote: I've seen a link to some Korean streams so far, but I can't watch this without Tasteless. Is there a soundtrack or something with Tasteless somewhere that you can play over the Korean VODs?
I just want to watch the games and listen to Tasteless and Daniel. :'(
Fuck you for doing this GOM.
EDIT: Rofl! They still fucking have the Donate button from season 2 there. Who the fuck is going to donate?
The streams on the wfbrood website are with Daniel and Tasteless, at least the first game between Tossgirl and Chavi which I'm currently buffering
edit: Name might not match on wfbrood but it is the Gomtv season 3 ro128
well it looks like all of the english videos are already leaked anyways...
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51341 Posts
On March 30 2009 21:40 GTR wrote: haha at tossgirl's rage i still cant believe she would really just knock the sign
For $50 those are some pretty low quality VODS.
On March 30 2009 23:29 Chuiu wrote: For $50 those are some pretty low quality VODS. the HQ stuff is DRM protected
United States12546 Posts
VODs are up at the site...
they disabled it yesterday for freeloaders, now its up but really slow
hey thanks for the links ZoDD.
Artosis, I thought Assem played some televised matchs after Leg? guess not :O
Well the vods are up on the Gom site even for freeloaders now. It didn't seem slow to me, I mean I paused it for 10 seconds then I could skip 5-10 minutes ahead.
Shame that both Idra and Tossgirl lost. Didn't realize the guy Idra was playing was recent A team add. Idra should have snapped his neck in the waiting room ^_^
Couldn't really stand to watch the other matches because they were mirror matches between lesser known players. PvP has been done too death for me with all the semi and final matches of PvP and TvT is horrible with bad players.
On March 30 2009 19:53 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 30 2009 16:15 Disarray wrote:On March 30 2009 01:38 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: in short: everyone needs to stop giving idra shit because he's bad manner. he is trying harder than any of you can possibly realize, is making real progress, and has just as big a chance as anyone currently in his position, korean or otherwise, of making it big in this game.
Just because you're doing one thing right (dedication, improving) doesn't make another wrong thing (bad manner to the point of disrespecting not only other players, but the game in general) right. IMO people are gona give him shit for being bad mannered, until hes not anymore. it's great to see/hear that hes making all of these improvements, but you really can't expect people to get off his nuts about being bad manner, if hes still bad manner. just my 2cents anyways. GL Idra hope you do better next time. siiiiiigh ONE MORE TIME i'm talking about people saying "IDRA IS BAD/SHOULD RETIRE/WILL NEVER BECOME ANYTHING" specifically because they don't like the fact that he is bad manner christ i say this over and over and the only response i get is "well he's still bad manner!!!!!!!!"
okay, i understand that (rather, i supose i mis-understood your original statement) If you see the first line of what i originally quoted, it seemed like you wanted people to stop giving him shit (about being bad mannered) for being bad mannered.
I'm confused, will gom start in 40 minutes or "Next live starts in 0 days 5 hours 35 mins" ??
will the games going on today, also be streamed and commented live by Tasteless and SuperDanielman?
Will someone make a topic about todays matches?
(I would if uh... knew how i should make it. + i can't update it because i'm lazy)
I'm seriously confused... why does it start in .. 5 hours and 4 minutes....
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On June 01 2010 21:05 tapki11 wrote: NEED VODS
It was nice to have you on this website.