I could not find another thread about this. Since I am interested in hearing speculations and opinions I'm posting this here, not to cause an upstir or something.
As some of you know earlier today Incredible Miracle uploaded some new pictures of Matt " looknohands119" his visit to the teamhouse. On one of the photos, an unknown player is visible, wearing the IM team jersey, but his face is blurred out. People are speculating it's Flash or Bisu but I personally find this hard to believe although he does have the same arm size as Flash, but a different hair color if I'm not mistaken.
- He looks like flash but Flash wouldn't leave KT quietly, hes worked hard there for years.
- He looks like Bisu but Bisu his hair doesn't have black roots on the back of his head as proven by someone with a recent video from Bisu
- Might be a random/B teamer but why would they blur him out?
- Plays protoss most likely as seen in the photos
- Notice his long, thin arms
- A regular member who doesn't want to be on photo (It's inevitable to have ur picture taken as a member from such an elite & famed team as IM, so this seems unlikely to me personally)
- Losira is a bit more pudgy someone says, he has short hair now & he plays zerg normally
- Lyn doesn't have arms that size
- He seriously does look a lot like Flash lol
- Anyppi, ex KT rolster player who thought about switching
BW players would never disgrace themselves by even being seen with sc2 players. You should be ashamed for even suggesting this. I'm taking my rage to the unimpressed flash meme thread. (jk ^^)
From the most recent pictures of Bisu (from yesterday actually, I think), the hair on the back of his head does not have exposed black roots, so I think that mostly rules him out.
A Korean team having an additional Code B player is nothing. Many unknown players enter and drop out of the teams on a daily basis. Just look at the FXO roster on IPL team league thread. They have like 20 players with a ton of new faces.