Yeah no problem! I mean I had chances to sell Sen after you fixed it but I had second thoughts which told me not to sell him. But during the block I clicked the button!
WCS Predictor 2015IEM Taipei Day 5+ Show Spoiler [Changes During This Tournament] +(Simulation #1198 vs #1207) Biggest Winners Soulkey went up by 16.54%, going from 24.15% to 40.7% Rogue went up by 16.33%, going from 58.95% to 75.28% Dark went up by 11.14%, going from 45.56% to 56.69% PartinG went up by 10.05%, going from 71.25% to 81.3% TY went up by 9.43%, going from 59.18% to 68.6% Maru went up by 9.18%, going from 74.58% to 83.76% Dear went up by 6.31%, going from 50.06% to 56.37%+ Show Spoiler [More Winners] + HyuN went up by 4.96%, going from 6.33% to 11.28% Life went up by 3.58%, going from 92.79% to 96.37% MMA went up by 3.4%, going from 18.12% to 21.52% Dream went up by 3.19%, going from 33.73% to 36.92% PiG went up by 2.67%, going from 6.69% to 9.36% ShoWTimE went up by 0.93%, going from 8.93% to 9.86% viOLet went up by 0.69%, going from 12.13% to 12.81% Hurricane went up by 0.62%, going from 1.48% to 2.1% HuK went up by 0.59%, going from 3.43% to 4.02% TargA went up by 0.39%, going from 13.68% to 14.07% NaNiwa went up by 0.37%, going from 21.52% to 21.89% Happy went up by 0.36%, going from 16.23% to 16.59% Bunny went up by 0.33%, going from 10.8% to 11.13% Solar went up by 0.31%, going from 30.53% to 30.84% herO went up by 0.29%, going from 90.78% to 91.07% MaNa went up by 0.24%, going from 5.96% to 6.2% Center went up by 0.2%, going from 0.84% to 1.04% TLO went up by 0.2%, going from 1.57% to 1.77% TRUE went up by 0.18%, going from 2.1% to 2.28% puCK went up by 0.13%, going from 0.6% to 0.73% MacSed went up by 0.13%, going from 0.58% to 0.71% Biggest Losers GuMiho went down by 29.18%, going from 61.41% to 32.23% Bomber went down by 17.93%, going from 32.47% to 14.54% ForGG went down by 10.32%, going from 76.25% to 65.94% Snute went down by 6.26%, going from 36.6% to 30.34% San went down by 5.26%, going from 12.75% to 7.5% Rain went down by 3.99%, going from 74.69% to 70.7% Hydra went down by 2.94%, going from 45.75% to 42.81%+ Show Spoiler [More Losers] + Polt went down by 2.92%, going from 38.42% to 35.5% MyuNgSiK went down by 2.72%, going from 4.08% to 1.35% Sen went down by 2.63%, going from 9.47% to 6.84% Leenock went down by 2.56%, going from 25.64% to 23.08% MajOr went down by 2.41%, going from 21.32% to 18.91% Sacsri went down by 1.6%, going from 3.33% to 1.73% Super went down by 1.06%, going from 52.45% to 51.39% INnoVation went down by 0.98%, going from 56.78% to 55.81% YongHwa went down by 0.91%, going from 2.09% to 1.18% jjakji went down by 0.78%, going from 3.14% to 2.36% YoDa went down by 0.76%, going from 21.49% to 20.73% TaeJa went down by 0.71%, going from 24.76% to 24.05% Terminator went down by 0.65%, going from 28.26% to 27.61% Patience went down by 0.49%, going from 1.21% to 0.71% DongRaeGu went down by 0.47%, going from 1.62% to 1.14% Zest went down by 0.46%, going from 16.07% to 15.61% Stats went down by 0.44%, going from 49.04% to 48.59% Classic went down by 0.38%, going from 6.52% to 6.14% sOs went down by 0.33%, going from 17.12% to 16.79% Has went down by 0.31%, going from 2.59% to 2.28% Seed went down by 0.31%, going from 0.47% to 0.16% Bbyong went down by 0.29%, going from 7.31% to 7.02% Losira went down by 0.28%, going from 2.23% to 1.95% MC went down by 0.27%, going from 8.48% to 8.21% First went down by 0.23%, going from 9.2% to 8.97% iaguz went down by 0.23%, going from 2.01% to 1.77% FanTaSy went down by 0.2%, going from 7.82% to 7.63% uThermal went down by 0.2%, going from 3.55% to 3.35% Cure went down by 0.18%, going from 6.16% to 5.97% Impact went down by 0.16%, going from 0.9% to 0.74% MarineKing went down by 0.16%, going from 5.32% to 5.17% Flash went down by 0.15%, going from 4.32% to 4.17% Ourk went down by 0.15%, going from 0.43% to 0.28% Jim went down by 0.12%, going from 5.55% to 5.43% Sora went down by 0.12%, going from 2.14% to 2.02% Life vs PartinG in in IEM Taipei semifinals. Life has the #1 headband and Parting has the #3 headband! Winner takes the #1, loser takes the #3! Life is at 96.37% Blizzcon Chances. 46.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.34%. 53.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 95.53%. PartinG is at 81.3% Blizzcon Chances. 53.56% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 84.11%. 46.44% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 78.06%. Soulkey vs Maru in in IEM Taipei semifinals. Soulkey is at 40.7% Blizzcon Chances. 40.99% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 45.42%. 59.01% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.41%. Maru is at 83.76% Blizzcon Chances. 59.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 85.69%. 40.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 80.98%. IEM Taipei Winning Chances in ~ PartinG has a 34.42% chance to win ----going from 81.3% to 86.02% if they get 1st, or 80.68% if they get 2nd. Life has a 29.34% chance to win ----going from 96.37% to 97.86% if they get 1st, or 95.75% if they don't. Maru has a 23.33% chance to win ----going from 83.76% to 88.51% if they get 1st, or 82.31% if they don't. Soulkey has a 12.91% chance to win ----going from 40.7% to 52.53% if they get 1st, or 38.94% if they don't.
WCS Predictor 2015IEM Taipei + Show Spoiler [Changes During This Tournament] +(Sim #1198 vs #1208) Biggest Winners Rogue went up by 16.59%, going from 58.95% to 75.53% Soulkey went up by 13.45%, going from 24.15% to 37.6% Dark went up by 11.36%, going from 45.56% to 56.92% Maru went up by 11.28%, going from 74.58% to 85.86% TY went up by 9.73%, going from 59.18% to 68.91% Dear went up by 6.34%, going from 50.06% to 56.4% HyuN went up by 5.04%, going from 6.33% to 11.37%+ Show Spoiler [More Winners] + Life went up by 4.75%, going from 92.79% to 97.54% MMA went up by 3.68%, going from 18.12% to 21.8% PartinG went up by 3.45%, going from 71.25% to 74.7% Dream went up by 3.27%, going from 33.73% to 37.01% PiG went up by 2.73%, going from 6.69% to 9.41% ShoWTimE went up by 1.04%, going from 8.93% to 9.97% viOLet went up by 0.75%, going from 12.13% to 12.88% HuK went up by 0.65%, going from 3.43% to 4.08% Hurricane went up by 0.62%, going from 1.48% to 2.1% Solar went up by 0.58%, going from 30.53% to 31.11% Happy went up by 0.47%, going from 16.23% to 16.7% TargA went up by 0.46%, going from 13.68% to 14.14% Bunny went up by 0.44%, going from 10.8% to 11.25% NaNiwa went up by 0.41%, going from 21.52% to 21.93% herO went up by 0.41%, going from 90.78% to 91.18% MaNa went up by 0.29%, going from 5.96% to 6.25% TRUE went up by 0.23%, going from 2.1% to 2.33% Center went up by 0.21%, going from 0.84% to 1.05% TLO went up by 0.2%, going from 1.57% to 1.77% MacSed went up by 0.15%, going from 0.58% to 0.73% puCK went up by 0.13%, going from 0.6% to 0.73% Nerchio went up by 0.1%, going from 0.96% to 1.06% Biggest Losers GuMiho went down by 28.95%, going from 61.41% to 32.46% Bomber went down by 17.87%, going from 32.47% to 14.6% ForGG went down by 10.17%, going from 76.25% to 66.09% Snute went down by 6.08%, going from 36.6% to 30.52% San went down by 5.19%, going from 12.75% to 7.57% Rain went down by 3.84%, going from 74.69% to 70.85% Hydra went down by 2.85%, going from 45.75% to 42.89%+ Show Spoiler [More Losers] + Polt went down by 2.79%, going from 38.42% to 35.64% MyuNgSiK went down by 2.71%, going from 4.08% to 1.37% Sen went down by 2.6%, going from 9.47% to 6.87% Leenock went down by 2.51%, going from 25.64% to 23.13% MajOr went down by 2.32%, going from 21.32% to 19.01% Sacsri went down by 1.58%, going from 3.33% to 1.75% Super went down by 1.02%, going from 52.45% to 51.43% YongHwa went down by 0.91%, going from 2.09% to 1.19% jjakji went down by 0.75%, going from 3.14% to 2.39% INnoVation went down by 0.66%, going from 56.78% to 56.12% YoDa went down by 0.64%, going from 21.49% to 20.85% TaeJa went down by 0.5%, going from 24.76% to 24.26% Patience went down by 0.49%, going from 1.21% to 0.72% DongRaeGu went down by 0.47%, going from 1.62% to 1.15% Stats went down by 0.44%, going from 49.04% to 48.6% Terminator went down by 0.38%, going from 28.26% to 27.88% Zest went down by 0.35%, going from 16.07% to 15.72% Seed went down by 0.3%, going from 0.47% to 0.17% Has went down by 0.28%, going from 2.59% to 2.32% Classic went down by 0.27%, going from 6.52% to 6.25% Losira went down by 0.27%, going from 2.23% to 1.96% iaguz went down by 0.22%, going from 2.01% to 1.78% MC went down by 0.21%, going from 8.48% to 8.27% Bbyong went down by 0.2%, going from 7.31% to 7.11% sOs went down by 0.2%, going from 17.12% to 16.92% First went down by 0.19%, going from 9.2% to 9.01% Impact went down by 0.16%, going from 0.9% to 0.74% Ourk went down by 0.13%, going from 0.43% to 0.3% uThermal went down by 0.13%, going from 3.55% to 3.41% MarineKing went down by 0.11%, going from 5.32% to 5.21% Sora went down by 0.11%, going from 2.14% to 2.03% Cure went down by 0.1%, going from 6.16% to 6.05% Life vs Maru in in IEM Taipei finals. Life is at 97.54% Blizzcon Chances. 58.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 98.05%. 41.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 96.81%. Maru is at 85.86% Blizzcon Chances. 41.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 88.67%. 58.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 83.91%.
Life is the one I should have taken -_-
--------UPDATE Saturday, Feb 01 8:20pm GMT (GMT+00:00) IEM Taipei and Code S Ro32 Completed! (Sim #1210) Top 50 players by Blizzcon Chances.
Life (StarTale), is at 98.01%, Min WCS Points: 1700, Median WCS Points: 5850
herO (CJ Entus), is at 91.23%, Min WCS Points: 1875, Median WCS Points: 4175
Maru (Jin Air), is at 84.7%, Min WCS Points: 1150, Median WCS Points: 4200
Rogue (Jin Air), is at 75.63%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 3600
PartinG (Yoe), is at 74.82%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 3625
Rain (mYinsanity), is at 70.82%, Min WCS Points: 1100, Median WCS Points: 3375
TY (KT), is at 68.83%, Min WCS Points: 775, Median WCS Points: 3375
ForGG (Millenium), is at 66.02%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 3325
Dark (SKT T1), is at 56.96%, Min WCS Points: 650, Median WCS Points: 2925
Dear (Samsung), is at 56.39%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 2875
INnoVation (SKT T1), is at 56.19%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 2900
Super (Invasion), is at 51.54%, Min WCS Points: 925, Median WCS Points: 2725
Stats (KT), is at 48.64%, Min WCS Points: 725, Median WCS Points: 2625
Hydra (ROOT), is at 43.07%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 2425
Dream (SKT T1), is at 37.13%, Min WCS Points: 650, Median WCS Points: 2300
Soulkey (TCM), is at 36.83%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 2350
Polt (CM Storm), is at 35.59%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2225
GuMiho (Invasion), is at 32.48%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2150
Solar (Samsung), is at 31.1%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 2075
Snute (Liquid), is at 30.49%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2050
Terminator (Jin Air), is at 27.86%, Min WCS Points: 875, Median WCS Points: 2125
TaeJa (Liquid), is at 24.19%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1750
Leenock (Yoe), is at 23.2%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 1900
NaNiwa, is at 21.84%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1700
MMA (Acer), is at 21.82%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1825
YoDa (Prime), is at 21.04%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1800
MajOr (ROOT), is at 18.96%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1650
sOs (Jin Air), is at 16.92%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1750
Happy, is at 16.61%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1550
Zest (KT), is at 15.74%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1525
Bomber, is at 14.7%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 1625
TargA (Imaginary), is at 14.2%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1475
viOLet, is at 13.03%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1450
HyuN (ROCCAT), is at 11.38%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1325
Bunny (Liquid), is at 11.14%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1375
ShoWTimE (aTn), is at 9.91%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1325
PiG (x5), is at 9.36%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1300
First (KT), is at 9.02%, Min WCS Points: 325, Median WCS Points: 1325
MC, is at 8.31%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1375
FanTaSy (dPix), is at 7.73%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 1375
San (Yoe), is at 7.56%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1250
Bbyong (CJ Entus), is at 7.1%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1175
Sen (HKA), is at 6.84%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1300
Classic (SKT T1), is at 6.2%, Min WCS Points: 550, Median WCS Points: 1300
Cure (Jin Air), is at 6.04%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 975
MaNa (Liquid), is at 5.93%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1125
Jim (iG), is at 5.44%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1150
MarineKing (MVP), is at 5.23%, Min WCS Points: 700, Median WCS Points: 1400
Jaedong (EG), is at 5.05%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1175
Flash (KT), is at 4.21%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 875
Full Player List
Biggest Winners and Losers during IEM Taipei (Sim ID #1198 vs Sim ID #1210) Biggest Winners
Rogue went up by 16.68%, going from 58.95% to 75.63%
Soulkey went up by 12.68%, going from 24.15% to 36.83%
Dark went up by 11.4%, going from 45.56% to 56.96%
Maru went up by 10.12%, going from 74.58% to 84.7%
TY went up by 9.66%, going from 59.18% to 68.83%
Dear went up by 6.33%, going from 50.06% to 56.39%
Life went up by 5.22%, going from 92.79% to 98.01% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] + HyuN went up by 5.05%, going from 6.33% to 11.38% MMA went up by 3.7%, going from 18.12% to 21.82% PartinG went up by 3.58%, going from 71.25% to 74.82% Dream went up by 3.4%, going from 33.73% to 37.13% PiG went up by 2.67%, going from 6.69% to 9.36% Welmu went up by 1.04%, going from 0.76% to 1.79% ShoWTimE went up by 0.98%, going from 8.93% to 9.91% viOLet went up by 0.9%, going from 12.13% to 13.03% Serral went up by 0.69%, going from 0.89% to 1.58% Hurricane went up by 0.63%, going from 1.48% to 2.11% Solar went up by 0.58%, going from 30.53% to 31.1% HuK went up by 0.56%, going from 3.43% to 3.99% TargA went up by 0.52%, going from 13.68% to 14.2% herO went up by 0.46%, going from 90.78% to 91.23% Happy went up by 0.39%, going from 16.23% to 16.61% Bunny went up by 0.34%, going from 10.8% to 11.14% NaNiwa went up by 0.32%, going from 21.52% to 21.84% TRUE went up by 0.22%, going from 2.1% to 2.32% TLO went up by 0.22%, going from 1.57% to 1.79% Center went up by 0.21%, going from 0.84% to 1.05% puCK went up by 0.14%, going from 0.6% to 0.74% Nerchio went up by 0.12%, going from 0.96% to 1.08% MacSed went up by 0.12%, going from 0.58% to 0.7% Kane went up by 0.12%, going from 1.73% to 1.85%
Biggest Losers
GuMiho went down by 28.94%, going from 61.41% to 32.47%
Bomber went down by 17.77%, going from 32.47% to 14.7%
ForGG went down by 10.23%, going from 76.25% to 66.02%
Snute went down by 6.11%, going from 36.6% to 30.49%
San went down by 5.19%, going from 12.75% to 7.56%
Rain went down by 3.88%, going from 74.69% to 70.81%
Polt went down by 2.83%, going from 38.42% to 35.59% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] + MyuNgSiK went down by 2.71%, going from 4.08% to 1.36% Hydra went down by 2.68%, going from 45.75% to 43.07% Sen went down by 2.63%, going from 9.47% to 6.84% Leenock went down by 2.44%, going from 25.64% to 23.2% MajOr went down by 2.36%, going from 21.32% to 18.96% Sacsri went down by 1.54%, going from 3.33% to 1.79% Super went down by 0.9%, going from 52.45% to 51.55% YongHwa went down by 0.89%, going from 2.09% to 1.2% jjakji went down by 0.76%, going from 3.14% to 2.38% INnoVation went down by 0.59%, going from 56.78% to 56.2% TaeJa went down by 0.57%, going from 24.76% to 24.19% Patience went down by 0.49%, going from 1.21% to 0.71% DongRaeGu went down by 0.47%, going from 1.62% to 1.15% YoDa went down by 0.44%, going from 21.49% to 21.04% Stats went down by 0.4%, going from 49.04% to 48.63% Terminator went down by 0.4%, going from 28.26% to 27.86% Classic went down by 0.32%, going from 6.52% to 6.2% Zest went down by 0.32%, going from 16.07% to 15.75% Has went down by 0.31%, going from 2.59% to 2.28% Seed went down by 0.31%, going from 0.47% to 0.17% iaguz went down by 0.26%, going from 2.01% to 1.75% Losira went down by 0.24%, going from 2.23% to 1.98% Bbyong went down by 0.2%, going from 7.31% to 7.1% sOs went down by 0.2%, going from 17.12% to 16.92% uThermal went down by 0.19%, going from 3.55% to 3.36% First went down by 0.18%, going from 9.2% to 9.02% MC went down by 0.17%, going from 8.48% to 8.31% Impact went down by 0.15%, going from 0.9% to 0.75% Ourk went down by 0.14%, going from 0.43% to 0.29% Cure went down by 0.12%, going from 6.16% to 6.04% Flash went down by 0.11%, going from 4.32% to 4.21% Jim went down by 0.11%, going from 5.55% to 5.44%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 92.6% Chances of 2+ foreigners 62.3% Chances of 3+ foreigners 24.24% Chances of 4+ foreigners 4.95%
Snute 5.77% chance to be the only foreigner, 30.49% chance overall.
NaNiwa 3.87% chance to be the only foreigner, 21.84% chance overall.
MajOr 3.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 18.96% chance overall.
Happy 2.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 16.61% chance overall.
TargA 2.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.2% chance overall.
Bunny 1.77% chance to be the only foreigner, 11.14% chance overall.
ShoWTimE 1.54% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.91% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] + PiG 1.46% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.36% chance overall. Sen 1.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.84% chance overall. MaNa 0.89% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.93% chance overall. Jim 0.8% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.44% chance overall. HuK 0.58% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.99% chance overall. uThermal 0.5% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.36% chance overall. Has 0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.28% chance overall. VortiX 0.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.21% chance overall. Kane 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.85% chance overall. Welmu 0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.79% chance overall. TLO 0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.79% chance overall. iaguz 0.25% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.75% chance overall. Serral 0.23% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.58% chance overall. Lilbow 0.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.55% chance overall. MorroW 0.17% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.21% chance overall. Nerchio 0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.08% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE 0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.94% chance overall. MaSa 0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.87% chance overall. puCK 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.74% chance overall. MacSed 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.7% chance overall. XiGua 0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. iAsonu 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.57% chance overall. Scarlett 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.59% chance overall. Astrea 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.51% chance overall. MarineLorD 0.05% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.43% chance overall. Suppy 0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.39% chance overall.
Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
Dark is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
PartinG is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Headband History] +
GSL Code S Season 1 Winning Chances
PartinG has a 13.33% chance to win ----going from 74.82% to 99.76% if they get 1st, or 91.88% if they get 2nd.
Life has a 12.46% chance to win ----going from 98.01% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.95% if they get 2nd.
herO has a 10.37% chance to win ----going from 91.23% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.92% if they get 2nd.
Rain has a 10.11% chance to win ----going from 70.82% to 99.89% if they get 1st, or 92.05% if they get 2nd.
INnoVation has a 8.82% chance to win ----going from 56.19% to 96.68% if they get 1st, or 78.67% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] + Maru has a 7.77% chance to win ----going from 84.7% to 99.98% if they get 1st, or 97.22% if they get 2nd. TY has a 6.06% chance to win ----going from 68.83% to 99.27% if they get 1st, or 89.2% if they get 2nd. Solar has a 4.83% chance to win ----going from 31.1% to 86.82% if they get 1st, or 56.33% if they get 2nd. Rogue has a 4.8% chance to win ----going from 75.63% to 99.81% if they get 1st, or 93.99% if they get 2nd. Dark has a 4.66% chance to win ----going from 56.96% to 97.92% if they get 1st, or 81.88% if they get 2nd. MMA has a 3.39% chance to win ----going from 21.82% to 82.87% if they get 1st, or 47.18% if they get 2nd. YoDa has a 3.27% chance to win ----going from 21.04% to 82.11% if they get 1st, or 46.46% if they get 2nd. Soulkey has a 2.88% chance to win ----going from 36.83% to 99.04% if they get 1st, or 75.28% if they get 2nd. Terminator has a 2.86% chance to win ----going from 27.86% to 97.29% if they get 1st, or 64.79% if they get 2nd. Dream has a 2.6% chance to win ----going from 37.14% to 95.67% if they get 1st, or 69.11% if they get 2nd. MC has a 1.78% chance to win ----going from 8.31% to 69.82% if they get 1st, or 27.77% if they get 2nd.
Check out the fantasy league WCS Wars! -----------------------
On February 01 2015 19:55 sharkie wrote: Life is the one I should have taken -_- I just changed up my team a bit, finally sold Heart and San, got MC and DongRaeGu, now we just need some more partner tournaments to be announced...
--------UPDATE Tuesday, Feb 04 6:45pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Code S Ro16 Groups Drawn! (Sim #1213) Top 50 players by Blizzcon Chances.
Life (StarTale), is at 98.09%, Min WCS Points: 1700, Median WCS Points: 5850
herO (CJ Entus), is at 91.61%, Min WCS Points: 1875, Median WCS Points: 4200
Maru (Jin Air), is at 83.73%, Min WCS Points: 1150, Median WCS Points: 4125
PartinG (Yoe), is at 75.23%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 3625
Rogue (Jin Air), is at 73.85%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 3500
Rain (mYinsanity), is at 70.36%, Min WCS Points: 1100, Median WCS Points: 3350
ForGG (Millenium), is at 67.75%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 3400
TY (KT), is at 67.29%, Min WCS Points: 775, Median WCS Points: 3300
INnoVation (SKT T1), is at 57.34%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 2925
Dear (Samsung), is at 56.3%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 2875
Dark (SKT T1), is at 54.6%, Min WCS Points: 650, Median WCS Points: 2825
Super (Invasion), is at 51.89%, Min WCS Points: 925, Median WCS Points: 2725
Stats (KT), is at 50.67%, Min WCS Points: 725, Median WCS Points: 2700
Hydra (ROOT), is at 42.2%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 2400
Soulkey (TCM), is at 36.96%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 2350
Dream (SKT T1), is at 36.39%, Min WCS Points: 650, Median WCS Points: 2275
Polt (CM Storm), is at 35.48%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2225
GuMiho (Invasion), is at 32.67%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2150
Solar (Samsung), is at 31.21%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 2075
Snute (Liquid), is at 30.22%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2050
Terminator (Jin Air), is at 28.21%, Min WCS Points: 875, Median WCS Points: 2125
Leenock (Yoe), is at 24.23%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 1900
TaeJa (Liquid), is at 24.14%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1750
NaNiwa, is at 21.61%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1675
YoDa (Prime), is at 21.24%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1800
MMA (Acer), is at 20.39%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1775
MajOr (ROOT), is at 18.65%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1625
sOs (Jin Air), is at 18.21%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1750
Happy, is at 16.57%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1525
Bomber, is at 16.47%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 1675
TargA (Imaginary), is at 14.8%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1500
Zest (KT), is at 14.26%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1475
viOLet, is at 12.99%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1450
HyuN (ROCCAT), is at 11.64%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1325
Bunny (Liquid), is at 11.15%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1375
ShoWTimE (aTn), is at 9.84%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1300
PiG (x5), is at 9.2%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1300
First (KT), is at 9.15%, Min WCS Points: 325, Median WCS Points: 1325
Bbyong (CJ Entus), is at 7.97%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1200
FanTaSy (dPix), is at 7.75%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 1375
San (Yoe), is at 7.6%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1225
MC, is at 7.41%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1325
Sen (HKA), is at 6.7%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1300
Classic (SKT T1), is at 6.25%, Min WCS Points: 550, Median WCS Points: 1300
Cure (Jin Air), is at 5.95%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 975
MaNa (Liquid), is at 5.92%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1125
Jim (iG), is at 5.41%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1150
MarineKing (MVP), is at 5.16%, Min WCS Points: 700, Median WCS Points: 1375
Jaedong (EG), is at 5.08%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1150
HuK (EG), is at 3.99%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1150
Full Player List
Biggest Winners and Losers from GSL group selections (Sim ID #1212 vs Sim ID #1213) Biggest Winners
Dark went up by 1.22%, going from 53.38% to 54.6%
Dream went up by 1.22%, going from 35.17% to 36.39%
INnoVation went up by 0.9%, going from 56.44% to 57.34%
TY went up by 0.41%, going from 66.88% to 67.29%
PartinG went up by 0.4%, going from 74.83% to 75.23%
herO went up by 0.3%, going from 91.31% to 91.61%
Terminator went up by 0.22%, going from 27.98% to 28.21% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] + Solar went up by 0.2%, going from 31.01% to 31.21% Life went up by 0.14%, going from 97.95% to 98.09% Lilbow went up by 0.1%, going from 1.51% to 1.61%
Biggest Losers
MMA went down by 1.45%, going from 21.85% to 20.39%
Maru went down by 1.21%, going from 84.94% to 83.73%
MC went down by 0.96%, going from 8.37% to 7.41%
Hydra went down by 0.64%, going from 42.84% to 42.2%
Rain went down by 0.53%, going from 70.89% to 70.36%
YoDa went down by 0.43%, going from 21.67% to 21.24%
Rogue went down by 0.41%, going from 74.26% to 73.85% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] + Soulkey went down by 0.22%, going from 37.18% to 36.96%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 92.57% Chances of 2+ foreigners 62.36% Chances of 3+ foreigners 24.26% Chances of 4+ foreigners 4.98%
Snute 5.68% chance to be the only foreigner, 30.22% chance overall.
NaNiwa 3.81% chance to be the only foreigner, 21.61% chance overall.
MajOr 3.17% chance to be the only foreigner, 18.65% chance overall.
Happy 2.77% chance to be the only foreigner, 16.57% chance overall.
TargA 2.43% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.8% chance overall.
Bunny 1.76% chance to be the only foreigner, 11.15% chance overall.
ShoWTimE 1.5% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.84% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] + PiG 1.43% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.2% chance overall. Sen 0.99% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.7% chance overall. MaNa 0.89% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.92% chance overall. Jim 0.8% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.41% chance overall. HuK 0.57% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.99% chance overall. uThermal 0.56% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.76% chance overall. Serral 0.35% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.41% chance overall. Has 0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.25% chance overall. VortiX 0.3% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.14% chance overall. Welmu 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.83% chance overall. Kane 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.84% chance overall. TLO 0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.75% chance overall. iaguz 0.24% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.66% chance overall. Lilbow 0.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.61% chance overall. MorroW 0.17% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.22% chance overall. Nerchio 0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.98% chance overall. MaSa 0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.85% chance overall. puCK 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.73% chance overall. MacSed 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.7% chance overall. XiGua 0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.6% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE 0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.64% chance overall. iAsonu 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.55% chance overall. Scarlett 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.57% chance overall. Astrea 0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.51% chance overall. MarineLorD 0.04% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.42% chance overall. Suppy 0.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.38% chance overall.
Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
Dark is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
PartinG is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Headband History] +
GSL Ro16 Previews + Show Spoiler [GSL Ro16 Previews] + Terminator, Dark, INnoVation, and MMA in in GSL Code S Season 1 round of 16. Dark has the #2 Headband! Terminator is at 28.21% Blizzcon Chances. 43.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 43.79%. 56.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 16.05%. INnoVation is at 57.34% Blizzcon Chances. 59.87% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 68.42%. 40.13% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 40.82%. Dark is at 54.6% Blizzcon Chances. 51.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 66.19%. 48.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 42.14%. MMA is at 20.39% Blizzcon Chances. 44.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.3%. 55.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.65%. Life, Soulkey, YoDa, and TY in in GSL Code S Season 1 round of 16. Life has the #1 Headband! Life is at 98.09% Blizzcon Chances. 63.87% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.35%. 36.13% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 95.87%. YoDa is at 21.24% Blizzcon Chances. 42.64% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 33.05%. 57.36% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 12.47%. Soulkey is at 36.96% Blizzcon Chances. 41.6% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 54.67%. 58.4% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.34%. TY is at 67.29% Blizzcon Chances. 51.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 78.21%. 48.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 55.52%. Solar, Rogue, Dream, and Rain in in GSL Code S Season 1 round of 16. Solar is at 31.21% Blizzcon Chances. 49.63% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 43.13%. 50.37% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.47%. Dream is at 36.39% Blizzcon Chances. 46.95% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 48.9%. 53.05% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.31%. Rogue is at 73.85% Blizzcon Chances. 47.05% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 84.27%. 52.95% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.59%. Rain is at 70.36% Blizzcon Chances. 56.37% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 82.37%. 43.63% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 54.85%. PartinG, MC, Maru, and herO in in GSL Code S Season 1 round of 16. PartinG has the #3 Headband! PartinG is at 75.23% Blizzcon Chances. 63.73% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 84.15%. 36.27% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 59.54%. Maru is at 83.73% Blizzcon Chances. 45.9% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 92.29%. 54.1% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 76.47%. MC is at 7.41% Blizzcon Chances. 30.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.8%. 69.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.77%. herO is at 91.61% Blizzcon Chances. 60.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.26%. 39.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 83.11%.
GSL Code S Season 1 Winning Chances in ~
PartinG has a 13.53% chance to win ----going from 75.23% to 99.74% if they get 1st, or 91.75% if they get 2nd.
Life has a 13.06% chance to win ----going from 98.09% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.94% if they get 2nd.
herO has a 10.91% chance to win ----going from 91.61% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.94% if they get 2nd.
Rain has a 9.96% chance to win ----going from 70.36% to 99.9% if they get 1st, or 92.08% if they get 2nd.
INnoVation has a 9.31% chance to win ----going from 57.34% to 96.72% if they get 1st, or 78.76% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] + Maru has a 7.23% chance to win ----going from 83.73% to 99.99% if they get 1st, or 97.33% if they get 2nd. TY has a 5.82% chance to win ----going from 67.29% to 99.2% if they get 1st, or 88.56% if they get 2nd. Solar has a 4.89% chance to win ----going from 31.21% to 86.68% if they get 1st, or 56.26% if they get 2nd. Dark has a 4.39% chance to win ----going from 54.6% to 97.62% if they get 1st, or 79.99% if they get 2nd. Rogue has a 4.36% chance to win ----going from 73.85% to 99.79% if they get 1st, or 93.55% if they get 2nd. YoDa has a 3.33% chance to win ----going from 21.24% to 82.66% if they get 1st, or 46.92% if they get 2nd. MMA has a 3.16% chance to win ----going from 20.39% to 82.04% if they get 1st, or 45.97% if they get 2nd. Soulkey has a 2.97% chance to win ----going from 36.96% to 99.13% if they get 1st, or 75.7% if they get 2nd. Terminator has a 2.93% chance to win ----going from 28.21% to 97.5% if they get 1st, or 65.21% if they get 2nd. Dream has a 2.58% chance to win ----going from 36.39% to 95.53% if they get 1st, or 67.65% if they get 2nd. MC has a 1.56% chance to win ----going from 7.41% to 69.83% if they get 1st, or 27.49% if they get 2nd.
And now let's do some analysis to see what the Group of Death is according to WCS Predictor. We will be looking at 5 different scores. Champion Chances Score is the chances to win the tournament for each player in the group added together. Blizzcon Chances Score is the chances to qualify for Blizzcon for each player in the group added together. Blizzcon Chances Lost Score is how much the Blizzcon Chances Score went down by because of the group drawing. Effects Score is the sum of the amount of Blizzcon chances each player would gain if they won the group, plus the amount of Blizzcon chances each player would lose if they lost the group. Aligulac Score is the overall Aligulac rating of every player in the group added together.
+ Show Spoiler [Champion Chances] + Group A MMA has a ~ 3.15 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 INnoVation has a ~ 9.3 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Dark has a ~ 4.39 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Terminator has a ~ 2.93 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Giving this match a Champion Chances Score of 19.774
Group B Life has a ~ 13.07 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Soulkey has a ~ 2.96 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 YoDa has a ~ 3.33 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 TY has a ~ 5.84 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Giving this match a Champion Chances Score of 25.1925
Group C Rain has a ~ 9.96 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Dream has a ~ 2.58 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Rogue has a ~ 4.35 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Solar has a ~ 4.89 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Giving this match a Champion Chances Score of 21.7838
Group D PartinG has a ~ 13.55 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 MC has a ~ 1.56 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Maru has a ~ 7.24 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 herO has a ~ 10.91 % chance to win GSL Code S Season 1 Giving this match a Champion Chances Score of 33.2496
Which means the groups go in this order for the Champion Chances Scores D > B > C > A
+ Show Spoiler [Blizzcon Chances] + Group A MMA is at ~ 20.38 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 INnoVation is at ~ 57.33 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Dark is at ~ 54.58 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Terminator is at ~ 28.22 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Score of 160.515
Group B Life is at ~ 98.09 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Soulkey is at ~ 36.94 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 YoDa is at ~ 21.25 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 TY is at ~ 67.29 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Score of 223.577
Group C Rain is at ~ 70.38 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Dream is at ~ 36.39 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Rogue is at ~ 73.89 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Solar is at ~ 31.24 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Score of 211.891
Group D PartinG is at ~ 75.25 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 MC is at ~ 7.41 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Maru is at ~ 83.74 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 herO is at ~ 91.62 % chances to qualify for Blizzcon 2015 Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Score of 258.023
Which means the groups go in this order for the Blizzcon Chances Scores D > B > C > A
+ Show Spoiler [Blizzcon Chances Lost] + Group A MMA's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -1.46 % INnoVation's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.89 % Dark's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 1.2 % Terminator's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.24 % Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Lost Score of -0.858684
Group B Life's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.14 % Soulkey's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -0.23 % YoDa's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -0.42 % TY's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.41 % Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Lost Score of 0.099296
Group C Rain's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -0.52 % Dream's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 1.22 % Rogue's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -0.37 % Solar's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.23 % Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Lost Score of -0.56122
Group D PartinG's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.43 % MC's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -0.96 % Maru's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ -1.2 % herO's Blizzcon chances changed by ~ 0.3 % Giving this match a Blizzcon Chances Lost Score of 1.42751
Which means the groups go in this order for the Blizzcon Chances Lost Scores D > B > C > A
+ Show Spoiler [Effects] + Group A When MMA wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 10.91 % When MMA loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 8.74 % When INnoVation wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 11.08 % When INnoVation loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 16.53 % When Dark wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 11.61 % When Dark loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 12.48 % When Terminator wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 15.56 % When Terminator loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 12.14 % Giving this match an Effects Score of 99.0593
Group B When Life wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 1.26 % When Life loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 2.23 % When Soulkey wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 17.71 % When Soulkey loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 12.6 % When YoDa wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 11.78 % When YoDa loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 8.76 % When TY wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 10.94 % When TY loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 11.81 % Giving this match an Effects Score of 77.0936
Group C When Rain wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 11.99 % When Rain loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 15.49 % When Dream wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 12.52 % When Dream loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 11.07 % When Rogue wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 10.41 % When Rogue loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 9.25 % When Solar wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 11.91 % When Solar loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 11.74 % Giving this match an Effects Score of 94.3876
Group D When PartinG wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 8.92 % When PartinG loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 15.68 % When MC wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 8.38 % When MC loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 3.64 % When Maru wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 8.55 % When Maru loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 7.26 % When herO wins this match, their Blizzcon chances go up by ~ 5.64 % When herO loses this match, their Blizzcon chances go down by ~ 8.49 % Giving this match an Effects Score of 66.564
Which means the groups go in this order for Effects Scores A > C > B > D
+ Show Spoiler [Aligulac Ratings] + Group A MMA has an overall Aligulac rating of 1975 INnoVation has an overall Aligulac rating of 2225 Dark has an overall Aligulac rating of 2048 Terminator has an overall Aligulac rating of 1893 Giving this match an Aligulac Score of 8141
Group B Life has an overall Aligulac rating of 2343 Soulkey has an overall Aligulac rating of 1981 YoDa has an overall Aligulac rating of 1993 TY has an overall Aligulac rating of 2102 Giving this match an Aligulac Score of 8419
Group C Rain has an overall Aligulac rating of 2183 Dream has an overall Aligulac rating of 1928 Rogue has an overall Aligulac rating of 2073 Solar has an overall Aligulac rating of 2090 Giving this match an Aligulac Score of 8274
Group D PartinG has an overall Aligulac rating of 2264 MC has an overall Aligulac rating of 1805 Maru has an overall Aligulac rating of 2188 herO has an overall Aligulac rating of 2195 Giving this match an Aligulac Score of 8452
Which means the groups go in this order for Aligulac Scores D > B > C > A
Group A has a 1st place and four 4th places Group B has four 2nd places and a 3rd place Group C has a 2nd place and four 3rd places Group D has four 1st places and a 4th place
Group D is easily our Group of Death! Congrats to PartinG, MC, Maru, and herO! Group B is our 2nd place Group of Death with Life, Soulkey, YoDa, and TY!
What do you think?
Poll: Group of Death?Group D: Maru, MC, herO, PartinG (445) 68% There isn't one (85) 13% Group A: INnoVation, Terminator, MMA, Dark (60) 9% Group B: Life, YoDa, TY, Soulkey (47) 7% Group C: Rain, Rogue, Dream, Solar (21) 3% 658 total votes Your vote: Group of Death? (Vote): There isn't one (Vote): Group A: INnoVation, Terminator, MMA, Dark (Vote): Group B: Life, YoDa, TY, Soulkey (Vote): Group C: Rain, Rogue, Dream, Solar (Vote): Group D: Maru, MC, herO, PartinG
Check out the fantasy league WCS Wars! -----------------------
Aligulac is insane with these predictions for GSL, for some reason Parting is insanely hot for it, probably due to a couple of foreign tournaments where he did well lately - in fact he has a terribly tough Ro16 group that in my opinion can completely not be predicted at all. There should be some penalization lowering the significance of any prediction that involves PvP
--------UPDATE Wednesday, Feb 12 4:10am GMT (GMT+00:00) IEM Katowice Added! (Sim #1222) Added IEM Katowice and removed Placeholder Tournament #24. Top 50 players by Blizzcon Chances.
Life (KT), is at 99.01%, Min WCS Points: 1700, Median WCS Points: 6325
Maru (Jin Air), is at 96.72%, Min WCS Points: 1450, Median WCS Points: 5425
herO (CJ Entus), is at 95.68%, Min WCS Points: 1875, Median WCS Points: 4650
Rain (mYinsanity), is at 82.3%, Min WCS Points: 1100, Median WCS Points: 3925
PartinG (Yoe), is at 73.82%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 3625
Rogue (Jin Air), is at 72.05%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 3475
ForGG (Millenium), is at 66.49%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 3400
INnoVation (SKT T1), is at 66.39%, Min WCS Points: 1000, Median WCS Points: 3250
Dream (SKT T1), is at 63.62%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 3125
Dear (Samsung), is at 52.75%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 2800
Stats (KT), is at 48.7%, Min WCS Points: 725, Median WCS Points: 2675
Super (Invasion), is at 47.69%, Min WCS Points: 925, Median WCS Points: 2650
Hydra (ROOT), is at 46.95%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 2625
TY (KT), is at 42.02%, Min WCS Points: 775, Median WCS Points: 2500
Solar (Samsung), is at 41.33%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 2450
Soulkey (TCM), is at 35.46%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 2350
TaeJa (Liquid), is at 35.28%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 2225
MMA (Acer), is at 35.01%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2300
Polt (CM Storm), is at 34.12%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2225
GuMiho (Invasion), is at 31.51%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2175
Snute (Liquid), is at 28.62%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2050
Zest (KT), is at 22.91%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1900
Leenock (Yoe), is at 22.25%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 1900
NaNiwa, is at 20.48%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1675
YoDa (Prime), is at 20.41%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1800
MajOr, is at 18.7%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1675
Dark (SKT T1), is at 17.81%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1825
sOs (Jin Air), is at 17.45%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1775
Bomber, is at 16.01%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 1675
Terminator (Jin Air), is at 15.98%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 1875
Happy, is at 15.4%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1525
TargA (Imaginary), is at 14.09%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1500
HyuN (ROCCAT), is at 12.01%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1375
Bunny (Liquid), is at 10.77%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1375
viOLet, is at 10.64%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1400
ShoWTimE (aTn), is at 9.32%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1300
First (KT), is at 8.52%, Min WCS Points: 325, Median WCS Points: 1325
PiG (x5), is at 7.7%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1250
Flash (KT), is at 7.33%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 1225
FanTaSy (dPix), is at 7.26%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 1375
Bbyong (CJ Entus), is at 7.19%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1200
San (Yoe), is at 7.01%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1225
MC, is at 6.71%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1325
Cure (Jin Air), is at 5.95%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 1000
Classic (SKT T1), is at 5.8%, Min WCS Points: 550, Median WCS Points: 1300
Sen (HKA), is at 5.55%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1275
MaNa (Liquid), is at 5.35%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1125
Jim (iG), is at 4.86%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1150
Jaedong (EG), is at 4.69%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1150
MarineKing (MVP), is at 4.68%, Min WCS Points: 700, Median WCS Points: 1375
Full Player List
Biggest Winners and Losers from the addition of IEM Katowice and removal of Placeholder Tournament #24 (Sim ID #1221 vs Sim ID #1222) Biggest Winners
Solar went up by 10.86%, going from 30.48% to 41.33%
TaeJa went up by 10.78%, going from 24.49% to 35.28%
Rain went up by 9.99%, going from 72.3% to 82.3%
Zest went up by 8.45%, going from 14.46% to 22.91%
herO went up by 4.17%, going from 91.52% to 95.68%
Flash went up by 3.29%, going from 4.04% to 7.33%
Maru went up by 2.58%, going from 94.14% to 96.72%
Life went up by 1.04%, going from 97.96% to 99.01%
Biggest Losers
Soulkey went down by 1.94%, going from 37.4% to 35.46%
Super went down by 1.88%, going from 49.57% to 47.69%
TY went down by 1.77%, going from 43.79% to 42.02%
Dream went down by 1.75%, going from 65.36% to 63.62%
MMA went down by 1.69%, going from 36.7% to 35.01%
Stats went down by 1.64%, going from 50.34% to 48.7%
Dear went down by 1.63%, going from 54.38% to 52.75% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] + INnoVation went down by 1.53%, going from 67.92% to 66.39% Polt went down by 1.47%, going from 35.59% to 34.12% GuMiho went down by 1.43%, going from 32.94% to 31.51% Rogue went down by 1.42%, going from 73.46% to 72.05% PartinG went down by 1.38%, going from 75.2% to 73.82% Snute went down by 1.37%, going from 29.99% to 28.62% Hydra went down by 1.34%, going from 48.29% to 46.95% Leenock went down by 1.33%, going from 23.57% to 22.25% Terminator went down by 1.29%, going from 17.27% to 15.98% ForGG went down by 1.24%, going from 67.72% to 66.49% YoDa went down by 1.17%, going from 21.58% to 20.41% Dark went down by 1.15%, going from 18.96% to 17.81% sOs went down by 1.08%, going from 18.53% to 17.45% MajOr went down by 1.04%, going from 19.74% to 18.7% NaNiwa went down by 0.99%, going from 21.47% to 20.48% Bomber went down by 0.97%, going from 16.98% to 16.01% Happy went down by 0.92%, going from 16.32% to 15.4% TargA went down by 0.89%, going from 14.98% to 14.09% Bunny went down by 0.75%, going from 11.52% to 10.77% viOLet went down by 0.75%, going from 11.39% to 10.64% HyuN went down by 0.68%, going from 12.68% to 12.01% MC went down by 0.67%, going from 7.38% to 6.71% ShoWTimE went down by 0.64%, going from 9.95% to 9.32% FanTaSy went down by 0.6%, going from 7.86% to 7.26% PiG went down by 0.59%, going from 8.3% to 7.7% First went down by 0.58%, going from 9.1% to 8.52% San went down by 0.52%, going from 7.52% to 7.01% Bbyong went down by 0.52%, going from 7.7% to 7.19% MarineKing went down by 0.51%, going from 5.19% to 4.68% Classic went down by 0.49%, going from 6.29% to 5.8% Sen went down by 0.47%, going from 6.02% to 5.55% Jim went down by 0.44%, going from 5.3% to 4.86% MaNa went down by 0.42%, going from 5.77% to 5.35% Cure went down by 0.41%, going from 6.36% to 5.95% Jaedong went down by 0.4%, going from 5.09% to 4.69% HuK went down by 0.34%, going from 3.98% to 3.64% uThermal went down by 0.31%, going from 3.68% to 3.36% Serral went down by 0.28%, going from 3.22% to 2.93% soO went down by 0.28%, going from 3.92% to 3.64% TRUE went down by 0.25%, going from 2.71% to 2.46% Hurricane went down by 0.2%, going from 2.32% to 2.12% jjakji went down by 0.19%, going from 2.32% to 2.14% MorroW went down by 0.18%, going from 1.82% to 1.63%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 90.79% Chances of 2+ foreigners 57.5% Chances of 3+ foreigners 20.48% Chances of 4+ foreigners 3.77%
Snute 6.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 28.62% chance overall.
NaNiwa 4.2% chance to be the only foreigner, 20.48% chance overall.
MajOr 3.77% chance to be the only foreigner, 18.7% chance overall.
Happy 3.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 15.4% chance overall.
TargA 2.73% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.09% chance overall.
Bunny 2.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.77% chance overall.
ShoWTimE 1.7% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.32% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] + PiG 1.41% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.7% chance overall. Sen 0.96% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.55% chance overall. MaNa 0.96% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.35% chance overall. Jim 0.85% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.86% chance overall. HuK 0.62% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.64% chance overall. uThermal 0.59% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.36% chance overall. Serral 0.51% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.93% chance overall. VortiX 0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.09% chance overall. Kane 0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.61% chance overall. Welmu 0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.61% chance overall. MorroW 0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.63% chance overall. Lilbow 0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.54% chance overall. TLO 0.25% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.48% chance overall. iaguz 0.24% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.42% chance overall. Has 0.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.28% chance overall. Nerchio 0.18% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.1% chance overall. puCK 0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.88% chance overall. MaSa 0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.72% chance overall. MacSed 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.6% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.6% chance overall. XiGua 0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.52% chance overall. iAsonu 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.48% chance overall. Scarlett 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.49% chance overall. Astrea 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.43% chance overall. MarineLorD 0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.44% chance overall.
Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
Dream is the current #2 Headband holder with 0 defenses!
PartinG is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Headband History] +
IEM Katowice Winning Chances
Life has a 16.03% chance to win ----going from 99.01% to 99.99% if they get 1st, or 99.79% if they get 2nd.
Rain has a 13.13% chance to win ----going from 82.3% to 99.16% if they get 1st, or 90.64% if they get 2nd.
Maru has a 12.74% chance to win ----going from 96.72% to 99.99% if they get 1st, or 98.99% if they get 2nd.
herO has a 12.3% chance to win ----going from 95.68% to 99.99% if they get 1st, or 99.49% if they get 2nd.
TaeJa has a 11.57% chance to win ----going from 35.28% to 68.13% if they get 1st, or 43.16% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] + Zest has a 7.87% chance to win ----going from 22.91% to 60.97% if they get 1st, or 31.28% if they get 2nd. Solar has a 7.48% chance to win ----going from 41.33% to 80.36% if they get 1st, or 54.08% if they get 2nd. Flash has a 5.06% chance to win ----going from 7.33% to 31.14% if they get 1st, or 11.79% if they get 2nd. PartinG has a 0.72% chance to win ----going from 73.82% to 98.97% if they get 1st, or 73.64% if they don't. ForGG has a 0.59% chance to win ----going from 66.49% to 96.01% if they get 1st, or 66.31% if they don't. INnoVation has a 0.56% chance to win ----going from 66.39% to 98.54% if they get 1st, or 66.21% if they don't. GuMiho has a 0.4% chance to win ----going from 31.51% to 87.56% if they get 1st, or 31.28% if they don't. Hydra has a 0.38% chance to win ----going from 46.95% to 88.21% if they get 1st, or 46.79% if they don't. TY has a 0.32% chance to win ----going from 42.02% to 93.11% if they get 1st, or 41.85% if they don't. Stats has a 0.31% chance to win ----going from 48.7% to 92.55% if they get 1st, or 48.56% if they don't. HyuN has a 0.3% chance to win ----going from 12.01% to 55.42% if they get 1st, or 11.87% if they don't. Dear has a 0.29% chance to win ----going from 52.75% to 95.2% if they get 1st, or 52.63% if they don't. Rogue has a 0.28% chance to win ----going from 72.05% to 98.98% if they get 1st, or 71.97% if they don't. sOs has a 0.28% chance to win ----going from 17.45% to 77.82% if they get 1st, or 17.29% if they don't. MMA has a 0.27% chance to win ----going from 35.01% to 90.64% if they get 1st, or 34.86% if they don't. Bomber has a 0.26% chance to win ----going from 16.01% to 69.54% if they get 1st, or 15.87% if they don't. Cure has a 0.24% chance to win ----going from 5.95% to 37.8% if they get 1st, or 5.87% if they don't. Snute has a 0.23% chance to win ----going from 28.62% to 82.94% if they get 1st, or 28.5% if they don't. YoDa has a 0.22% chance to win ----going from 20.41% to 74.36% if they get 1st, or 20.29% if they don't. VortiX has a 0.22% chance to win ----going from 2.09% to 20.48% if they get 1st, or 2.05% if they don't. Bbyong has a 0.22% chance to win ----going from 7.19% to 47.02% if they get 1st, or 7.1% if they don't. Polt has a 0.22% chance to win ----going from 34.12% to 86.94% if they get 1st, or 34.01% if they don't. Dark has a 0.21% chance to win ----going from 17.81% to 78.86% if they get 1st, or 17.68% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 0.21% chance to win ----going from 20.48% to 68.78% if they get 1st, or 20.38% if they don't. Super has a 0.2% chance to win ----going from 47.69% to 95.45% if they get 1st, or 47.59% if they don't.
NSSL Quarterfinals Leenock vs Maru in in StarLeague Season 1 quarterfinals.
Leenock is at 22.25% Blizzcon Chances. 38.6% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 39.1%. 61.4% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.65%.
Maru is at 96.72% Blizzcon Chances. 61.4% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.27%. 38.6% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 92.67%.
Stats vs Rogue in in StarLeague Season 1 quarterfinals.
Stats is at 48.7% Blizzcon Chances. 49.19% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 66.6%. 50.81% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.37%.
Rogue is at 72.05% Blizzcon Chances. 50.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 86.55%. 49.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 57.07%.
Life vs Dear in in StarLeague Season 1 quarterfinals.
Life is at 99.01% Blizzcon Chances. 57.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.89%. 42.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.77%.
Dear is at 52.75% Blizzcon Chances. 42.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 72.94%. 57.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.11%.
Dream vs Super in in StarLeague Season 1 quarterfinals.
Dream is at 63.62% Blizzcon Chances. 53.17% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 79.1%. 46.83% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 46.04%.
Super is at 47.69% Blizzcon Chances. 46.83% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 66.54%. 53.17% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.09%.
StarLeague Season 1 Winning Chances
Life has a 23.4% chance to win ----going from 99.01% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.96% if they get 2nd.
Maru has a 19.96% chance to win ----going from 96.72% to 99.99% if they get 1st, or 99.57% if they get 2nd.
Rogue has a 11.64% chance to win ----going from 72.05% to 98.95% if they get 1st, or 88.72% if they get 2nd.
Stats has a 10.87% chance to win ----going from 48.7% to 92.51% if they get 1st, or 68.33% if they get 2nd.
Dear has a 10.03% chance to win ----going from 52.75% to 95.31% if they get 1st, or 74.41% if they get 2nd.
Dream has a 9.65% chance to win ----going from 63.62% to 98.27% if they get 1st, or 83.25% if they get 2nd.
Super has a 8.18% chance to win ----going from 47.69% to 95.59% if they get 1st, or 70.64% if they get 2nd.
Leenock has a 6.27% chance to win ----going from 22.25% to 77.1% if they get 1st, or 40.87% if they get 2nd.
Check out the fantasy league WCS Wars! -----------------------
--------UPDATE Friday, Feb 13 10:30pm GMT (GMT+00:00) WCS Premier Ro32 Preview! (Sim #1225) Top 50 players by Blizzcon Chances.
Life (KT), is at 99.69%, Min WCS Points: 2100, Median WCS Points: 6625
Maru (Jin Air), is at 99.45%, Min WCS Points: 1750, Median WCS Points: 6075
herO (CJ Entus), is at 95.88%, Min WCS Points: 1875, Median WCS Points: 4625
Rain (mYinsanity), is at 82.75%, Min WCS Points: 1100, Median WCS Points: 3925
PartinG (Yoe), is at 74.1%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 3625
Stats (KT), is at 69.69%, Min WCS Points: 1025, Median WCS Points: 3300
ForGG (Millenium), is at 66.34%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 3375
INnoVation (SKT T1), is at 64.78%, Min WCS Points: 1000, Median WCS Points: 3175
Dream (SKT T1), is at 63.9%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 3100
TY (KT), is at 56.79%, Min WCS Points: 1175, Median WCS Points: 2875
Rogue (Jin Air), is at 54.2%, Min WCS Points: 950, Median WCS Points: 2825
Dear (Samsung), is at 52.88%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 2800
Hydra (ROOT), is at 51.13%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 2750
Super (Invasion), is at 48.15%, Min WCS Points: 925, Median WCS Points: 2650
Solar (Samsung), is at 41.58%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 2450
MMA (Acer), is at 35.63%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2325
TaeJa (Liquid), is at 35.5%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 2225
Polt (CM Storm), is at 34.29%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2200
GuMiho (Invasion), is at 31.25%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2150
Snute (Liquid), is at 29.24%, Min WCS Points: 400, Median WCS Points: 2050
Soulkey (TCM), is at 25.37%, Min WCS Points: 1075, Median WCS Points: 2100
Zest (KT), is at 22.98%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1900
MajOr, is at 20.64%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1725
NaNiwa, is at 20.6%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1675
Dark (SKT T1), is at 18.03%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1825
sOs (Jin Air), is at 17.73%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1775
Terminator (Jin Air), is at 16.3%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 1875
Bomber, is at 16.11%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 1675
Happy, is at 15.01%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1500
TargA (Imaginary), is at 14.18%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1500
HyuN (ROCCAT), is at 12.05%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1375
Bunny (Liquid), is at 10.81%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1375
viOLet, is at 10.74%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1400
Leenock (Yoe), is at 10.52%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 1525
YoDa (Prime), is at 9.72%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1375
ShoWTimE (aTn), is at 9.4%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1300
First (KT), is at 8.69%, Min WCS Points: 325, Median WCS Points: 1325
PiG (x5), is at 7.79%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1250
Flash (KT), is at 7.41%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 1225
FanTaSy (dPix), is at 7.34%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 1375
Bbyong (CJ Entus), is at 7.27%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1200
San (Yoe), is at 7.04%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1225
MC, is at 6.82%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1300
Cure (Jin Air), is at 5.95%, Min WCS Points: 0, Median WCS Points: 1000
Classic (SKT T1), is at 5.92%, Min WCS Points: 550, Median WCS Points: 1300
Sen (HKA), is at 5.6%, Min WCS Points: 275, Median WCS Points: 1250
MaNa (Liquid), is at 5.42%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1125
Jim (iG), is at 4.93%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1150
MarineKing (MVP), is at 4.8%, Min WCS Points: 700, Median WCS Points: 1375
Jaedong (EG), is at 4.72%, Min WCS Points: 375, Median WCS Points: 1150
Full Player List Even though Life, Maru, and herO have such high chances, they're still at 0% AFK Chances (along with everyone else). This means that they do not yet have enough WCS points to have a chance to make it to Blizzcon and still need to win more points.
Biggest Winners and Losers since the addition of IEM Katowice and removal of Placeholder Tournament #24 (Sim ID #1222 vs Sim ID #1225) Biggest Winners
Stats went up by 20.98%, going from 48.72% to 69.69%
TY went up by 14.77%, going from 42.02% to 56.79%
Hydra went up by 4.19%, going from 46.95% to 51.13%
Maru went up by 2.73%, going from 96.72% to 99.45%
MajOr went up by 1.98%, going from 18.66% to 20.64%
Life went up by 0.69%, going from 98.99% to 99.69%
MMA went up by 0.64%, going from 34.98% to 35.63% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] + Snute went up by 0.63%, going from 28.61% to 29.24% Super went up by 0.47%, going from 47.68% to 48.15% Rain went up by 0.47%, going from 82.28% to 82.75% Terminator went up by 0.34%, going from 15.96% to 16.3% Dream went up by 0.31%, going from 63.59% to 63.9% Heart went up by 0.29%, going from 0.75% to 1.04% sOs went up by 0.28%, going from 17.44% to 17.73% PartinG went up by 0.25%, going from 73.84% to 74.1% Solar went up by 0.25%, going from 41.33% to 41.58% Dark went up by 0.21%, going from 17.82% to 18.03% herO went up by 0.17%, going from 95.71% to 95.88% First went up by 0.17%, going from 8.52% to 8.69% TaeJa went up by 0.17%, going from 35.34% to 35.5% Polt went up by 0.15%, going from 34.14% to 34.29% NaNiwa went up by 0.13%, going from 20.48% to 20.6% Dear went up by 0.13%, going from 52.75% to 52.88% Classic went up by 0.12%, going from 5.8% to 5.92% Bomber went up by 0.12%, going from 15.99% to 16.11% MarineKing went up by 0.11%, going from 4.69% to 4.8% TRUE went up by 0.1%, going from 2.48% to 2.58%
Biggest Losers
Rogue went down by 17.83%, going from 72.04% to 54.2%
Leenock went down by 11.72%, going from 22.24% to 10.52%
YoDa went down by 10.67%, going from 20.4% to 9.72%
Soulkey went down by 10.1%, going from 35.47% to 25.37%
INnoVation went down by 1.57%, going from 66.35% to 64.78%
Happy went down by 0.41%, going from 15.41% to 15.01%
GuMiho went down by 0.26%, going from 31.51% to 31.25%
Lilbow went down by 0.15%, going from 1.54% to 1.39%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 91.27% Chances of 2+ foreigners 58.72% Chances of 3+ foreigners 21.4% Chances of 4+ foreigners 4.07%
Snute 6.19% chance to be the only foreigner, 29.24% chance overall.
MajOr 4.05% chance to be the only foreigner, 20.64% chance overall.
NaNiwa 4.05% chance to be the only foreigner, 20.6% chance overall.
Happy 2.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 15.01% chance overall.
TargA 2.62% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.18% chance overall.
Bunny 1.94% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.81% chance overall.
ShoWTimE 1.65% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.4% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] + PiG 1.36% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.79% chance overall. Sen 0.92% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.6% chance overall. MaNa 0.92% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.42% chance overall. Jim 0.82% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.93% chance overall. HuK 0.6% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.69% chance overall. uThermal 0.56% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.39% chance overall. Serral 0.49% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.96% chance overall. VortiX 0.33% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.11% chance overall. Kane 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.63% chance overall. Welmu 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.63% chance overall. MorroW 0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.64% chance overall. TLO 0.25% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.51% chance overall. iaguz 0.23% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.44% chance overall. Lilbow 0.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.39% chance overall. Has 0.22% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.31% chance overall. Nerchio 0.18% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.12% chance overall. puCK 0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.89% chance overall. MaSa 0.11% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.72% chance overall. MacSed 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE 0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. XiGua 0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.52% chance overall. iAsonu 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.48% chance overall. Scarlett 0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.49% chance overall. Astrea 0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.45% chance overall. MarineLorD 0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.45% chance overall.
Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
Dream is the current #2 Headband holder with 0 defenses!
PartinG is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses!
sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Headband History] +
Snute, XiGua, uThermal, and Astrea in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32.
Snute is at 29.24% Blizzcon Chances. 68.87% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 34.15%. 31.13% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.37%.
uThermal is at 3.39% Blizzcon Chances. 53.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.85%. 46.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.75%.
XiGua is at 0.52% Blizzcon Chances. 39.34% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.91%. 60.66% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.27%.
Astrea is at 0.45% Blizzcon Chances. 38.74% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.79%. 61.26% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.23%.
Kelazhur, Jim, TLO, and Polt in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32.
Kelazhur is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 25.27% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%. 74.73% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
TLO is at 1.51% Blizzcon Chances. 53.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.19%. 46.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.73%.
Jim is at 4.93% Blizzcon Chances. 47.64% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.32%. 52.36% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.76%.
Polt is at 34.29% Blizzcon Chances. 74.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.39%. 25.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.58%.
Bunny, MajOr, MaNa, and viOLet in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. This is the Group of Death!
Bunny is at 10.81% Blizzcon Chances. 49.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.13%. 50.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.52%.
MaNa is at 5.42% Blizzcon Chances. 44.59% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.29%. 55.41% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.12%.
MajOr is at 20.64% Blizzcon Chances. 56.1% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 26.54%. 43.9% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.09%.
viOLet is at 10.74% Blizzcon Chances. 49.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.79%. 50.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.78%.
Happy, TargA, PiG, and Kane in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32.
Happy is at 15.01% Blizzcon Chances. 56.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.66%. 43.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.97%.
PiG is at 7.79% Blizzcon Chances. 51.63% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 10.89%. 48.37% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.47%.
TargA is at 14.18% Blizzcon Chances. 60.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.06%. 39.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.14%.
Kane is at 1.63% Blizzcon Chances. 31.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.04%. 68.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.01%.
+ Show Spoiler [More Upcoming Matches] + FireCake, puCK, ForGG, and Sen in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. This is the 2nd place Group of Death! FireCake is at 0.12% Blizzcon Chances. 30.31% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.24%. 69.69% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.06%. ForGG is at 66.34% Blizzcon Chances. 74.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 71.17%. 25.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 52.45%. puCK is at 0.89% Blizzcon Chances. 46.05% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.41%. 53.95% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.45%. Sen is at 5.6% Blizzcon Chances. 49.46% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.07%. 50.54% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.19%. Has, Serral, Suppy, and NaNiwa in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. Has is at 1.31% Blizzcon Chances. 42.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.13%. 57.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.69%. Suppy is at 0.33% Blizzcon Chances. 33.43% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.63%. 66.57% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.18%. Serral is at 2.96% Blizzcon Chances. 55.53% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.16%. 44.47% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.46%. NaNiwa is at 20.6% Blizzcon Chances. 68.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.68%. 31.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.81%. iAsonu, ShoWTimE, Hydra, and MorroW in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. iAsonu is at 0.48% Blizzcon Chances. 30.03% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.96%. 69.97% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.28%. Hydra is at 51.13% Blizzcon Chances. 73.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 56.26%. 26.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.21%. ShoWTimE is at 9.4% Blizzcon Chances. 60.2% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 12.26%. 39.8% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.06%. MorroW is at 1.64% Blizzcon Chances. 36.69% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.86%. 63.31% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.93%. HuK, MacSed, Welmu, and iaguz in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. HuK is at 3.69% Blizzcon Chances. 52.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.27%. 47.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.96%. Welmu is at 1.63% Blizzcon Chances. 52.54% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.41%. 47.46% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.78%. MacSed is at 0.61% Blizzcon Chances. 44.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.01%. 55.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.3%. iaguz is at 1.44% Blizzcon Chances. 50.93% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.15%. 49.07% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.7%.
WCS Premier Season 1 in ~
ForGG has a 17.53% chance to win ----going from 66.34% to 97.61% if they get 1st, or 76.17% if they get 2nd.
Hydra has a 13.98% chance to win ----going from 51.13% to 92.7% if they get 1st, or 61.78% if they get 2nd.
Snute has a 7.68% chance to win ----going from 29.24% to 89.43% if they get 1st, or 43.39% if they get 2nd.
NaNiwa has a 7.58% chance to win ----going from 20.6% to 76.1% if they get 1st, or 30.1% if they get 2nd.
Polt has a 7.51% chance to win ----going from 34.29% to 92.12% if they get 1st, or 49.79% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] + MajOr has a 5.64% chance to win ----going from 20.64% to 80.88% if they get 1st, or 33.76% if they get 2nd. Happy has a 4.95% chance to win ----going from 15.01% to 72.84% if they get 1st, or 25.58% if they get 2nd. TargA has a 4.85% chance to win ----going from 14.18% to 72.7% if they get 1st, or 24.2% if they get 2nd. ShoWTimE has a 3.81% chance to win ----going from 9.4% to 65.18% if they get 1st, or 17.26% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 3.37% chance to win ----going from 10.81% to 70.36% if they get 1st, or 21.24% if they get 2nd. viOLet has a 2.88% chance to win ----going from 10.74% to 71.61% if they get 1st, or 21.92% if they get 2nd. PiG has a 2.78% chance to win ----going from 7.79% to 65.47% if they get 1st, or 16.29% if they get 2nd. MaNa has a 2.21% chance to win ----going from 5.42% to 59.19% if they get 1st, or 12.4% if they get 2nd. Jim has a 1.84% chance to win ----going from 4.93% to 61.57% if they get 1st, or 3.87% if they don't. Sen has a 1.79% chance to win ----going from 5.6% to 69.41% if they get 1st, or 14.16% if they get 2nd. uThermal has a 1.56% chance to win ----going from 3.39% to 54.24% if they get 1st, or 2.59% if they don't. Serral has a 1.51% chance to win ----going from 2.96% to 52.1% if they get 1st, or 2.21% if they don't. HuK has a 1.41% chance to win ----going from 3.69% to 62.68% if they get 1st, or 2.84% if they don't. Welmu has a 1.04% chance to win ----going from 1.63% to 44.51% if they get 1st, or 1.18% if they don't. TLO has a 0.87% chance to win ----going from 1.51% to 46.03% if they get 1st, or 1.11% if they don't. iaguz has a 0.86% chance to win ----going from 1.44% to 44.46% if they get 1st, or 1.07% if they don't. MorroW has a 0.79% chance to win ----going from 1.64% to 47.35% if they get 1st, or 1.27% if they don't. Has has a 0.66% chance to win ----going from 1.31% to 47.82% if they get 1st, or 0.99% if they don't. Kane has a 0.66% chance to win ----going from 1.63% to 49.74% if they get 1st, or 1.31% if they don't. puCK has a 0.55% chance to win ----going from 0.89% to 42.54% if they get 1st, or 0.66% if they don't. MacSed has a 0.41% chance to win ----going from 0.61% to 39.98% if they get 1st, or 0.45% if they don't. XiGua has a 0.32% chance to win ----going from 0.52% to 40.49% if they get 1st, or 0.39% if they don't. Astrea has a 0.31% chance to win ----going from 0.45% to 37.08% if they get 1st, or 0.33% if they don't. iAsonu has a 0.28% chance to win ----going from 0.48% to 38.9% if they get 1st, or 0.38% if they don't. Suppy has a 0.23% chance to win ----going from 0.33% to 34.71% if they get 1st, or 0.25% if they don't.
Check out the fantasy league WCS Wars! -----------------------
major still has 20% chance to call in sick for Blizzcon.
I would really like to see Hydra do well and win WCS, hes so underrated. :D
I wonder how much money Snute is going to get me :0
On February 15 2015 12:00 sharkie wrote: I wonder how much money Snute is going to get me :0 I'm guessing he'll go up by about 200 points, maybe even 300 don't sell immediately though, aligulac ratings take a few hours to update -edit- he gained 100 points before the aligulac rating update it's pretty low because he was already favored to win the group at a very strong 68.88%
Why would you sell the WCS S1 winner (;
On February 15 2015 14:36 OtherWorld wrote: Why would you sell the WCS S1 winner (; I'm not selling ForGG though
wow I really gained almost nothing, this sucks
On February 15 2015 18:38 sharkie wrote:wow I really gained almost nothing, this sucks  we could sell him for a small profit, but we gotta hope Snute wins the ro16 to make a decent profit, or maybe he'll be announced for another tournament soon like Dreamhack
WCS Predictor 2015WCS Premier Season 1 Group B+ Show Spoiler [Changes During This Tournament] +(Sim ID #1226 vs #1229) Biggest Winners Snute went up by 8.07%, going from 29.11% to 37.17% ShoWTimE went up by 0.72%, going from 9.34% to 10.06% TRUE went up by 0.52%, going from 2.56% to 3.09% Kane went up by 0.52%, going from 1.63% to 2.15% Hurricane went up by 0.37%, going from 2.16% to 2.52% Solar went up by 0.34%, going from 41.54% to 41.88% XiGua went up by 0.31%, going from 0.52% to 0.83%+ Show Spoiler [More Winners] + Creator went up by 0.28%, going from 0.31% to 0.59% Super went up by 0.23%, going from 48.1% to 48.34% Rogue went up by 0.22%, going from 51.92% to 52.15% Soulkey went up by 0.19%, going from 24.94% to 25.14% MMA went up by 0.19%, going from 35.47% to 35.66% GuMiho went up by 0.18%, going from 31.13% to 31.32% Zest went up by 0.17%, going from 22.99% to 23.17% Lilbow went up by 0.16%, going from 1.38% to 1.54% Rain went up by 0.15%, going from 82.75% to 82.9% Nerchio went up by 0.15%, going from 1.11% to 1.26% Stats went up by 0.12%, going from 69.56% to 69.68% HyuN went up by 0.11%, going from 11.98% to 12.1% sOs went up by 0.11%, going from 17.59% to 17.7% Dream went up by 0.11%, going from 63.19% to 63.29% INnoVation went up by 0.11%, going from 64.68% to 64.79% Dear went up by 0.1%, going from 52.67% to 52.78% YoDa went up by 0.1%, going from 9.63% to 9.73% TY went up by 0.1%, going from 58.09% to 58.19% Biggest Losers TaeJa went down by 5.65%, going from 35.4% to 29.75% PartinG went down by 3.75%, going from 74.08% to 70.33% uThermal went down by 2.01%, going from 3.37% to 1.37% TargA went down by 0.81%, going from 14.11% to 13.3% Happy went down by 0.54%, going from 14.94% to 14.4% Polt went down by 0.36%, going from 34.11% to 33.74% ForGG went down by 0.34%, going from 66.25% to 65.92%+ Show Spoiler [More Losers] + NaNiwa went down by 0.33%, going from 20.47% to 20.15% Heart went down by 0.32%, going from 1.04% to 0.71% Astrea went down by 0.28%, going from 0.44% to 0.16% MajOr went down by 0.16%, going from 20.54% to 20.38% Scarlett went down by 0.13%, going from 0.5% to 0.36% MaNa went down by 0.12%, going from 5.4% to 5.28% Polt, TLO, Jim, and Kelazhur in in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 32. Polt is at 33.74% Blizzcon Chances. 73.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.75%. 26.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.35%. Jim is at 4.9% Blizzcon Chances. 47.77% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.24%. 52.23% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.76%. TLO is at 1.5% Blizzcon Chances. 53.1% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.18%. 46.9% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.74%. Kelazhur is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 25.16% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%. 74.84% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. ForGG has a 16.81% chance to win ----going from 65.92% to 97.55% if they get 1st, or 76.24% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 13.63% chance to win ----going from 51.03% to 92.75% if they get 1st, or 61.95% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.26% chance to win ----going from 37.17% to 90.16% if they get 1st, or 45.93% if they get 2nd. NaNiwa has a 7.11% chance to win ----going from 20.15% to 76.16% if they get 1st, or 29.82% if they get 2nd. Polt has a 7.1% chance to win ----going from 33.74% to 91.96% if they get 1st, or 49.78% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] + MajOr has a 5.54% chance to win ----going from 20.38% to 80.76% if they get 1st, or 33.33% if they get 2nd. Happy has a 4.67% chance to win ----going from 14.4% to 72.4% if they get 1st, or 24.79% if they get 2nd. TargA has a 4.48% chance to win ----going from 13.3% to 72.09% if they get 1st, or 23.18% if they get 2nd. ShoWTimE has a 3.97% chance to win ----going from 10.06% to 66.32% if they get 1st, or 18.16% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 3.3% chance to win ----going from 10.71% to 70.58% if they get 1st, or 21.22% if they get 2nd. viOLet has a 2.78% chance to win ----going from 10.65% to 71.56% if they get 1st, or 22.09% if they get 2nd. PiG has a 2.74% chance to win ----going from 7.73% to 65.58% if they get 1st, or 16.27% if they get 2nd. MaNa has a 2.05% chance to win ----going from 5.28% to 58.78% if they get 1st, or 12.44% if they get 2nd. Jim has a 1.79% chance to win ----going from 4.9% to 61.64% if they get 1st, or 3.86% if they don't. Sen has a 1.71% chance to win ----going from 5.48% to 69.64% if they get 1st, or 14.06% if they get 2nd. HuK has a 1.55% chance to win ----going from 4.18% to 64.3% if they get 1st, or 3.23% if they don't. Serral has a 1.41% chance to win ----going from 2.89% to 51.75% if they get 1st, or 2.19% if they don't. iaguz has a 0.96% chance to win ----going from 1.61% to 45.62% if they get 1st, or 1.19% if they don't. Welmu has a 0.93% chance to win ----going from 1.57% to 44.67% if they get 1st, or 1.16% if they don't. TLO has a 0.84% chance to win ----going from 1.5% to 46.29% if they get 1st, or 1.12% if they don't. Kane has a 0.77% chance to win ----going from 2.15% to 52.91% if they get 1st, or 1.76% if they don't. MorroW has a 0.76% chance to win ----going from 1.61% to 47.6% if they get 1st, or 1.26% if they don't. XiGua has a 0.71% chance to win ----going from 0.83% to 39.55% if they get 1st, or 0.55% if they don't. Has has a 0.63% chance to win ----going from 1.27% to 47.18% if they get 1st, or 0.98% if they don't. puCK has a 0.52% chance to win ----going from 0.84% to 42.17% if they get 1st, or 0.63% if they don't. MacSed has a 0.37% chance to win ----going from 0.6% to 40.18% if they get 1st, or 0.45% if they don't. iAsonu has a 0.25% chance to win ----going from 0.47% to 38.63% if they get 1st, or 0.37% if they don't. Suppy has a 0.21% chance to win ----going from 0.32% to 35.13% if they get 1st, or 0.25% if they don't.
Why has Life 2100pts here and 1950pts on Liquipedia?