On October 13 2012 11:13 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 11:09 rysecake wrote: This is why foreign esports are a joke.
People care more about the drama and the personality than the actual sport. No. This has nothing to do with esports or foreign esports. Esports are a joke because people are so busy trying to make it mainstream, that noone is having any fun. So the community shrinks and shrinks til its down to the minority assholes who are telling the players to stop having personalities. Esports is a joke because people are more interested in shouting about the future and "whats good for esports" than shutting the hell up and just enjoying the scene that they chose to follow. How about instead of constantly bitching and trying to fix shit, you just enjoy it. Thats why you came here at one point, but now you have it cemented in your mind that its not enough for you to enjoy it, so you need your interests to be mainstream.
Smartest post in this whole thread.
On October 13 2012 11:17 nvs. wrote: Gross, the things people think are funny I think what he found funny was the reaction he was trying to elicit from BlinG, not the actual subject of child abuse.
Yeah, you're disgusting if you condone having sex with children.
These decisions made with some ill-defined notion of professionalism do nothing but betray the community. This community comes from people playing the most competitive games on the internet. When you play games on the internet, you use all the words there are - that's part of the charm. If it were me, and I were suspended on a whim like this while I was trying to play Starcraft and entertain people, I would just leave. Even if it only happened to my teammate, I wouldn't want to stay in that kind of environment.
My only hope is that EG's moves in this direction will detract from their popularity. I think people will understand that demonizing young adults doesn't actually help this scene go anywhere further than young adults have already taken it. I know it takes courage to stand against a vocal minority, but anyone who does it would command tons of respect.
I can tell there's not really a problem in this community. Not because we keep excising the cancerous parts, but because with 100+ streams running and a calendar full of events (compared to the old BW calendar, which was), people can watch whoever they want and ignore who they want. That's why the only times there's a problem, it's some flash mob (frequently started in other, less seasoned websites) posting for hundreds of pages about the latest mundane thing someone said.
On October 13 2012 11:17 nvs. wrote: Gross, the things people think are funny
How's the air up there on your high horse?
On October 13 2012 11:18 act.hero wrote: Yeah, you're disgusting if you condone having sex with children. Which nobody has done.
On October 13 2012 11:17 emythrel wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 11:10 SilSol wrote:On October 13 2012 11:09 Kasu wrote:On October 13 2012 11:04 Gullis wrote:On October 13 2012 10:55 Kasu wrote:On October 13 2012 10:54 SilSol wrote:On October 13 2012 10:53 Kasu wrote:On October 13 2012 10:51 PassiveAce wrote:On October 13 2012 10:49 jalstar wrote:On October 13 2012 10:43 Gullis wrote: This is retarded, Stephano should not even have to apology, everyone who is not fucking brain damaged should understand that he was joking. EG are doing good things for sc2 (money) but in my eyes they are really lacking professionalism which is displayed here. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sGxUY.jpg) So Bling is brain damaged? If it was a joke/prank it looks like Bling took it seriously at least for a second. Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, EG isn't "unprofessional" for a relatively light punishment for this. Again, players are fined huge chunks of salary in real sports for way more mild stuff. Seriously... Blings face there... He's just like "Is that supposed to be funny? wtf?" If you looked at the first screenshot, BlinG laughs a good bit. He only looks perturbed when he realises that the conversation was broadcast. You don't know what his expressions means at all or what he was thinking so i think we should leave it at that. Well he was grinning and typed "hahahahahaha" so forgive me, but it seems pretty clear he was amused. I did not watch blings stream but I did see the other picture of bling laughing, however trying to tell from Blings face if Stephano is joking is stupid and impossible . (I am gonna leave it to readers to figure out why that is stupid and impossible) I merely said that he thought Stephano was joking. That proves nothing about anything Stephano may have done, but it does prove: At least one person (BlinG, who actually knows Stephano) believed it was a joke. This negates the "I don't find it funny, therefore he must have been serious" argument. I just want to say one thing. You never know a person completely 100% and over internet/tournament meetings, chatting etc that's nothing. So you can't say or BlinG cant say he knows Stephano and that he can be sure he was joking. I do think he was joking but i just wanted to say that ;D You never know anyone, ever 100%. Virtually every serial killer had someone in their life who had no fucking clue they were knocking off prostitutes or raping children, in fact often their family and neighbours are completely shocked to learn that the person had a bad bone in them. Playing devils advocate is usually just a pretense to say what you really think. everything you said before and after "I do think he was joking" is either bullshit or how you really feel... I don't know which, but say what you mean, don't argue for the other side.
Uhm that's exactly what i meant ;d Neighbors that i love can be rapists or murderers who knows? Ehh.. i meant what u just said.
I guess Stephano should behave same way when WCS is near. See how community reacts then. Play or not to play...
Yeh 100% he would play WCS no matter what he says.
EG has alot of big sponsors, and it is a huge organisation. With that in mind, why do people find it silly to punish one of their "star-players" after saying the things stephano did?
I dont really care about this at all, but I just find it funny that so many people enjoys the way the internet is going right now(trolling is so funny), even at the top of e-sports people actually joke about pedofilic things and alot of people in the community have no problems with it at all. If you even care a littlebit about esports and want it to grow, then you need to grow up first, honestly.
I am pretty surprised that the punishment isnt bigger, I guess EG is to greedy.
On October 13 2012 10:51 PassiveAce wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 10:49 jalstar wrote:On October 13 2012 10:43 Gullis wrote: This is retarded, Stephano should not even have to apology, everyone who is not fucking brain damaged should understand that he was joking. EG are doing good things for sc2 (money) but in my eyes they are really lacking professionalism which is displayed here. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sGxUY.jpg) So Bling is brain damaged? If it was a joke/prank it looks like Bling took it seriously at least for a second. Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, EG isn't "unprofessional" for a relatively light punishment for this. Again, players are fined huge chunks of salary in real sports for way more mild stuff. Seriously... Blings face there... He's just like "Is that supposed to be funny? wtf?"
No, he's thinking oh fuck he took it too far on stream, what will happen with my friend? Seriously, they're great friend since a long while, they made tons of jokes like that that's for sure.
On October 13 2012 11:04 MaestroSC wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 10:55 shizaep wrote: I think what EG did is correct. They had no other choice really. They got complaints from their sponsors and they took action. They are a professional organization and they have to act professionally.
What I think is rally stupid is the community's response to a simple comment. In reality, nothing happened. Words were said. It may have been a joke, it may have been misinterpreted. Even if something bad happened, there is no confirmation past a rumor.
Why hundreds of people would send emails to sponsors over this just blows my mind? What do they think that they are doing great justice of something? This reaction to simple things like this is an aweful characteristic of this society. What are the really doing? its fucking simple. Sponsors read these emails and the big fucking message they get is "take your money out of esports. If you sponsor a team you risk ruining your entire companies name, by sponsoring one dumb punk who was making jokes on the internet." Everytime they read these emails, they get closer and closer to the idea of sponsoring these teams, and putting their money is a bad investment, and can potentially harm them a lot more than benefit them. soon sponsors will realize sponsoring a team with this community is not worth the risk, and will stop sponsoring these teams. And i dont blame em. After i got flooded with emails, I would pull sponsorship immediately, or at least gaurentee not to renew it depending on the contract. not worth the risk.
The thing is, there is a section on Reddit called srs who orchestrated this campaign to email Stephano's sponsors on this issue. One of their stated reasons for this was because they did not like some of the comments in r/starcraft on this issue and wanted to 'punish' the SC2 community. So some of this sponsor contact is motivated by malice towards the SC2 community because they do not like SC2 or the SC2 community on reddit. Some of their actions are not because they were actually offended by Stephano's comments but because they did not like some of the comments about the issue on r/starcraft. It would be like if they read a post they did not like on TL and then decided to try and harm SC2 because of it. It is just spiteful. They are doing this not to punish Stephano but to punish the SC2 community because they don't like it, which is just malicious.
jokes made in private don't have to follow any standards besides those of the person you're telling it to. stephano's only mistake was thinking a private chat window on battlenet counted as private.
r/ShitRedditSays is still trash. only exists to incite rage. any post that doesn't feed the circlejerk gets removed, which means posters are free to exaggerate and make up random shit with no consequences. it's far worse than r/starcraft because at least in r/starcraft the other point of view eventually floats to the top and the hivemind corrects itself.
edit: actually "only exists to incite rage" is wrong, they do some good. rest of post still applies.
On October 13 2012 11:15 shizaep wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 11:05 yeeshdontjudgeme wrote: You know what's ironic about this situation? Most of the community, including me, would have never even heard about these comments if EG didn't take action. I had no idea it occurred but thanks to EG and the almighty internet police overreacting I know now. It's not even a big deal. IT'S A JOKE. Why can't people joke anymore? Plus, don't even act like none of you have ever joked about something taboo. We're human, it happens. Also, they're professional VIDEO GAMERS. Video games are supposed to be fun. All you internet knights need to get over yourselves and have some fun for once. Yeah, I agree with what you're saying. EG is not at fault here though. They had to take action because people complained to their sponsors. It was either make a "public apology" or risk getting a shitstorm from their sponsors and lose funding money. It's the people's (read: reddit's) fault, not EG's.
I agree. I'll edit it my original post a little, but my original point still stands. I would have never heard of this incident if everyone kept quiet about it. That's a fact. Sometimes people need to know when to stay quiet about certain things. Joking about child abuse (which I admit was very inappropriate) isn't the end of the world and it clearly doesn't warrant a suspension. ESPECIALLY when my favorite player IdrA (yes he is) wants David Kim raped with a tire iron but doesn't get any punishment.
Know what would be fucking amazing? If Stephano did try to get try to get suspended for some real tournaments... i mean he is missing two joke tournaments... Read "o he is getting suspended for a month and missing all tournaments for this month...= 2 small tourneys that arent a big deal" Lets see what happens if he makes a joke... *GASP" JOKE *GASP* before a real tournament.
I think its' pretty stupid that a private joke can cause big problems.
On October 13 2012 11:13 MaestroSC wrote:
No. This has nothing to do with esports or foreign esports. Esports are a joke because people are so busy trying to make it mainstream, that noone is having any fun. So the community shrinks and shrinks til its down to the minority assholes who are telling the players to stop having personalities.
Esports is a joke because people are more interested in shouting about the future and "whats good for esports" than shutting the hell up and just enjoying the scene that they chose to follow.
How about instead of constantly bitching and trying to fix shit, you just enjoy it. Thats why you came here at one point, but now you have it cemented in your mind that its not enough for you to enjoy it, so you need your interests to be mainstream.
Wow, great post, sir.
On October 13 2012 11:18 oBlade wrote: These decisions made with some ill-defined notion of professionalism do nothing but betray the community. This community comes from people playing the most competitive games on the internet. When you play games on the internet, you use all the words there are - that's part of the charm. If it were me, and I were suspended on a whim like this while I was trying to play Starcraft and entertain people, I would just leave. Even if it only happened to my teammate, I wouldn't want to stay in that kind of environment.
My only hope is that EG's moves in this direction will detract from their popularity. I think people will understand that demonizing young adults doesn't actually help this scene go anywhere further than young adults have already taken it. I know it takes courage to stand against a vocal minority, but anyone who does it would command tons of respect.
I can tell there's not really a problem in this community. Not because we keep excising the cancerous parts, but because with 100+ streams running and a calendar full of events (compared to the old BW calendar, which was), people can watch whoever they want and ignore who they want. That's why the only times there's a problem, it's some flash mob (frequently started in other, less seasoned websites) posting for hundreds of pages about the latest mundane thing someone said.
it would no go unpunished in any sport. While I defend his right to have a joke with his friend, in private or not, EG has the right to fine him if he does it in public. When you sign a contract, you sign up to a code of ethics and behaviour, if you can't live up to that you get fined or fired and rightly so.
EG are completely right to fine him, the community are completely wrong to vilify him. You simply can't let something like this slide when it becomes public and it happened right on bLings stream... unfortunately. If it had happened in private, I mean really in private and then somehow the logs got out or whatever, then I would be pissed at EG but it didn't. It happened on stream.
Ok well i'll give some explanation here.
I think that EG is dumb as Fuck for having him punished. Its punishing fans, stephano, EG, sponsors, everyones. No one is winning in this..
Punishing someone when no one is fucking hurt ?
lets see 3 different scenario :
1_ if it wasn't a joke. (less probability) If a lot of country, sexual majority is far below 14, in some country it can be even 9.. (yeah..). In france, it's not unusual to have a 14Years old girl pretending to be 15 or older, with makeup & everything. No one have been hurt, not even the girl.
If he says this to his friend, it's that he's the first one shocked by the story. (maybe she gladly told him her age AFTER the fact that she slept with a famous pro gamer). It wasn't a rape anyway. just not legal age, and stephano is still young.. a young boy playing video games.
Anyway remember stephano was in FRANCE for the facts. so why does USA care ? that's not illegal and that's not their problem. Or they should care before everything of country were sexual majority is 9 or 12.. and girl have sex everyday
2_ if It was a private joke for his friend and didn't know it was streaming.
Well then, its just a private discussion, and private joke. You can joke of ANYTHING with your friends, its not a volunteer public declaration. Why should he be punished for that ? In france, its very common to do job like that. A good joke is often shocking, its a part of humor. The more it's shocking or suprising, the funnier it is, often.
So why is he punished, we're not here to judge what make his friend laugh (and yeah he's laughing, look the stream, so YEAH its a fucking joke) ?
3_ He did knew there was a streaming (high probability)
He did what ppl like him : provocation, border line, he made the show. He made a joke, and fake to pretend he didn't know for the stream in order to shock viewers. (maybe he believed that ppl in USA had some sense of humor, as long as no one has really been hurt)
Think about it. The 14years old girl... the stream... doesn't you remember of Destiny ? He just made a big Fake Remake of destiny for joking. Destiny pretended to sleep with a 14years old girl on a stream, common, its OBVIOUS.
Some ppl just didn't get it and took it seriously.
Anyway in Europe we know that in USA there is two rules :
1_ money before everything. Sponsor get the law for the apparences. 2_ You can Sue ppl for any kind of crap. Make a lot of noise, and cuz ppl problem for just a simple word, that hurted anything, well, a lot of Bullshit. You are a girl take An elevator with a man ? Let just pretend he raped you ! you can get some free money from it. You are a stupid feminist community and heard about a pro gamer making a private joke to one of his friend ? "lets just ruin his life, he has to go to hell !"
EG you are fucking stupid, and just know that in europe, we Hate you, EG, for your stupidity in this matter. Stephano is the only good thing really happening to you, and you crush him for nothing. You lost a ton of FAN in europe, and just know that (I speak for myself, but I think a lot will think the same), we will fucking boycott everyone of you sponsors, dumb as fuck, products for punishing innocent young ppl for just "telling a private joke who hurted no one".
Sorry for my english its not my native language. neither do stephano.
On October 13 2012 11:19 Kasu wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2012 11:18 act.hero wrote: Yeah, you're disgusting if you condone having sex with children. Which nobody has done. some people pretty much did. Probably through a failure of communication or understanding but they did.
One guy clearly did tho lol. I think he was from Fiji and he was all like "it's completely normal here!"
On October 13 2012 11:25 Tgaud wrote: Ok well i'll give some explanation here.
I think that EG is dumb as Fuck for having him punished. Its punishing fans, stephano, EG, sponsors, everyones. No one is winning in this..
Punishing someone when no one is fucking hurt ?
lets see 3 different scenario :
1_ if it wasn't a joke. (less probability) If a lot of country, sexual majority is far below 14, in some country it can be even 9.. (yeah..). In france, it's not unusual to have a 14Years old girl pretending to be 15 or older, with makeup & everything. No one have been hurt, not even the girl.
If he says this to his friend, it's that he's the first one shocked by the story. (maybe she gladly told him her age AFTER the fact that she slept with a famous pro gamer). It wasn't a rape anyway. just not legal age, and stephano is still young.. a young boy playing video games.
Anyway remember stephano was in FRANCE for the facts. so why does USA care ? that's not illegal and that's not their problem. Or they should care before everything of country were sexual majority is 9 or 12.. and girl have sex everyday
2_ if It was a private joke for his friend and didn't know it was streaming.
Well then, its just a private discussion, and private joke. You can joke of ANYTHING with your friends, its not a volunteer public declaration. Why should he be punished for that ? In france, its very common to do job like that. A good joke is often shocking, its a part of humor. The more it's shocking or suprising, the funnier it is, often.
So why is he punished, we're not here to judge what make his friend laugh (and yeah he's laughing, look the stream, so YEAH its a fucking joke) ?
3_ He did knew there was a streaming (high probability)
He did what ppl like him : provocation, border line, he made the show. He made a joke, and fake to pretend he didn't know for the stream in order to shock viewers. (maybe he believed that ppl in USA had some sense of humor, as long as no one has really been hurt)
Think about it. The 14years old girl... the stream... doesn't you remember of Destiny ? He just made a big Fake Remake of destiny for joking. Destiny pretended to sleep with a 14years old girl on a stream, common, its OBVIOUS.
Some ppl just didn't get it and took it seriously.
Anyway in Europe we know that in USA there is two rules :
1_ money before everything. Sponsor get the law for the apparences. 2_ You can Sue ppl for any kind of crap. Make a lot of noise, and cuz ppl problem for just a simple word, that hurted anything, well, a lot of Bullshit. You are a girl take An elevator with a man ? Let just pretend he raped you ! you can get some free money from it. You are a stupid feminist community and heard about a pro gamer making a private joke to one of his friend ? "lets just ruin his life, he has to go to hell !"
EG you are fucking stupid, and just know that in europe, we Hate you, EG, for your stupidity in this matter. Stephano is the only good thing really happening to you, and you crush him for nothing. You lost a ton of FAN in europe, and just know that (I speak for myself, but I think a lot will think the same), we will fucking boycott everyone of you sponsors, dumb as fuck, products for punishing innocent young ppl for just "telling a private joke who hurted no one".
Sorry for my english its not my native language. neither do stephano.
Didn't you just post that 1 page ago? :O