edit: well of course you ninjad me..
Forum Index > Tech Support |
When using this resource, please read FragKrag's opening post. The Tech Support forum regulars have helped create countless of desktop systems without any compensation. The least you can do is provide all of the information required for them to help you properly. | ||
31 Posts
April 23 2012 00:00 GMT
edit: well of course you ninjad me.. Muwahahaha! | ||
Finland33997 Posts
April 23 2012 00:16 GMT
On April 23 2012 08:54 Uberfetus wrote: Budget: 1200-1500 Resolution: Max 1920 x 1080 Uses: Lots of gaming, and heavy video production for school Cycle: 2 Years, want something to last me for a while! Build time: Soonest. I am going away for 4 months in May to work, and going to be gaming with colleagues. OC: Seems a bit over the top for me, my stock machines seem to run fine, don't know why you would HAVE to overclock it, but wouldn't mind if some parts were able to be mildly overclocked. OS: Use Windows Ultimate pirated edition...?? Always works for me. SLI/CF: Was thinking about gettinga powerful single GPU over dual GPU's. Buying all my stuff from Canada's computers, they are good, and have dealth with them before! Help would be appreciated, I took the forum noob route, so this should be a step in the right direction! For 1080p you don't even need a huge graphics card, 7870 would be my suggestion for price-performance and I wouldn't go above 7950. Both are great at their current price points and they overclock extremely well and have low power consumption. I feel like 680 is overkill but it of course is a good card as well. I wouldn't go for that though as the diminishing returns begin hitting the price-performance. I'd personally wait for ivybridge as it's right around the corner, but the rationale for choosing between the i5 and i7 is going to be the same. If you mostly use the computer for gaming and only do heavy video editing and processing and encoding every few weeks, i5 would probably be preferable. If you think that you use those softwares often enough for the ~30-40% increase in speed there to be worth 100 euros, then go with i7. For me to feel like it's worth it, I'd probably need to use that kind of programs at least weekly. However with your budget I feel like it might be a worthwhile investment, as it still is very nice to unzip large files quickly. For the rest of the system it's going to be pretty straight-forward. You are going to get a 40$ 8gb 1600mhz kit because even with that kind of a budget you're not going to start going for 1% performance increase for double the price as that money would be far better spent elsewhere. You're going to want an SSD as well. It's kind of up to you which one you like, but Crucial m4 and Samsung 830 are decent choices and I have read that the new Intel one is decent as well. Also for Sandforce I've heard good things about Corsair Force GT and I think that Corsair is more reliable than OCZ. I'd go with a 120 gb drive though a 60 gb one might be enough as well. Motherboard depends on if you want to wait until ivybridge, which I'd do. Oh yeah, and you really want to overclock, in my opinion. In fact, by overclocking a 2500k to 4.5 Ghz(Easily achievable with a decent cooler like hyper 212 evo) you can almost entirely make up for the edge 2600k has in video encoding. As for the power supply, if you go with what I recommend (7950 or 7870 with a 2500k or 2600k or equivalent ivybridges) I'd go with a good 450-550w unit. Something like XFX Core 550 should be a nice and cheap power supply, though there's higher-end ones if you prefer to spend a little bit extra (Which could be a good idea). Even though you have a really large budget, do consider something like using the rest on things like a new chair, a nice desk, a better monitor, a second or a third monitor, and things like that. Making component choices for silence would be a very good idea as well. It's really not necessary to overkill on performance for a single screen, and if you decide to go that route overclocking would be far better than throwing more money around. One last thing, I'd recommend you consider ncix if you buy from canada because you can pricematch there and they have free shipping. | ||
31 Posts
April 23 2012 00:23 GMT
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Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 00:23 GMT
Motherboard doesn't depend on anything. Regardless if you're getting a 2500k or 3570k, you should be looking at getting a Z77 unless there is a sale for a Z68. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
April 23 2012 00:26 GMT
On April 23 2012 09:23 skyR wrote: NCIX doesn't have free shipping. Canada Computers also price matches. The reason why you buy from NCIX is because they have a wider selection. Motherboard doesn't depend on anything. Regardless if you're getting a 2500k or 3570k, you should be looking at getting a Z77 unless there is a sale for a Z68. ncix should PM me before they change their policies -_- And I have no clue about Z77 boards so ^-^ And they all seem overpriced o.O Does Z77 work with haswell? | ||
Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 00:27 GMT
Z77A G43 / G45, P8Z77-M Pro are all around $120. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
April 23 2012 00:38 GMT
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137 Posts
April 23 2012 01:04 GMT
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United States11308 Posts
April 23 2012 01:06 GMT
On April 23 2012 10:04 STYDawn wrote: Ok, i bought all the parts for my 3820 build. Now how would i be able to tell if its the gpu thats not working or the rest of the components if it doesnt boot? For starters you answer some questions. Is there a case speaker? If so, do you get a POST beep? Are there motherboard POST/troubleshooting LEDs? If so, are they doing anything? Is the PSU switched on? Did you install standoffs? Did you connect all the power cables, including 8pin EPS and 24pin mobo? | ||
United Kingdom568 Posts
April 23 2012 01:18 GMT
Thank you | ||
Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 01:21 GMT
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Canada635 Posts
April 23 2012 01:54 GMT
I would really appreciate if you guys would optimize my build ![]() + Show Spoiler + Hi! I am in need of a new PC because mine does not meet minimum requirements anymore.This is my first time building so I do not know exactly how to go about doing this. I know that I need a set of individual parts found online, and then I need to put them together :O So i'll start with Teh Qwestionnaire. Any input appreciated! If you need any more info feel free to PM me or write here, I am active tri-daily for usually extended amounts of time ![]() The Questionnaire! + Show Spoiler + What is your budget? 750-1250 Canadian dollars. I currently have a keyboard, mouse and ~22 inch old dell flatscreen monitor(They are all old in fact). I’d need everything except what I mentioned above. Stand-by on the monitor at the moment, I’m on a modest budget for now. What is your resolution? I would like to be able to game on higher resolutions when I come across a capable monitor. Preferably something modestly big and detailed! At the moment my resolution seems to be 1680x1050. What are you using it for? Gaming on high or Ultra graphics and homework! Perhaps attach the pc to my TV via umbilical chord for movies, IDK. I don’t really have space for two monitors here so scratching that off. Nothing serious, but after I get my PC I'm gonna make sure to take very close care of it like an enthusiast would. Yeah, right after I get my hands on Metro 2033 or Crysis + ultra graphiscs *drool* What is your upgrade cycle? As long as humanly possible, my current dell pre-built is almost as old as XP lol so at least two years, after that I would be more than willing to upgrade its performance over replacing the entire thing. Cost effectiveness and longevity in mind. Odd couple, I know. When do you plan on building it? Anytime between now and January. I'm not really on a strict deadline here, just looking to replace my caveputer around the time HotS and D3 (possibly) come out. Preferably slightly before! Do you plan on overclocking? Lets just say I'd rather O/C down the line rather than purchase new expensive parts. If overclocking down the line is discouraged, then my answer is no. Unless there is some benefit of overclocking that I cannot comprehend, like fps whores. Do you need an Operating System? Most likely not. If I do, I’ll look into college student deals somewhere/how. Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? I heard the benefits do not outweigh the risks of doing this, but it wouldn't hurt to have a compatible motherboard. Lets just say again that I'll do whatever's clever when it comes to my GPU and its possible future partner in crime Where are you buying your parts from? Live in Quebec, CANADA so I will most likely purchase from Tigerdirect or NCIX or www.memoryexpress.com (<-?) There is a http://www.microbytes.com/ somewhere around the island but to be honest I think sticking with national online retail would be the easier. Newegg.ca meh If I knew exactly how to ‘bother with MIR’ I most certainly would, but that doesn’t seem too difficult in comparison to assembling a PC heh An optimal part list would be greatly appreciated, also if it would be wise to have a certain extended warranty please recommend ![]() Part list permalink: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen Part price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen/by_merchant/ Benchmarks: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen/benchmarks/ CPU: Core i7-3770K for 330$ or Core i5-3750 for 220$ (Very soon) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus 76.8 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($30.66 @ NCIX) Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($99.99 @ NCIX) Memory: Mushkin Blackline 12GB (3 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($62.99 @ Newegg Canada) Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($119.99 @ Newegg Canada) Video Card: PowerColor Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card ($232.14 @ DirectCanada) Case: Antec Three Hundred ATX Mid Tower Case ($34.99 @ Memory Express) Power Supply: OCZ 1000W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($39.99 @ NCIX) Optical Drive: Samsung SH-222AL/RSBS DVD/CD Writer ($25.99 @ Vuugo) Total: $866.74-976.74$ (Plus mouse, keyboard, maybe monitor, and SSD!) (Prices include shipping and discounts when available.) (Generated 2012-04-22 21:42 EDT-0400) Thanks in advance ![]() | ||
United States52 Posts
April 23 2012 02:19 GMT
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Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 02:47 GMT
On April 23 2012 10:54 Puph wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Hey guys. Looking to order PC components in the coming week that can play 1080P video games and generally be a beast that will last. I may or may not overclock/crossfire in the not so near future so as to run smoothly for as long as possible. I will most likely avoid streaming but I may record videos with my PC. This is what I have come up with so far... Please note, I am in the market for a new mouse/keyboard but that can be ignored for now. I am interested in a Razor abyssus or death adder along with a Das Keyboard for the record. I understand 1333mhz ram is the norm, I'd revert down to it if it is significantly cheaper. I will also scout for better deals a few days before purchase just in case, but I'm gonna purchase from different retailers at the same time because some offer better prices or free shipping. Is this the correct way to proceed? I would really appreciate if you guys would optimize my build ![]() + Show Spoiler + Hi! I am in need of a new PC because mine does not meet minimum requirements anymore.This is my first time building so I do not know exactly how to go about doing this. I know that I need a set of individual parts found online, and then I need to put them together :O So i'll start with Teh Qwestionnaire. Any input appreciated! If you need any more info feel free to PM me or write here, I am active tri-daily for usually extended amounts of time ![]() The Questionnaire! + Show Spoiler + What is your budget? 750-1250 Canadian dollars. I currently have a keyboard, mouse and ~22 inch old dell flatscreen monitor(They are all old in fact). I’d need everything except what I mentioned above. Stand-by on the monitor at the moment, I’m on a modest budget for now. What is your resolution? I would like to be able to game on higher resolutions when I come across a capable monitor. Preferably something modestly big and detailed! At the moment my resolution seems to be 1680x1050. What are you using it for? Gaming on high or Ultra graphics and homework! Perhaps attach the pc to my TV via umbilical chord for movies, IDK. I don’t really have space for two monitors here so scratching that off. Nothing serious, but after I get my PC I'm gonna make sure to take very close care of it like an enthusiast would. Yeah, right after I get my hands on Metro 2033 or Crysis + ultra graphiscs *drool* What is your upgrade cycle? As long as humanly possible, my current dell pre-built is almost as old as XP lol so at least two years, after that I would be more than willing to upgrade its performance over replacing the entire thing. Cost effectiveness and longevity in mind. Odd couple, I know. When do you plan on building it? Anytime between now and January. I'm not really on a strict deadline here, just looking to replace my caveputer around the time HotS and D3 (possibly) come out. Preferably slightly before! Do you plan on overclocking? Lets just say I'd rather O/C down the line rather than purchase new expensive parts. If overclocking down the line is discouraged, then my answer is no. Unless there is some benefit of overclocking that I cannot comprehend, like fps whores. Do you need an Operating System? Most likely not. If I do, I’ll look into college student deals somewhere/how. Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? I heard the benefits do not outweigh the risks of doing this, but it wouldn't hurt to have a compatible motherboard. Lets just say again that I'll do whatever's clever when it comes to my GPU and its possible future partner in crime Where are you buying your parts from? Live in Quebec, CANADA so I will most likely purchase from Tigerdirect or NCIX or www.memoryexpress.com (<-?) There is a http://www.microbytes.com/ somewhere around the island but to be honest I think sticking with national online retail would be the easier. Newegg.ca meh If I knew exactly how to ‘bother with MIR’ I most certainly would, but that doesn’t seem too difficult in comparison to assembling a PC heh An optimal part list would be greatly appreciated, also if it would be wise to have a certain extended warranty please recommend ![]() Part list permalink: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen Part price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen/by_merchant/ Benchmarks: http://pcpartpicker.com/ca/p/7cen/benchmarks/ CPU: Core i7-3770K for 330$ or Core i5-3750 for 220$ (Very soon) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus 76.8 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($30.66 @ NCIX) Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Pro3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($99.99 @ NCIX) Memory: Mushkin Blackline 12GB (3 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($62.99 @ Newegg Canada) Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($119.99 @ Newegg Canada) Video Card: PowerColor Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card ($232.14 @ DirectCanada) Case: Antec Three Hundred ATX Mid Tower Case ($34.99 @ Memory Express) Power Supply: OCZ 1000W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($39.99 @ NCIX) Optical Drive: Samsung SH-222AL/RSBS DVD/CD Writer ($25.99 @ Vuugo) Total: $866.74-976.74$ (Plus mouse, keyboard, maybe monitor) (Prices include shipping and discounts when available.) (Generated 2012-04-22 21:42 EDT-0400) Thanks in advance ![]() The hyperthreading of a core i7 offers no benefits for gaming as games do not take advantage of a lot of threads. The core i5 3570k will be sufficient (it's a 3570, not a 3750). Hyper 212+ can be had for $24 at BestDirect or DirectCanada. Asrock Z77 Pro3 is not available at NCIX nor is it a good choice at $130, it also sucks for CrossfireX as it runs at x16 / x4. You'd want a MSI Z77 G43 / G45 or ASUS P8Z77-M Pro instead, all around $120. LGA1155 is dual channel, you want a dual channel kit so 2x4gb or 4x4gb. 2x4gb 1333MHz / 1600MHz kits can be had for about $40. If you're buying something more expensive than ~$40 than you're allocating your budget wrong. There's dozens of burners for around $17. A refurbished OCZ Elitexstream for $80 is terrible. You don't need this absurd amount of power, you would need like half a dozen 7850s or more all overclocked to use this amount of power. If you want to do SLI / CrossfireX than you'd want a ~600w unit sich as an Antec Earthwatts 650, XFX Core Edition 650, Antec High Current Gamer 620, PC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk III 600, Corsair TX650v2, Seasonic S12II 620, and so on. Antec Three Hundred is a bad case but I guess it's okay if you want to count in the mail in rebates. For recording, you need a dedicated HDD to record to. Paypal is terrible, don't use it. Pay by CC or Interac. Dell Ultrasharp U2312HM is currently $199, has been as low as $184. It goes on sale quite often: http://accessories.dell.com/sna/products/Monitors_Flat_Panel_Widescreen/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1&sku=320-2807 You can purchase from different retailers if you wish or you can pricematch everything at NCIX. BestDirect and DirectCanada which are sister companies of NCIX offer free shipping given that some criteria is met. On April 23 2012 11:19 Mandarinez wrote:+ Show Spoiler + At what point does the i5 2500k start to hold back the graphics card?, overclocked and at stock? Or are we not at a point yet where the 2500k is not sufficient for any kind of game? Every point where there is a CPU bottleneck... | ||
31 Posts
April 23 2012 02:47 GMT
PSU: Thermaltake TR2 500W Power Supply Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G45 Socket 1155 Intel Z77 Chipset DDR3 GPU: Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7950 Chipset (900Mhz) 3GB GDDR5 (5000Mhz) Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K Quad-Core Socket 3.4 GHz CPU Heatsink: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series DDR3 1600MHz Dual Channel Kit Hardrive: Seagate Barracuda (ST1000DM003) SATA3 6.0Gb/s 1TB 64MB Cache CD/DVD: ASUS DRW-24B1ST Black SATA 24X DVD-Writer Case: Thermaltake Commander MS-I Snow Edition ATX Mid Tower Seems like this makes more sense going on the guidelines I was given... anyone have anything helpful to add? ![]() Is the dual channel kit worth the extra 5$, does normal memory come with it anyways? I don't understand the dual channel thing... | ||
Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 02:52 GMT
On April 23 2012 11:47 Uberfetus wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Ok, so I REDID my computer build now, and this is what it looks like: PSU: Thermaltake TR2 500W Power Supply Motherboard: MSI Z77A-G45 Socket 1155 Intel Z77 Chipset DDR3 GPU: Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7950 Chipset (900Mhz) 3GB GDDR5 (5000Mhz) Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K Quad-Core Socket 3.4 GHz CPU Heatsink: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series DDR3 1600MHz Dual Channel Kit Hardrive: Seagate Barracuda (ST1000DM003) SATA3 6.0Gb/s 1TB 64MB Cache CD/DVD: ASUS DRW-24B1ST Black SATA 24X DVD-Writer Case: Thermaltake Commander MS-I Snow Edition ATX Mid Tower Seems like this makes more sense going on the guidelines I was given... anyone have anything helpful to add? ![]() Is the dual channel kit worth the extra 5$, does normal memory come with it anyways? I don't understand the dual channel thing... TR2 500 sucks. Pretty sure the case sucks too. Memory does not come with anything. It is the motherboard that runs your memory in dual channel and at its rated frequency and timings. If you have two DIMMs in the same colored slot than it'll be in dual channel. The performance gain is negligible but unless you're too poor to afford 8GB which you don't seem to be than what's the point of getting a single 8GB DIMM? | ||
31 Posts
April 23 2012 03:03 GMT
you're too poor to afford 8GB which you don't seem to be than what's the point of getting a single 8GB DIMM? The RAM is 2x 4GB if that is what you mean? What makes a case better than another? Is it ability to route cables and the amount of spaces for fans and stuff?? | ||
Canada13817 Posts
April 23 2012 03:10 GMT
Construction, material, features, and so on. | ||
Canada635 Posts
April 23 2012 03:29 GMT
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United States1080 Posts
April 23 2012 03:46 GMT
Internal drives are typically faster, so if you don't need it to be external, don't. | ||
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