Well, I'm home early thanks to filial duties. Day 2 lasted 3 hours longer than expected.
Thank you again to everyone who came to participate and watch the tournament. Big shout outs to:
All of our casters. Especially Schamtoo, Sireph, and AGIANTSMURF for making the games super exciting to watch.
Blasterion for manning the TV screen.
Sireph for getting some great interviews on Day 1.
Zeroes for taking lots and lots of pictures.
And of course Certified for being stubborn and taking care of all the brackets, which is awesome because it runs very smoothly :D
In other news, games from Day 1 seem to be lost because the autosave function on livestream wasn't turned on yesterday. Many apologies from me because I thought it was on the whole time. We're also working on getting a better stream than the free livestream accounts that we have right now.
Obligatory join our facebook group if you haven't yet! It's a much easier way to keep updated with new events and our random streams: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=152463604779602
Hope to see you all in two weeks 
Hi, everyone this is FXOmOoNan aka: allaboutyou. The tournament was great and fun Thank you everyone for coming to tournament. I hope we do it again soon! I am actually typing with daskeyboard that I won from tournament and it feels great~~  Anyways, Thanks once again for the tournament and see you in b.net!
Congrats mOoNan on winning the tournament, and getting picked up by FXO! Hope to see you again soon good games. You're a really solid player, a lot of respect for you
lol sloggerdodger gg. Congratz on 3rd place on the tournament. Thank you, Pokebunny. You really have potential in you I hope you keep practicing and become a better player! keep it up!
Are there any replays available?
okay so I just got back, tired as hell Everyone deserves thanks for just being so damn awesome and im way too worn out to name names
Amazing freaking day of games, I saved all replays from day2 (as far as i know, was kind of rushed and tired so i might've saved replays from some random account, lol)
theyre only replays of the casted games, the actually casting is in a 5 hour long VOD on my stream, linked by btway above
Theres a lot more that i need to say but im completely blanking out Great meeting all the new people and seeing returning competitors fantastic weekend, ♥♥♥ TLNY
However I did make a huge mistake Dhalism and NrGGun Do have to do a best of 3 to determine 5th place winner
I will be trying to set that up as soon as possble and it will be streamed, more info to come
NOTE: i just checked VOD real quick, the grand finals matches are missing, im gonna try to recover them some time when i go back to cybercraft maybe sometime later this week
Replays from day2 are saved, they will be uploaded sometime later
*sigh* right back into the slog that is work...I'll be posting in the 2v2 tourney to piss people off and troll certain users.
Was fun. Glad the magic idea didn't work out, would have been to nerdy. And grats to all the winners and some of the losers.
Congrats to AllAboutYou, I wish I could've been there for day 2 but alas, family emergency called D: I'll be uploading the interviews to various places, ie. Youtube, Bliptv, where ever they can be mass distributed. Unfortunately, I have to work some post production magic because the interviews are dark as all hell ><
Can't wait for the next one, see you all there :D
Man, I didn't know I was that ahead of Dhalism on Steppes at the beginning. I checked out his stats earlier and kinda was like ... damn. Had a brain fart and that was that. Not that I had a chance anyway. Also, I should have HSMed, thought he had mutas somewhere was waiting for that. Also in LT, I knew Dhalism was in the south cause my SCV scout saw his OL. It was like my one moment of genius.
Once again thanks for hosting this, had a blast, plus it's made me actually enjoy playing 1v1s now.
Will there be pics/replays uploaded?
Replays download link is in reminders post located directly underneath OP
awaiting upload of pictures from zeroes
Pictures are bad. Do not wants.
Still waiting on pics, tell zeroes to upload please
I'm waiting on the pics too :'[ Working on the interviews right now.
I posted the Interview download links in the reminders post
don't know whats up with zeroes and the pictures