1st of TimberAs I approach the Fortress I am greeted by over 60 idlers! We cannot have this! I will put the boot to each and every lazy dwarf ass if I have to!
I shall have the talentless peasant dwarfs do the hauling and dirty work so our skilled artisans can spend more time perfecting their crafts. Also I shall set up a dedicated mining squad so that we have a steady supply of minerals and gems to feed our furnaces.
3rd of TimberThe fortress entrance seems too welcoming for goblins, I have ordered mass production of cages and mechanisms for cage traps. This will slow the advance of the goblin horde. Also I enjoy having a few goblin cages around.
10th of TimberMy new project shall bring forth endless torment and suffering for putrid goblin filth as well as practice for our warriors.
It shall be a grand arena! Spikes are being made for the pit that will surround it.
12th of TimberToday I paid homage to Shawty in his tomb. I left him a pair of spider silk trousers. Hopefully this will help aid his spirit and he will watch over me as I mercilessly slaughter goblins in his name. It is said he was the first to train marksdwarfs that they may rain death upon our wretched green foes.
Hail Shawty! (Whoever made Shawty’s tomb is Gosu!)
14th of TimberThe lowlifes I mean…peasants are working on removing slopes so that our enemies will be forced through a smaller patch which will be filled with traps! Oh I cannot wait for the bloodshed!
A wall will be constructed to follow the road to force the goblin cattle’s movement even more.
16th of TimberA caravan of dwarfs has arrived from the motherland, According to our bookkeeper we must make more offerings and a road system to rival the motherland if we wish to become the capital. I shall offer these dwarfs some petty trinkets and the like.
However I have realized we do not have many items for trade, I will have our craftsdwarfs make more trinkets for the other races to lust after.
18th of Timber![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/rsieIh.jpg)
An ambush has arrived! To arms men!
One of our own gets knocked into the pond! Whoever constructed the ramp out of this pool is a genius!
Before long the goblins fell to their knees like a dwarf whore after a barrel of brew!
22nd of TimberProduction of a siege workshop has begun, These dwarfs have never seen a goblin impaled upon a ballista bolt. What a shame.
23rd of TimberMoldath Igathvabok has a very nice rack, She made a pretty nice weapon holder too!
5th of MoonstoneIt has been drawn to my attention that we do not have an infirmary up and running, I will make sure I tend to this with great haste. Our chief medical dwarf Tnkted will be reprimanded for not bringing this to my attention sooner! Apparently Tnkted has been giving all our females physicals since he has not had the proper apparatus for his medical work. (I later found the other hospital, Oh well I guess we have 2 now, even dwarfs know the dangers of monopoly!)
11th of Moonstone![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/e4MNX.jpg)
A channel has been dug to force the goblins into the traps even more! I shall fill it with any spikes I have left over after the arena is complete. Sadly I am still awaiting more mechanisms before the trap field can be complete. I think I may make a tower so that I may observe the trap field in action whilst sipping on strawberry win and enjoying some rat weed.
2nd of OpalThe first ballistae have been made! I plan on making 5 of them, The smiths have been ordered to create arrow heads so that they may chew through goblin flesh like a Forgotten beast chews through a lamb!
4th of OpalThe ghost of a baby skewered by our training room has returned. Its ghostly crying is more fell of a noise than that of a forgotten beast!
A snow storm arrived today as well, Some of the dwarfs were making snow goblins before I scolded them to get back to their labors.
9th of OpalOur weapon stores are FULL of almost worthless bronze weapons. They shall be used in weapon traps so that they may still have their thirst for blood quenched.
28th of Opal![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5wnvY.jpg)
The arena fighting area is almost complete. Once the finals spikes are in place and all the chairs are added we can being the merciless slaughter I mean… tests of strength!
15th of Obsidian Another Goblin ambush had been spotted on the horizon! A mechanic has been struck down by the goblin scum! I need every mechanic I can get for my precious goblin slaying devices! Our military makes short work of the green filth, their blood shall aid the vegetation.
23rd of ObsidianThe spikes in the pit below the arena are almost done.
The first match scheduled upon completion shall be a Goblin thief versus a very hungry leopard. It shall be a great feast I mean… fight.
8th of GraniteA dwarf has grown attached to an adamantine short sword! I must admit, it is a fine blade. I asked this hammer dwarf why he wields a blade, however he did not answer my inquiry.
9th of GraniteThe Arena is complete! It shall see many years of pain and suffering I mean… glorious heroic battles!
The Leopard cage and Goblin Thief cage are being linked to a lever, once this is complete the massacre I mean… event can begin!
17th of GraniteThe Ballistae are complete! Look at them, they are still virgins. They crave blood! I shall give them what they desire!
9th of SlateI have demanded that earrings be made! And no of course they are not for myself, why would they be? (Mandate ended before I could get a screenshot sadly)
15th of SlateThe arena is complete! Soon the shall behold a bloodbath I mean… A showing of skill. I have ordered the lever to be pulled!
Some dwarfs have joined me for this event.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/qkb6E.jpg)
The jaguar knocks the thief into the spike pit! What a glorious display, in that pit he will meet a most pointy end, I am sure his screams will pierce our halls.
20th of SlateSeveral migrants have arrived this day. They brought us from 174 sturdy dwarfs to 194! My work shall be completed even quicker!
20th of SlateA forgotten beast has arrived! I shall ensure that it will be forgotten for good!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/etbCl.jpg)
Alak charges headfirst into the fray!
No wonder this beast has been forgotten, he was slain with several blows by ours dwarfs.
Alak did not get the kill however he distracted the beast until reinforcements arrived. Alak has quite an impressive military history. I have a great respect for his relentless slaughter of green skinned vermin.
1st of FelsiteMore tombs are being dug for our growing population.
5th of FelsiteI have declared a ban upon the export of all earrings. And No they aren’t for me! I am looking out for our fortress’s female population!
11th of FelsiteBlasted goblin filth! I smelt them 500 tiles away! A blasted siege is upon us. Hell, It’s about time!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pclVQ.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fMuv8.jpg)
I shouted the dwarfs to raise the eastern drawbridge. Hopefully the lever nearest to the bridge is the one that raises it.
There is a party of Filth at the North East corner of our lands across the chasm, 2 more at the north west and south west. The south west is heavily protected by our traps. By this logic I have ordered the squads to focus on the enemies approaching from the North.
Udib one of our loyal hammer lords has been struck down! Along with his faithful hound!
The cage traps have caught several trolls and goblins.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DnBmoh.jpg)
A militia captain thought it be wise to bring a baby into battle to get them trained from a young age. Young age is the only age that baby will ever experience…
13th of Felsite![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/l5YCx.jpg)
The first squad of putrid beings has been decimated. The streets run with their blood. The 2nd squad has been thinned thanks to my traps. Luckily for fans of the arena they were trapped in cages!
Several lowlifes I mean peasants were made into archery targets as goblin marksmen sent death across the chasm making dwarfs into archery targets. I should make ballistae facing over the chasm near the windmills.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uHZym.jpg)
With the drawbridge up and orders to kill the squad a few of my dwarfs hurl themselves into the brook and ride its current to a point where they can ascend to the cliffs above and put an end to the goblin curse upon our lands. (happened too fast for me to get a screenshot sadly)
15th of FelsiteThe siege has been lifted thanks to our marine dwarfs that braved the current to get across the chasm. Rumor has it they have insane DPS. The cacophony of battle was soon replaced with the breaking of barrels and the drone of laughter echoing deep within the earth and the dwarfs rejoiced after their victory.
16th of FelsiteAst the child has created a cedar cup! I still don’t like kids…
This cup has an image of the fortress being founded… Isn’t that cute.
17th of FelsiteAn Elven caravan has arrived, I hope they have some dangerous I mean… cuddly animals for my death pit… I mean arena.
11th of HematiteI have acquired a Grizzly bear and a jaguar through trading with the elves. These will provide lots of entertainment.
18th of HematiteThe bastards elected me out of office! No matter, My axe makes a strong argument, I am back in charge now.
23rd of HematiteTosid, A hammer lord has been lonely recently. So I assigned him 29 war dogs.
25th of HematiteTosid Let his dogs follow him into the resilience training room… No wonder his parents wouldn’t let you have a puppy when he was younger. 10 of his dogs were impaled upon spikes. I have made the door so it cannot be passed by pets.
9th of GalenaA forgotten beast has arisen from the depths!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cuZ2D.jpg)
This beast was more trivial than forgotten. At the least it provided some entertainment for the soldiers.
27th of GalenaGhastly children keep terrorizing this place! Oh and a few ghosts of dead babies have been stopping by as well.
10th of SandstoneI have been elected mayor once more! The dwarfs will be saddened once my term is up.
21st of Sandstone Just when I thought I could relax, another beast rears its ugly head from unknown depths of the earth.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QbA5f.jpg)
The beast is slain with only a few scratches here and there.
27th of Sandstone We have laid to rest many of our dead that we did not have coffins for. Their souls thank us.
28th of SandstoneOne of our stone crafters has become possessed! I hope he does not cause too much trouble for himself or others.
29th of SandstoneI have been elected mayor once more however I am afraid this is the end of my term. I am glad to have added to this establishment’s defenses and given it a pit of death I mean… An arena!