On April 01 2013 20:36 mr_tolkien wrote: 2 weeks ban on the 1st of April. But I think it's not a joke
You seem to have a new ban every month. Ever consider changing the way you behave ingame?
Well now I have 2 smurfs. I behave exactly the same on every account, yet only one receives bans. The system is simply made so that once you get one ban on your account, it will get automatically banned every time it pops in the tribunal afterward. This is not directly tribunal-related, but more of a design choice from Riot.
I know this might sound like madness to you. Like some guy in NYC screaming about the end of the world and that sinners must repent, but....maybe you should just not behave that way? When you put your hand on a hot stove and get burned you don't go "hey maybe i should try my other hand, and my 2 feet, and ask my 2 friends to try too!"
Or you know, just do the same thing, get banned again, then go blame riot. That works too lolol.
Now hold on here! The man you are replying to is obviously an scientist grounded in empiricism and controlled experiments rather than some ill-mannered jerk!
On April 01 2013 20:36 mr_tolkien wrote: 2 weeks ban on the 1st of April. But I think it's not a joke
You seem to have a new ban every month. Ever consider changing the way you behave ingame?
Well now I have 2 smurfs. I behave exactly the same on every account, yet only one receives bans. The system is simply made so that once you get one ban on your account, it will get automatically banned every time it pops in the tribunal afterward. This is not directly tribunal-related, but more of a design choice from Riot.
I know this might sound like madness to you. Like some guy in NYC screaming about the end of the world and that sinners must repent, but....maybe you should just not behave that way? When you put your hand on a hot stove and get burned you don't go "hey maybe i should try my other hand, and my 2 feet, and ask my 2 friends to try too!"
Or you know, just do the same thing, get banned again, then go blame riot. That works too lolol.
Now hold on here! The man you are replying to is obviously an scientist grounded in empiricism and controlled experiments rather than some ill-mannered jerk!
Boromir would not have been banned by the tribunal. He would have brought the summoners a great gift.
On April 02 2013 01:43 onlywonderboy wrote: lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge.
Did you see the St. Vicious and NyJacky interview after their game against Vulcan? Jacky said he did not know anything about Quinn like any of her abilities or what she played like. Apparently Curse had to explain it all to him in game after she got picked. Isn't this game these people's jobs, check out the champion spotlight at least lol.
On April 02 2013 01:43 onlywonderboy wrote: lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge.
Did you see the St. Vicious and NyJacky interview after their game against Vulcan? Jacky said he did not know anything about Quinn like any of her abilities or what she played like. Apparently Curse had to explain it all to him in game after she got picked. Isn't this game these people's jobs, check out the champion spotlight at least lol.
Yeah...that was pretty silly. Maybe he'll look up Zac before he's unlocked for the LCS haha.
That's what i never understood. A tonnn of pros don't even watch the champ spotlights to see what the champs abilities do. Half of them don't even read the patch notes. Then they act all surprised when they find out things changed, or that a new champ can do x and y. You'd think this being their job that the'd at least put in the 5 mins to read, right? But nopeee too hard, better to waste 30 mins playing warcraft 3 or some steam game that was on sale.
On April 01 2013 20:36 mr_tolkien wrote: 2 weeks ban on the 1st of April. But I think it's not a joke
You seem to have a new ban every month. Ever consider changing the way you behave ingame?
Well now I have 2 smurfs. I behave exactly the same on every account, yet only one receives bans. The system is simply made so that once you get one ban on your account, it will get automatically banned every time it pops in the tribunal afterward. This is not directly tribunal-related, but more of a design choice from Riot.
I know this might sound like madness to you. Like some guy in NYC screaming about the end of the world and that sinners must repent, but....maybe you should just not behave that way? When you put your hand on a hot stove and get burned you don't go "hey maybe i should try my other hand, and my 2 feet, and ask my 2 friends to try too!"
Or you know, just do the same thing, get banned again, then go blame riot. That works too lolol.
It doesn't work that way unfortunately. It happened to me too. I used to flame/rage a lot and got temp banned for it (rightly so) and so I completely changed how I acted in game but it was already too late. At that point you get banned simply for being reported whether you actually did anything wrong or not.
After that banned I got more bans for things like jokingly saying the word "noob" once in a game, trying out a different champ in a support role, telling someone to play defensively in lane because he kept dying when he went aggressive. Even games where not a single person flamed/trolled or anything, and we won, but someone decided to report me for some reason and so I got banned.
I even asked Riot about it after I finally got perm banned and they said because I was reported X amount of times that is why I was banned. The fact that the evidence they showed for each ban was an absolute joke became irrelevant to them.
On April 02 2013 01:43 onlywonderboy wrote: lol Froggen didn't know Cass' E counts as AoE, dat pro player knowledge.
Did you see the St. Vicious and NyJacky interview after their game against Vulcan? Jacky said he did not know anything about Quinn like any of her abilities or what she played like. Apparently Curse had to explain it all to him in game after she got picked. Isn't this game these people's jobs, check out the champion spotlight at least lol.
I can't tell you how many times this has happened:
GandhiSauce - "Soniv, what does this champion do?"
Me - "Gandhi, he's been out for like a month."
GandhiSauce - "Fk u, idk what he does...HOLY FUCK HE HAS A CANNON AND A HAMMER?!"