[GG] Red Army Mafia - Page 55
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
Finland33997 Posts
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Poland8075 Posts
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United States5541 Posts
On August 07 2009 01:43 Shikyo wrote: why can't every townie say that it did match? he means, one mafia comes out by saying he's mafia, tell everyone to send the message they got from caller saying they are mafia. only people who send in a message that has the exact same wording would be mafia | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On August 07 2009 01:59 chaoser wrote: he means, one mafia comes out by saying he's mafia, tell everyone to send the message they got from caller saying they are mafia. only people who send in a message that has the exact same wording would be mafia Why can't a townie do that? Come out saying he's a mafia. | ||
Poland8075 Posts
that was one reason i allowed nkvd's to pose to prevent gay shit like that from happening in any case, rebels still have a good chance. so i don't understand the qqing. | ||
Chile4253 Posts
On August 07 2009 01:59 chaoser wrote: he means, one mafia comes out by saying he's mafia, tell everyone to send the message they got from caller saying they are mafia. only people who send in a message that has the exact same wording would be mafia Brilliant. But, what happens if this person who comes out happens to have been a townie? Congrats, you've just given a list with all the mafia names to the Town! Ah, but mafia can make sure this person who came out is, in fact, mafia- through a role check at night! (edit: even then it could be an NKVD posing as mafia) Unless, of course, it's not one person claiming to be mafia and asking all mafia to roleclaim to them. It could be five people. In which case mafia can't RC them all and it all degenerates into one, huge mess. No, mafia could not have coordinated before the election. More importantly, mafia doesn't have the benefit of having a channel where they can discuss the wisdom of roleclaiming to someone- unlike the Town. (yes, I know I'm dead >< just posting my thoughts here. I wrote a big post about it in the sticky thread of the mafia forum). | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
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Burkina Faso1704 Posts
He posted Ukrainian Rebel: You are corrupt criminal that is poisoning our country! After Ukrainian Resistance Leader was executed by NKVD, you do not know fellow Ukrainians, nyet nyet nyet! You may do research on one person a night, da, to determine their role, or you may kill one person a night-be warned, you may kill own treacherous scum if you are not careful, da! which is what is in the original post. Kuja replied with Ukrainian Rebel: You are defender of Ukrainian Republic from all those that seek your destruction! You have two abilities, one usable per night: you may kill a person or you may role check them. Be warned, you do not know who the other Ukrainians are! Your job is to reduce the Red Army down to a force that can be dealt with. Find your fellow Ukrainians and coordinate your attacks! Be weary of infiltrators, however! It's logical to assume that since Kuja is rebel, all rebels received this same PM instead of the one in the original post. Only one scum just simply had to say at the start before even FM was elected: I'm a rebel. Our role PMs are different than the original post. PM your role PM if you're rebel and we'll organize. Don't PM anybody else with your role PM. At the time, no one even suspected that the role PMs were different for rebels. The townspeople would PM the guy with what scara posted while some rebels would PM him with the real role PM. Ace would've been elected-lynched either Vivi or said self-claiming rebel. Rebel appears as rebel if first day lynched, still organizes the others through PM/other rebels may still PM him the role PM afterwards and they'd still get organized. If Vivi was still lynched, self-claiming rebel kills someone first night (doesn't matter who), links clues to himself. Other rebels PM him with role PM. In a game where you have no information and you need to find your allies, you can't be passive with your actions. Rolechecking->kill takes too long. The correct course of action would be for one scum to sacrifice himself so that other rebels can band together. You can do this before FM is elected, though first night kill/being first lynch just helps solidify it. Scum played too passively in this game. Half the town playing the whole PM game doesn't help (for either side), but whatever. This is exactly why I wanted Ver to release names, simply because a) names are released anyway, as shown by Shikyo, Clazz, Kuja, RoL, yet scum still haven't done anything at all that even remotely looks like coordination, and b) it actually would show his stance more. We had nothing to go on other than his word, which in a game of mafia, you are supposed to doubt naturally. Those without role checking abilities (read: everybody but NKVD and rebels) had nothing else to go on from Ver's claims, especially since it was not any new information. Anybody can put a spin on anything that's been said to make themselves look pro-town, and I wouldn't put it past Ver, Ace, L, mbh, Qatol, and multiple others to do so in order to gain town trust and a list of roles. I only trust Ver as of last night due to confirmation by 3 different people. And even then, I'm still tentative about what side one of those people are on. Keeping the town out of the loop only serves to promote appearance of inactivity and true inactiveness. Sure, some townies may not vote because they're townies and die first night. But then there's other townies who do enjoy the game, yet can't truly participate due to people being completely entrenched on playing the PM game. As much as PMs are a strategy, the fact that more and more of these mafia games are becoming more and more PM based and inner-town circles via PM is just annoying. There's quite a distinction between discretion, and completely ignoring the thread in favor of "safe PMs". | ||
Burkina Faso1704 Posts
what would give any reason for this? Everybody else's role has been always the same as posted in the first page as pretty much as far back as I can remember. Yet suddenly, scum PMs are different. Even if a person were to claim, Ace lynches him and becomes confirmed. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On August 07 2009 02:21 Elemenope wrote: As for as townie coming out as mafia: what would give any reason for this? Everybody else's role has been always the same as posted in the first page as pretty much as far back as I can remember. Yet suddenly, scum PMs are different. Even if a person were to claim, Ace lynches him and becomes confirmed. What would give any reason? Well, a townie says hes mafia and tells to PM him the exact PM. 9 people post the same PM. This person gives out the names in the thread. This person gets killed, comes out as green. The mafia die. | ||
Burkina Faso1704 Posts
Even just saying "I'm rebel, don't PM anybody else your roles, wait until first lynch/my first kill before PMing me your roles" is enough of a deterrent for idiots like Kuja to fall for other people's crap. Oh look, you don't necessarily collaborate before first lynch, but you also prevent others from falling into a trap. After that point, then yes, individual players are to blame; but it isn't that hard to come together. It's just that role-claiming mafia is apparently so outlandish in a game where mafia don't know each other that it isn't given a thought. | ||
Poland8075 Posts
old style works for old game someone creates new game old style =/= for new game also what the hell i'm posting day post in like 15 minutes its not like there are any other roles that i havnet' gotten yet | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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Burkina Faso1704 Posts
On August 07 2009 02:47 Shikyo wrote: So if you were a rebel and someone whose role you can't confirm told you to pm him your role, you'd do it? Ok. Half the town did with Ver. I said it before: if you're that worried, then wait til after first lynch/first night kill. No rebel wanted to take initiative and that's what caused you all to lose. | ||
Poland8075 Posts
![]() Der Kommissar's In Town Comrades! Tonight we have made much progress in our crusade to vanquish the Rebels! We have now almost reached the border of the Ukrainian capitalists! Unfortunately, we have taken heavy casualties along the way… But it is all in the name of the motherland! We did have some successes in our efforts against the Ukrainian scum, however. Our forces were in pursuit of RebirthofLegend last night when he suddenly evaded our officers by calling a taxi cab and hopping off to his hometown of Bel Air. Somebody burst from the ranks of our political officers, however, and ran off in pursuit. This unknown person fired an RPG he was carrying, destroying the taxi, then proceeded to tackle RebirthofLegend to the ground and stab him in the back. The cowardly Ukrainian screamed like a struck pig and ran off, leaving a trail of blood behind. He didn’t get very far though: RebirthofLegend’s cries were cut short by the pewpewpew of some weapon which cut him down. Comrade Ecomania, in the meantime, burst down the doors to the capitalist Shikyo’s barracks while wearing the People’s Education and Teaching Agency uniform. Inside were hundreds and hundreds of copies of Nipponese and Western political propaganda. Ecomania was about to deliver the people’s justice, but Shikyo escaped into a closet and came out with his individualistic poorly made cosplay kit of a sword and a black cape. Ecomania pulled out his pistol and shot Shikyo twice but with his last breath Shikyo impaled our poor Comrade Ecomania. Comrade Plexa had been quiet all this time, writing about the glorious union of workers that we have established in our country when he realized he left his explosives back at the armory. He sprinted back to the armory and retrieved his explosives as befits his duty, only to notice Scamp in the middle of setting up a barricade in front of the door to the armory. Knowing this was his only chance to prevent the Ukrainians from infiltrating our valuable weapons supply, Plexa screamed “Admiral Ackbar!” before detonating the explosives at the roadblock, killing Scamp in the blast. Unfortunately, we also lost several of our comrades in the struggle. Comrade So no Fek was walking back from the local tavern with a piece of tape on his mouth when he spotted a suspicious fellow carrying an RPG-7. The fellow spotted So no Fek and fired the round at him. So no Fek waited for the explosion but heard nothing. It turned out that the round was right next to him, smoldering in the dirt. A dud. The capitalist pig dropped the RPG and raised his hands in surrender as So no Fek pulled out his Nosin-Magnat, but unfortunately for him the RPG round chose that moment to explode, killing So no Fek. Then there was Comrade Motbob, who was in the infirmary with his fellows playing the good old socialist-game of Circle-Jerk. He was confident that the bullet-proof windows and his illegally acquired capitalist Kevlar armor would protect him. Unfortunately, the capitalist would be in for a bit of a surprise. When he left for a cigarette, he tripped over RebirthofLegend’s dead body and landed in a pile of mud. He looked up and saw a man with one of our nation’s prototype Tesla Coil Christmas Tree Death Laser weapons. He knew the man meant to do him harm and ran for his life, heading for the armory to grab a weapon to defend himself. Unfortunately for him, he ran into the smoldering remains of Scamp’s roadblock and landed while the man’s Tesla Coil electrocuted him to death. We discovered Motbob this morning with his lack of semen emitting from his groin and his brains liquefied and flowing out of his ears. Comrade ~OpZ~, on the other hand, was in the middle of a socialist game of Quarters when he realized that he had to take a piss and ran off with his grenades dangling from his chest. He was in such a rush that he ran into the urinal where Chezinu was in the middle of performing the sacred act of reading the Communist Manifesto while taking a dump. Unfortunately for ~OpZ~, the grenades he were carrying were made out of cesium, and the piss caused them to explode, incinerating both ~Opz~ and Chezinu in the blast. Today, we have the honor of welcoming a Commissar’s delegation. They will be supervising and making sure that the people’s justice has been enforced and also they will be here to help remove all traitors. That means we will have a double lynch today. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
remove what | ||
United States7432 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + other dead people were talking... | ||
Germany35 Posts
Kill those Ukranian bastards, comrades! | ||
Poland8075 Posts
On August 07 2009 03:27 Chezinu wrote: Yup, Mafia 2 all over again... + Show Spoiler + other dead people were talking... WHO | ||
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