You can download the unfiltered replay pack (all my replays from day I started playing again november 7th to now, 235 replays). Has all my wins/losses and some rage in some (I think out of the 235 maybe 5-6 have rage?, either way if that's your thing hf hunting those down
This will have 7 replays in zvt/zvp/zvz.
ZvT will be standard play, all the typical mass muta/burrowed banelings play. Nothing new or creative. If you enjoy burrowed banelings you'll enjoy these replays.
ZvP is a few things from muta, roach/hydra/viper to sh play. It has a variety of styles (no turtle sh though I refuse!).
ZvZ is going to be a mix of early pools and macro play. Most zvz's are muta play and transitioning into multiple things such as sh, fast ultra and on the rare occasion roaches.
Without further ado here are the replays: - december replays.rar (all replays) replays(3).rar (ZvP replays) replays(2).rar (ZvT replays) replays(2).rar (ZvZ replays)