So as the late night goes on, I love the liquidians say in Stacract 2. And an amusing fantastic part of the game that will exist is the chatacters clicky clicky cliky text.
Present times for the marines: "You wanna piece of me boy? ... I'd would fall in love with everything if they'd afte many clicks say...... "after ten years you'd best be ready to take a piece of me boy."
Throw out some more "OOC" on the click click click on units that would make you forever in love with the game to see in starcraft 2.
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edit - hey who edited my post, I made the Q marks so the thread was even more fucked up.
edit2 - Oh I guess he made his post make a little more sense now. That would be sick if a marine was like, "General Boxer wouldn't let any of us die" or something like that.
I'd like to see the long term fans of the game and the professionals and even some of the just casual fans like me manage to sneak some cute little phrases in.
"Take your piece of me boy"
-Starcraft 2. Harsh, mmmm maybe, mayhaps almost realistic
Super informative post, ChuckMur!
On August 18 2007 16:09 CharlieMurphy wrote: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Whereas the first post was bad, this one's just horrible.
Adding some quotes from progamers would be fun "That is many tank yes?"
United States20661 Posts
include boxer's imitations ;x
I don't think this idea is as bad as people are saying
I mean artanis has some quotes referencing wc3; the observer references sc itself.
it's not so strange for blizzard games to reference each other.
in usermaps when you press stop on the soulhunter he says Surf's up
On August 18 2007 16:09 CharlieMurphy wrote: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
charliemurphy ftw.
On August 18 2007 16:09 CharlieMurphy wrote: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
u made the page look ugly =[
on topic: i actually dont know what to say to the OP, it was very a confusing post
Haha hell yeah i'd really like to have them aswell. I think this is blizzard's signature, so i'd not be worried about them! :p
For those who didn't understand : Just click on the marine countless time, they'll go crazy after a while :p
Netherlands1231 Posts
Whatever happens, at least 1 Terran unit should carry a Boxer reference.
i hate the original poster
yeah then we could all run and laugh and push eachother in the bushes
On August 18 2007 21:18 Stegosaur wrote: Whatever happens, at least 1 Terran unit should carry a Boxer reference.
United States42008 Posts
This idea makes sense. In bw units make reference to sci-fi culture and previous blizzard games. "this isn't warcraft in space, it's much more.... sophisticated" etc. It should continue and a part of that would be units which appear in bw and sc2 making in jokes about themselves. All in all it's a decent idea.
"Whad'ya mean wat accent is dis? It's a TROLL accent. I swear yah makin' (jamaican ) meh crazy!"