On March 20 2011 06:05 Insurrectionist wrote: Ok, I have to say I think this was generally handled very well, and I agree with the decision to hand Boxer the win. However I think approaching other players in the tournament for the decision was a very dumb move. Even though I feel sure they voiced their objective opinions, leaving the result of the game up to people with vested interest in the result is not a good idea.
If the explanations didn't make sense I would agree with you. As long as they stay objective I have no issue with how it was dealt with.
VETO TYLER>>!>!>!!>!>!!>!?!??!!?!??
Very professional, but like some of the opinions in here, it would have been better if the panel was chosen with non-participants.
Love Nazgul's Unit Tester scenario though, very thorough.
Doing a simulation is badass, good job Team Liquid
On March 20 2011 06:04 okum wrote: My only complaint is that players in the tournament shouldn't be used as referees.
Yeah, I believe this should be changed also. I agree with the ruling, but think the TSL staff should try to find players who have no stake in the tournament in the future. While I respect all of them, I still think it has the chance to introduce a bias into the ruling, no matter if they try to remain impartial.
Man, other sports organisations could really learn from the professionalism and transparency on display here.
FIFA anyone? :lol
Literally the only question I have is whether the players gave reasons for vetoing the proposed panel members they did (Nightend -> Tyler; Boxer -> Cloud).
Very professionaly done and good, thought through explanations. Situations like these are unfortunate but you handled it very well
Very good decision. It sucks whenever someone disconnects (JD v. Flash omg...) but shit happens and decisions have to be made.
This post was very informative and thought out. Panel members were all extremely qualified and pretty darn thorough. Good job by TL for sure.
rules and implementation seemed to work well - gj tl. this is one of the most professional tournaments i've seen.
On March 20 2011 05:56 barth wrote: This is overwhelmingly professional. Good job everyone, makes me proud to be a TL member.
Getting the pro players was a nice touch. I suppose it was to be expected, but I was still taken aback by it.
Excessively well-handled, can't find a fault with any of the panel decisions at all.
From the stream it looked to me like Nightend could possibly come back if he had waited for the phoenix energy and then engaged. Tyler came back to win a game vs strelok with a bigger disadvantage just from his perfect decisions and strelok's mistakes.
However I haven't analyzed the replay in depth like the panel seems to have done, and Nazgul's arguments and proof to back it looks very complete and professional and should make it an open and shut case.
Still, would like to know if the players gave reasons to veto the judges...
Loved the Goliath comment.
Good explanation. There are rules. You followed them. Best decision was reached. No stones.
I'm also super happy that OGSMC is one of the panel. He's not only player boss but he's TSL judge boss too?
Super Boss.
Definitely the right decision in my mind. He was far ahead in supply and just in a way better position. Great transparency by TL too.
On March 20 2011 06:11 Goibon wrote: Loved the Goliath comment.
Good explanation. There are rules. You followed them. Best decision was reached. No stones.
I'm also super happy that OGSMC is one of the panel. He's not only player boss but he's TSL judge boss too?
Super Boss.
The President always has the final say.
Wow, that was a pretty amazing manner of handling the situation. I especially liked not only the diversity in the members judging, but the depth behind their decisions. Thanks for this. My heart really sunk when the D/C happened, but I couldn't be happier with the manner in which it was handled.
good way of handling it and nice explanations, only arguable thing is that players from the tournaments are used in the panel.
On March 20 2011 06:11 Rayansaki wrote: From the stream it looked to me like Nightend could possibly come back if he had waited for the phoenix energy and then engaged. Tyler came back to win a game vs strelok with a bigger disadvantage just from his perfect decisions and strelok's mistakes.
However I haven't analyzed the replay in depth like the panel seems to have done, and Nazgul's arguments and proof to back it looks very complete and professional and should make it an open and shut case.
Besides, Nazgul is never wrong.
Tyler had better upgrades, NightEnd was behind on that along with everything else.
On March 20 2011 06:09 imaROBOT wrote:
You will never know 100% what the out come could have been, so I think it should clearly have been a regame. I honestly don't think it was a fair decision and put Nightend into a horrible mind set going into the next game.
I don't think they ever said it was 100%... But it was very close to that. And that's why the decision was made.
I cant really complain when the 3 arguments for the Boxer win are very well explained. Plus the simulation is also nice too.
Overall so very well handled, obviously as best as they could.
I can see an argument for having an outside panel of judges, that would be nice. Hopefully that's not needed in the future.
Nice to get official comment on the issue. Personally, I have nothing to contribute with other then saying it's sad when stuff like this happens. And as a unbiased viewers (allthough, BoxeR beeing huyped to hell) I just want to see great games, which I have done tonight, I am happy to the degree I can with the solution . Also, keeping in mind that ite round it happened, it wasn't such a big issue, but if it were in the semi- og pure finals, the case (for the players) would be different.