This thread is for discussing recent bans. Don't discuss other topics here. Take it to website feedback if you disagree with a ban or want to raise an issue. Keep it civil.NOTE: For those of you who want to find the actual ABL thread where the bans are posted. Please look in here: https://tl.net/forum/closed-threads/ |
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On April 07 2012 11:16 Otolia wrote:Show nested quote +On April 07 2012 10:57 Dodgin wrote:Yeah I saw that... I think he just cracked under the pressure, poor guy. It must be tough living out there for an extended period and if the things he says are true ( which I have no reason to doubt ) it makes it even harder to get the most out of the Korean training environment. Not saying he should have made that thread, which was obviously a dumb decision. Some posters were definitely trying to bait him. And that's low.
Mmm... maybe only one person, I think everyone else was just confused and trying to figure out what he was talking about.
This is, unfortunately, pretty standard naniwa...
Where dat snitch at?36921 Posts
HOLY CRAP DAT IPL THREAD!!!! TL ban list party guys?
Nani is going to flip his shit when all the BW players switch over T-T
This thread grew 4 pages since I read it last night.
Toast puns transitioned into name puns. Caster & player hating in the IPL4 thread. A youtube ban. Naniwa got temped. And because there still isn't enough, let's throw in a hole-in-one ban with a mountain oyster reference kicker.
Is there something in the water?
yeah. it has a name too.
+ Show Spoiler +
And props to ETT for keeping shit in line and not being afraid to ban known players when they cross the boundaries. If I ever meet you you must let me buy you a beer.
Gtoad was just temp banned for 1 week by Ares[Effort].
That account was created on 2011-10-05 12:48:51 and had 42 posts.
Reason: On April 07 2012 12:07 Gtoad wrote: Well boys a few years ago, me and some of my buds from England would take a boat there to pick up some hitchhikers. Then we'd take em to America, trade them to rich people for molasses. Then bring the molasses back home and have a some delicious pancakes. Yummy (;
Part of me wants to believe he was banned for ignorance about how pancakes are made.
Also for not knowing that you use molasses to make rum...
Got to love Nani's sign off though:
"morons, Sincerely - naniwa."
Sigh Fayth...I'm surprised he hasn't been banned earlier. He always makes so many inflammatory posts.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On April 07 2012 12:39 Grobyc wrote: And props to ETT for keeping shit in line and not being afraid to ban known players when they cross the boundaries. If I ever meet you you must let me buy you a beer.
I'll take you up on that. I love free alcohol.
On April 07 2012 13:48 Pwnzer wrote: Sigh Fayth...I'm surprised he hasn't been banned earlier. He always makes so many inflammatory posts.
Fayth gets the same leeway most pros do, even if he isn't as involved in the SC2 scene as he was in the BW scene. He was, at one point believe it or not, a good contributor to the BW strategy section. But he's had the idra attitude since before idra.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On April 07 2012 06:04 SonuvBob wrote: The nazi mod comments are a reference to the interview. :p
Oh, and I just realized that I'm the nazi mod. 
On April 07 2012 13:36 dudeman001 wrote: Holy fuck ETT rampage.
Yeah. I think it's time to drink and play some SC.
Then once I go on the inevitable losing streak and am properly inebriated, rampage 2.0 begins.
thanks ETT for the JohnnyPG ban!
Thanks for the ban on SeventhPride ETT. He just kept trying to start an argument.
why do people do this passive aggressive bullshit where they say someone they dont agree with must not understand english...? i dont know how many times people have said it to me because they think i am japanese and english is my second language....
On April 07 2012 12:25 red_b wrote:Show nested quote +On April 07 2012 09:53 ikh wrote: oh, and i am a graduate, thanks for asking. graduated in three years you see. you started this discussion by making assumptions you had no competence to make, and you're ending it by doing the same.
that is merely one reason why i know a shitton about drugs, mostly my knowledge of individual controlled substances comes from a personal hunger for knowledge and an overall interest in knowing what the hell i'm putting up my nose/etc and how i should go about doing that. it'd be a lot better if you didn't attack me as a person other than through what i claim, not what i am. where does your vastly superior base of information come from, pray tell? actually, I never said at all that you were an undergraduate student. I suppose English isn't your first language, so I will forgive that you were unable to understand what I was saying there. similarly, Solar actually just posted what my point was. LSD triggering a predisposition to psychosis is entirely different than being an independent cause. besides, I have more than enough experience with research to know that you would not be able to prove causality at any rate. your comments are an overstatement. you still seem to be missing my point about LSD's effects as a stimulant. I asked you a question. You ASSUMED I was being incredulous. I then explained the reasoning for my question in the next post. the caffeine comment is there because I believe that you overstated the stimulative effects of LSD, not because I am implying you are wrong. btw you can check the US code for our drug schedules. Stimulants are their own category under schedule II, LSD is a hallucinogen under schedule 1. yet another TL thread tanked because kids on the internet have no sense of subtlety. fantastic. are you insecure or something? you seem to have taken everything I've said as some sort of implication you are stupid and/or ill-informed on the subject. p.s. my original comment about the medical community's view on LSD is not inaccurate. in fact the medical consult during the drafting of the legislation back in 1970 suggested that LSD not be classified as schedule one (easily abusable, habit forming and no medical use). User was temp banned for this post.
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
Xizor was reacting in kind to an already hostile post IMO. It was borderline antagonistic but not worthy of any action IMO, especially as he is normally a good poster.
United States7639 Posts

That feeling of satisfaction of getting someone banned... it's just so good.
ChaiN420 was just banned by Jibba.
That account was created on 2012-03-17 05:19:48 and had 10 posts.
Reason: "I'm really alive and I don't like shitty posters!" - 2pac
:D this made me smile, after listening to makaveli and biggie smalls and nas recently i thought this was pretty hilarious, man i love this thread and the mods on this site so much, i might have to make a big couple paragraph essay blog about how gaming forum sites are so much more inferior to team liquid in terms of humor and professionalism all in the same sandwich!
Newbie question: How are you guys quoting posts from other threads inside this thread?
On April 07 2012 15:13 Pwnzer wrote: Newbie question: How are you guys quoting posts from other threads inside this thread? click quote. copy the entire text. come to this thread and paste it into message.