Also I can't stream in regular fullscreen unless you find me software that will allow me to do that.
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When using this resource, please read FragKrag's opening post. The Tech Support forum regulars have helped create countless of desktop systems without any compensation. The least you can do is provide all of the information required for them to help you properly. | ||
Canada130 Posts
Also I can't stream in regular fullscreen unless you find me software that will allow me to do that. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On September 19 2011 15:19 Myrmidon wrote: Nothing terribly wrong. It's hard to gauge prices without a reference, but some comments: 1. If the Ripjaws aren't the cheapest, get something else. 2. Corsair A70 is a bit loud for what it does, which may or may not be an issue for you. 3. Unless you need Win7 Pro features, get Win7 Home Premium if it's cheaper. 4. For reasons stated a million times (so I'm sure you understand), I'd not get Crossfire HD 6870s unless you're willing to put up with all that and need the performance, like for a 120 Hz monitor or higher than 1920x1200 resolution, or just really high AA/AF and max settings on more demanding games. New generation of GPUs is not too far off, and whatever comes afterwards is just going to be better. For most users there seems little motivation to get that much performance now with the current games available, and sinking extra money now into soon-to-be-outdated tech doesn't seem like a great idea. 5. If Xonar DX is cheaper, that's pretty much a PCIe equivalent. If you're looking to drive headphones, DG is cheaper and better, and might be a better value anyway if you want to upgrade onboard sound for some higher-end speakers and you don't have a receiver. 6. 850W is overkill for Crossfire HD 6870s. 650W version is plenty. XFX Pro 650/750/850 are good picks. 7. You're aware of current SandForce reliability issues right? Not like it affects everybody, but there are enough complaints to be worrisome. 8. CM 690 ii Advanced comes with a 3.5" to 2.5" adapter so an extra one is unnecessary. Those Ripjaws are the cheapest 1600s, difference between cheapest 1333 and them is less than 5 euros, and 0.5% of the total cost of the rig is what I'd pay for 1-2% of performance, especially as I'll be overclocking. I honestly don't know anything about soundcards, I have both stereos and a headset and I use both. That seemed like a decent one for relatively cheap. The sound card is so cheap that I really don't feel the need to skimp on it to buy a slightly cheaper one if it'd hinder the audio quality. On the other hand if the quality would stay the same, I really don't need say, the voice altering(which is one of the features of this specific sound card)... My reasoning for picking 850 is as follows: I'll be using the computer for several years and over that kind of time the PSUs tend to weaken. Now, I'd have picked a 750, but a 850 is only about 8 euros costier and probably won't heat as much etc. Thanks for letting me know about the CM 690 having an adapter though, I wasn't aware of that. About the SandForce issues, it's the best-performing cheapo SSD and the 3-year warranty is there and I most likely am not going to be saving anything other than the OS + some software on the SSD anyway, so that shouldn't be as huge a deal to me as it might be to some others(can always re-install). Oh about the win7 prof, that site has no home premium and the prof there costs the same as a home prem oem on a finnish site, also I have a feeling that sometime during the years I'll be going past 16GB of ram so it'll actually be a worthwhile investment. Btw I would have picked a homepremium if they had those as English OEM. About A70, this site has horribly high prices on cooling and that seems to be the only normally-priced fan so that gives it some points in my book(Noctua NH-D14 which would be my first choice costs 75 euros wtf...). But I'll look into that as well as I still have some days until I'm going to be able to order this. Thank you for your help ! Now to try to understand the differences between different sound cards and to see if there's better cpu coolers in the price range... On September 19 2011 16:08 jacosajh wrote: @Shikyo If you're already getting the 120GB SSD, why do you need the Spinpoint F3 1TB 7200 RPM? Why not just get a 5400 RPM? I honestly have no idea. I probably should do that... | ||
2919 Posts
I see what you're saying. Regardless of streaming or not, your SC2 will lag in Windowed, but run fine in Non-Windowed. Sorry, I don't know the answer to this one and it's late, so hopefully someone else can help soon. As for streaming in regular fullscreen, there are supposedly some workarounds, but let's not get into that as it may introduce more problems than it helps. @Shikyo In comparison to what the A70 costs in $, the Noctua NH-D14 sounds about right then. A70 is ~$40 D14 is ~$80 I also have a feeling Windows 7 will be obsolete long before you even make use of the 8GB RAM you selected. Even with degradation, a 650W PSU would be enough as a full system and Crossfire HD6870 use like what, 450W at full load? | ||
nam nam
Sweden4672 Posts
On September 19 2011 16:08 jacosajh wrote: @Myrm Hadn't paid attention to SandForce issues. I've perused through some complaints but didn't look into it enough that when an OCZ Solid 3 went on Shell Shocker, I jumped on it. So far so good though. I really should've looked into it though because reading after-the-fact is making me really worried -_- I was actually looking at Anand's twitter back-and-forth with some people and on person was saying they had to re-install Windows every other week or so. WTF? Yeah I think many have done the same. I know a friend that bought like 4 of them without a clue of the issues. I didn't have the heart to tell him. ![]() | ||
2919 Posts
On September 19 2011 16:26 nam nam wrote: Yeah I think many have done the same. I know a friend that bought like 4 of them without a clue of the issues. I didn't have the heart to tell him. ![]() The Anand twitter messages, especially with OCZ folk coming to his office to do some testing was fairly recent. So, it's apparently still an issue. I stopped reading into it because I didn't want to get upset over nothing. If it really is an issue, I guess I'll just RMA or flat-out get a return. | ||
Deleted User 183001
2939 Posts
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Canada130 Posts
On September 19 2011 16:59 JudicatorHammurabi wrote: Can someone please sticky this thread? It's absolutely detailed and incredible!! I am quite impressed ![]() It is one of the major references in the Streaming Problems thread | ||
United States15 Posts
What is your budget? 600-700$ What is your resolution? 1920X1080 What are you using it for? Mostly gaming, possibly streaming if it allows, but not a top prioty What is your upgrade cycle? Don’t really have an upgrade cycle, but the last time I made my computer was 4 yrs ago, I tend to just use it until it breaks… When do you plan on building it? ASAP Do you plan on overclocking? no Do you need an Operating System? No, I already have OS Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? No Where are you buying your parts from? No nearby Fry’s or Microcenter, I live in California, so I can order from newegg, although the tax kills me, I think tigerdirect is pretty nice, no tax. Hi, my 4yr old comp's gpu just died so i figure its time to rebuild a whole new comp, all the parts are from 4yrs ago. The only thing i THINK i can reuse is Rosewill Stallion Series RD500-2DB 500W ATX12V Power Supply COOLER MASTER Centurion 5 CAC-T05-UW Black Aluminum Bezel , SECC Chassis ATX Mid Tower Computer Case Sata HD, and old cd/dvd drive I have picked out some stuff with my super limited knowledge: EVGA 01G-P3-1370-TR GeForce GTX 460 Video Card Intel Core i5-2400 BX80623I52400 Processor Corsair CML8GX3M2A1600C9 Vengeance LP Desktop Memory Kit I am unsure of the motherboard, and also if my psu is able to handle the parts, thx for the help. | ||
Netherlands1788 Posts
![]() Money is not really an issue, but I'd still like to save on nonessential stuff. | ||
United States11308 Posts
On September 19 2011 23:12 Thorakh wrote: If I'm going to buy an i7-2600K and HD6950 2GB, what motherboard do I want from this site? The site's in Dutch, but it should be selfexplanatory ![]() Money is not really an issue, but I'd still like to save on nonessential stuff. I have to ask... what use do you plan to put the i7 to if you don't know how to pick a motherboard for it? | ||
United States2033 Posts
On September 19 2011 16:30 jacosajh wrote: The Anand twitter messages, especially with OCZ folk coming to his office to do some testing was fairly recent. So, it's apparently still an issue. I stopped reading into it because I didn't want to get upset over nothing. If it really is an issue, I guess I'll just RMA or flat-out get a return. From what I've read, the Sandforce controller produces sudden, mysterious BSODs for some users in some configurations. Crashes that seem basically random and are hard to reproduce (no obvious trigger you can avoid). On the other hand, this seems to be based at least in part on what other parts are in your computer (could mean return better than RMA). Some people have no problems, and continue to have no problems (doesn't seem to be the drive degrading), so if you're not getting inexplicable BSODs, you should be in the majority that have no problems. This is just the jist of what I've heard tech writers explain though. And yeah, firmware updates seem to have reduced but not eliminated the problem. | ||
Netherlands1788 Posts
On September 19 2011 23:16 JingleHell wrote: Having a lot of money and wanting (almost) the best CPU? Or am I terribly mistaken and is the i7 some sort of specialized CPU? I have never specifically picked parts for a computer before so I am totally lost on motherboards.I have to ask... what use do you plan to put the i7 to if you don't know how to pick a motherboard for it? | ||
Legatus Lanius
2135 Posts
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United States11308 Posts
On September 19 2011 23:49 Thorakh wrote: Having a lot of money and wanting (almost) the best CPU? Or am I terribly mistaken and is the i7 some sort of specialized CPU? I have never specifically picked parts for a computer before so I am totally lost on motherboards. Well, there's nothing wrong with a 2600k for gaming, it's just that unless you do a lot of heavy encoding or rendering, the primary difference between an i7 and an i5 is wasted. That being HyperThreading. HT only benefits heavily threaded apps, which most games aren't. i5 2500k OCs quite well on it's own, (k suffix being for OCing, buy non-k if you don't plan to), and performs just as well as a 2600k for most tasks, for quite a bit less money, letting you put the cash elsewhere for more gain. Hell, the main thing my HT gets used for is better results when I'm benching for fun... | ||
Canada13817 Posts
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Netherlands1788 Posts
On September 19 2011 23:52 JingleHell wrote: What CPU would be better if I don't plan on upgrading for a long time? Do you recon games will make more use of HT as time passes? And I don't plan on overclocking so an i7 2600 would be better than a 2600k and an i5 2500 would be better than a 2500k (the price difference between the 2600k and 2600 is 5 euros, and 2500k and 2500 is 9 euros)?Well, there's nothing wrong with a 2600k for gaming, it's just that unless you do a lot of heavy encoding or rendering, the primary difference between an i7 and an i5 is wasted. That being HyperThreading. HT only benefits heavily threaded apps, which most games aren't. i5 2500k OCs quite well on it's own, (k suffix being for OCing, buy non-k if you don't plan to), and performs just as well as a 2600k for most tasks, for quite a bit less money, letting you put the cash elsewhere for more gain. Hell, the main thing my HT gets used for is better results when I'm benching for fun... The difference between the i7 and i5 is 80 euros, would getting an i5 and a HD6970 (That's what I can get for 80 euros extra) make a bigger difference than getting an i7 and a HD6950 2GB? I think my main question is whether an i7 has more longevity than an i5 (by that I mean, will I be able to run games on ultra settings for a longer period of time with an i7 with respect to 80 euros extra) as money is almost not an issue. I have already set money aside for a SSD (it is possible to use a small (120GB) SSD and a larger normal HDD, right?) and 8GB ram + cases, sound carts, etc. | ||
Canada13817 Posts
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Legatus Lanius
2135 Posts
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United States11308 Posts
On September 20 2011 00:43 Legatus Lanius wrote: haha i wonder if sandy bridge E will beat bulldozer out The only part where I even have to wonder at this point is threaded apps, octo-core BD vs Hex SB-E. I'm guessing SB-E still wins, if recent history is anything to go by. | ||
Legatus Lanius
2135 Posts
On September 20 2011 00:50 JingleHell wrote: The only part where I even have to wonder at this point is threaded apps, octo-core BD vs Hex SB-E. I'm guessing SB-E still wins, if recent history is anything to go by. i meant beat it out as in the release date. but yeah everything seems to point towards one big giant amd disappointment there was an article on tom's fagware about sb-e, with some benchmarks. not sure how legit it is though | ||
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