Bashing of any sort will result in temp bans. |
On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slayers trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Exactly this - which is the reason why MC apologized anyway.
On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset.
For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts.
On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Seems to me like Genius knew it was a joke that is why he didn't demand for a apology while boxer and Jessica being older people, are more sensitive.
I mean I am a man utd fan, I verbal bash my friends who are man city fans but that doesn't mean I meant it, its all fun and games with a competitive atomosphere until the match is over. This whole thing just got blow out of proportion
On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts.
If by overreact you mean "killed a fly with a neutron bomb", I wholly agree
On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset.
Even if Genius did not, but Boxer did because the insult is towards the team. He still need to apologize.
On October 20 2012 12:20 ImNightmare wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Seems to me like Genius knew it was a joke, that is why he didn't demand for a apology, while boxer and Jessica being older people, are more sensitive. I mean, I am a man utd fan, I verbal bash my friend's who are man city fans, but that doesn't mean I meant it, its all fun and games with a competitive atomosphere until the match is over. This whole thing just got blow out of proportion
Yes that's exactly what happens to me as I get older, I become more "sensitive" and irrational
On October 20 2012 12:21 mikedebo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:20 ImNightmare wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Seems to me like Genius knew it was a joke, that is why he didn't demand for a apology, while boxer and Jessica being older people, are more sensitive. I mean, I am a man utd fan, I verbal bash my friend's who are man city fans, but that doesn't mean I meant it, its all fun and games with a competitive atomosphere until the match is over. This whole thing just got blow out of proportion Yes that's exactly what happens to me as I get older, I become more "sensitive" and irrational I don't know if that's sarcasm or not man, but I didn't mean it in a bad way. Older people do get more sensitive but that is because they have been through much more, meant no insult.
On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset.
On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts.
Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be.
MC: 다음날 경기하는 상대방팀 연습에 안나가는건 노매너 아니고 친한 친구한테 욕을한건 큰 잘못인가봅니다. 물론 슬레기라고 한거에 대해선 죄송합니다 하지만 분명 그 발언한거 보시고 그날 저한테 뭐라고하셨었고 이제와 트윗하는건 평소 맘에 안들던 장민철 이걸 가지고 매장이나 시켜볼까? 하는 의미로 밖에 안보이네요 밥 해주시고 영화 추천해주시고 한건 그땐 정말 감사했고 그 이후로 해외대회 슬스선수들 잘 챙겨주고 그랬습니다. 왜 이제와서 이런 이야기를 하시는지는 좀 이해가 안되네요 @SlayerS_Jessica 자꾸 확대해석 하시는거 같아서 드리는 말씀인데 TSL 거부는 엄청 옛날일이고요 전 연맹 소속도 아니고 연맹에서 지시받은것 조차없습니다. 스타리그때도 연맹감독님들은 조심스럽게 저에게 보이콧의사를 물어보셨구요 그리고 ogs와 TSL은 예전에 사이가 안좋았습니다 지금은 나쁜감정 하나도없고 그 당시 서로 오해가 깊어 연습은 거의 안하던 사이였고 그부분을 이야기한건데 다들 오해를 하신거같네요 그리고 NASL 시즌3는 올해구요 2011년이아니라 저는 그대회에서 3등했습니다. 거짓말이 아니라 그때 황규훈단장님과 이운재감독님 사이가안좋아서 잠깐 트러블있었고 그이후 잘풀려서 게임 같이했었습니다. 그리고 제 기억이 맞는진 모르겠지만 슬레이어스 창단하고 저희 4명에게 화내신 사건이후로 슬스팀원들한테 타팀에게 인사하지 말라고한건 사실인가요? 실제로 전 성원이형 제외하곤 그시기에 인사 받아본적이없네요 슬레기새끼라고 한건 분명히 사과드리지만 저를 잡고 늘어져서 연맹쪽에 피해주려는 움직임은 안보이셨으면좋겠습니다 전 해외팀으로 이적한지 거의 1년이 되가고 있고 누구에게도 연습거부를한적이없으며 왕따를시킨적도없거든요 생각없이 민수에게 그런 발언을 한건 정말 죄송합니다 이해를 못하는분들이있는데 슬레 창단후에 타팀과 교류 전혀없었고 인사또한 안했습니다. 그리고 제가 뭐 무슨 죽을죄 진놈처럼됐는데 당황스럽네요 제가 질문한 대답에는 하나도 대답안하시고 예전에 몰아부치시던건 언급조차 없으신데 자기 하고싶으신 말씀만 하셔서 저만 나쁜놈 만드시는거같고 트위터로 이러는거 좀 이상하다고 생각되네요 누가봐도 공개적으로 밝히고 사과받고싶고 나쁜놈 만드시고싶어하시는거같은데 뜻대로 되셔서 좋으시겠습니다.
This was added by Jessica: 뒤에서 얼핏보니 '슬레' 와 '새끼'가 보였는데.. 슬레기새끼였는지.. 슬레새끼였는지 자세히 못봐서..민수에게 물어보니 대답을 안하더군요. 그래서 채팅창으로 나 가연누나인데 너 왜 욕하니? 했더니 민수에게 한건데요? 라고 했지.. 친구끼리 욕? 내가 그런걸로 뭐라고 할 만큼 바보인줄 아니? 너는 너랑 같은 직업을 가진 동료들을 욕한거야. 아니 조롱한거지.. 그래놓고 어제 올린 너의 글을 잘 생각해봐. 나도 내 팀을 위해 최선을 다했단다. 원종욱 감독도 인정 안한 부분을 너가 인정해주는구나. (박상익)감독님이 연습 해주지말라고 지시할때 넌 해줫다고말이지.. 2012년 1월 14일에 이적한 너가 말이지.. 고작 17일간 한시적인 연습거부 라는 말을 부정하게 해주어서 고맙다. 민철이 트윗내용 보시면 슬레이어스와 TSL 이 같이 언급되어있는건 동시에 같이 연습거부를 당하던 때입니다. 12012년 5월17일 IM과 SK게이밍이 연합결성했습니다. 그럼 그 해외팀 소속의 장민철선수에게 누가 연습거부 지시를 내렸을까요? 내말을 이해못하네.. TSL과 슬레이어스팀을 연습 거부 한건 2011년 NSAL 시즌 3예선 진출 이후이고 그당시에 지시받은것이니 장민철은 OGS소속이었다는 얘기인데...본인이 오래전이라고 확실하게 써주면서 왜 이럴까나. 거짓말도 정도껏 해라.... TSL이운재감독님께 직접 물어보렴.. 본인들이 언제 이 연습 거부 문제로 각팀감독들과 마찰이 생기고 최윤상 감독과 싸웠는지 말이다. 말을 하고 핑계를 댈려면 제대로 알고나 하란말이다 .죄송합니다 한마디면 될걸.. @sk__mc 공식적으로 감독들이 전체 회의로 모두 단합해서 지시한게 정확히는 2월 시점이고 내가 최초의 선수들에게 듣고 원종욱 감독을 만나서 이 문제에 항의를 한건 2011년 12월 28일(여의도숙소 잇을때)이전인 12월달 이야. 무슨말이냐고? 암암리에 서로간에 울팀 연습 거부 시켜놓고 공식적으로 만나서는 2월부터는 대놓고 했다는거지. 너가 감독이 아니니 자세한걸 알리가 없잖니.. 나도 조사를 하고서야 알기시작한건데 당시에 누가 알수있겟어. 너랑은 슬레기 관련 발언으로만 얘기하자. 너가 대신 짊어질 이유가 없잖니.. 같은 선수로서 또한 타팀에 그러한 말엘 한것에 대해 죄송하다고 하면 끝날 문제다.
MC said: When you leave it out of context, it makes it seem like I’m the bad guy. When I made that comment, I was in the middle of practicing to play against Slayers and when Min-soo came in and did not leave for a long time I cursed him out because that is the type of relationship we have. That is why I said “hey Slayers trash, I’m practicing. Leave the game”.
When you saw that comment you said something to me then and I explained that it was directed at Min-soo. It’s cheap that you would bring this up on twitter instead of confronting me then and there.
Since we’re on the subject, do you remember during the World Championship team match last year, you confronted me, Sung-joon, Jaedug, Jong-hyun and grouped us with those who ignored Coach Hong Seung Pyo? It was a traumatic event for me.
We had already talked with Coach Hong and decided to allow whoever wanted to play compete. When you came the next day and scolded us for something we didn’t even do, my performance suffered because of that.
Initially when I was told to not practice, I never discriminated, whether it was Slayers or TSL. I did not have a good opinion of you or Coach Hong after that, but I never hated the Slayers team members.
Wasn’t it you who hated the oGs team from the start? When I was in code A you told Choi Jong-Han to pick our team, and because of this we had to play against our own teammates. It was a frustrating and awkward situation. Of course because it was a private league, it was inevitable that teammates would play against each other, but at that level it was considered well-mannered to not have to pick the same team. It was because of this that I had a vendetta against Slayers.
This is an awkward situation to be in, as I was friendly and took care of Slayers players during foreign events. You turned me into a terrible person over a single comment I made to Min-soo. I was in the middle of practicing when some people told me of this situation. I am going to go back to practice.
^ Holy shit, was all of that on twitter? LOL
On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else...
The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong.
If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is.
On October 20 2012 12:20 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. Even if Genius did not, but Boxer did because the insult is towards the team. He still need to apologize.
I don't see how it offends the team. He didn't say slayers was trash he simply said, genius, a player on slayers, was trash.
When you say, "white trash," you're saying someone who's white is being dumb. You're not insulting all white people. And if you are white and are offended by that statement then you're drawing your own conclusions and thinking of implications that aren't necessarily true nor stated by the person who said "white trash." Certainly you can say "oh but racism!" but quite frankly that isn't the issue at hand and insulting someone with some more literal details doesn't seem to be racism in my eyes.
On October 20 2012 12:25 NeMeSiS3 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else... The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong. If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is.
Stop calling it a joke, MC didn't call it a joke, and apologized.
On October 20 2012 12:27 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:25 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else... The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong. If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is. Stop calling it a joke, MC didn't call it a joke, and apologized.
Yes he did, read the damn twitter.
On October 20 2012 12:25 quickclickz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:20 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. Even if Genius did not, but Boxer did because the insult is towards the team. He still need to apologize. I don't see how it offends the team. He didn't say slayers was trash he simply said, genius, a player on slayers, was trash. When you say, "white trash," you're saying someone who's white is being dumb. You're not insulting all white people. And if you are white and are offended by that statement then you're drawing your own conclusions and thinking of implications that aren't necessarily true nor stated by the person who said "white trash." Certainly you can say "oh but racism!" but quite frankly that isn't the issue at hand and insulting someone with some more literal details doesn't seem to be racism in my eyes.
No matter how you spin it, whether you will get offended in that situation. Fact is Boxer did get offended, and those are not nice words, apology from MC is needed.
On October 20 2012 12:27 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:25 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else... The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong. If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is. Stop calling it a joke, MC didn't call it a joke, and apologized.
MC said: When you leave it out of context, it makes it seem like I’m the bad guy. When I made that comment, I was in the middle of practicing to play against Slayers and when Min-soo came in and did not leave for a long time I cursed him out because that is the type of relationship we have. That is why I said “hey Slayers trash, I’m practicing. Leave the game”.
When you saw that comment you said something to me then and I explained that it was directed at Min-soo. It’s cheap that you would bring this up on twitter instead of confronting me then and there.
Since we’re on the subject, do you remember during the World Championship team match last year, you confronted me, Sung-joon, Jaedug, Jong-hyun and grouped us with those who ignored Coach Hong Seung Pyo? It was a traumatic event for me.
We had already talked with Coach Hong and decided to allow whoever wanted to play compete. When you came the next day and scolded us for something we didn’t even do, my performance suffered because of that.
Initially when I was told to not practice, I never discriminated, whether it was Slayers or TSL. I did not have a good opinion of you or Coach Hong after that, but I never hated the Slayers team members.
Wasn’t it you who hated the oGs team from the start? When I was in code A you told Choi Jong-Han to pick our team, and because of this we had to play against our own teammates. It was a frustrating and awkward situation. Of course because it was a private league, it was inevitable that teammates would play against each other, but at that level it was considered well-mannered to not have to pick the same team. It was because of this that I had a vendetta against Slayers.
This is an awkward situation to be in, as I was friendly and took care of Slayers players during foreign events. You turned me into a terrible person over a single comment I made to Min-soo. I was in the middle of practicing when some people told me of this situation. I am going to go back to practice.
You sir, are an idiot, please stop posting bullshit and speculation. Two friends banter. It's severely taken out of context.
User was temp banned for this post.
On October 20 2012 12:28 quickclickz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:27 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:25 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else... The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong. If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is. Stop calling it a joke, MC didn't call it a joke, and apologized. Yes he did, read the damn twitter.
There is no word "joke" in the translation. Read the damn twitter.
On October 20 2012 12:28 NeMeSiS3 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 20 2012 12:27 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:25 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:22 Shival wrote:On October 20 2012 12:18 NeMeSiS3 wrote:On October 20 2012 12:15 Jaedong4thOSL wrote:On October 20 2012 12:09 Waxangel wrote: everything MC typed towards Genius in that SS is totally normal between friends online That's your own opinion, obviously Boxer didn't take it as a joke, and got offended by the "Slaerys trash" remark. These words is not just towards Genius, it is towards the whole team. When friends don't get offended, ok, that's fine, but if they do, you apologize. Was genius offended? Or "that's your own opinion"... I don't recall seeing Genius get upset. On October 20 2012 12:18 quickclickz wrote: For anyone wondering, MC was in a practice game against someone on slayer's. genius, MC's friend and is on slayer's, jokingly joins the game and MC starts the banter asking him if he's a spy etc etc. Genius was probably laughing the whole time and then left. pretty standard scenario amongst friends. As usual Jessica overreacts. Do you type "..." and leave the game if you're laughing your ass off? Besides, Genius already showed he's on Jessica and BoxeR's side in this whole drama, if he thinks they're exagerating things, I doubt he would be. He's on there side about the whole MMA and everything else... The joke was made between friends, Genius has yet to make a formal comment so the idea it's even being used is outrageous, especially since it is WELL KNOWN they're friends. It is purely speculation, and it has no merit to apologize if it offended Boxer or Jessica... I'm completely on Jessica/boxers side, infact I just made a post saying that it was obvious when boxer was on one side, the other was wrong, but to use this is plainly wrong. If we shit on everyone who makes a joke to another person, the whole worlds going to be miles deeper in shit than this forum already is. Stop calling it a joke, MC didn't call it a joke, and apologized. Show nested quote +MC said: When you leave it out of context, it makes it seem like I’m the bad guy. When I made that comment, I was in the middle of practicing to play against Slayers and when Min-soo came in and did not leave for a long time I cursed him out because that is the type of relationship we have. That is why I said “hey Slayers trash, I’m practicing. Leave the game”.
When you saw that comment you said something to me then and I explained that it was directed at Min-soo. It’s cheap that you would bring this up on twitter instead of confronting me then and there.
Since we’re on the subject, do you remember during the World Championship team match last year, you confronted me, Sung-joon, Jaedug, Jong-hyun and grouped us with those who ignored Coach Hong Seung Pyo? It was a traumatic event for me.
We had already talked with Coach Hong and decided to allow whoever wanted to play compete. When you came the next day and scolded us for something we didn’t even do, my performance suffered because of that.
Initially when I was told to not practice, I never discriminated, whether it was Slayers or TSL. I did not have a good opinion of you or Coach Hong after that, but I never hated the Slayers team members.
Wasn’t it you who hated the oGs team from the start? When I was in code A you told Choi Jong-Han to pick our team, and because of this we had to play against our own teammates. It was a frustrating and awkward situation. Of course because it was a private league, it was inevitable that teammates would play against each other, but at that level it was considered well-mannered to not have to pick the same team. It was because of this that I had a vendetta against Slayers.
This is an awkward situation to be in, as I was friendly and took care of Slayers players during foreign events. You turned me into a terrible person over a single comment I made to Min-soo. I was in the middle of practicing when some people told me of this situation. I am going to go back to practice. You sir, are an idiot, please stop posting bullshit and speculation. Two friends banter. It's severely taken out of context.
Still Boxer did get offended, so apology is needed.