Vote for me so I get into round of 32 and I'll do a "Moving to TLHQ" blog At least an A4 about how it is to move, live, and work there, might even turn into a short series of blogs with new updates less and less frequent as time goes on and there's no new and cool stuff to talk about.
If I get to Round of 16 I'll update the hotbid thread of r1ch quotes with some new r1ch quotes.(if the wizard consents of course.)
Round of 8 = ??
Semis an 8 hour Liquipedia stream, with adding results and templates and probably some really boring(?) janitorial stuff too. (unless Novemberstorm does his 24 hour one, if so then I'll think of something else.)
Finals = ??
And if I win I'll do a girlblog.
On April 27 2015 04:33 OtherWorld wrote: A vote for D4E is a vote for the future.
A vote for salle is a vote for the old man who will statistically die 10 years before most of you.
Here's a reminder that if I advance and you pm me with proof of your vote, I'll randomly select one person and severely bias their favorite team in the next Proleague article I write. And more herOtic poetry
On April 23 2015 11:03 Jer99 wrote: Propaganda time!
Hey guys I'm Jer99 and I do some Terran things for TeamLiquid. Some of my work includes the Terran KBBQ, an INnoVation strategy spotlight, and afewBlizzconpieces. Now with legacy of the void around the corner, my passion is at an all time high. Want to see more cool Terran stuff? Of course you do! Here are some things I will be releasing should the goals be reached:
Did you guys like the TvT guide? Should I make it into the Round of 32, I’ll be releasing a second part, which goes into much more depth about everything that isn’t the early game, e.g. mid game compositions, positioning of units, end game strategies and much, much more. [est. Completion time: end of May]
If I make it into the Ro16, I’ll release a strategic editorial about the perfect Terran. Who could it be about? What constitutes being perfect? These questions can only be answered if I make it into the Ro16! [est. Completion time: Pre-WCS S2 finals]
Don’t you guys just love Terran as much as I do? If I make the Ro8, I’ll allow for the community to vote for three Terran players, and from there I’ll take each of their best/most entertaining game and break them down à la game analysis. [est. Completion time: Summer]
If I make it into the Ro4, I’ll let the community vote on a Terran GSL winner and analyze their entire run through the GSL, breaking down every detail into why they won, what separated them from their opponent, what they contributed to the meta that season etc etc. [est. Completion time: Summer]
This is where it gets good. If I make it into the finals, I’ll allow the community to vote for a costume for me to wear, and I’ll enter the cosplay contest at Blizzcon! Of course it has to be at least semi-related to the Blizzard universe, and as long as it’s close enough I’ll wear it!
If I win, I’ll have another Big Night Out, this time with more alcohol, more shenanigans, and less hospital trips! Of course I’ll blog about it, there will be many more pictures, and maybe this time I’ll remember it.
On April 22 2015 11:13 The_Templar wrote: You guys like passion, right? For every round I advance I will write a battle report of a really cool or funny game.
If you vote me to each of the following rounds, I will additionally provide the following:
RO32: [G] Battlecruiser rush and other Templar-esque builds
If I make it to the RO32, I will write an in-depth guide to my infamous 1-base BC, as well as other various builds that I enjoy unleashing. You may think that this is a disappointing reward for voting me, even if it is just one round in, but I have an incredible number of absolutely ridiculous builds, including a few that I have never even dared use. There will hopefully be one per matchup (I play random, so nine).
You’ll have to vote me to the RO16 to see what this is. It's worth it.
I will post an AMA in blogs and will answer every single question. I will not dodge or give an insufficient answer on any of them, so you’re free to ask any deeply embarrassing question you want. While I am open to providing answers to questions, I will not provide pictures of myself, talk about someone else’s personal details, or share my skype/phone number/address etc. with the rest of the forum.
RO4: Explanation of why Scarlett > TaeJa
You know you want to see this. It will be the length of a normal TL article and will be totally serious.
Finals: 6 hour Templar-cheese streaming session
I will try to only use builds similar to those that I posted in the RO32. If I get interrupted during the six hours, I’ll stream a bit longer to make up for it. Since I’ll probably run out of ideas/get bored halfway in, it isn’t unlikely that I will improvise incredibly stupid stuff in the later half, especially as it will likely be late at night.
Win: Entirety of TL gets to decide my signature.
I post more than just about every single person on TL. You can decide what humiliating, hilarious, or weird signature I’ll have for nearly a year until the next TLCMAT begins on May 16, 2016. I will not accept inappropriate or explicit signatures. The signature will be in the following format:
[SIGNATURE] (Signature provided by TL)
Here's what you get if you vote for KingofdaHipHop.
On April 22 2015 11:19 KingofdaHipHop wrote: vote for me instead of templar and you'll have a friend. friendship is better than all of that other shit
Note he didn't even say which person would have a friend, nor who that friend would be.
A vote for Jer99 is a vote for boredom. Girl blogs, shirty photoshops and a follower of the true esport (one where Leta and HiyA were relevant) is the stuff you want.