I think you mean Mvp and well no one else ... polt is not, and never has been an amazing player. Mkp performed well for a while with amazing micro, kinda not doing so hot anymore. Same for Taeja, had a pretty good killing spree, kinda not as hot now, lost to IM.Seed at IPL and IM.First in TSL4. Mvp is really the only player to consistently dominate throughout his sc2 career. And Gumiho, he all killed Slayers? awesome, how is he doing now? yeah .... Even these top terrans are still having a hard time winning, and somehow this equates to terran performing really well? wtf, am I even watching the same games?
Situation Report: August 31, 2012 by David Kim - Page 19
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United Kingdom357 Posts
I think you mean Mvp and well no one else ... polt is not, and never has been an amazing player. Mkp performed well for a while with amazing micro, kinda not doing so hot anymore. Same for Taeja, had a pretty good killing spree, kinda not as hot now, lost to IM.Seed at IPL and IM.First in TSL4. Mvp is really the only player to consistently dominate throughout his sc2 career. And Gumiho, he all killed Slayers? awesome, how is he doing now? yeah .... Even these top terrans are still having a hard time winning, and somehow this equates to terran performing really well? wtf, am I even watching the same games? | ||
170 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:06 Tao367 wrote: Not buffing terran, but nerfing zerg perhaps? The creep recede speed is a good place to start. Same thing; if you nerf zerg in a way that can actually help the mortal terrans, the imortal terrans will find a way to abuse it . Reducing creep spread just a bit won't really help anyone, and reducing it enough to make a difference is too much reduction at the top level. | ||
United Kingdom357 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:07 Sbrubbles wrote: Makes total sense. Wait for the metagame to quiet down to actually make balance changes. Yeah because this is the very same approach they have taken all throughout the development of the meta game so far right? right? | ||
Canada4773 Posts
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United States2618 Posts
Infact, there are barely any terrans that have qualifiers for WCS World.. | ||
Denmark324 Posts
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United States1968 Posts
On September 01 2012 01:15 NOOBALOPSE wrote: It takes one action to use a seeker missile, and mech doesn't take APM fyi... Not sure if you remember the guy who literally chooses what to use every action on (GoOdy) The thing is though, how do we get in range to use seeker missile if you spam fungal growth? | ||
United States60190 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:11 BigBossX wrote: I think you mean Mvp and well no one else ... polt is not, and never has been an amazing player. Mkp performed well for a while with amazing micro, kinda not doing so hot anymore. Same for Taeja, had a pretty good killing spree, kinda not as hot now, lost to IM.Seed at IPL and IM.First in TSL4. Mvp is really the only player to consistently dominate throughout his sc2 career. And Gumiho, he all killed Slayers? awesome, how is he doing now? yeah .... Even these top terrans are still having a hard time winning, and somehow this equates to terran performing really well? wtf, am I even watching the same games? Whoa, Taeja you are saying lost to IM.Seed in IPL and that somehow is bad? You can't be talking about the 7 game winning streak he head where he lost to Seed after beating him the first time around and 6 other players. We can't be watching the same games. | ||
Germany274 Posts
But there should be more waiting. Remember Toss vs Mutas...they even wanted to make a special anti-unit, but now it is a non-issue. I think it's the same story with terran vs zerg. | ||
United States60190 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:21 testthewest wrote: I think terrans need to find a way to counter Broodlord with ravens. On some maps MVP already pulls it off. But there should be more waiting. Remember Toss vs Mutas...they even wanted to make a special anti-unit, but now it is a non-issue. I think it's the same story with terran vs zerg. From what I have seen, pro terrans have used the raven with HSM to take out infestors, which are the back bone of the late game army. It only takes one or two HSM to do some pretty insane damage to the infestors and the BL without the fungles to back them up. | ||
France120 Posts
* my terran tears are dropping * | ||
170 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:11 BigBossX wrote: I think you mean Mvp and well no one else ... polt is not, and never has been an amazing player. Mkp performed well for a while with amazing micro, kinda not doing so hot anymore. Same for Taeja, had a pretty good killing spree, kinda not as hot now, lost to IM.Seed at IPL and IM.First in TSL4. Mvp is really the only player to consistently dominate throughout his sc2 career. And Gumiho, he all killed Slayers? awesome, how is he doing now? yeah .... Even these top terrans are still having a hard time winning, and somehow this equates to terran performing really well? wtf, am I even watching the same games? Hmmm, perhaps I should say Mvp and whatever terran that is hot at the moment. It's hard to stay at the top level, but players like MKP and Taeja can get there for some time, even if they cannot be consistently at the top. | ||
170 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:10 Plansix wrote: Find a zerg that you think is the same skill level as you, but still stomps you, message him and ask if you can practice against them. Keep doing this and look at your replays until you figure out where the holes in your play are. Become more than mortal. I have no intention to become more than mortal in this game. This is my hobby, not my profession... | ||
United States3206 Posts
I also say this as a fan and spectator. Are the whiners just choosing not to acknowledge that Terran is actually doing just fine at the highest level? Not sure we should be doing anything but thanking Blizzard for their cautious approach to balance. Player skill, experimentation and time can solve many perceived balance issues. We are seeing that happening at this very moment with Terrans. Unfortunately, it leaves many mud leaguers behind to bitch and whine about perceived imbalances from about 2 months ago. GJ Blizzard. Looking forward to seeing continued adaptations from T. | ||
United States398 Posts
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United States342 Posts
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United States2925 Posts
On September 01 2012 01:07 ELA wrote: Well, TaeJa and MVP sure did screw that up for the rest of us :D Hahhahahhaha for sure ![]() | ||
United States308 Posts
On September 01 2012 06:12 BigBossX wrote: Yeah because this is the very same approach they have taken all throughout the development of the meta game so far right? right? No, but I suppose they believe you should start somewhere. I guess it shows a change in their thinking. | ||
France249 Posts
Proposing a buff for a unit without actually implementing it resulted in more interest and research about this unit. Players trained with it, found a potential, exploited it and made the unit stronger and the buff useless. Blizzard's intention actually resolved the problem, the buff didn't. This is kind of ironic. Do we really need balance patch if we have never ending shifts in the metagame ? | ||
United States389 Posts
Here is what has happened: LESSER ZERGS have risen up to play MUCH BETTER Terrans because of the matchup issues. MVP and Bomber naturally take these foreigner zergs apart. And VIOLA! We have balance. This is really really really silly. It really surprises me that Kim plays random and does not understand how obviously screwed up this matchup is. After seeing that they do not take into consideration that it is taking better Terran players to beat worse zerg players, I really am going to consider a race switch in the xpack. There truly seems to be an anti-Terran bias at Blizzard (it is almost as obvious when you hear Browder talk as it is when you listen to Wheat cast). This really does not seem hard to understand at all. This seems to me like common sense. The matchup percentage will *ALWAYS* shift to 50-50 once the lesser players start to make their way up into the tournament ranks if there is a major match-up issue. You can not simply use W's and L's as a balance test, because no matter what, much like on ladder, it will always eventually shift back into 50-50. This just seems like really simple common sense and it is completely ignored by Blizzard. EDIT: I would like to add that they also are ignoring the fact that Terrans are doing crazy risky builds to get these W's much of the time. If you do a 1 rax fast 3rd CC on ladder, you will get smashed. These tournament guys are meta gaming the other PLAYER, not the match-up. UGH this all seems so simple, how can they completely ignore these points? EDIT 2: If they do want to simply use W's and L's the matchup was PERFECTLY FINE before they buffed zerg!!! *Shoots himself* | ||
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