![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/i7LczE2.png)
The Plan
[DOa] Clan is going to be about improving at SC2, but more importantly it's going to be about enjoying the game and playing how you want to play. Any level is welcome! The only requirements are a willingness to be possibly streamed once in a while and an agreement to be decent to your fellow clan members.
Basically the idea is to create a community of players to casually practice and play custom games with on a regular basis. Since anyone who pre-orders the game can get in the beta now it will be easy to join in!
How do I join?
Since it seems like you can only invite people to clans that you're friends with I'll basically just be adding and inviting the first 50 (which I think is the current limit) or so people that put their ID and Bnet code into this thread. If there's a more efficient way to get people into a clan, please let me know! t.t
Post your Bnet ID/number thing in the thread and you'll be added. (Example: name.123)
The Stream!
Starting the week of February 3rd on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am Korean time (7pm CST Monday and Wednesday evening) I'll be streaming and commentating games between clan members. I'll be choosing randomly from people who are online and my own name will be in the mix too so I might have to commentate and play once in a while! We'll also be playing some multiplayer custom games and generally socializing in a Starcraft environment.
We'll be using a mix of Blizzard ladder maps and new maps from the SC2 map-making community to provide them some much-deserved exposure as well!
Note: I'll be traveling in the US for most of March so it'll be unlikely that any stream will happen during that time. I'll keep people informed and might find a substitute streamer to fill in for those weeks.
The Future
Ideally things will go well and there will be some opportunities to host and engage in casual clan wars in the coming months. It would be great to see other personalities in the scene start some of their own clans as well. This isn't really intended to ever become a pro team or anything, but instead a place to practice and have fun with what's going to be a great expansion!
Feel free to ask questions and leave comments here. I'll be collecting names and IDs today and start adding people to the clan tomorrow!