After three days of games, only

Quarterfinals recap
Match 1:

Game 1: Apart from some early game harassment both players managed to macro up comfortably on Blackpink. Classic did try to do some damage via warp prism and blink stalkers, but got his entire force caught and destroyed. Seeing an opportunity Maru geared up for a raven assisted SCV pull timing. Classic however was well prepared having both storms and a surprise disruptor. After holding the push Classic simply walked across the map and crushed Maru with the counter-attack.
Game 2: Both players got off to a normal start on Catalyst but it was Classic who went into the mid-game with the intent to blindside Maru. Classic revealed his first oracle and despite not doing much damage built an additional 2, along with a small ground force, with the intent of killing the terran. Maru’s superior focus fire however allowed him to easily clean-up Classic’s haphazard army and counter-attack across the map for an easy win.
Game 3: Acid Plant saw a mostly calm early game. Classic once more chose to take the initiative via a glaive adept built. Classic tried to harass but, upon identifying how well Maru was defending simply got a 3rd base behind the pressure. Maru banked all his chips on a large bio and mine push but Classic was able to isolate the mines with forcefields, quickly turning the fight into his favor. Maru desperately tried to get damage done but only lost army while Classic was backstabbing his economy and attempts to expand. After having stabilized Classic finally pushed across the map to secure his win.
Game 4: On Neon Violet Square Classic chose to bring the pain early, going for a 3 adept harass followed up by double oracle. Classic was successfully able to keep Maru pinned in his main for a long time, killing 12 SCVs while getting his own 3rd Nexus up. Despite Classic miss-placing his Nexus farther away from the minerals Classic was still very far ahead in economy. Maru tried once more to force his way back into the game via harass, but Classic went blow for blow sending his own adepts and warp prisms to keep Maru’s economy low until the Terran had run out of gas and was forced to GG.
Match 2:

Game 1: On Acid plant both Zergs opened up with standard economic builds, getting up to 3 bases and mirroring each other’s builds for the first 3 minutes and a half. Dark was the first to deviate getting a large number of speedings and applying pressure. Despite losing 10 drones TRUE held and counter-attacked, doing far more damage to Dark, sniping the 3rd and forcing his opponent to tap out.
Game 2: While both Zergs opened the same on Blackpink it was Dark who chose to be the aggressor once more. This time Dark's control was superior, getting better trades all around and transitioning to roaches at just the right time to muscle his way through TRUE’s natural and clinch the game.
Game 3: TRUE decided to mix it up on Eastwatch going for a very quick gold base nat expand. Anticipating the greed from his opponent Dark went for a fast pool, speed and banes. Dark managed to catch TRUE completely off guard, sniping the nat and leaving all but 4 drones alive in the main, forcing a quick GG.
Game 4: It was TRUE who decided to be the aggressor on Catalyst going for a pool and gas. Dark decided to go for a much safer pool before hatch, but without gas. Dark, upon seeing the lack of a nat from TRUE managed to deduce the nature of the build and quickly retreated home. Despite holding the attack from TRUE and not losing the nat, Dark was effectively pinned, allowing his opponent to drone up without impunity and also get a much quicker 3rd. TRUE also denied Dark’s attempts to expand further putting him behind. Having translated his economic advantage into a huge army TRUE finally went for an attack, doing crippling damage and leaving Dark vulnerable to the final shove which would come moments later.
Game 5: Both Zergs decided macro up on Neon Violet Square. Upon reaching the mid-game it was TRUE who decided to mix it up via going early melee attack upgrade and following it up with armor and a large number of lings. TRUE however was not able to get any use out of the upgrades and Dark deflected the attacks deftly. Both progressed into roach tech but Dark also got a spire and a large number of mutas. Dark used the mutas to great effect, doing economic damage, denying vision for TRUE and even rotating them back to help him defend when his opponent geared up for a massive attack. With the momentum firmly in his hands, Dark hit TRUE with two massive back to back attacks, forcing a weird base trade which Dark ultimately won.
Match 3:

Game 1: Both players went for early expansions on Neon Violet Square. INnoVation was gearing to do some pressure via a cyclone however herO decided to end the game quickly via an early blink. Despite seeing the stalkers INnovation didn’t pull any additional SCVs to repair and got only one bunker, making his demise quick once herO sniped his only defense.
Game 2: Blackpink saw both players once more open standard. herO started gearing up for aggression from the beginning, boosting out his first adept and warpgate tech. INnoVation’s greed once more got the better of him as herO’s attack hit when he had no bunker up. Despite holding INnoVation was wounded and took a lot of damage from herO’s follow-up attack, going down to 10 SCVs. In desperation INnoVation tried to push across the map and do damage but herO already had immortals and easily deflected the attack
Game 3: On Backwater despite some posturing both players macroed up to a strong early game. herO’s choice of aoe units was distruptors and INnoVation responded with liberators. INnoVation looked ready to destroy herO, droping the 3rd base and slowly pushing into the nat while also dropping the main and sniping the fleet beacon. But a moment of inattention saw all of the bio army wiped out by several disruptor hits. herO countered across the map and tried to siege INnoVation, but was ultimately forced back. Despite getting a good number of tempests herO was never able to fully whittle down the terran army. INnoVation slowly edged himself forward, trading cost efficiently until he finally broke the protoss.
Game 4: Catalyst played out similarly to the previous game, with both players choosing to macro and go into the late game. herO once more chose to go for disruptors, but took a much earlier hit, losing his 3rd base to a deft attack from INnoVation. herO tried to repay the favor several times but only bleed units against the terran army. INnoVation kept deflecting herO’s attacks and trading cost efficiently and, without a tempest follow-up he was able to secure a much earlier victory.
Game 5: While both players chose to macro on Darkness Sanctuary herO finally decided to change it up going for double forge upgrades into colossus. Using the map’s size to his advantage herO also went for some warp prism harass, keeping INnoVation back until he was ready to pounce. herO hit a strong timing with his two colossus, striking before INnoVation had enough liberators to defend and finally taking the series.
Match 4:

Game 1: The game on Neon Violet Square got off to a wild start with Stats' early stargate paying dividends. The combined oracle, phoenix harass saw Stats gain an early worker lead. Solar however looked to make a play in the mid-game committing heavily to ling, bane and a few ravagers to break forcefields. Despite almost always being ahead in supply Solar was never able to break Stats due to a combination of strong positioning and well used storms. Solar kept throwing his inferior ling army into the fold until he finally ran out of gas and was forced to tap out.
Game 2: Stats got off to another early lead on Acid Plant, this time via a massive adept harass which killed lots of drones and even killed the 3rd base. Solar tried to do the best of a bad situation, macroing up behind his posturing. Stats however got complacent and allowed Solar to macro back into the game. Solar then surprised Stats with a muta switch which did crippling economic and army damage. Now pinned down himself Stats tried to survive off the back of storms but it wasn’t enough and he had to tap out.
Game 3: Stats once more went for a stargate, but this time proxied. Stats then sent a small number of adepts to keep Solar busy while the oracle was building, and managed to hit at the perfect time to kill 10 drones in total. Off this lead, Stats geared up for a zealot, archon attack. While the zealots and archons went into the main, assisted by a warp prism Stats also hit the 3rd with zealots, doing massive damage and forcing Solar to GG.
Game 4: Having had enough of Stats’ early game shenanigans Solar decided to bring the pain on Blackpink via a nydus bust. Stats went for a stargate once more, leaving him open to the attack due to the lack of units. When the nydus unburrowed Solar had enough queens to transfuse it and roaches to deal game ending damage and forcing the series to the final game.
Game 5: Eastwatch started relatively normal, with no huge early game harass. Solar decided to throw another curve ball at Stats in the form of a hidden hatch. Despite fully saturating his base Solar didn’t get enough units out in time to prevent its loss when Stats eventually did discover it. Stats once more geared up for a strong mid game attack with archons, immortals and zealots. While Solar did manage to survive he took severe damage and was not able to defend against the follow-up attack which also contained storms.