i am shocked...................................................................................................................................................no word to say
This is just tribute to the Bisu Toss, Our Kicks Ass Bruce Lee Toss, You may find him in a Bee Suit Toss!!!
This is just a tribute to the greatest man, who has the youngest fan, who defeated god in the final proleague man!!!!
This is just a tribute to our hero Bisu, but this is just the beginning of the tribute....
Jaedong and Bisu's Very Special Encounter (Part 1)
Recently, it became a hot issue that even Super Junior's Kyuhyun wanted [Jaedong and Bisu] to become friends. The two progamers' relationship has not only garnered attention from their fans, but also celebrities. Unlike other players in TBLS, which includes the four best SC players of this generation, Jaedong and Bisu were never good friends. Eventually, it got to the point where fans of e-sports started a movement wanting them to become friends.
Were their prayers about to be answered? Thanks to Super Junior's Kyuhyun, who facilitated their meeting, the two were able to become closer. By now rumor has it that the two have become close enough to meet up and talk about their lives. The two bragged that they chatted over Kakao-tok [free txting app] even on the day of the interview, showing that their non-progaming life was intact and as alive as ever.
On the day of the interview, Jaedong was the first to arrive at Shinsa Dong's Garosu Street. He sheepishly apologized and said he had to make a call for about 10 minutes, saying that "Lomo is going off to the military today." We had already received word that Bisu was going to be a little late, and Jaedong seemed relieved when we told him he could take his time.
While looking through the menu of the outdoors restaurant we had chosen, Jaedong said, "I like Korean food better" and didn't seem enticed by what the menu had to offer. We had chosen the restaurant because there is no room for photography in Korean restaurants. Jaedong smiled and said, "I'm still young but I like old-people food like Gookbab and Soondae-Gook [traditional food with lots of broth. Look them up if curious: 국밥, 순대국] In the end, he chose a dish of pasta and resumed texting with Lomo while waiting for Bisu to arrive.
10 minutes later, Bisu arrived, and Jaedong greeted him. They didn't seem awkward like before. In fact, we felt awkward seeing them act friendly towards each other. They seemed to have forgotten that this was an interview and chatted between themselves. It's a pity that a lot of what was said was NSFW and can't be published here.
Unlike Jaedong, who took his time choosing his dish, Bisu picked something right away. He chose the most expensive steak dish. He said, "I know you journalists are rich" and innocently ate away at his filet mignon. I know that a lot of progamers have little knowledge of wages outside of the progaming world, but was Bisu really that oblivious, or was he just pretending to be so he could eat his steak with a clear conscience?
When asked how he would like his steak, Bisu said "appetizing," and caused people to burst out in laughter. He told the troubled waiter to make it "decently tender with some pink." The manner in which he spoke was truly Bisu-esque [T/N: Bisu gets a lot of flak for talking like a...Forrest Gump].
This interview almost didn't happen. Team8's Coach Joo mistakenly told Jaedong that the interview was the day after and Jaedong had relayed that message to Bisu. Bisu, upon receiving the text, went back to sleep. Fortunately, we were able to connect with Coach Joo in time so that Jaedong and Bisu could make it on time. Through this, we were able to conclude that the two text each other, putting an end to the myriad of questions from fans asking whether they communicate outside of SC.
In the past, when the two were together, their awkwardness made people next to them feel even more awkward, but now it got to the point where it was difficult to conduct the interview because the two wouldn't stop talking. They were busy catching up with each others' lives. I guess it's safe to say they are now good friends.
We now take you into the relatively little known world of Jaedong and Bisu's friendship.
DES=This is your first official interview since joining Team8. How does it feel.
JD=It's so much fun. The MBC Game players are very funny in particular (laughs). Bisu=They were always a bunch of loud-mouthed kids (laughs). JD=Alone said SKTelecom T1 is no fun because you guys just practice in silence. Bisu=He did? Well I guess there's some truth to that (laughs). JD=I guess it's hard for us to be comfortable at another team's practice facilities because our team hasn't had much of a chance to hang out with other teams. Bisu=In that regard I think it's good that a lot of MBC Game players joined Team8, because they are fun to be around (laughs). JD=Sea and Tyson take a keen interest in me. They're always saying stuff like 'Let's see how god Jaedong practices' or 'WWJD=What would Jaedong do?' [T/N: liberally translated] It took me a while but now I'm used to it (laughs). Bisu=I can imagine what it would be like (laughs).
DES=Many people are curious why it took you two so long to become friends.
JD=We just never had a chance to (laughs). Bisu=We weren't awkward; we just didn't know each other. JD=Being awkward and unacquainted are two different things (laughs). Bisu=I guess personality played a role, too. We both open up to our friends and speak comfortably, but can't talk to people we aren't close with. Also, we wait for others to reach out to us first. Since both of us are like that, it took us a lot of time to become friends. Also Stork and Flash are on Bnet a lot, so I get to talk to them, but Jaedong is never on (laughs). JD=It's true that I rarely go on Bnet (laughs)
DES=What did you think when you heard Super Junior's Kyuhyun had set up a meeting for you two.
JD=I wanted to use this opportunity to become friends with Bisu so I could put an end to all the fans saying we are awkward once and for all. Bisu=Of course I was excited. JD=You make it sound like a homo-erotic date (laughs). Bisu=Excited in a strictly platonic way (laughs). JD=Bisu wasn't able to drink that much that day. He had to practice early the next day. So I was the only one drinking (laughs). Bisu=Jaedong is a tank. I was shocked. JD=I don't have a high tolerance; I just withstand the effects with my mental abilities. In fact you have a higher tolerance than I do. Bisu=I was pretty shy the first day but Jaedong didn't seem very shy. JD=It would be a disservice [to Kyuhyun] to act shy at a place like that. So I decided to reach out first. Bisu=It worked.
DES=Bisu is ahead in head-to-head's. A lot of fans have been asking about that.
Bisu=I knew they would ask that. I was hoping you would be smart enough to filter those questions. JD=It's alright. It's true that I lost a lot. Bisu=When I play against Jaedong, I have good luck for some reason. I sometimes think 'if everything worked out as well as when I play Jaedong, I would never lose.' I seriously have no idea why. Jaedong=On the contrary, nothing works for some odd reason when I play against Bisu. My strategies get deflected and I can't even manage my own units. I often feel like I'm under a spell (laughs). Bisu=But I know that Jaedong is really good. I have a secret that nobody else knows. JD=Secret? What secret? Bisu=I said it's a secret (laughs).
DES=It's the 3-year anniversary edition interview. Say it.
Bisu=Recently I was playing on a server where a lot of progamers frequent, and I went 0-10 against this one player. I thought he was really good and guessed it was either Jaedong or ZerO. I just couldn't beat him. He was too good. I thought that if this isn't Jaedong or Zero, our team must sign him immediately. I kept asking him who he was, but he wouldn't say. I was really curious, but then Alone came and said 'This is Jaedong's smurf account.' I was once again reminded of Jaedong's greatness. JD=I had no idea that was you (laughs). But more importantly, I'm going to have a word with Alone for leaking such secrets (laughs). Bisu=From that day on, I knew Jaedong was really good. I really couldn't think of a way to beat him at the time. JD=You embarrass me. Why can't you lose to me like that in broadcasted matches (laughs). Bisu=I get a surge of confidence when I know I'm playing against Jaedong for some reason (laughs).
DES=A lot of fans are curious whether you guys send text messages to each other.
Jaedong=We don't text.
DES=How do you communicate then?
Jaedong=Who sends texts these days? We chat on Kakao-tok (laughs). Seems like whoever asked that needs to get with the times (laughs).
DES=There was an interesting question that one of the fans asked. Who is the best Zerg and Protoss in you guys' opinion?
JD=What an ass (laughs). Bisu=The best protoss in my opinion is... JD=What's there to think about. Everybody knows it's you (laughs). Bisu=I think results necessarily correlate to skill, so I choose Nal_rA. JD=I think Bisu. Even going off of your logic, you have more wins than him (laughs). Bisu=I have never won an OSL and my last MSL win was 3 years ago. It doesn't feel right to say it's me. JD= So convoluted (laughs). Bisu=I think everybody would agree that Jaedong is the best zerg. But it's hard to say the same about me (laughs). JD=I think I'm the best zerg at the moment. I have the most individual league wins and most wins in PL among zergs. Bisu=I wish I could say the same about myself (laughs).
DES=What about each other are you most jealous of?
Bisu=Individual league wins. You need extreme dedication to win, and Jaedong has that. JD=I want to correct a common misconception here. I'm not always intense in life. I just get that when I play SC. I'm a really easy-going guy normally (laughs). For some reason I turn into another person when I play. Bisu=Give me that other person you turn into then (laughs). JD=I want his good looks and popularity. Of course I have a lot of fans who love me. But for me it's just within the progaming world. A lot of random girls come up to Bisu and ask for his number while drinking. He must have a lot of girls and I am jealous. Bisu=Why are you doing this to me. There are a lot of rumors about you too (laughs). I have my sources too (laughs). JD=Wait. Let's not do this to each other (laughs). Bisu=You started it (laughs). And what's wrong with meeting girls (laughs). JD=Please edit out what I just said (laughs).
Jaedong and Bisu's Very Special Encounter (Part 2)
Jaedong and Bisu chatted away while time flew by. After revealing each others' dark secrets, they came to an agreement not to destroy their public image anymore. It was a let down for me who was just starting to enjoy the show, but they drew a line saying they can't commit social suicide for an interview.
However since the two were so close they opened up even without being asked. They would say something completely NSFW and add that "you can't publish this" together. I guess they really have become close friends.
Now we will once again delve into the world of Jaedong and Bisu's special encounter.
DES=Now you can just answer away at the fans' questions. Of course the more honest the better (laughs).
Bisu=I'm already scared I said too much; how can I be more honest! JD=I agree. We just need to keep it totally SFW from now on.
DES=Alright first question then. Whether you swear in front of a person is often used as a measure of friendliness; do you guys swear in front of each other?
JD=This is a tough one (laughs). Bisu=I almost never swear (laughs). Jaedong hails from Kyungsang-Do so I think he would swear a lot. [Kyungsang people are known to be more passionate and rugged than people from Seoul] JD=Still that doesn't mean I swear. I think I swore a lot to my Hwaseung teammates though (laughs). I guess you do swear after you get closer to someone (laughs). Bisu=Let's keep our friendship right at this level then (laughs). JD=But even my swearing is pleasant to listen to!
DES=How much can you drink.
JD=Bisu has a higher tolerance than I do. Bisu=Wat. You're a liar. JD=I make up for what I lack with my mental abilities (laughs). Bisu=Shush, you drank like a tank that one time. JD=No seriously I can't drink as much as you. You're known to be a beast. Bisu=It's all a conspiracy (laughs).
DES=If you had a younger sister would you introduce each other to her?
JD=If I had a younger sister I would control her from her school years right up until she married. I would not let her meet any guy and keep a keen eye on her. I'm not so sure how Bisu treats his women…. Bisu=I guess that's a no then (laughs). JD=That's not what I meant, you definitely meet the bar. You're rich and handsome so you would be a hundred times better than an average guy off the street. I just meant I wouldn't let any guy near her if I had a sister. Bisu=Well I guess I would have to say no, too (laughs). I feel like he would meet other women while seeing my sister (laughs). You know how successful guys tend to be (laughs). JD=This is false (laughs). We agreed not to do this to ourselves! Bisu=I was just talking about successful guys in general (laughs). If I get a younger sister, or a daughter, I'm going to set a strict curfew. Hearing about stories of people being sold off as slaves or being buried alive in secluded mountains in the news scares me so much. This world is not a kind place. JD=So how are you going to make up for the damage you've done to my image (laughs). Bisu=Again, I was talking about successful guys in general, not you specifically (laughs).
DES=You seem to have very different interests; for example, JD likes sports while Bisu doesn't.
Bisu=It's a misconception. When I was on MBC Game I was good at soccer too. I just haven't played a lot since so my skills have stagnated. If we were to play I could show you that I'm good! There's not a lot of opportunities to play sports in our area and ever since BoxeR left SKTelecom T1, nobody has actively promoted sporting events. JD=I've been wanting to go hiking recently, but nobody wants to go so I am sad. Bisu=I personally don't like mountains (laughs). JD=So you do hate sports (laughs). Bisu=I said I hate mountains (laughs).
DES=What were your first impressions of each other.
Bisu=I was scared (laughs). The force emanating from his facial expression was so manly that I was even a little jealous. JD=I thought he was good looking. He is undeniably handsome (laughs). Bisu=I can't agree with that sentiment. I personally think RuBy is very good looking. He's also tall [Ruby is about 6'0.5" while Bisu is 5'9"]. JD=I can't talk about looks in front of Bisu. He is in another class. Bisu=My face is more refined and sharp, while Jaedong has a softer appeal. At first I thought it was a very cutsie face but the more I see him the more he exudes a soft and manly charm. JD=I personally love Bisu's laugh (laughs). People spell it out like 'Uh-hung-hung-hung' and I think it's very cute. Bisu=I lost my laugh because people kept making fun of it. JD=Why it's so cute! Bisu=See. Even you're making fun of it (laughs). JD=No seriously I'm not making fun of you, I think it's cute (laughs).
DES=One of the fans asked which part of your body you think is better than the other's.
JD=I'm not sure if I have any (laughs). Now that I think about it I have minimal body fat. I work out consistently and maintain a healthy diet so I guess I may have better overall health (laughs). Bisu=My eyes are prettier (laughs).
DES=What's most important: love, work or friendship?
Bisu=From a long time ago until now, ever since I was a progamer I think work came first. JD=I've never experienced real love so I guess love comes last. I would also rank friendship over work. Friendship comes first!
DES=Any recent interests?
JD=Not outside of gaming. Oh, I've been watching a drama called 'I'm a Flower, Too!' Please everybody watch it. It's so much fun but isn't that popular. I'm so upset. Bisu=I've been watching 'Man of Honor' recently. JD=That's a competing show! Switch to 'I'm a Flower, Too' quickly. It just started!
DES=One of Jaedong's fans asked what it feels like to have a large male fan-base.
JD=I guess they aren't fans of me, but rather my games, right? (laughs). I think a lot of male fans joke around about being gay for me (laughs). [T/N: I hope he visits TL one day] Bisu=I've never seen it but I guess it would be kind of creepy (laughs). JD=I sometimes get fan-mail from male fans. Bisu=Really? I've never. JD=I assumed all progamers received fan-mail from male fans, but then I asked my Hwaseung teammates and they all said that they hadn't either. I guess you don't either. Bisu=I don't even think there was ever a progamer around me that said that he received letters from male fans. JD=Well I'm still thankful (laughs).
DES=Is SC still fun?
JD=I guess the competition is more fun than the game itself. I enjoy competing, so I guess that's why a lot of people compliment my dedication and mental strength. Bisu=For me the game itself is still fun enough.
DES=One of the fans asked Bisu about his future goals with regards to individual leagues.
Bisu=I want to win it and I must win it. I am trying my best. JD=I think you put too much effort into preparing for PL matches. You won 63 games last season and that's pretty much a miracle. It's mind-blowing. But the fans don't give him enough credit for that and focus on his lack of results in individual leagues, and I feel really sorry. Every player is doing their best to perform, so I want to ask all the fans not to deride a player based on his individual league performance.
DES=Did any thing that was unexpected of the other person come up after becoming friends.
JD=Bisu is even more shy and timid than I first thought. Bisu=I'm always reminded of how manly Jaedong is every time I see him.
DES=One of the fans asked about your nose, Bisu; should we skip it? (laughs).
Jaedong=I personally don't think Bisu's nose is that big. It looks good on screen and he is really good looking in real life, too. There is a certain angle where he looks especially good, and whenever the camera man shows that angle I'm just awed by his looks. His nose isn't all that big when you see him in real life. Bisu=I think it's better than having a nose that's too small (laughs).
DES=If Jaedong and Park Wan Gyu [T/N: Famous rock singer in Korea, big advocate of E-sports] were drowning, who would Bisu save?
Bisu=I can't swim so I would drown too if I tried (laughs). I would do my best to save both (laughs). JD=I want to know what kind of logic prompted fans to ask this sort of question (laughs). I am so stumped when fans ask these sorts of questions (laughs).
DES=When do you plan on enlisting in the military?
JD=It's something that's always in the back of my mind. However I might not go to Airforce ACE. I haven't given it much thought yet so I will have a clearer answer when it's time. Bisu=I will go when I am 29 (laughs). I will go when my skills deteriorate. Now that I think about it, I am curious when my skills will start to fade.
DES=We are almost out of time. We will end the interview after parting words from each of you.
Bisu=I want Team8 to do well. It must be so difficult and stressful. Looking at Jaedong, I can sense the adversities that the team must have faced. I will pray that a good corporation picks up Team8. JD=In order for that to happen, you need to do something. You need to lose when you're playing against us (laughs). Go easy for the sake of our team (laughs). Bisu=Let's practice hard so we can face each other in the OSL finals this season. JD=Yea let's. I want to produce awesome games on the biggest stage of e-sports.
Their heart-warming, hold-nothing-back interview ended like this. I wanted to hear more of what they had to say but they were both practicing hard in preparation of the season opener, so we were on a tight schedule. I hope to see both players at the highest of stages this season like they had promised each other.
After their interview, the players sent a brief message to Daily E-Sports in celebration of its 3 year anniversary.
JD, Bisu=We would like to congratulate DES for its third anniversary. I hope DES continues to grow as a publication and please include a lot of articles about us. I hope a lot of our fans visit DES, too (laughs). Please call us back for your fourth anniversary as well. DES fighting!
[Interview] Bisu interview by Maxim You are one of the best players and if not one of the most handsome. You must have a lot of female fans!!!
▲ Although a lot my girl fans do come to the stadium to root for me but most of my fanbase consists of guys. Also there are many players like Ruby, Hwasin and Boxer who are much more handsome than me.
How do you feel about July's outward appearance (T/L: ??? WHAT LOL)
▲ July hyung is a very macho guy. Because of his aggressive style he attracts a lot of males to his fanbase so I guess he really doesn't care about his outside appearance (laughs).
You play a different style every game. Who helps you with strategy?
▲ Kingdom used to help me a lot. However new strategies usually come from other protoss users when you practice with them a lot. With practice you can earn some hints.
Do you have any players you have difficulties with? Please tell us one
▲ There is none. Saying I have a difficult time with another player sounds like I have a hard time winning. As a progamer one must always be prepared to beat their opponent. If I do have a difficult time with my opponent then it becomes a big problem.
That was a very bold statement. This applies in every match?
▲ Of course. If a progamer has no confidence it is time the player has to quit his job. Whenever you play a game, you must have a lot of confidence. In the E-Sports scene, only those with great confidence can be winners.
But there were times when you lost to unknown players in a disappointing fashion yourself
▲ That's because I got arrogant. If you let yourself go during a game you start losing control of your game. That is a part of me I still have to fix
Do you like your nickname the “Revolutionist”?
▲ At first it was very awkward for me but I got used to it now. There was a time when I wanted to show great showmanship by attacking 5 expos simultaneously. Whenever we have practice sessions I sometimes joke around telling my teammates “I have found a revolutionizing strategy” (laughs).
A lot of people say you are very arrogant and cocky.
▲ There was a time when I did interviews in a very rude tone. After winning a game and sitting down to do an interview there are times when my language gets rough and say things. I guess people found me arrogant after reading those interviews.
Do you have a lot of anti-fans?
▲ I think I have more anti-fans than fans (laughs). Ever since I beat both rA and Savior I started getting anti-fans as fast as the speed of light. It was a very “pleasant (?)” experience for me.
Still isn't it nice to get a lot of fan letters and presents from your female fans?
▲ Ever since I went to SKT I started getting less and less fan letters and no gifts from my fans. I feel cheated.
You have a salary that surpasses 100 grand (T/L: Bisu's salary is the 2nd highest in progaming iirc). How do you manage your money?
▲ Well I have no time to manage my finances, so I just let my parents do it. My parents told me they will make sure I will have enough money to live off of until I die (laughs).
A lot of people who love starcraft believe you are “The Handsome Genius” type
▲ 100% not true. In starcraft you must always practice a lot to be a better player. Even if you are a genius if you do not practice you will fail.
For how long do you want to be a progamer?
▲ I want to be a progamer until the day I die. However as everyone already knows, progaming is not a stable job at all. When starcraft 2 comes out, I am worried whether or not I can be a good player. Depending on how Starcraft 2 plays out will make or break my life of a progamer.
What was the most memorable moment as a progamer for you?
▲ At 2006 proleague, it was a match to decide whether or not MBCgame Heroes would get to the playoffs or not. The score was 3:3 and I was sent for the ace match. I lost a game earlier so I was incredibly nervous and burdened. I just barely won but even till this day I don't think there was a game that clenched my heart like that.
And finally, if there was a goal you wanted to achieve as a progamer what would it be?
▲ Well there isn't anything specifically as far as long term goals go, but I wish I can keep this ranking (kespa ranking 1st place) (laughs).
[Interview] Bisu (30 Q&A), 04/30/07
In the midst of a Protoss Revolutionist and a 17-year old boy, there is...
Please introduce yourself in a few words. ▲ Hello, I'm Kim Taek Young, a progamer belonging to the MBC Game Hero's team. I'm very thankful to Fomos for choosing me as the first player to be interviewed in the 30 Q&A series.^^
- How did you become a programer? ▲ I moved to Seoul when I was in my first year of Middle School. It was around that time that I first got to see the game broadcast on TV, and when I saw the games, I thought, "Ah! I want to stand on that stage just once, too!" It seems I became a programer because I worked really hard after that.^^
- Expect for your teammates, what player are you especially close to, and how did that happen? ▲ I'm really close to free from Woongjin Stars. I don't really remember how exactly I got to know him, but I think I must have been introduced to him by someone during my amateur days.
- What was the most memorable game for you? (A game you can't forget or that you'd like to play again). ▲ I still find my debut match against Pantech's Stay most memorable. Because I was just a rookie then and it was my first broadcast match, I was really nervous. I think that because I was bestowed with a win on my debut game, it will remain in my memory even longer.
- Who do you think of as your rival, and why? ▲ There's not anyone I think of as my rival. I just face every match with the attitude of a rookie.
- Are there any jinxes you've faced? ▲ Since it hasn't been long since I debuted as a progamer, I haven't had to struggle with that yet. And I work hard not to have to in the future.
- What are your goals as a progamer? ▲ When I first became a progamer, my goal was to win a Starleague. Now, my new goal is to become the best.
- Are there any special habits you have while playing games? ▲ Um, I have no special habits ^^;;
- What are your playing style's strengths? ▲ Seeing as how I'm a Protoss player, I think my ability to amass large resources is my strongest point.
- Who is your most memorable fan? ▲ I can't just choose one special fan. I love all my fans who always come to the games and support me.^^ (note: slut)
- When you see netizens who slander you online, in what ways do you react or cope? ▲ I think that I must get better. I think that the people who point out my mistakes also do me a favor and I'm trying hard to accept their criticism.
- What do you think about your nicknames such as 'The Revolutionist' and 'Prettyboytoss'? ▲ Of course I like them~ I used to feel bad about not having any nicknames, so I'd like it if even more were invented.
- Out of your fellow players, who bothers you the most and who do you get along with best? ▲ Nobody especially bothers me. As for people I get along with, I harmonize well with the players I room with.
- If you hadn't become a progamer, what would you be doing now? ▲ Since my parents would like me study, I'd probably be trying hard to advance my studies.
- In 10 year's time, what do you think you'll be doing? ▲ Won't I probably work at a company or, if I succeed as a progamer, work in a game-related field?
- Is there anything you repeatedly find yourself saying unconsciously? ▲ I sometimes unknowingly use expletives during games.^^;; I'm trying hard to fix that.
- What do you do in your free time? ▲ Instead of going out, I watch TV or sleep at home. When I've had enough of that, I use the internet. Mainly, I go on mini homepages and e-Sports communities and watch the news.
- What is your most cherished personal item, and why? ▲ I really like talking on the phone. So my cell phone, which I can make phone calls with from anywhere, is my most cherished possession.
- Who is your ideal girl among celebrities, and why? ▲ Kim Tae Hee is exactly my type. When I see her on TV, it's like rays of light are shining out of her face.^^
(Note: Kim Tae Hee is a very famous actress that is known not for her acting skills, but her beautiful face. Since this interview is so boring, let's look at some pics of Kim Tae Hee!)
- What do you do before going to bed and right after getting up? ▲ I listen to music before I go to sleep. And when I get up in the mornings, I first look at my watch and then start the day.
- When you get a call you don't want to take, what do you do? ▲ I push the reject button.
- What is your current desktop picture? ▲ Miss Son Ga In from the Brown-Eyed Girls, I think she's really beautiful.^^
- When you go out, what items do you always take with you? ▲ My cell phone, my wallet and lip balm. I need lip balm because my lips dry out quickly. (note: he actually literally says 'lip gloss' here. O.o B-but I think (hope!) that's not what he meant...)
- When did you first fall in love? ▲ It was in my 2nd year of Middle School (literally: I fell sick with the first-love fever). I guess it was rather early.
- What part of your appearance are you most confident and which the least? ▲ Personally, I like my eyes best. Even when I look at myself, I think they're pretty.^^ On the other hand, there are many spots and marks on my body, so I'm worried about that.
- What are moments when you like to think, "I've matured a lot!" or, "I'm still immature"? ▲ When I think about how I don't read manga or watch anime, I think that it seems I've grown up, but when I reveal my true face joking with my team mates, I realize that I'm still young.
- What do you like to watch on TV? ▲ The program 'Muhan Dojeon' (note: a program on MBC -- thanks to MrHoon for correcting ) or MTV, Usj'atsa (note: some kind of gag program, thanks again to MrHoon -- I don't know anything about Korean TV shows, orz), gag concerts, and thing like that. I like programs where you can just relax and laugh. It's the best way to relieve stress!
- What are some personality aspects you really like or dislike about yourself? ▲ I'm not happy with how gentle (note: there was '?' here in the Korean original, I guess he was trying to express something more along the lines of 'whimpy') and self-possessed with other people. I'd like to have a more outgoing personality that can appeal more strongly to others. But I like about myself how I see things through to the end without wavering and work hard.
- A word to your fans. ▲ Last season, both me and my team managed to bring in good results, and I will continue to work hard for as long as the spirit remains. I thank all my fans who've been supporting me and hope for your continued interest in this season as well.
- Choose the next player to be featured on 30Q&A and ask a question. ▲ free, how did you get so good at PvZ?
YESS THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!! Was waiting for you to post~ and you didn't disappoint~
NOOOOOOOO, I didn't know you from BW, but you were handsome as hell and you were supposed to revolutionize oracles and how we use the warpprism!!! I never got to see your legendary multitask! QQ