On July 15 2010 06:03 Phrost wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 05:58 Southlight wrote: Some people this morning were like ban Shen! I was like wtfux are you stupid *bans Taric* Seriously, what a wasted ban to ban Shen. I'm not gonna rag on him, I think he's fine, but he's nowhere near as stupid as something like Taric or Janna or Soraka :|
Also the people banning Xin. Wat. That guy's like Garen B.
I'd write a Kass guide but I don't know how I'd write one, in part because 1) I sometimes still feel like I'm playing him wrong and 2) I rarely play the same way twice, because I keep changing things up based on how the game's going. It'd be pretty long and kinda flow-chart-y >_> The only ranked game I have played had Rammus, Shen, Heimerdinger, and Soraka banned in that order. First two picks were taric and shaco and i facepalmed.
EzPz's been wanting to easy-mode Soraka, so whenever I have ban right, if he's got an early pick (ie. right under me) I tend to refrain from banning Soraka, but yesterday we took a flier on him having dead-last pick.
Summoner 5 took Soraka right before him.
Then today he had the pick right under me so I was like mmkay
Summoner 1 took Soraka
On July 15 2010 06:00 myopia wrote: Kass guide:
1. Lane with Soraka 2.
In an odd twist, as much as I've paraded the Soraka/Kass lane, I've actually found other lanes much more vicious for killing people. SoraKass is just better for gimping people out of the game. I also kinda prefer solo lanes, especially if you end up 1v2 against two scrubby melee heroes hahahah.
So, what's your opinion on this tank/DPS hybrid build for Xin'Zhao I saw on the LoL forums? I was wondering if it was worth my time.
Dorans Shield -> Vampiric Scepter (or dagger if you want AS) -> boots -> Starks Ferver -> Sunfire Cape -> Last Whisperer -> frozen mallet / trinity force / infinity edge
On July 15 2010 06:09 Chrispy wrote:^^ Ohh that must have been you then Southlight. I went to go do something and my brother took the computer and told me some guy messaged me on LoL saying I got silly scores but he didn't know who haha. At this level it's all fun and games until you meet another high elo person on the other team.  I had Xpecial on the opposite team as Ezreal and once I saw the regrowth pendant katarina go mid (and claim that all ezreal's are noobs) I knew I was doomed. I think two good people can easily carry the team to victory though, just need a partner. @_@
<3 Yes it was me.
I've been running into opponents nonstop. Christ, I ran into kiLouu and Red-Amaranth today, I was like wow this ladder hates me (we won anyways, though, but EzPz got rocked by kiLouu Morg vs Annie solo mid :D).
Two snowball champs is definitely enough to wreck games. EzPz on Annie and me on Kassadin has been brutal, like 15 minutes into the game we usually stop worrying about the game and worry more about who's gonna get 20 Soulstealer stacks first :p
On July 15 2010 06:11 Fruscainte wrote: So, what's your opinion on this tank/DPS hybrid build for Xin'Zhao I saw on the LoL forums? I was wondering if it was worth my time.
Dorans Shield -> Vampiric Scepter (or dagger if you want AS) -> boots -> Starks Ferver -> Sunfire Cape -> Last Whisperer -> frozen mallet / trinity force / infinity edge
Starks is a bad early item because it gives him no survivability. I'm not sure how you'd build him, though, the only guy I can think of that's winning consistently with Xin is nikenikenike, and he does some weird lane combo with his Garen friend and then transitions into a map control ganker. But like Smash implied with MakNooN, a lot of these games are against bad people, so you have no way of telling whether he's just mashing newbies or if he/Xin is actually good. Game I played with him I had a quad-kill so he was mostly just a meatshield for me :d IIRC he had like Frozen and Sunfire when the game ended.
Edit: Implication of my post being, when the server goes back up, look up nikenikenike and check out his item builds, maybe that helps.
On July 15 2010 05:56 jtype wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 05:13 BraveGhost wrote:The way to fix this is to enter tournaments with people you trust, you can choose your own team in most reasonable tournaments  ... Not saying I'm better than that teemo he's probably better than me if he's in any kind of tournament, but in most games I don't really care who I play with... for Halo 2 and 3 I would play with anyone that I had fun playing with win or lose..... until it came to an MLG event and then i only played with my group of friends that I played with and trusted to have my back and understand basic tactics and strategies... The thing is, my team started out really good, really friendly and actually decent players (we actually went on a winning streak against the top 10 (ish) elo players at the time, beating them in under 20 mins every time, making some of them ragequit). Then there were a couple of arguments between a few of the members and a couple of the decent players left. As I wasn't a part in the arguments, I didn't take a side and just stayed in the team, but all the team 'leader' turned out to be a bit of a dumbass and so did the people he subbed in to fill the gaps.. But yea, I agree with you in general. It's just hard to know how someone you only know via a game played over the internet is gonna behave in slightly more challenging situations.
I understand where your coming from and it sounds like you were just in a tough situation.. , I was on a team for halo quite a long period where I did not get along with the members inside, but I just grinned and held on cause they were really good. but our chemistry obviously wasn't top par and we weren't living up to our potential but in the end I realized I just had more fun and actually did better in tournament situations with my friends that I had played with before and spent so much time with cause I was more comfortable with them. I think this is a big component of team games that people don't really think about when they make and form teams(and jump ship from teams.. people that move around teams a lot or jump ship from another team to be on your team watch out for... these people often use your team to jump to another team).... A big difference between our situations though is that i was going to lans with all these people and traveling cross states(didn't do any cross country travel cause I didn't have that kind of $ and wasn't that good).. and I think that in person experience really helped me when it came to actually playing in tournaments with them. I actually turned down going to a tournament or two where our 4th was someone we knew solely online just because how do you even know their gonna show up? It's such a big investment to go from nevada to texas and then not play cause your 4th doesn't show up or turns out to be somebody you really don't like being around...
(this next little bit is me just ranting not directed at you or anyone in particular) Overall i think finding people your comfortable with and that don't complain about little mistakes is a big deal. I really really get upset when people don't have anything constructive to say and just use vent to complain about others play... use vent for team work and communication, not just complaining when someone dies... Most people aren't taking advantage of having easy form of communicating everything you want too with someone....some people aren't as good as you, and sometimes it's even the fact that your the one who made the mistake whatever it might have been... If your going to talk, further the progress of the game or give some helpful advice.. don't just rage. This is a big deal when your talking about long term goals cause this stuff really adds up as far as teams are concerned...
As far as long term goals for a team is concerned.. if any of you ever end up in any big team compositions.. Spend time with your team mates and get to know them.. do something else and hang out with them.. play some other game for fun.. this stuff really helps your team work and trust in your team mates.
Now take my advice with a grain of salt, cause not everyone can be on your same level in game and not everyone you might want to play with in a tournament can even be in the same country with you... so some of it might be harder for some to accomplish, and I do recommend being on a team with people of near skill levels....
I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid
On July 15 2010 06:18 Fruscainte wrote: I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid
If you want my honest opinion I think he just needs to build a bit like Garen (IIRC Garen does Sunfire and other random tank stuff), as I think his job is essentially to charge in, unload his burst, and then just piss someone off by knocking them into the air as much as possible ala Blitzcrank. I know it's tempting to build damage on him but he's even worse than Garen with regards to output because he doesn't have Garen's movement speed buff and anti-snare.
Edit: Like, I know he has a snare, and a charge, but once he gets snared BACK he doesn't really... do anything, except kinda flail his legs and try to keep up with a kiter. And if you build too damage-y with him he just blows up to burst. It's tough. My opinion comes with the caveat that I've not played him and it's too early to tell with the mashed Elos.
On July 15 2010 06:22 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:18 Fruscainte wrote: I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid If you want my honest opinion I think he just needs to build a bit like Garen (IIRC Garen does Sunfire and other random tank stuff), as I think his job is essentially to charge in, unload his burst, and then just piss someone off by knocking them into the air as much as possible ala Blitzcrank. I know it's tempting to build damage on him but he's even worse than Garen with regards to output because he doesn't have Garen's movement speed buff and anti-snare.
I've played 1 game with the new guy and that's how i built him... HoG + Merc Treads + Sunfire + GA(didn't finish GA)... however it was fun to spot them at baron with my ward.. then run in use my ult, and get a triple kill :D
On July 15 2010 06:22 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:18 Fruscainte wrote: I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid If you want my honest opinion I think he just needs to build a bit like Garen (IIRC Garen does Sunfire and other random tank stuff), as I think his job is essentially to charge in, unload his burst, and then just piss someone off by knocking them into the air as much as possible ala Blitzcrank. I know it's tempting to build damage on him but he's even worse than Garen with regards to output because he doesn't have Garen's movement speed buff and anti-snare.
What is a good Garren build? Coming back to LoL, hes one of the heroes I thought I would be most interested in. I do like how he plays. I did some tank builds starting with hearts of gold (old school, probably dumb build: seeing as I'm the only one I've ever seen buy them after coming back.) and then I just played him with straight damage, damage seems to be the stronger build, just wondering whats best. He does need survival at a certain point, just not sure what order is best. Right now I've played like 10 games and used like 8 heroes, so I'm just all over the place.
So I tried Singed for one game in normal mode instead of Ranked just to see how he'd work.
10:40 Rod of Ages, game ended at 25:24 with me being 9-0-16.
Hmmm should have played a ranked one instead...
On July 15 2010 06:29 Shikyo wrote: So I tried Singed for one game in normal mode instead of Ranked just to see how he'd work.
10:40 Rod of Ages, game ended at 25:24 with me being 9-0-16.
Hmmm should have played a ranked one instead...
How are you guys getting on, wtfux. Won't let me on PVP.net
On July 15 2010 06:31 keV. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:29 Shikyo wrote: So I tried Singed for one game in normal mode instead of Ranked just to see how he'd work.
10:40 Rod of Ages, game ended at 25:24 with me being 9-0-16.
Hmmm should have played a ranked one instead... How are you guys getting on, wtfux. Won't let me on PVP.net EU is down?
On July 15 2010 06:32 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:31 keV. wrote:On July 15 2010 06:29 Shikyo wrote: So I tried Singed for one game in normal mode instead of Ranked just to see how he'd work.
10:40 Rod of Ages, game ended at 25:24 with me being 9-0-16.
Hmmm should have played a ranked one instead... How are you guys getting on, wtfux. Won't let me on PVP.net EU is down?
Suddenly it all makes sense.
On July 14 2010 22:33 jaw wrote: they changed to 2 millions. i just read it in a email.
Riot dodging their promise...
My plan to get out of Noob Elo
1.) Pick Ezreal 2.) Demand Mid 3.) Burst people down with AD 4.) Snowball hard enough if teammates blow so that we win anyways
If you solo queue, basically try and carry so hard that it doesnt make a difference if your trist wants to go malady/last whisper first :/ My ezreal was 3 levels above the enemy mid my last 2 games coming out of the laning phase, letting me 3 shot others on the other team. I dont really expect to really 'climb' the ELO fast anyways, I usually only play 1-2 games a day, if that.
On July 15 2010 06:28 keV. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:22 Southlight wrote:On July 15 2010 06:18 Fruscainte wrote: I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid If you want my honest opinion I think he just needs to build a bit like Garen (IIRC Garen does Sunfire and other random tank stuff), as I think his job is essentially to charge in, unload his burst, and then just piss someone off by knocking them into the air as much as possible ala Blitzcrank. I know it's tempting to build damage on him but he's even worse than Garen with regards to output because he doesn't have Garen's movement speed buff and anti-snare. What is a good Garren build? Coming back to LoL, hes one of the heroes I thought I would be most interested in. I do like how he plays. I did some tank builds starting with hearts of gold (old school, probably dumb build: seeing as I'm the only one I've ever seen buy them after coming back.) and then I just played him with straight damage, damage seems to be the stronger build, just wondering whats best. He does need survival at a certain point, just not sure what order is best. Right now I've played like 10 games and used like 8 heroes, so I'm just all over the place. I go something like HoG, boots, Sunfire, GA/Randuins usually. If they have a heavy magic team I might go for a FoN starting with Regrowth.
Sunfire + E is so good. I don't think it's cost effective to build any damage items with him. His main damage is from E and that scales terribly with damage. I'd rather get the dps from a Sunfire along with the hp+armor.
I love chasing low people with ult up, so satisfying landing it XD
South's mean post made me feel bad because when I get in a rut I find it hard to understand what mistakes I might have made and how much things were my fault specifically.
It's very frustrating. All I want to do is work with my team and do a good job, whether I'm tanking (which is the usual case) or doing something else, but between not knowing what I'm doing and the occasional high strung person the game can feel pretty harsh, especially when I lose.
On July 15 2010 06:09 keV. wrote: What I really wanted to say was that: because I have the most experience (and runes) being a support and tank player, it's been a pain the ass for me to carry a team myself. Most of the item builds I am used to have been completely thrown out, and not to mention the influx of new items. Summoner spell picks are also completely different than before. I am obviously readjusting, and that is why I was asking for dominant heroes. I am returning to the game after 6 months, that is all I was trying to convey. Normally I'd go to the forums, but they are unusable right now, and solomid.net is as dead as ever.
By the way I did see and read your post ;p
I wasn't really directing my post at you, you just happened to post something in an accessible spot (ie. within the last 3 pages) as I woke up, and like ~5 people seemingly were complaining about the very same thing (ie. that IntoTheDarkness game). There're a lot of people from LiquidParty that I've played with before on my smurf, and I've never cross-referenced names so I don't know if any of them are the ones complaining (I don't think so, though <3) but it's really blatantly obvious that they're not godlike. Like, some of these are people I wouldn't expect to hit over 1400/1500 Elo even after the ladder has settled down, at least not at the junction I played with them, based on the game(s) I played with them. And for people to be complaining, now, when a lot of top-tier players are still lurking about in the 12XX/13XX waters, is just kinda sad and aggravating. I mean, lest people forget,
On July 14 2010 18:26 Southlight wrote: The hell, in my first 7 games I've seen Reidan, SUPREME, neverlike, Edrin, puregoldenboy, and MakNooN. 1200 Elo start my fucking butt. I hate you all. Or I'm just ridiculously unlucky.
I think these are all bonafide top-500 players, Endrin is even in the top 10 for 5v5 premade at the moment (puregoldenboy is bigfatjiji's premade's Soraka), I expect to win against them anyways but if I lose it's like "okay sure it happens." Add in Ilyasviel (top 150ish in December list IIRC) and kiLouu/Red-Ama from this morning and in about 10 games I've run into like 9 solid players. Flip side, I wouldn't expect the majority of LiquidParty to take a single game off these fellows :p
On July 15 2010 06:28 keV. wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 06:22 Southlight wrote:On July 15 2010 06:18 Fruscainte wrote: I'm just doing a bit of everything. Straight up AS, I tried AD (lol), AP, now I'm gonna try DPS/Tank hybrid If you want my honest opinion I think he just needs to build a bit like Garen (IIRC Garen does Sunfire and other random tank stuff), as I think his job is essentially to charge in, unload his burst, and then just piss someone off by knocking them into the air as much as possible ala Blitzcrank. I know it's tempting to build damage on him but he's even worse than Garen with regards to output because he doesn't have Garen's movement speed buff and anti-snare. What is a good Garren build? Coming back to LoL, hes one of the heroes I thought I would be most interested in. I do like how he plays. I did some tank builds starting with hearts of gold (old school, probably dumb build: seeing as I'm the only one I've ever seen buy them after coming back.) and then I just played him with straight damage, damage seems to be the stronger build, just wondering whats best. He does need survival at a certain point, just not sure what order is best. Right now I've played like 10 games and used like 8 heroes, so I'm just all over the place.
I honestly don't know, because I've only seen Exasol play him somewhat often. But...
http://www.lolbase.net/matches/view/US25983220 http://www.lolbase.net/matches/view/US25947941
Dunno. Usually basically just see a tanky Garen. Sunfire works with his Spin, I guess. I mean from what I've seen his job is usually to find their annoying Squishy and make him run, like beeline for the Ezreal.
So when are we making a TL man premade to break faces with?
Chauster has a good Garen, might want to check his builds~
On July 15 2010 06:43 phyvo wrote: South's mean post made me feel bad because when I get in a rut I find it hard to understand what mistakes I might have made and how much things were my fault specifically.
It's very frustrating. All I want to do is work with my team and do a good job, whether I'm tanking (which is the usual case) or doing something else, but between not knowing what I'm doing and the occasional high strung person the game can feel pretty harsh, especially when I lose.
Hahah, sorry I wasn't trying to be insulting or anything, was just expressing my exasperation with people who don't seem to realize they're not playing perfectly either/don't realize they're not doing the best they really should be.
I know it's hard to understand what you're doing wrong/what you could do better, and I'm afraid I can't give you any specific advice without seeing you play. For instance, there's no way I would have been able to explain to travis what he was doing wrong late-game with Warwick without playing with him and getting into the situation where his inexperience became blatantly obvious, until then I thought he was doing fine. And then even in that case, I've still not seen a game where the other player has someone gunning after him and jarring him out of rhythm. How does travis do when being harassed by a jungling Shaco? What can he do to be more efficient? When he falls behind, what can he do to catch back up? Some of these questions I can't even give an answer myself, largely because I don't play Warwick, and many "catch-up" opportunities are inconsistent. Like the ability to rice a lane solo for a minute to catch up in levels, it's tough securing such a moment sometimes.
For example, part of my personal vexation with my own Kassadin is that it's increasingly obvious how nasty he is when he starts steamrolling people. Does that mean I should focus more on getting my two crucial items (Mejai + GA) earlier, or am I fine with gimping people out of the game (I screwed up a Nasus so badly this morning that he ended up 2-8-X and absolutely confused about what he could have done differently. And of course I'm not playing perfectly when it comes to gauging when to switch to and from harassment mode in lanes (a lot of times I harass, then realize it's going to be futile, so I've wasted like 6 minutes of farming time), etc. etc.
I played a game against MakNooN yesterday where I spent the first 2 minutes jacking up their Fiddlestick's jungle, essentially forcing him off of the jungle for the rest of the game. The problem was, 15 minutes into the game he had 2 levels on me because he simply transitioned into laning (phenomenal decision-making), and I struggled to survive my lane because my level disadvantage shafted me against an Ezreal. In reality what I should have done was play safe and farm, because I needed to be in catch-up mode, but I tried to go on the offensive anyways, failed to finish Ezreal twice, and was run down twice in return, leading to one sad death to MakNooN that kept him rolling and one sad death to Ezreal, who would take advantage of that and not relinquish his lead on me until ~35 minutes into the game (where I finally started snowballing at light speed and overcame him). Game ended like 5 minutes after I caught up and locked into killing mode. What if? What if I hadn't wasted my time jacking up a Fiddle that didn't ultimately matter? What if I'd played catchup properly from the start instead of going SORAKA KASS LANE LOLOL and arrogantly tried to screw up the Ezreal? We'll never know.