New Rumors:
1.) During the SC2 beta downtime, the Goatrope Show will feature Goat and the gang playing Aion. They will be roleplaying as their characters at all times and will only answer to their in-game names. 2.) The show will be re-purposed into an American Idol style show. The goatshow regulars will judge singcast replays of various games and give their withering criticism. Blinn will occasionally be featured as a guest judge but he is barred from competing because no one else would have a chance against him. 3.) Goat will be playing Brood War during the down time. This will mean the end of the show because he takes that game seriously and is always too quiet to contribute.
So what's the story? What happens to the Goatshow during the downtime?
Goat is some sort of wizard.
You were talking about "bad numbers" I didnt get why 120 (or something like that) was one of them.
Goatrope ur stream is so full of epic win its too hard to keep count!!!
Excellent stream!
One of the best
The best stream experience of tl.net for sure! Especially now with the twitter and the official site.
oh god this handicap map has me laughing so hard im in tears
everyone should watch the livestream replays, its genious
I look forward to telling my grandchildren about the day I beat goatrope. I may or may not mention the presence of certain handicaps...
Teamliquid should have a -lightshow mode.
Pretty much, Goat Show Arena is amazing. I can't stop playing it with friends.
Definitely want a rematch with something other than insurgents.
ok so question, i was trying to find the vod of goat playing envirobear to show my friend, but i could not find it anywhere and this made me very sad panda
this is a tragedy because the video itself is like one of the funniest things i have ever seen
can anyone find it for me and link pree
Anyone noticed the goat show sign at the Day9 event? With carrots and all!
When's the goat show coming back!? i seriously always tuned into this if it was up cuz its friggin' hilarious. Think my favorite time was when you were streaming nony and he had your stream up in the background.
Anyone noticed the goat show sign at the Day9 event? With carrots and all!
yea, I burst out laughing when I saw it)
I wonder if they were talking about me when they played someone called "computer" on bnet!