United Kingdom20275 Posts
Not OCing anything yet in the near future
Oh man you bought z87 and a 780 and don't plan to cpu oc or at least tune the multiplier to 40x and cut down from stock voltage? :D
You'd be good on 450w then probably, if you don't even have CPU oc you're probably not flashing your 780 bios to override power limits and such. If you were doing that stuff and pushing CPU OC (like i guess i'd expect from a gk110 owner) then maybe not so good to run 450w, as you'd be loading it highly and falling off the efficiency curve npnp, though i doubt a capstone would blow up or anything
Maybe i'm getting ahead of myself, though
On September 10 2013 13:09 Cyro wrote:Oh man you bought z87 and a 780 and don't plan to cpu oc or at least tune the multiplier to 40x and cut down from stock voltage? :D Bought the 780 coz I felt the price was pretty good (Pretty much US pricing, which is difficult to comeby here in Malaysia)
Z87 and the 4670K I actually haven't gotten yet, but the price differential seemed small so I just thought that I'd leave that option open. I could still get a 4670 and a non-z87 board instead.
My primary concern now is blowing myself up lol.
I'm using Windows 7 since launched, i never liked it. It's a good idea go back to Windows Vista nowadays?
On September 10 2013 13:43 Trevo wrote: I'm using Windows 7 since launched, i never liked it. It's a good idea go back to Windows Vista nowadays?
Dear god no. I'm on Windows Vista and I would kill for Windows 7. (Okay, maybe not, but...)
But, no... just... no.
This is another "why is my SC2 so running so slowly?" post. I play on lowest settings on everything (low shaders, low textures, etc), have tried all the different optimizations to make it run faster (bitdepth=16, make sure the battery isn't on power save mode, and the like), but I still get 1-5 fps once players are above 100 supply in a 3v3, and about 10 fps in a TvZ when both players are maxed. It is pretty frustrating!
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro on which I run Windows 7 bootcamp. Some of my system specs are as follows:
8.00 GB (it says 2.18 GB usable, could this be a problem?) Intel i5 NVIDIA GeForce GT330M
Let me know if you need to know anything more, but I've just seemed to run out of ideas on how to make it run at a reasonable speed. Looking at the system requirements for sc2 it seems like I should be able to run all low settings without any problems. Any ideas or is my hardware to blame? Thanks!
On September 10 2013 16:04 brodo wrote: This is another "why is my SC2 so running so slowly?" post. I play on lowest settings on everything (low shaders, low textures, etc), have tried all the different optimizations to make it run faster (bitdepth=16, make sure the battery isn't on power save mode, and the like), but I still get 1-5 fps once players are above 100 supply in a 3v3, and about 10 fps in a TvZ when both players are maxed. It is pretty frustrating!
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro on which I run Windows 7 bootcamp. Some of my system specs are as follows:
8.00 GB (it says 2.18 GB usable, could this be a problem?) Intel i5 NVIDIA GeForce GT330M
Let me know if you need to know anything more, but I've just seemed to run out of ideas on how to make it run at a reasonable speed. Looking at the system requirements for sc2 it seems like I should be able to run all low settings without any problems. Any ideas or is my hardware to blame? Thanks!
assuming this is your model, that certainly is strange. i ran sc2 on a 2008 macbook withouth any problems on lowest settings – even on mac os without bootcamping.
questions/troubleshooting: where does it say only 2.18 GB is usable? is the rest of the ram wired or does it simply not show up? do you use windows 7 32- or 64-bit? only 64-bit windows can make use of your 8 gigs. how is the performance in other games? if it's just starcraft your hardware/drivers are probably fine. how well does sc2 run under os x? did you download the latest bootcamp drivers? are you sure sc2 uses the discrete geforce and not the integrated intel graphics?
It is actually this model, so a little higher end, but still comparable.
where does it say only 2.18 GB is usable? is the rest of the ram wired or does it simply not show up? do you use windows 7 32- or 64-bit? only 64-bit windows can make use of your 8 gigs.
It says this under control panel in System in Windows. I'm sure it is wired (it is built-in, I haven't added anything), it probably because it is 32 bit (I installed windows a year ago or so before I had OSX 10.8, and you could only do 32 bit back then). Would it really help that much to be 64 bit?
how is the performance in other games? if it's just starcraft your hardware/drivers are probably fine. how well does sc2 run under os x? did you download the latest bootcamp drivers? are you sure sc2 uses the discrete geforce and not the integrated intel graphics? I don't really play many new games, but I played diablo 3 without problems and I currently play sc1 and wc3 without any problems. I checked all the graphics drivers recently and they are all up to date as well, along with the bootcamp drivers. And forgive me, but how do I check this last question of making sure sc2 is using the geforce card? Thanks for the help by the way!
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Sounds like you're fine for gpu (especially if you have higher fps) but just choking cpu wise, i'd say just put physics and reflections off, turn effects down to low/medium, if you wanna upload a replay and run through a battle or something on somebodies camera so other people can reproduce it and check their FPS against yours, you could do that too
Everything is already on low or off, including physics and reflections. Here is kind of an extreme example I suppose, but here is a 4v4 we played last night. Everything after 15 minutes I have <= 10 fps: http://drop.sc/359020 (from brodo's camera). As for choking cpu wise, would changing to 64 bit windows (making use of my 8 gb of ram) make a meaningful improvement?
Nah, the program itself is 32-bit and doesn't even use much RAM by itself.
It's just that 4v4 SC2 is murder on CPUs, and yours is a few generations old and not at a high clock speed. It's the performance you'd expect.
Yea I don't really care about the 4v4 fps that much, but even in 1v1s (specifically TvZ with a lot of lings) when both players are maxed I get unplayable fps, is that still to be expected?
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Expected to be pretty terrible, hard to say numbers though
I see, well that's too bad. Thanks for the help anyway. Out of curiosity, what is the limiting factor of my system? If I already have the max ram available, a pretty good graphics card, etc. Is it just general oldness or something specific?
I had a quick question: I just recently hooked up a small (crappy) 2nd monitor to my motherboard (my main screen is connected to my GPU). The problem is, when I try to have one browser open (chrome) on one screen and another window on another (any browser), the chrome window on my main monitor lags. By this I mean, it's choppy and if I highlight a section of text, the highlight lags behind my mouse significantly.
... so I just tested it again, the and the problem only occurs with chrome. Does anyone have an idea? I can't find an explanation anywhere --_--
Turn off hardware acceleration in Chrome settings?
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On September 11 2013 06:49 brodo wrote: I see, well that's too bad. Thanks for the help anyway. Out of curiosity, what is the limiting factor of my system? If I already have the max ram available, a pretty good graphics card, etc. Is it just general oldness or something specific?
CPU, singlethreaded performance. Sc2 has pretty horrible engine
On August 14 2013 15:52 skyR wrote: Firefox, along with the other two big browsers all use the GPU to help render images and video by default so yes it should crash when the display driver crashes. You can turn off hardware acceleration in the settings.
You should probably uninstall the driver and then re-install it without all the Nvidia crap like 3D, Sound, Update Tool, etc. If it happened once then don't worry much about it.
Hey again, and hey everyone . Just wanted to give an update from my posts on page 372 and before.
I haven't had any crashes anymore (it's been a month). So whatever the case was, it was probably the video card.
Also as for that one crash that happened 5 days after I got my new video card, I'm not sure how it happened but it hasn't happened anymore. I did disable Firefox's Hardware Acceleration under Tools > Options > Advanced Tab > General Tab and I unchecked "use hardware acceleration when available".
Also I uninstalled Nvidia/Geforce experience too (though I am still using the 314.22 drivers which was the latest one last I checked).
I wonder if that also helped too (I do leave Firefox almost always on whenever I have the computer on). So either Geforce experience or Firefox with hardware acceleration could have been one of the reasons for that 1 "Display Driver has crashed and restarted" issue I had after the new video card was installed.
Besides that though, the previous crash issues and the random artifacts, computer freezes, etc seemed to be due to my old video card for sure (as most of those issues are now gone now).
Also my old video card had the habit of causing full screen games played to have lower max FPS (like 30 or something) until I alt + tab away then alt tab back to the game. With the new card so far, haven't had any of those problems, so it seems a lot of the old problems were just with my video card.
Again, thanks for the help everyone . Seems like the new video card fixed everything.
Edit - Bah, spoke too soon apparently >.<. Had one display driver has crashed and restarted issue just recently while playing a game . Though, it seems really infrequent enough to not be a worry at least.
So I've had to replace (RMA) hdd recently. they keep working fine for a day or more, but within a week, they all develop a click and lose speed. before I got my current drive, I got a new CPU and mobo as well, and my PSU is new. Someone thought maybe the current from the wall was unstable and that I shold get a UPS. thoughts? Am i just unlucky with the refurbished drives or what?
Hey humans!
I've got an ATI Radeon 5750 stuck into my computer. It's a few years old now and it's always given me trouble*, but lately it's ramped up its efforts to have me chuck it into a dumpster, but I want to run it by some people in the know and try to cure what ails it instead of just spending a few hundred bucks I don't need to spend.
I run a dual monitor setup, often with one monitor playing streams or streaming some video while the other has me playing DotA, SC2 or some other game of consequence. In the last few weeks my computer has taken a stronger liking to shutting down all displays after a few hours of gaming. Both monitors will go black and report a "no signal", and reverting one of the monitors to the built-in motherboard GPU produces no immediate result.
I'm confident it is the graphics card. It isn't a full crash, and the computer is still running and sound is still playing in the games indefinitely; the game is still running, I just can't see it anymore. It happens abruptly and not linked to any other notable events.
If I restart my computer, I can plug one monitor into the mobo GPU and get a signal. It will show that it does not register the ATI Radeon card at all; as far as I can tell it doesn't know that it's there. The card's fan is still running in the tower, but that's its only sign of life.
HOWEVER if I power down the machine, take out and re-seat the card, it'll function normally (as it is now) until it decides to get upset and crash again... typically when I'm giving it a lot to do.
I've recently downloaded a GPU temperature monitor and I'll be keeping an eye on that, but after restarting the PC about 15 minutes after a crash, it's reading a GPU core temp of 45 C. Not sure how fast it'd cool down, but that seems pretty speedy.
+ Show Spoiler +Embarassing "trouble" story:
Once upon a time I moved. When I moved, I brought my computer along. When I moved with my computer, it never occurred to me that my laziness in leaving my HDD loose in the tower would be a bad thing. I also did not look inside my case after I hooked it up and turned it on... and when it crashed the next day after many hours of 3d software use, I looked inside and discovered the my HDD was casually leaning against my CPU's cooling fan, and this was in a shitty pre-built with only one other fan. So it overheated pretty hard and crashed because of it, and that computer was never the same since. The only remaining part of that computer these days is the ATI Radeon GFX card, and it isn't impossible that it undertook semipermanent damage in that overheat. I'm just too stubborn to admit it :D
Any ideas?
Sounds like time to upgrade.