Looking for Protoss Coach ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Porygon.817 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Bronze Rank 1 What you are hoping to achieve:Just to learn where I am faulting. But My primary goal is plat or diamond by the end of the summer Time you're free to learn: School is out next friday. so until then 12:30pm - anytime Brief description about you: I know this and that about the game but I lose often enough to where it bothers me. And I watch my replays but can't seem to pin point what I need to change. Any help would be appreciated. Pm me on website or game please.
Just an idea. How about the high platinum and diamond players coach the bronze and silver players and the masters and gm players coach exclusively the platinum/diamond players. It seems like a waste to have a high masters player tell someone to keep making workers. Just in my opinion.
Student -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Yuuki Character Code: 472 Server: North America Race: Terran League: Mid-Silver What are you hoping to achieve: To put it simply, to be the best. Time you are free to learn: 4 ~ 9 pm (Weekdays), Anytime (Weekends) Eastern Standard Brief Description About You: I tend to put a lot of time into things and always strive to learn more.
Student ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Flipside.977 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Silver, previously Gold but lost a lot screwing around with Zerg. What you are hoping to achieve: Learn PvZ and get to a place to where I have a set build for all 3 match up's so I cant start laddering again. Time you're free to learn: 2:30pm - 4:30am EST Brief description about you: I'm really pasionate about Starcraft but never have been able to continue playing long enough to improve. I have owned the game for about one and a half years. I'm from North Carolina. I really want to get to Masters in time for MLG Raliegh.
STUDENT ----------------------------------- Name.Character Code: Genesis.923 Server:NA Race:zerg League: silver What you are hoping to achieve: i am hoping to be taught how to multitask better, scouting skills, taking upon my 3rd better and knowing what to do in certain situations Time you're free to learn: mornings and nights work best. CENTRAL TIME between 9am-2pm and 11pm-2am Brief description about you: i have been playing starcraft for quite some time but just recently wanted to make it a game i take more seriously. and now its become practically the ONLY game i play. wish to get better ^-^
Student ---------------------------- Name.Character Code : Platanodom 757 Server: NA Race:Terran League: Top bronze
What you are hoping to achieve:
I started playing starcraft 2 in late april i'm hoping to achieve masters eventually at the moment my macro isn't the best but good enough to beat my bronze rivals. best times are 9 am to 1 pm and 12 am to 2 am on weekdays and anytime on weekends (preferably between 12-5)
Thanks in advance, hope to hear from someone soon :D
Name.Character Code: Synetics.250 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: I want to learn how to react to different kinds of builds, i want to learn how to manage all my buildings and being able to keep everything doing something. Time you're free to learn: Anytime, since im on summer break. Brief description about you: I am 16, I just started starcraft about 2 weeks ago, i've really been trying to get wins but can manage to get a whole lot.
Looking for protoss coach
Name.Character Code: Supaplex.571 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: gold/plat What you are hoping to achieve: masters-grandmasters league, i would like to get to know basic builds and counters against each race that these days works.. also i would like to work on my macro. Time you're free to learn: Work days: 16:00 - 24:00 , Weekends - free days: 10:00 - 03:00 ( basically almost any time..) CET Brief description about you:Iam a protoss player who wasnt playing for a very long time, ( about 6 months) now i have once again time and would like to play actively, but i found this to be almost a whole new game, new builds new tactics alot of patches updates changes.. seems extremely confusing and i need someone to help me get going once again.
Looking for Zerg Coach
Name.Character Code: YungRichLee.317 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: Definitely get the basic mechanics down, and I would also like to achieve Gold League initially, then see where I want to go from there Time you're free to learn: Tuesday and Thursday from 12-6 PST, Every other day from 3 to 6pm Brief description about you: I've played SC2 before, gotten to mid silver, but I was too anxious to head into ladder, so I stopped for a while. Now I'm back, and i want to achieve a decent league. I'm fairly quick to picking up things and I'm open to anything.
Looking for any coach
STUDENT Name.Character Code: Mickey.197 Server: NA Race: All League: Plat What you are hoping to achieve: Strenghten my mechanics, learn usefull build orders and generally imrprove my play. Time you're free to learn: I share a comp with my brother so it can be tricky but usually any day between 11am-11pm. Brief description about you: I've played SC1 since 2004 but never really focused to get good. I've been playing SC2 on and off since September 2010.
Looking for a coach ---------------------------------------- Name.Character Code: DoiKnoWu ; 962 Server: NA Race: Terran/Toss League: Bronze
What you are hoping to achieve:
I am relatively new to SC and have been watching the tournaments through live stream and thought it would be very fun to play at this high of a level. I want to get better, learn as many things as possible, and absorb as much knowledge and put it to use. I would want to represent Team Liquid someday, as you guys are my favorite team.
I am online are various times, and I will be on June 2nd and 3rd for a while.
Looking for a Coach
Name.Character Code: IIIIIIIIIIII.491 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Gold What are you hoping to achieve: I am having major problems in ZvZ and would really like some help geting my ZvZ level up, I usually get "owned" really early by Ling aggression and all kinds of all-ins.
Ohh and the name is just cuz this was an old for "lulz" account, but i accidently attached an Blizzard authenticator to my other acc lol
STUDENT ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name.Character Code:Firefox.955 Server:NA Race: Zerg League:Bronze What you are hoping to achieve:Gold or Higher Time you're free to learn:Flexible Brief description about you: I know I have the average skills of a siver league player but a few achillies heels are keeping me in bronze. I have hit a wall as far as skill development goes and I am sick of staring at it. I am looking for someone in diamond or higher to help me work over my weaknesses and teach me how to react better. Also someone who wouldn't mind being a good 1v1 practice friend once I get into the higher leagues.
--Reposting-- Tried to get coached as Zerg but i felt i wasn't consistant enough with them so back to Protoss -_- , a big thanks to PwFZypher for helping me as Zerg , he was able to pick out my weak points but I felt Z wasn't my thing. An excellent coach just the race didn't suit. --------------------------------
Name.Character Code: EoinD.501 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: Gold maybe higher Time you're free to learn: During most days after college Brief description about you: 21 year old comp sci student looking to get better as P as my main race as I feel the macro style suits me. Willing to learn.
ame.Character Code:gladiator.617 Server:NA Race: protoss League: platinum What you are hoping to achieve: diamond Time you're free to learn:mostly week-ends and fridays Brief description about you: Ive been strugling with terran so som1 whos a terran gold or higher would be great XD
Name.Character Code: Cognition.834 Server: NA Race: Protoss League Bronze What you are hoping to achieve: Something that's not Bronze (Realistically Silver or Gold) Time you're free to learn: I'm always free (On my computer most of the day) Brief description about you: I'm a bronze Protoss. I got into Silver for 1 season I did well in Silver but I had stopped playing Starcraft to focus more on school. I'm 13. and somehow I get 50-60 APM in all my games :D I get mad at cheese.
Student --------------------- Name: Zeweig Character Code: 712 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Platinum Hoping to achieve: I love the game, and I believe that it's the most interesting computer game that has ever existed, so I have decided to become #1 Masters, or GM some day! It's a though goal, but I'm an intelligent person and a quick learner, so I am hoping that with some help from fellow members of the community, to become better and better! I also want to be able to stream a lot, and be able to help people get better at this game! About Me: I am 17 years old, live in Sweden (speaks fluent english) and love gaming and playing the guitar. I have no problems with using any type of strategy (cheese, all-ins, macro games) and I don't get mad facing anything as I think of it as just another tactic. I am very self-critical and will see missing an inject for more than 1 second as a failure and something to improve on. Why do I want to get coached: I really want someone better than me to teach me the "flow" of a game much more than just a build order. Like: "what happens if he does this, or that?" and then help me take notes of all the things I should work on, and good ways to improve upon them. Free Time: This is the last week of school, so this week, from 7-11 pm CET, after this week, any time of the day!
Name: ShivERs Character Code: 462
Server: America
Race: Protoss
League: Bronze
What you are hoping to achieve: Learn to actually play and get better, and learn to truly understand
Time you're free to learn: I have a lot of free time since it's summer, especially in the afternoons like anytime after 12 my time
Brief description about you: I don't take well to being yelled at but I will try my hardest to listen. I play a lot but I'm still not very good, I've had my friends teach me but they didn't help much. My boyfriend bought me starcraft about a month ago, and I haven't learned much.. My account will say silver because one of my friends decided to BM and I got into gold and didn't win any 1v1's or anything really, then one of my other friends deranked me to silver and I'm winning some 1v1's now... So far I've won 4.
On March 16 2012 09:53 DW-Unrec wrote: Not trying to be a dick or anything, but coach from a pro gamer if you're below masters is useless. Paying 100 bucks to learn 3 builds you could have learned from a masters and even a diamond player is a waste of money. Yes, you are going to get personal advice from one of the best player in the world, but improving you play (mechanics, macro, micro, all that good stuff) is way more important than learning strategy (thing you can do by reading TL, streams, state of the game, day 9). Kcdc needs coach from a pro gamer to solve his problems with stephano's ZvP build, not some random gold league player. So I support this thread.
Coach from pro gamer is useless because in lower leagues you gotta learn mechanics, not strategy, and a masters~diamond player can help you with that. Plus you can make friends.
Hm I never saw someone smart enough to realize this until now ^^ People spend so much time focusing on strategies or builds or advice from pros when all they need to do is become a better player and work on mechanics not strategy. If you want to be good at basketball are you gonna focus on becoming a better athlete or accessories like nice shoes to wear? Your mechanics are your athletic ability, builds and strats are just accessories.
Coaching is absurdly priced by most, its just flat out not worth $100 / hour, ur basically just paying to get to hang out with someone you are a fan of maybe. You can get quality coaching for $10 - $20 hour from lower GM / high Master people who can help you just as much.