Name.Character Code: Cranium.665 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Silver What you are hoping to achieve: Get as far I as can before school starts in Sept. 2012. I started playing this summer and I hope to be Masters this year. Time you're free to learn: 10am-12am Brief description about you: Former Dota2 player, respectful guy, willing to put tons of effort towards a goal and appreciating both success and failure as important parts of life.
Name.Character Code: GenghisKhan.945 Server: Eu Race: Toss League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: To improve my mechanics, and overall knowlage and to get into at least diamond in the next few months Time you're free to learn: Most of the time Brief description about you: British guy, good listner good laugh, not good at these things either. <_<
Skype ID: Genhgis.khan90
Looking for a coach/Battle.net Friends.
Name.lQClSwish Code: 505 Server: NA Race: Terran League: High Bronze - Low Silver
My gameplay:
Well, I used to play Brood War like crazy and stopped for more than 10 years. Now I bought SC2 and I realize that everything is different(in a BIG and MAJOR way). Now the reality is that I suck big time, I know what I do wrong bascily, but I don't know what else to do.
I struggle in mid to late game mostly, I do not upgrade my units, I stay with low level units and get rapped by high-ends 40 expands units style.I have a decent macro/micro. I worked on that macro, now I'm okay, I have to make sure of what my Hotkeys are and use them.
What am I looking for ?
A friend/coach, a 2v2 / 3v3 partner, someone who can helps me from time to time when I have questions. Basicly what I need a replay analyst, good feedback, build order, insights.
Coaching -Name: Zero -Code: 3264 -Server: NA -Race: Zerg -League: Master's League
I went from Platinum to Master's league in a little over 3 weeks, so I like to think I coach well for a play who is DETERMINED to improve. If you are interested you can contact me through my account!
Name. DarkArts Character Code: 529 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Masters
Student --------------- Name.Character Code: Uggert.878
Server: EU
Race: ZERG
League: Silver
What you are hoping to achieve:Iam going to the top, all my free time are spent playing, and iam looking for a sensei that will teach me and that wants to see me grow as a player, i plan to be playing local tournaments in a year / year and a half.
I hope u want to help me improve !
Time you're free to learn:every evening, almost all nights go to practice ! CEST
PM me here on TL or add me ingame
looking for a coach --------------------------- Character Code : bangbangpow 1939 Server NA Race: Protoss League: Silver
Trying to improve and get out of silver and aiming for at least diamond/master.
I'm 27 and play during week-end/evenings. I speak french/english. If you seek a good mature student =P I'm your guy.
I stream pretty much everyday at www.twitch.tv/realbangbangpow1 and on TL (non-featured)
Pm me for my skype name.
Thanks for your time. Its greatly appreciated.
Looking for coach
Name.Character Code: Zarkix.443 Server: AM Race: Zerg League: Diamond
What you are hoping to achieve: As far as I can get. goal is mid-high masters at the moment Time you're free to learn: 1pm-3am
Brief description about you: I have enjoyed learning this game a lot since my friend got me into it around 6 months ago. I work hard to improve and try to push myself to play better, I think with some help it will guide me to improving specifics in my play and help me to the next level. I listen to metal/rock/blues mainly and am pretty laid back.
Name.Character Code: cvgPanzzzzz.613 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Masters
Range of players willing to coach: Prefer Plat and up, but not required....any level, as long as you are committed to improving! Time you're free to coach: Weekdays 9pm - midnight (EST), Weekends after 1pm (EST)
Brief description about you: I have been a Protoss Masters players since season 1, and have been playing since day 1 of beta. I was in the leadership for the Case Western Starcraft 2 team, traveling to multiple LANs across the country to compete in team leagues. I was also the organizational manager of Convergence Gaming, before they disbanded early in 2012. I went to multiple MLG events as a VIP/coach/manager for the team. I was also the founder of the starcraft 2 division of Monomaniac eSports, and up until recently was the Sc2 division lead manager (too busy with RL right now ). I was also a competitive 2v2 player, having been to the podium of many 2v2 online tournaments as well as being at the top of 2v2 ladders for multiple seasons. I have also casted the 2v2 Masters Weekly sponsored by Complexity/Origin PC with Nerski.
Name: BeatMania 518
Server: EU and NA
Race: All
League Terran/High Diamond Zerg and Protoss/High Platinum
What you are hoping to achieve: Consistent masters level with all 3 races, and to improve further with Terran.
Time you're free to learn: Most of the time.
Brief description about you: Hey, I really am mostly looking for Zerg and Protoss coaching to bring my play with those races up faster. (only just started these races properly) Played fairly casually since release and maintained a consistent Diamond level with Terran playing now and then. I'm playing about 20 - 40 games a day currently to see how good I can get at the game. Ideally I'm looking for coaching from a high masters of each race. I feel like I can really excel with the proper teacher n_n.
Hello everyone. I am currently offering free lessons to Zerg and Protoss players. I am masters with Zerg and top diamond with Protoss. I want to share my knowledge with Zerg and Protoss players that feel insecure and having problems in any matchup.
If you are interested in my coaching expertise then add me with the following message "your league" "your skype-id" and "your goal for the current season" EU players ONLY. If you want an answer immediately then i suggest you add me on facebook, i´m more active there. http://www.facebook.com/robin.johnsson.758
What i offer to help you with is the following. 1: Macro management 2. Micro management 3. how to hold all kind of pressure builds and all in builds. 4. how to take advantage of any match even if you are behind.
I will talk about everything inside Starcraft 2 and the fundamental keys to improve yourself as a player. Since this is free lessons i have 1 demand and 1 demand only. If you premature GG or dont write GG i will stop helping you. It´s okey if you whine about your opponent doing all in´s or cheese you, but DO NOT insult your opponent for using a strategi. EVERYTHING is defendable, it´s ALL ABOUT scouting. If you fail to scout you deserve to lose. It´s simple as that. I am online 7 days a week (Exceptions could happen) and if you are wondering or want to ask me anything then feel free to do so, i will answer as fast as possible. Thank you for your time.
____ COACH ____ Name.Character Code: Thylacine #128 Server: EU Race: Terran League: Master Experience coaching If any: Coached a lot of terrans in 2011 with successfull results. Range of players willing to coach: Don't understand this question. I coach up to max of 3-5 players at once. (Aka per day, and I will probably coach a bit briefer if I got so many too coach.) I only coach terrans. Time you're free to coach: 12:00 - 00:00 CET Brief description about you: I'm a guy who hates leechers and idiots, so you better not come to me and expect I will work my ass of to learn you and that I owe you shit. If you wanna be coached by me then you gotta show interest and be a bit helpful and also be able to take criticism. After all this is for free.
My skype is: Zanazuahh BNet : Thylacine #128
Name.Character Code: SwagTime 150 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: top Bronze Availability: Everyday What I expect to achieve: I would love to improve my micro and macro and become more knowledgeable about the game About Me: I've been playing for a little over 3 weeks and am looking to get better but I cant do it alone ))
Student ------------------------------------------ Name: flyingteapot Character Code: 828 Server: NA Race: Random League: Silver
What you are hoping to achieve: I am looking to get some basic builds, to improve my mechanics, and just get better in the game overall
Time you're free to learn: My schedule is all over the place but I generally try to be on between 7pm and 9pm CST
Brief description about you: I have had the game since the beginning but have recently gotten enthralled with and want to get much better.
Name: ExGNooBaLopZ Character Code: 682 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: High Master (1.1K) Experience coaching If any: I've coached some dudes from gold - master Range of players willing to coach:Gold and higher Zergs, Bronze - Diamond Protoss, Bronze - Gold Terran. Time you're free to coach: Monday 12:00 - 3:00 PM Brief description about you: I'm 14. I'm not writing anything else, this isn't a dating show .
Name. Angryzerg Character Code: 820 Server: AM Race: Zerg League Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: Ive been practicing against Low-Mid Masters and have been having victories here and there and very close games (customs and on ladder) Im online as much as i can between 5pm into late evenings/early AM eastern time. Looking to study specific timings in builds, such as key upgrade, expansion and scout timings. I would say my match up strength is ZvT, ZvZ, and my weakest being ZvP. I have been compiling a collection of my replays vs Masters players (close games only of course ). Really dedicated to learning and achieving Masters league. Currently do not have a mic/skype but will purchase if needed.
Student Looking For Coaching...
Name: Pootie Tang Character Code: 180 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Diamond What you are hoping to acheive: I have been stuck in diamond for queit sumtime now and am really hoping to get into masters.I really want to imporve my game knowledge, and learn new builds. A brief descropition about you: I have had this game since it realeased, I started out in bronze league and managed to work my way up to diamond but have been stuck there for a little while now. I practice very hard and have the drive and work ethic to become a better player.
edit : i don't need anymore
Looking for a coach Name.Character Code: conai.365 Server: AM Race: Zerg League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: understand how to play zerg and exploit every juicy feature it has Time you're free to learn: I'm on very often, never really a set time but that could definitely be arranged Brief description about you: addicted to this game