There is a better way to mine. Well sorta scout mine, like find the good stuff.
Edit Directed at n3rv <3
+ Show Spoiler +Dig a line every 2 tiles so it looks like this ===== xxYYYx xxxxYx =====
This was you can see everything in that area and it saves you mining out every block. If the Ys are gem clusters you have found them and can now easily mine just the clusters.
anyone know what the longest running fortress is weather that be succession or not
Can i apply for playing?
I got a fortress running at about 100 dwarves so i guess i can handle this one to in about 2 weeks
wait WHAT!? and axe lord already! how did you guys manage that!?
on a side note, Im kinda worried me not being the last person, as I have been known to have an unhealthy obsession with adamantine...
EDIT: ah, danger rooms, that explains it lol
On June 02 2011 00:29 shawty wrote: wait WHAT!? and axe lord already! how did you guys manage that!?
on a side note, Im kinda worried me not being the last person, as I have been known to have an unhealthy obsession with adamantine...
EDIT: ah, danger rooms, that explains it lol He was actually a axe lord before they were installed.
Just a little update, I'll be posting the fortress file tomorrow late morning - noon. I'll follow up with the full report later in the day.
On June 02 2011 01:09 Iankill wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 00:29 shawty wrote: wait WHAT!? and axe lord already! how did you guys manage that!?
on a side note, Im kinda worried me not being the last person, as I have been known to have an unhealthy obsession with adamantine...
EDIT: ah, danger rooms, that explains it lol He was actually a axe lord before they were installed.
Pray explain, I must have my schedules done awfully or something
On June 02 2011 20:03 shawty wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 01:09 Iankill wrote:On June 02 2011 00:29 shawty wrote: wait WHAT!? and axe lord already! how did you guys manage that!?
on a side note, Im kinda worried me not being the last person, as I have been known to have an unhealthy obsession with adamantine...
EDIT: ah, danger rooms, that explains it lol He was actually a axe lord before they were installed. Pray explain, I must have my schedules done awfully or something I think the training orders were set up to practice and teaching and he must have been in the military for nearly two years, and proubably fought in all the ambushes.
On June 02 2011 16:53 Fontong wrote: Just a little update, I'll be posting the fortress file tomorrow late morning - noon. I'll follow up with the full report later in the day. Ok cool, I was just about to open it up to everyone else lol
I was thinking this wouldn't keep going for a moment.
I think you should give the fortress to some pretty newb guy to handle so disaster happen all over. This fortress is too much successful.
On June 03 2011 00:30 Jotoco wrote: I was thinking this wouldn't keep going for a moment.
I think you should give the fortress to some pretty newb guy to handle so disaster happen all over. This fortress is too much successful. Hand it to me. I've never played the game, but I've been following this thread for a while, lol. I could royally fark it up.
I'm in my first SUCCESSFUL fortress right now. It is going mighty fine!
Although I don't really have excess food, or legendary dwarfs, I'm getting by, which is a first, really.
Here we go. I did 11 months since I was low on time. We have a huge smelting operation going down at the magma level. I wouldn't break through the rest of the adamantine before more preparations are made. We almost have a legendary weaponsmith too.
I'll post my report later.
I'm sorry guuuys! take me off the list i won't be able to spend time on this in a while im sorry for the inconvenience, ill follow the reports for sure though! u're doing great.
anything note worthy, Fontong?
I'm thinking about adding myself to the list, but I can't handle a big fortress yet.
on the other hand disaster is just what should make a succession game better
On June 02 2011 20:03 shawty wrote:Show nested quote +On June 02 2011 01:09 Iankill wrote:On June 02 2011 00:29 shawty wrote: wait WHAT!? and axe lord already! how did you guys manage that!?
on a side note, Im kinda worried me not being the last person, as I have been known to have an unhealthy obsession with adamantine...
EDIT: ah, danger rooms, that explains it lol He was actually a axe lord before they were installed. Pray explain, I must have my schedules done awfully or something One of the early migration waves got us an axe6 or axe8 or so. I simply put her in a 2man team with another, and with skills that high and no outside interferrances, it ends up with them sparring a lot, which really is the fastests non-exploitative way to train your troops.
Journal of 'Fontong' Kolkathil Ingul Kilrud, Second of the Ponies and Lord of Horsemurder in the year 254
5th Timber, 254, in the Late Autumn
Today my rule of the fortress Horsemurdered begins. The journey from the Mountainhomes was not easy, but I can only be thankful that my arrival preceded Winter's grasp on the land.
My initial surveys of this land's holdings are pleasing, as it appears that the fortress is well equipped to weather an extended siege. However, the dwarves here have found no iron under the earth, which does troubles me. It seems as though they have hitherto now relied on trade and salvage to obtain iron, let alone steel. If nothing can be done about this problem, I see no choice but to seek alternatives. They say if one looks deep enough, a glorious substance called adamantine can be found. I must look into this.
8th Timber
Sadly, nothing could be done to save the Glassmaker from melancholy. I ordered a glass furnace build immediately upon my arrival, but his sanity was already at its limits.
11th Timber
The training room brings great grief to our fortress. A child wandered in today and was slain.
2nd Moonstone, Early Winter
The extraction of adamantine has begun. It appears as though some adamantine will be unobtainable due to its proximity to magma. Our warriors will soon be wielding weapons of the sharpest, lightest substance known to dwarvenkind.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/adamantine.png)
14th Moonstone
I've ordered that a large cavern be dug, and that magma be channeled into long troughs for use in smelting operations. Strand extraction will soon begin, and I look forward to holding in my hand an adamantine sword. Bedchambers and food stores will be arranged in the deep so that our workers will not be forced to return to the higher caverns for food or rest.
1st Opal
The first wafers of adamantine have emerged from the craftsdwarves shops. This is indeed a wondrous day!
11th Opal
This morning my rest was interrupted by a resounding bellow throughout the cavern. I quickly donned by armor and headed to the underkeep, where the lord 'N3rV' Stulasmel had already gathered his squad. The veterans, speaking in hushed tones, quieted at my arrival and N3rV approached me. He had slain one of these beasts in the past, and was willing to lead our brave fighters against it. Despite his determination, my decision is that for now discretion is the better part of valor. We will be sealing the gates of the underkeep until our adamantine weapons can be brought against the monster.
18th Opal
Grave news. Our sentinels on the surface report that a massive beast has been spotted on the perimeter of our lands, a titan they say.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/hilltitan.png)
19th Opal
It is indeed a hill titan, composed of salt. I ordered that the drawbridge be raised, but alas, our butcher was trapped outside. He is fleeing the monster, but I have no idea how long his stamina will last.
I see no other choice then. I will marshal our forces to defeat this invader.
20st Opal
The bridge was lowered, and I gave the order to charge. Though I was at the scene myself, I could hardly believe it. Lord N3rV truly proved himself worth of his title, "Hellbeast Slayer". He lead the charge, even crashing headfirst into the titan. He recovered, and dodged several blows, before taking the head of the titan in a single fell blow.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/slayer.png) lol imba
6th Obsidian
The work down around the magma sea continues. I've order an office and bedchambers for myself constructed so that I may personally oversee proceedings.
18th Obsidian
A fire imp was spotted in the booze stockpiles! I pray that we manage to slay it before anything untoward happens.
I personally drove my sword though the guts of the filthy beast, but not before it burnt one of our beloved dogs to ash. I will have to install better security measures in the furnace rooms.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/fireimp.png)
26th Obsidian
Progress on my quarters is nearly complete. In addition, the first wafers of adamantine are emerging from the magma smelters.
Reports of strange mushroom-like creatures abound in the underkeep, I must investigate this disturbance.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/plump.png)
27th Obsidian
The intruders were certainly tasty.
25th Granite
The first Adamantine weapon has been created! A sword which I myself will use. Encouraged by this, I ordered that the underkeep be unblocked and the Forgotten Beast slain.
I sallied out myself for the fight, and my weapon easily dispatched the beast.
24th Slate
Work around the magma level continues. I have set up an entire room of smelters to obtain the metals coming out of the earth. Now that the caverns at this level are complete, I have sent the miners back to work looking for valuable ore and gems.
Another forgotten beast appeared today. We shall destroy it as we did with the last.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/smelting.png)
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/beast2.png)
21st Felsite
I've ordered that furnishings of the finest bronze be created for my chambers. It is an attractive, yet still martial metal.
8th Hematite
Preparations for full scale smelting and metal forging are basically complete. The miners have been ordered to excavate entire levels in search of ore. The next step is to prepare to invade the Underworld, though I hardly know where to begin.
14th Malachite
My loyal companion Kivish Limulazin slew a forgotten beast today. Quite impressive considering that he is missing his left hand. Truly a testament to his courage and bravery. For this, I have given him the title "Iron Hand".
3rd Galena
Our legendary mechanic has been spending his time fishing! I must fix this at once.
19th Galena
A vile force of darkness has arrived. I trust in our military might to put a quick end to these goblins.
This is surely not the most fortunate day! A savannah titan has been spotted. I've order that all troops prepare in the surface castle to fight these attackers.
The fight went well, and all the attackers were fought off. I faced an exceptionally skilled lasher, and despite delivering mortal wounds to the creature I was severely wounded. I can hardly believe the tenacity of that creature. Before I was even wounded at all I severed the goblin's right leg and stabbed it in the left leg and severed the bone. I then proceeded to spill the creature's guts, but it fought on! The goblin's silver lash scored the flesh of my leg and my arm. In response I severed its arm...but it was still not the end. I do not know what foul power compelled it to fight on. The goblin attacked so ferociously that I lost conciousness. When I awoke the battle had already ended, and the Iron Hand stood over me. I am glad to have such loyal soldiers under my command.
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/goblinkilling.png)
![[image loading]](http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu275/Fontong2/wounds.png) amazingly, my dwarf received all these injuries AFTER the it cut off the goblin's leg, arm, stabbed it in the other leg (fracturing the bone), and spilled its guts.
I was later told by the Iron Hand that the lasher I faced fought on even till all his limbs were lost.
7th Limestone
My treatment is going well, and I expect to make a full recovery.
7th Sandstone
I've managed to leave my bed, finally. The smelting operations are in full swing down in the magma level, though a small crisis was barely averted. I must note to be more careful when it comes to booze stockpiles and magma.
21st Sandstone
Save for some trophy scars I have made a full recovery. We nearly have a grandmaster weaponsmith, and once he is legendary we will be producing adamantine weapons on a larger scale.
22nd Sandstone
We have caught a cave dragon in one of our traps. This could prove useful, eventually.
11th Timber
In light of my recent injuries, I have decided to give over the fortress to my successor, whom I have been informed will be arriving shortly. Hopefully the break from administrative duties in addition to my martial responsibility will allow me some more time to recuperate.