A more positive Stork
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ocvZAMR.jpg)
source: This Is Game
You broke your length 13 loss streak.
I started my losing streak after losing my match with sOs on the 21st of April last year. Even in the off-season there were a lot of online tournaments, but I kept falling out so I thought that I had really had no skill. Now I feel like I can breathe a little.
Your opponent was a rookie on debut.
I know that when the fans look at this match, it seems obvious that I should win, but there are so many good SC2 players that the existing core of strong players have lost a lot of their advantage. Personally, I think of today's victory as an extremely valuable one.
People are saying that this is a victory borne of extraordinary effort?
I was playing around a lot in the off-season. Until then, when we were playing games internally I thought my skills were about average. When I started practising for the upcoming season, I realised that my skills weren't even average. That really kicked me into gear, and I practised hard.
Did today's match go as planned?
The opponent prepared well, and caused a lot of frustrating situations for me. I kept thinking a lot of negative thoughts. But once I saw the Ultralisks, I felt more at ease. Because they're so expensive, you can't make a lot of them at once. In a fight between two maxed armies, Protoss can win the game by winning a single fight.
What do you think are your weaknesses?
I think personally that I'm not adapting well to televised games. As my win-rate has dwindled as I've transitioned to SC2, I haven't been able to play much, especially with less individual tournaments. I think it was because my confidence was dwindling too.
You're in Code A?
It's made me hate GomTV so much (laughter). When the coaches saw the groups, they laughed. It feels like now, I'm the one being sacrificed by being put into this group for the good of the others. I was hoping for an easy group, so I'm pretty disappointed. When I first saw it, I was really put off and found it de-motivating. Then I thought about beating Xellos on debut, and I changed my mindset. Even if I get knocked out now, I want to make it a time where I progress. I'm thinking more positively now.
You were on a map thought to be bad for Protoss, Sejong Science Station.
In the first week of SPL, people talked a lot about how Protoss was strong. But honestly, I think Protoss is not good. The player that's good, regardless of map is No. 1, but Protoss has to be defensive and the other races have the initiative. That's why I think the other races are good. If you look at the players dominating the top of the ladder, there aren't many Terrans. There are a lot of Zergs and Protoss's but the players that are good are only up to a certain level. If I look at it from this point of view, it seems like balance is fine but also like it's totally broken. At the end of the day, the map doesn't matter too much. I don't have much confidence in my PvP, but I thought that I would play a Zerg on this map so that's why I went out on this map.
Your goal for this season?
I've already achieved my goal. In all truth, my goal was to end my losing streak. Because my results have been so bad, I thought that I would get sent out for less game. My team-mates are working really hard so I'm really hoping for good results.
Any remarks to finish?
Because I've been losing so much, I haven't had a chance to thank people. I want to thank my team-mates for helping me practice. Playing SC2 has changed my mind a lot. I thought that I was a natural talent, but turns out that I'm here because of my work-ethic. I'd like to be the kind of player that shows better and better matches because of their hard work.
6 wins out of the gate! Maru - "I want to play against Parting"
Aiming for the King of Wins, presents a challenge to Parting.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XgEDNv1.jpg)
source: This Is Game
How do you feel after winning 2 games?
I didn't think that I would be playing the Ace Match, so I was completely flustered. I think that the opposition's strategy was a good one.
In the first game, you were attacked by early zerglings but you defended it well.
There was an early drone scout, so I did anticipate it. I think I didn't tense up too much and stayed calm, which helped me defend well.
How do you feel about your current ascendancy?
I seem to have such good luck with every game I play, so I'm amazed every game. I think it's going well.
You had to play a Protoss in the Ace Match.
I want to keep playing just Protoss's. Compared to the other match-ups, playing Protoss feels comfortable and always goes the way I think it will.
After today's wins, you're at the top of the Most Wins rankings.
I think if I can stay in the condition I'm in, I think I can definitely stay there.
The next match, you'll be playing SKT T1. Are you confident, even if you're up against Parting, who is also doing well?
I really hope I get to play against Parting. Even if it's to stay on top of the Most Wins ranking, I think I need to meet him in a match.
There's a lot of people saying "Protoss Imba". What do you think?
Protoss is definitely imba, but I think only the TvP match up is going well for me.
Any final remarks?
Today is Rogue's birthday, so I want to wish him a Happy Birthday. I want to thank aLive for helping me practice. I also want to thank the Coach and everyone at Jin Air.