On December 15 2014 01:06 castleeMg wrote: he seems like a very negative person, has characteristics of an egomaniac, if hes in a tight situation where hes losing he'll often automatically jump to -> this person is a hacker "FORSURE" with no real proof, just assumptions. cringe worthy stream
Says the dweeb who spends all but 5 mins on the stream, but that's ok haters gonna HATE!
On September 28 2014 02:07 DomesticatedPimp wrote: StellarMango is so much better than Protech it's not even funny. He has been in GM since WoL and has always been much higher rated than Protech in the 2v2 ladder. The hacking accusations are getting so old. It is very clear that StellarMango is not a hacker, otherwise Blizzard would have banned him already. People like Protech accuse him to hack only because Mango has beat him too many times. Believe me, I've watched Mango's stream and getting Protech is EZ win 99% of the time.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND mango's twitch channel banned, his SC2 account is banned, and now you look like a fucking moron, grats!
Do you have your Wisdom teeth in your head still? I remember you having a donation fund raiser to get surgery for Wisdom Teeth removal. Are they out of your head yet? Or did you use that money for something else?
On March 17 2016 00:41 mantequilla wrote: why not showing up on TL man I thought you quit :D
This site has a hate/hate relationship with ProTech. He was featured, then not, then featured, and now apparently delisted because his account is nuked. Whatever the reason is, ProTech has a great, consistent stream and is really the only good 2v2 streamer.
It would be a disservice to downplay ProTech's dedication. The effort and toughness that goes into (1) streaming almost every day for many, many years, (2) streaming many hours each time, (3) playing his hardest pretty much all the time, and (4) regularly interacting with viewers, is mind-boggling. The thing that's stood out to me is that 99% of the time, no matter his mood, ProTech is focused on making the show fun for viewers. This involves things like interacting with chat for a half hour while waiting for a 2v2 queue. And maintaining a relatively cool head even when things get frustrating (and there's no denying that ProTech's occupation itself is trying and frustrating).
Whatever venial sins ProTech has committed (knee-jerk map hack accusations, suspicious fundraising, unremarkable BM), they do not warrant delisting what might be, on balance, the best SC2 stream since the game's start. I invite critics to name a relatively high-level streamer who has demonstrated anything even verging on ProTech's dedication to the game and to providing an entertaining stream. Hell, you can even drop the "high-level" qualifier as that's a can of worms.
What really bugs me is when some "famous gamer" who decides to pick up SC2 to fiddle with the campaign is featured, but one of the most watched streams is invisible. So many people who mean zero to the scene get top billing. I found ProTech's stream through TL many years ago, so it's important.