Looking for a coach. -- Name.Character Code: Ashe.829 Server: AM Race: Protoss League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: I am hoping to improve my game sense and mechanics until I can reach masters. Time you're free to learn: Most thursdays/fridays/saturdays during the day/evening. Sometimes other evenings if my fiance is busy/letting me practice. Brief description about you: I'm 27, played bw casually and have played sc2 since late beta. I would like to play a macro-oriented and conservative style, but I do throw in pretty aggressive builds as well. Any tips/skype/practice with someone in a higher league would be greatly appreciated.
Name.Character Code: Slavin.205 Server: EU Race: Terran League Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: I want to push into Masters and to put it blunt improve and become a better sc2 player(i suffer frome the protoss flue). Time you're free to learn: Right now i'm free 24/7 Brief description about you: I'm 18 year old this year i live in Sweden, I used to play broodwar so i bought sc2 the day it released and havent untill a couple of month ago started to take it more seriously and practiced 1v1 from gold to Diamond. I believe that coaching from someone else will help me become better.
I've also had problem finding a Terran coach in this thread hence the post but i hope someone reads or post/repost a coach post ^^.
Coaching --------------------------------- navy.976 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Masters (top 8) Experience coaching If any: plenty of experience in teaching environments, professional and non-professional Range of players willing to coach: bronze - platinum Time you're free to coach: Pretty flexible, no consistent schedule to work on unfortunately Brief description about you:
I'm a top 8 masters zerg player who started from the bottom. I picked up SC2 at release having never played an rts before and slowly worked my way to masters, so I know what it's been like in all leagues. I love strategy games and the thinking behind them. I like teaching people who are willing to learn and open their minds. Whatever you're working on, whether it's just macro or specific builds is fine. My favourite part in particular is the concrete strategy and tactics behind play, although I have at least some experience in execution as well.
I'm looking to help out some zerg players who are struggling or just want to improve their game. Drop me a message on TL with a bit about yourself and what you are looking to accomplish if you are interested.
Student Name.Character Code: Knite 703 Server: NA Race: Up for any! League: Top Platinum What you are hoping to achieve: Diamond+ and the ability to play comfortably in the late game  Time you're free to learn: All day for the most part, I can give you details when we contact eachother Brief description about you: I played BW casually and got into sc2 really late :o with only about a month of play under my belt I am looking to achieve greatness. I am a great learner and am looking foward to any and all learning opportunities
Looking for a coach ---------------------------- Name : XIII#275 Server : EU Race : Terran League : Diamond for 2 season now. Started all the way from bronze. Goal : Make the jump into master. I think my TvZ is holding me back a lot. Time i'm free to learn : A lot. About me : I like trains. 18 years old, i live in france. My first game were Diablo 1, Age of empire, Starcraft and counter strike. I never played a lot of RTS online, Starcraft 2 was the first I dedicated some times to the multiplayer. I started in bronze and got to platinium pretty fast playing random, thanks to some guys by the name of Day9. I can use any vocal, and wish to have a good time playing dem gaimz before everything.
Name.Character Code: Ryo.174 Server: NA/SEA Race: Random - Zerg (Main) League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: Masters Time you're free to learn: Monday to Friday GMT +8 -> 4pm->10p Saturday Sunday -> All day [b]Brief description about you: [/b]SC2 is my first RTS.
Name.Character Code: Hermit.542 Server:NA Race: Zerg/Protoss League: Masters Z Diamond P Experience coaching If any: coached my friends a couple of times Range of players willing to coach: will coach for zerg diamond and under and toss plat and under. Time you're free to coach: hit me up in game or skype at HermitSC Brief description about you: I am a young gamer from canada who is looking to become a pro player. I have a lot of time on my hands and would love to start getting into some more coaching.
Name.Character Code: timmydesmond: 900 Server: NA Race: Protoss/zerg League:bronze-platinum What you are hoping to achieve:to get some builds down and get into higher leagues Time you're free to learn: any time during the day Brief description about you: i am a decent player and i want to show it by getting into higher leagues
LOOKING FOR A ZERG COACH(Preferably Masters and above). Name.Character Code: NFǂJehuty.417 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve:Conquer My ZvZ and ZvP strategy. Simultaneously improving my gameplay for promotion to masters. Time you're free to learn: Monday-Friday GMT 4PM+ Saturday/Sunday GMT 1PM+ Brief description about you: I consistently ladder on Starcraft 2 1v1, i understand most fundamentals of the game but i have tragic mistakes which i cannot concede myself. I scout early game but when i've seen my opponent's main build i don't re-scout for transitions and then lose, this is because I'm too caught up with other things such as evo timings, roach warren, working management etc. My ZvZ is my worst match up I just can't seem to find a way to beat them. I used to 14/14 ling baneling but that all-in is now invalid because of the Queen Range. 3 Weeks ago i got promoted to masters and 3 days later got demoted because I couldn't handle little things like drops when I'm well ahead or DTS. ZvP is my second worst match up because after Mana had created a stephano counter everybody has been destroying me, i don't understand when to get my evo/roach warren/lair/speed...
Name.Character Code: Via.976 Server: NA Race: Toss/Zerg League: Masters Experience coaching If any: Quite a bit of experience with silver-plat players, but willing to coach bronze-diamond. Range of players willing to coach: bronze-diamond Time you're free to coach: Sporadic, quite a bit though. Brief description about you: I'm a mid-masters zerg and high diamond toss, willing to coach either race. It's best to PM me on here or add/message me on skype (ryanp4321), since it's hard to say when I'll be on SC2 normally, but I can make sure to be on at a specific time if you message me.
Name.Character Code: LastPenguin.718 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Low Gold (Only got gold recently) What you are hoping to achieve: To generally get better at the game, mainly macro and decision making. Time you're free to learn: Most days from about 8am-2am depending on how early of a warning I have. Brief description about you: I love watching/playing SC2 (for a few months now). Alot of the time in game I've felt like I just don't make the right calls or I get demolished with numbers. I'm from England. My strongest matchup is most likely PvZ but I feel weak in all of them.
LOOKING FOR A ZERG COACH(Preferably Masters and above). Name.Character Code: NFǂJehuty.417 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve:Conquer My ZvZ and ZvP strategy. Simultaneously improving my gameplay for promotion to masters. Time you're free to learn: Monday-Friday GMT 4PM+ Saturday/Sunday GMT 1PM+ Brief description about you: I consistently ladder on Starcraft 2 1v1, i understand most fundamentals of the game but i have tragic mistakes which i cannot concede myself. I scout early game but when i've seen my opponent's main build i don't re-scout for transitions and then lose, this is because I'm too caught up with other things such as evo timings, roach warren, working management etc. My ZvZ is my worst match up I just can't seem to find a way to beat them. I used to 14/14 ling baneling but that all-in is now invalid because of the Queen Range. 3 Weeks ago i got promoted to masters and 3 days later got demoted because I couldn't handle little things like drops when I'm well ahead or DTS. ZvP is my second worst match up because after Mana had created a stephano counter everybody has been destroying me, i don't understand when to get my evo/roach warren/lair/speed...
Student: Name.Character Code: Toastie.869 Server: Europe (EU) Race: Random, but looking for a Terran Coach League: Platinum What you are hoping to achieve: I'd like to speed up my process of learning to play Mech in all 3 matchups (TvT/TvZ/TvP). Time you're free to learn: I have quite a lot of time to play, but it all happens randomly, I don't really plan when I'll play. Brief description about you: I'm a player from the Netherlands. SC2 is my first competitive game ever. I did always play RTS before that but never played ladder etc. (WC3/C&C3/AOE2/Stronghold/etc.). I'd love to find somebody who knows how to play Mech and wants to help me learning it.
Student ---------- Name.Character Code: InfernO.682 Server: EU Race: Terran League: Platinum (jumping between Gold and Plat though) What you are hoping to achieve: Making my gameplay more solid and reach Masters level of play.
Time you're free to learn: Every day but Saturday, hours may vary, but at least 2-3 hours a day.
Brief description about you: I started playing on dec 2010/january 2011, playing on and off though. Last 4-5 months I picked up SC2 as my main game and now I'd like to improve; my gameplay varies a lot, sometimes I can go for winning streaks where I win convincingly and sometimes I just get lost and this usually frustrates me. I am looking for training so that I can get more solid and reach Masters level, my goal. I have got skype, too.
Name.Character Code: Saeldran.447 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Silver (high silver, almost gold)
What you are hoping to achieve: Improving and eventually reaching Diamond/Masters, if possible.
Time you're free to learn: Since I'm still in high school, I'm on holiday now so I'm almost always free.
Brief description about you: Started playing SC2 on April/May 2012, and have been playing since then (not much though). I don't really have a best/worst matchup, since I just focus on one build for every single one and try to execute it properly. I usually tend to all-in, although I like powerful all-ins, such as 2 Base Colossus against Terran, 7-gate Immortal against Zerg, etc. I'm from Spain, although I can understand English almost perfectly.
Name.Character Code: Carlord.513 Server: NA Race: Terran League: High Platinum
What you are hoping to achieve: Hoping to reach High Diamond/Low Masters.
Time you're free to learn: During this time I usually play in the afternoon (1-5), and around 9pm.
Brief description about you: I am having a really hard time with macro and TvZ is my worst match-up in my opinion. I recently started playing again a lot (about 1 month ago). Until high platinum it was fairly easy with one build order, but when I started to match up against diamond players I wasn't win that much.
Name.Fendur.160 Server: NA Race ERG League GOLD What you are hoping to achieve: Overally to get better, move up through the ranks, have fun. Would like to move the game from wins/loses from mechanics to win loses due to strat. Time you're free to learn: Evenings CST Brief description about you:
Name.Character Code: Butthurt.539 Server: N/A Race: Zerg League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: To get much better with my macro and how to deal with Protoss. Time you're free to learn: Available every day pretty much. Brief description about you:
STUDENT ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: SCWenT 756 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: I WANNA BE, THE VERY BEST, LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS! (Seriusly) Time you're free to learn: Always, when i dont have school, in gmt+1 time, between 3pm and 11pm Brief description about you: I fairly new starcraft player, been playing for about 6 months, i am fairly good at the game, but i can REALLY, need some coaching, becuse i tend to mess up alot, miss things, etc
LOOKING FOR A ZERG COACH(Preferably Masters and above). Name.Character Code: NFǂJehuty.417 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve:Conquer My ZvZ and ZvP strategy. Simultaneously improving my gameplay for promotion to masters. Time you're free to learn: Monday-Friday GMT 4PM+ Saturday/Sunday GMT 1PM+ Brief description about you: I consistently ladder on Starcraft 2 1v1, i understand most fundamentals of the game but i have tragic mistakes which i cannot concede myself. I scout early game but when i've seen my opponent's main build i don't re-scout for transitions and then lose, this is because I'm too caught up with other things such as evo timings, roach warren, working management etc. My ZvZ is my worst match up I just can't seem to find a way to beat them. I used to 14/14 ling baneling but that all-in is now invalid because of the Queen Range. 3 Weeks ago i got promoted to masters and 3 days later got demoted because I couldn't handle little things like drops when I'm well ahead or DTS. ZvP is my second worst match up because after Mana had created a stephano counter everybody has been destroying me, i don't understand when to get my evo/roach warren/lair/speed...