On March 07 2012 20:58 Jakkerr wrote: Stephano is by far the best player outside of Korea. No1 comes close to him atm, lets hope he continues practicing hard.
Stephano is top 3 without a doubt, but guaranteed the best? Morrow is insanely impressive for a dual racer. HuK might be the best PvP in the world. He beat like 4 korean protoss players in the last MLG arena. Naniwa beats a ton of top Koreans consistently as well.
That ladder run is so impressive. Everytime I think of Stephano I think of IdrA from a video a few months back where he basically down plays Stephano saying people already figured him out and he's going to phase out. Looks like that's the exact opposite and is exactly what's happening to IdrA atm, sadly. Americans are losing power in the scene 
but "gratz!" to Stephano.
How has Mmr cap annything to do with this? (didnt knew it was capped btw) Mmr cap is completely irrelevant Only effect of mmr cap is that stephano has more ladder points then he would have without mmr cap if he gets rated as 2500 at the cap,while he would be for example 2600 without cap, he gets more points for winning
ah, thx for explanation, ya i understand now that due to the cap he gets paired with lesser players alot also, wich is a reason for his high winrate.
Blizz could remove the cap and at the same time make the bandwith in wich it will match you with other players wider, for example top players can be matched with players 300 mmr lower instead of for example 150 mmr now to prevent the top players from having to seek matches for hours. this would give the same results without the mmr cap
Blizzard should really implement a way to actually be matched against USA or Asian players on a middle server ,or even release LAN,so we can have Lan Latency.
MMR cap is dumb shit that should't even existed,becuase u can be top master and be matched with #1 GM which is riduclously big gap in skill.>:<
United Kingdom1381 Posts
If he keeps winning will he get a maximum of 1 point per win?
On March 07 2012 21:20 Rassy wrote: How has Mmr cap annything to do with this? (didnt knew it was capped btw) Mmr cap is completely irrelevant Only effect of mmr cap is that stephano has more ladder points then he would have without mmr cap if he gets rated as 2500 at the cap,while he would be for example 2600 without cap, he gets more points for winning
Everyone starting at mid to high masters is MMR capped. This means that the top of GM doesn't only get matched with top GM, but also mid masters. The skill difference is huge, meaning rediculous win/loss ratio's are very possible, stomping masters players as a Pro.
Happy's record is more impressive.
France12759 Posts
On March 07 2012 21:35 theMarkovian wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2012 21:20 Rassy wrote: How has Mmr cap annything to do with this? (didnt knew it was capped btw) Mmr cap is completely irrelevant Only effect of mmr cap is that stephano has more ladder points then he would have without mmr cap if he gets rated as 2500 at the cap,while he would be for example 2600 without cap, he gets more points for winning Everyone starting at mid to high masters is MMR capped. This means that the top of GM doesn't only get matched with top GM, but also mid masters. The skill difference is huge, meaning rediculous win/loss ratio's are very possible, stomping masters players as a Pro. Lol what the huck are you saying. The worse Stephano can be matched with is around top 100 EU master, which is not mid master at all but more like high/top master... It should be easy for pros to beat top masters, but 90% winrate is still ridiculous, even Happy doesn't have such an high ratio
Also, take in consideration that he did this streak, while most european pro's were at IEM. Also many people was watching IEM, so there wasn't as many strong opponents, as there normally would be.
Anyways, quite impressive
On March 07 2012 21:19 Nizzy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2012 20:58 Jakkerr wrote: Stephano is by far the best player outside of Korea. No1 comes close to him atm, lets hope he continues practicing hard. Stephano is top 3 without a doubt, but guaranteed the best? Morrow is insanely impressive for a dual racer. HuK might be the best PvP in the world. He beat like 4 korean protoss players in the last MLG arena. Naniwa beats a ton of top Koreans consistently as well. That ladder run is so impressive. Everytime I think of Stephano I think of IdrA from a video a few months back where he basically down plays Stephano saying people already figured him out and he's going to phase out. Looks like that's the exact opposite and is exactly what's happening to IdrA atm, sadly. Americans are losing power in the scene  but "gratz!" to Stephano. Only korean protoss player huk beat in mlg arena was oz.
On March 07 2012 21:19 Nizzy wrote:
HuK might be the best PvP in the world.
GTFO... just no..
Well all pro players dont ladder to win while Stephano does. Some strats are kinda hard to practice vs your friends (mindgames ect) so you have to do them on ladder. That said over 90% is scary impressive. It rivals my 3:3 Hunters accounts from BW with good allies vs pubbies.
Elfi is a better PvP'er than HuK and has taken him out in a offline tournament before...
Stephano is easily the best foreigner at the moment.
Right now I'd say it's:
1) Stephano 2) Naniwa 3) Ret 4) Huk/Sen/Thorzain/Kas
On March 07 2012 18:51 LimitSEA wrote:I don't know if this is actually MVP, but: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/2689988/IMMvpLadder runs aren't really that impressive anywhere but on Korea.
Did you know that MVP was in bronze last season ? That's why he has such an high win/rate ratio. Stephano didn't lower his MMR back to bronze to get an high win-streak.
On March 07 2012 18:43 USvBleakill wrote: Losing a monobattle... he should really quit sc2 with such bad results.
113 to 12 is a impressive run no matter how bad or good EU ladder is. btw who is kingler? some korean protoss smurf?
Kingler is MC isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong
Its awesome to see some monobattles in the game history.
On March 07 2012 18:55 Lorch wrote: Well ladder is ladder and not really something challenging. Even though this run is impressive, all it shows is that sadly stephano's main practice (as he stated himself before) comes from ladder. There is a reason most top koreans don't care about ladder/don't even practice on it. Any top level pro is capable of getting >70% winratio on any ladder, given that EU is way under the KR level it's even easier on EU.
I don't even see why we keep getting threads over him doing well on ladder, I hope we can get away from the assumption of ladder rank/performance = skill.
umm, no, actually most korean pros practice on the ladder as stated by foreigners visiting Korean, and you can also just look at sc2rank and see most of the top players there. It's just another place to improve.
Sometimes I think it's a little overstated that "ladder means nothing". Usually a good ladder record indicates alot of potential in a player. Like players that are about to break out tournament wise or players who are merely held back by nerve issues at lan events.
I dunno how I feel about the MMR cap thing. On the one hand meeting too easy opponents is silly but on the other so is waiting a long ass time for each game.
On March 07 2012 22:33 CluEleSs_UK wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2012 18:43 USvBleakill wrote: Losing a monobattle... he should really quit sc2 with such bad results.
113 to 12 is a impressive run no matter how bad or good EU ladder is. btw who is kingler? some korean protoss smurf? Kingler is MC isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong
MaNa I belive
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
On March 07 2012 18:36 Mrvoodoochild1 wrote: Stephano is a great player, the EU ladder is not the worst ladder but is no where near as good as Korea so these type of streaks are possible. Not the worst? It's the second hardest after Korean, lol.
Wow another thread discussing Stephano's compeletely meaningless ladder results. Does it still actually surprise people he is the best non-Korean?
Are we going to have "stephano ladder runs" threads every single season? We all know he's a very good player, probably the best foreigner but come on