Yeah instead of a garbage troll Trundle is going to be a frost troll. Which is kind of weird but I guess Riot figured people would play him more if he was an ice man instead of a man covered in literal shit.
TrundleSubjugate [ R ]
Trundle immediately drains an enemy champion of 100/175/250% of their maximum Health and 15/20/25% of their Armor and Magic Resist, then drains them again for the total of these amounts over the next 30/60/90 seconds. Lost resistances slowly return over seconds after the drain effect ends.
250% of their maximum health... somehow I feel like these numbers are a little off.
Trundle appears to have gotten cosmetic changes apart from the slight change on W(healing instead of tenacity).
Looks like they want sejuani to be able to stick to a squishy basically permanently. W wording is confusing though.
On April 03 2013 05:07 NeoIllusions wrote: Congrats yanger
It's about time.
Edit: MoonBear and TheYango are Banlings, in short mods of TL. Banlings are initially assigned to a respective subforum for which their background and expertise are relevant (Moon for LoL, Yango for Dota2 technically but we all revere him here in TL LoL as well). They can warn/ban any user on TL once they have their training wheels off (4-8 months) I'm a red name, basically an admin of the TL LoL section. While we're obvious unofficial, I'm responsible for TL LoL content production. Don't worry Neo, you're official in my heart <3
Recapping the big ones (not number changes for Morg and the like)
-Passive also gives her armor and slow resist when you hit things -Q knocks up instead of applying frost, still stops at first champion. Does % max health, because hey, that's a thing that Tanks get nowadays. -W reworked (sort of). Auto attack reset that does AoE damage, and then seems to do the same effect as current Sej. -E makes all abilities and autos apply Frost (nice), but Frost doesn't slow by itself. Instead, Frost makes you vulnerable to Permafrost, which is the full slow. -Ult needs to hit to stun (and has a scaling stun duration), only exploding and slowing if it fails to hit a target.
-Same Passive and Q -W is similar, but no CC reduction, gaining extra AS compared to previously and a healing boost instead -Pillar is the same, but 35% at all ranks rather than 25/30/35/40/45% -R changed to % max health and 20% armor/MR instead of 15/20/25%.
Tiger stance got another buff to +3.0 AD holy crap.
Shit, now everybody is going to play boar whore.
Where did my hipster glasses go...
I will need to see how she actually plays out, but right now it seems like:
+ Show Spoiler + Morello: alright team. Sejuani is not selling well and I want to change that. I decided that her kit needs to be remade. Can everyone tell me some aspect of a champion's kit that would make a champion strong? Classik: Gap closers! LoveMyRM: Knock ups! Feralpony: % health damage! Milkcow: AOE CCs! Smash: auto resets and persistent AOE damage! Xeph: free resistance! Morello: great input guys. Now I want all of those things into Sejuani. Yes, all of them. Now get to work before I fire you.
On April 03 2013 05:45 Sufficiency wrote:I will need to see how she actually plays out, but right now it seems like: + Show Spoiler + Morello: alright team. Sejuani is not selling well and I want to change that. I decided that her kit needs to be remade. Can everyone tell me some aspect of a champion's kit that would make a champion strong? Classik: Gap closers! LoveMyRM: Knock ups! Feralpony: % health damage! Milkcow: AOE CCs! Smash: auto resets and persistent AOE damage! Xeph: free resistance! Morello: great input guys. Now I want all of those things into Sejuani. Yes, all of them. Now get to work before I fire you.
Her mana costs are pretty cheap considering cooldowns and what the spells can do. EDIT: What the fuck, they thought her ult range needed a buff? O.o...
United States23745 Posts
On April 03 2013 05:45 Sufficiency wrote:I will need to see how she actually plays out, but right now it seems like: + Show Spoiler + Morello: alright team. Sejuani is not selling well and I want to change that. I decided that her kit needs to be remade. Can everyone tell me some aspect of a champion's kit that would make a champion strong? Classik: Gap closers! LoveMyRM: Knock ups! Feralpony: % health damage! Milkcow: AOE CCs! Smash: auto resets and persistent AOE damage! Xeph: free resistance! Morello: great input guys. Now I want all of those things into Sejuani. Yes, all of them. Now get to work before I fire you.
Yeah it seems they really took a "kitchen sink" approach with these buffs.
On April 03 2013 05:28 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +TrundleSubjugate [ R ]
Trundle immediately drains an enemy champion of 100/175/250% of their maximum Health and 15/20/25% of their Armor and Magic Resist, then drains them again for the total of these amounts over the next 30/60/90 seconds. Lost resistances slowly return over seconds after the drain effect ends. 250% of their maximum health... somehow I feel like these numbers are a little off.
Put away the % and it's his current numbers. Maybe they want it to scale too rather than be a flat heal. It's been updated, it's 10/12.5/15% of max health (total 20/25/30 at the end of the spell). That's pretty strong considering the rest of hit kit is all physical damage. I dislike the removal of Tenacity from his W. It was an integral part of his "trolliness" as a jungler: being slippery thanks to his MS buff, Tenacity and the pillar, even when caught in the enemy jungler. Kinda like Mundo can kite and run using his W for Tenacity, slow from Q and if needed regen+MS buff from R. Increased healing is just a fancy way of saying "your passive is a little less useless and you heal marginally more from your ult if you use W right before" or rather "build lifesteal and be sturdy". I don't think it's the right direction considering Trundle's usual gameplay. :/ His new lore is fucking trash, utterly generic, no particularity, nothing. "There are trolls in the cold, they rarely use their brains instead of their fists" and "Trundle uses his brains to fool his kin because they are as gullible as 5-years olds" is pretty much all there is to it, added with "he's under orders from the Ice Witch". Cool. Neat. F****** empty piece of garbage.
Yeah, they used neat names to "recycle" his kit with his new theme, but it doesn't come together as well as it does with his current theme.
Sejuani's Q is... wtf. I can understand the knock-up, since with her passive the cast is already a setup for a slow in itself. But a knock-up, with %max health damage? That's a recipe for disaster.
United States47024 Posts
On April 03 2013 05:42 Requizen wrote: -Same Passive and Q Q has a buff compared to live. It's 1.4x AD damage as opposed to 0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2 on live.
On April 02 2013 13:34 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On April 02 2013 13:20 onlywonderboy wrote:Lux had some pretty significant changes to here mana costs over the summer that helped her see more play Base Mana Regen per 5 seconds increased to 6.6 from 5.6 Light Binding Mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/75/90/105/120 Finales Funkeln Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200 Ult 100 mana is pretty stupid for such a spammable ultimate, as everyone's said already it makes single lane pushing completely impossible and even for splitpushing, well she can just run to the lane that requires clearing during the ulti cooldown. I wouldn't mind her having just this thing if the rest of her kit was mediocre, but she also has an incredible AoE shield(double for herself) and some very powerful spells considering their range and control. She might still not be op considering how the meta is but she clearly is the best defensive(base-wise) AP champion in the lategame. Vayne would actually be much stronger if her E didn't have such a gigantic cast time. It would even make harrassing with E-> auto canceling and reactionary E-ing possible. As is, you will E someone near max range and they have the time to walk up to you and hit you before it goes off. Not to mention a huge loss of autoattack damage. If it worked like cait E so that you could E -> Q back during the startup with Vayne for example, it also would be far smoother. v He obviously means that Chuuper is a great mid She's getting +10 sec to her level 3 ulti now though. (80/65/50 instead of 80/60/40) So you can reduce it to JUST BARELY 30 seconds per wave now.
Meh. With merc treads it's only what? 33 seconds of slow at max rank?
United States47024 Posts
Sej just feels like they're reworking the entire champion when her only real problem is that W is a useless skill that you have to level for the sake of jungling.
Her other 3 skills are all very good.
Meh. Too hard to give people the opportunity to make choices. "Let's make E a one-point wonder, and even though we gutted W, give it some scaling so that everyone has to go R>Q>W>E rather than have to choose between W and E who both scale well!" Fuck this.
And give him back Tenacity, he's got a pillar, a MS buff and a heal, he's meant to be hard to kill because hard to catch/stick too, not "longer to kill because he lifesteals more with his vamp scepter when he fights you 1v4 knowing he can't win but being too slowed".
On a totally different note I love Wukong but I hate his animations from the deepth of my guts. It's so easy to just run out of range of his Q, or flash/pool/dash/whatever when he starts his aa or Q animation... even an aa->Q to burst down an opponent can get you killed whereas it'd have worked on other aa-reset champs because the wind-up frames are so frickingly LONG. Damn. "Slippery" Monkey King is more rigid than Robocop when it comes to hitting stuff. :[
i've been playing some sej lately. she's okay. very niche pick when you have a comp that needs long-range safe amumu ult. i don't know why an entire remake would be necessary. maybe if they frontloaded northern winds (her W) i think she'd be fine. i also think her dash should go through heroes instead of stopping. applying permafrost is such a good feeling though, it's like zed's ult. but frosty.
Division 1 is still a pain to play in, you chain a fw good games that you win and as soon as you get to 80 you get stopped, have a bad day and you are risking demotion :/
jeez, instead of releasing a champ every 2 weeks, they release one every month and rework like 3 champs per week now?
And whats with the big egos: I dont like thic champ, so instead of chaning one skill to make the champion viable and strong in his original form and flavour, ill just order my team to change EVERYTHING. Cause if i dont like it, noone does, i work at Riot, im always right.