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Aphrodite Interview
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It wasn't the perfect tournament, but for the most part, fears were assuaged. The stream was really choppy on the first day, probably due to a last-minute switch from twitch to own3d without time to optimize the settings, but the organizers built in a day of exhibition matches so it wasn't a huge deal. There was some stream lag the other days, but as peak usage time ended in China, it got pretty smooth. The production was top-notch, the commentators energetic and ever-improving. The players had more than ample conditions to perform well.
Perform well they did.

The first day was set up as a for-pride East vs West exhibition match, with the competitors split into 2 teams and squared off in a Winner's League-style format. Up first on Metalopolis were the Zergs for both teams, Colagirl and DaSakura. The Canadian performed a 2-base roach-ling attack and twice came close to overrunning her opponent, but Colagirl's defense was too strong and her upgrades eventualy won her the match. Next up, a clearly rusty Läjten lost out to a quick baneling bust on Tal'Darim Altar. In the final match, Flo attempted a marauder-hellion allin from cross positions on Antiga, but was too late and short on troops.
Going into the real tournament on the following days, it was interesting to see how players would adjust from the first day. Were they holding strats back, sandbagging in an effort to gain an edge? Yes and No. Colagirl continued to dominate, looking scarier and scarier as the day went on. The closest she came to losing was in the first match when Läjten tried the same strat as Flo did the previous day but to a Bit By Bit extreme. Flo lost out to only Colagirl, and won matches in style with strong marine attacks or neat drop-centric play. Aphrodite showed some very turtly mech at points, but left open enough doors that players were able to capitalize. SsQ had a fairly straightforward style, and DaSakura followed the same trends as Ret does at times - winning when allowed to drone with impunity but often without enough troops or the wrong troops to defend.
At the end of scheduled group play, 3 players found themselves in a tie for 2nd place, with only 2 able to advance. Aphrodite took the first match against Dasakura's impatient midgame attacks, but lost the second when SsQ's 1-base quick siege attack cleaned up Aphrodite's expansion then main. Now nearing 3am, she told the Duke, the Chinese-English translator, that she was just going to cheese to get it over with. A never-ending stream of reactored hellions sped across Metalopolis and spelled the Canadian's doom, finalizing the group rankings.
The final day looked like it'd follow the trends, with Colagirl taking her first game relatively easily against Aphrodite. The second game turned the tides, with a crazy base trade and nearly 10 minutes with neither player doing significant mining signaling the beginning of the end for the Chinese zerg. In the rubber match, she simply couldn't solve Aphrodite's well-practiced turtle terran. In the other semifinal, SsQ turned the tables on Flo used her own strategy against her in the first game. Flo was able to win the other two hard-fought games, barely containing her joy at securing a spot in the final. Colagirl dominated the 3rd place match, returning to her form of the previous 2 days. Aphrodite's relentless siegeing and hellion poking eventually battered down Flo's walls on Metalopolis, and in the final match on Tal'Darim Altar showed the benefits of good preparation. Flo tried to use drop play to break up the mech turtle, but, having watched that so many times in the previous few days, Aphrodite countered it so well that it almost looked like she was clairvoyant. Over the course of the weekend, Aphrodite improved her decision-making and rode the backs of thors, tanks, and hellions to first place, $5000 cash, and a nifty golden mouse.
Thanks to ZOWIE and PLU for hosting such a nice tournament, and good luck in future tournaments!
![[image loading]](/staff/Antoine/divina/winner2.jpg)
You won ZOWIE DIVINA, how do you feel?
This was my first tournament win so it has a lot of meaning to me. Going from 4th place in the group stage, all the way to winning means a lot to me!
Did you expect yourself to win in this tournament? How much did you know about your opponents prior to this tournament?
All the information I had on my opponents were their race, name and internet handle. I didn't even know their play styles so it was difficult for me to practice. The first time we all got together in the practice room and I saw them playing, I was surprised how many hidden gems there were in this tournament

You were the only one at the tournament to beat Colagirl. How would you rate Colagirl's skills? Also tell us about your match with Colagirl; that second game on Tal'Darim was crazy.
The first game, during the group stages, I was ahead but because of a bad decision I made ingame I was disappointed I had to lose that game.
During the semifinals I prepared a 2starport Banshee build, but Colagirl went for a fast lair so I lost without doing anything. During the 2nd and 3rd games Colagirl's unit compositions weren't strong enough to handle a terran mech army. So I think that's why I was able to win even at a disadvantage.
I think if Colagirl gets better at managing unit compositions within her army she can be a much stronger player.
During the first day of the tournament you had to go to tiebreakers. Did this impact your next games at all?
I never had any experience on stages so I was already nervous. The first day I was so angry at myself because I felt like I couldn't even show 10% of my true skills. When I got back to my hotel room I tried my best to get myself together

During the tournament, it seemed like Tal'Darim Altar and Antiga Shipyard both fit your playstyle as a mech terran. Did these maps help you win the tournament?
I'm usually confident with my TvZ but when I saw these maps I was a bit nervous.
Metalopolis and Taldarim are large and have a lot of expansions to take so zerg has the upper hand.
Antiga Shipyard has no return road back so zerg players have enough time to prepare which makes mech play a really bad choice.
There were no protoss players in this tournament and you said your TvP was your best MU. A lot of people say Mech play is very difficult against Protoss, how do you feel about this.
I actually feel the same about my bionic skills as much as my mech skills. I usually enjoy using Bionic against Protoss players. Also I was disappointed that there were no protoss players in this tournament.
You became a StarTale player recently, how do you feel?
Before I came to this tournament I learned a lot from the StarTale practice house by watching fellow players play.
I hope I can be a great player within the StarTale Team and I will make sure I will go to the StarTale house and practice as much as possible.
Message to your fans?
This was my first onstage tournament so there were many mistakes I made. I will make sure I will become a better player, create better games and make myself into a worthy player. Thank you all so much! :D
+ Show Spoiler [original Korean] +
1) 대회 우승한 소감?
첫대회에 첫우승이라 더 의미있는 것 같아요. 4위로 힘들게 진출해서 어렵게 우승한만큼 더 뜻깊고 기쁩니다
2) 대회 참가할 때 우승을 예상했습니까? 상대 선수들에 대해 어느 정도 정보를 가지고 있었습니까?
상대 선수에 대한 정보는 이름,국적, 아이디, 종족밖에 없었어요
상대 선수들의 플레이 스타일을 몰라서 연습하기 힘들었던 것 같아요.
처음 연습실에 모여서 연습할때 숨은 고수들이 많아서 정말 놀랐어요
3) ColaGirl상대로 승리를 거둔 유일한 선수입니다. ColaGirl선수를 평가합니까? 그리고 ColaGirl선수와의 경기에 대해서 이야기해주십시오.
ColaGirl 과의 첫경기는 저의 순간적인 판단미스로 유리한 경기를 내줘서 너무 아쉽게 생각하고 있어요
준결승때는 제가 준비한 첫경기 전략이 2starport Banshee 였는데 상대가 빠른 Lair 라서 아무것도 못하고 졌구요.
그리고 2,3 경기는 저그의 조합이 테란의 메카닉 유닛을 상대하기에 좋은 조합이 아니였던 것 같아요 그래서 불리한 상황에서 제가 승리 할 수 있었던 것 같아요
메카닉 테란을 상대할때의 유닛 조합을 조금 보완한다면 colagirl 선수는 더 강한 선수가 될 것 같아요
4) 대회 첫 날 재경기를 해야했습니다. 다음 날 경기하는데 영향이 있었습니까?
여태껏 무대경험이 없어서 대회 첫 날 긴장도 많이 하고 머리가 멍해서 제 실력의 10%도 보여주지못했어요 제 자신한테 화가 나는 하루였습니다.
숙소로 돌아와서 마인드 컨트롤을 열심히 했어요
그래서 그런지 다음날에는 긴장도 별로 안하고 조금 더 마음 편하게 대회에 임할 수 있었어요
5) 탈다림 제단, 안티가 조선소가 본인의 메카닉 스타일에 맞는 것 같은데, 맵이 우승하는데 도움이 되었던 것 같습니까?
저그전에 자신이 있었는데 처음에 맵을 보고 많이 불안했어요
메탈폴리스와 탈다림제단은 맵이 넓고 확장기지가 많아서 저그가 주도권을 가지고 있고 , 안티가조선소 같은 경우는 돌아오는 길은 없지만 대각만 나와서 저그한테 시간을 충분히 주게되어 메카닉 테란한테 별로 좋지않은 것 같아요
6) 대회에 프로토스 선수가 없었는데, 대 프로토스전에 가장 자신있다고 언급한적이 있었습니다. 많은 사람들이 플토 상대로 메카닉하기 힘들다고 하는데, 어떻게 생각하십니까?
사실 바이오닉도 자신있어요. 평소엔 대 프로토스전에서 바이오닉을 즐겨 사용하고 있어요. 이번 대회에 프로토스 플레이어가 없어서 아쉬웠던건 사실이에요
7) 스타테일에 입단하게 되었는데, 소감이 어떻습니까?
이번 디비나 이벤트를 하기전에 스타테일 숙소에가서 경기도 관람하고 이것저것 많이 배우고 왔어요
훌륭하고 멋진 스타테일 팀원들과 함께하게 되어 기쁘고 앞으로도 자주 숙소에 들려서 열심히 배울 생각입니다
8) 팬들에게 전해주고 싶은 한마디?
첫대회라 긴장을 많이해서 실수도 많았고 아쉬운 부분이 많았는데
앞으로 부족한 부분 개선해서 좋은모습,멋진 게임 보여드리는 프로 플레이어가 되도록 노력하겠습니다 감사합니다 :D
첫대회에 첫우승이라 더 의미있는 것 같아요. 4위로 힘들게 진출해서 어렵게 우승한만큼 더 뜻깊고 기쁩니다
2) 대회 참가할 때 우승을 예상했습니까? 상대 선수들에 대해 어느 정도 정보를 가지고 있었습니까?
상대 선수에 대한 정보는 이름,국적, 아이디, 종족밖에 없었어요
상대 선수들의 플레이 스타일을 몰라서 연습하기 힘들었던 것 같아요.
처음 연습실에 모여서 연습할때 숨은 고수들이 많아서 정말 놀랐어요

3) ColaGirl상대로 승리를 거둔 유일한 선수입니다. ColaGirl선수를 평가합니까? 그리고 ColaGirl선수와의 경기에 대해서 이야기해주십시오.
ColaGirl 과의 첫경기는 저의 순간적인 판단미스로 유리한 경기를 내줘서 너무 아쉽게 생각하고 있어요
준결승때는 제가 준비한 첫경기 전략이 2starport Banshee 였는데 상대가 빠른 Lair 라서 아무것도 못하고 졌구요.
그리고 2,3 경기는 저그의 조합이 테란의 메카닉 유닛을 상대하기에 좋은 조합이 아니였던 것 같아요 그래서 불리한 상황에서 제가 승리 할 수 있었던 것 같아요
메카닉 테란을 상대할때의 유닛 조합을 조금 보완한다면 colagirl 선수는 더 강한 선수가 될 것 같아요
4) 대회 첫 날 재경기를 해야했습니다. 다음 날 경기하는데 영향이 있었습니까?
여태껏 무대경험이 없어서 대회 첫 날 긴장도 많이 하고 머리가 멍해서 제 실력의 10%도 보여주지못했어요 제 자신한테 화가 나는 하루였습니다.
숙소로 돌아와서 마인드 컨트롤을 열심히 했어요

5) 탈다림 제단, 안티가 조선소가 본인의 메카닉 스타일에 맞는 것 같은데, 맵이 우승하는데 도움이 되었던 것 같습니까?
저그전에 자신이 있었는데 처음에 맵을 보고 많이 불안했어요
메탈폴리스와 탈다림제단은 맵이 넓고 확장기지가 많아서 저그가 주도권을 가지고 있고 , 안티가조선소 같은 경우는 돌아오는 길은 없지만 대각만 나와서 저그한테 시간을 충분히 주게되어 메카닉 테란한테 별로 좋지않은 것 같아요
6) 대회에 프로토스 선수가 없었는데, 대 프로토스전에 가장 자신있다고 언급한적이 있었습니다. 많은 사람들이 플토 상대로 메카닉하기 힘들다고 하는데, 어떻게 생각하십니까?
사실 바이오닉도 자신있어요. 평소엔 대 프로토스전에서 바이오닉을 즐겨 사용하고 있어요. 이번 대회에 프로토스 플레이어가 없어서 아쉬웠던건 사실이에요
7) 스타테일에 입단하게 되었는데, 소감이 어떻습니까?
이번 디비나 이벤트를 하기전에 스타테일 숙소에가서 경기도 관람하고 이것저것 많이 배우고 왔어요
훌륭하고 멋진 스타테일 팀원들과 함께하게 되어 기쁘고 앞으로도 자주 숙소에 들려서 열심히 배울 생각입니다
8) 팬들에게 전해주고 싶은 한마디?
첫대회라 긴장을 많이해서 실수도 많았고 아쉬운 부분이 많았는데
앞으로 부족한 부분 개선해서 좋은모습,멋진 게임 보여드리는 프로 플레이어가 되도록 노력하겠습니다 감사합니다 :D
Special thanks to pathy, one of our newest graphics staff, for making this so pretty, and of course HawaiianPig the css bonjwa. Pachi helped too. Kiante had the "genious [sic]" idea of linking VODs.