On October 22 2011 02:55 GDbushido wrote: The hydra speed change is stupid. God forbid zergs have a single unit that moves as slow as everyone else's shit (off creep of course).
except the hydra is slower than stalkers and stimmed marines...
ok? the point is zerg should not have a speed advantage across the board. any military tactician will tell you that is an enormous edge.
Military tacticians would also say the same for extreme firepower.
(the races are meant to have unique strengths)
In any case, hydras shouldn't be speed demons, just not slow, weak, expensive turds.
People can be really dumb sometimes. The biggest complaint i've seen so far is that zerg only gets two units compared to the three of the other races, and that is such a big deal because this is the "Zerg Expansion". People have this terrible assumption that whatever expansion comes out is suppose to make it's respective race amazing because of the current state of Terran, but that isn't how its going to work at all. All the expansions determine is the campaign of that expansion. WoL was the Terran campaign, HotS is the zerg. Zerg does not get 5 new amazing units that will give them a 70% win rate for the expansion...
As others have said, the new zerg units look the best, and the consensus on the polls is that more people favor the new zerg units over the other two races new units. I have to agree with them! I would rather get 2 awesome units the fill holes that race has compared to a new transformation, some AoE pulse thing, and a predicted replacement for a unit that will probably be taken out.
Also, I wish people would not complain about any of the units, because nobody has any idea of how they will work yet. To me, every new unit looks awesome (Well, not big on the oracle OR the hellion transformation) and will increase the quality of the game.
Battle Hellion vs normal Hellion , that would be really weird, like whoever transforms first , like sieging, if the other guy transforms first you need to run and transform away from the battle.
On October 22 2011 02:55 GDbushido wrote: The hydra speed change is stupid. God forbid zergs have a single unit that moves as slow as everyone else's shit (off creep of course).
except the hydra is slower than stalkers and stimmed marines...
ok? the point is zerg should not have a speed advantage across the board. any military tactician will tell you that is an enormous edge.
if they want faster hydras learn to spread creep, i dont know why everyone has problems with hydras they had insane dps, and required creep spread
Do you know how easy it is to stop creep? Hydra's need a speed buff I can't believe there are people saying the hydra is fine and zergs should just spread their creep more lol. How do you expect me to get my creep all the way to my opponents natural unless he's just bad and doesn't ever bother killing creep tumors?
Hydra's are almost useless off creep if you attack with them you have to commit you can not retreat as they all die as like every unit is faster then them that the opponent makes...
btw that viper thingy for zerg kinda looks like a hydralisk. guess i will call it a skydralisk. and kazuo i hope you realise that was an early trailer for WoL
lol blizz just broke the game, waaay too strong of a spell even if it were to cost 100 energy
What? It competes with Chrono Boost. Protoss aren't going to be too willing to give up their macro mechanic without a real plan. And that plan won't be "just recall a bunch". It'll be something more like "attack, then back away, but at the cost of 2-4 CBs".
but in the lategame(4-5base) protoss will always have excess chrono boost on at least 2-3 nexuses anyways, it wont come into play in the earlygame but itll make p's lategame army insanely strong
It sounds like they're making Protoss even worse, Hydras will be way too strong if they're faster than zealots. A quite expensive speed upgrade should be used.
lol blizz just broke the game, waaay too strong of a spell even if it were to cost 100 energy
What? It competes with Chrono Boost. Protoss aren't going to be too willing to give up their macro mechanic without a real plan. And that plan won't be "just recall a bunch". It'll be something more like "attack, then back away, but at the cost of 2-4 CBs".
Nexus only cost 400 minerals. That means you can simply build an extra nexus somewhere in your base and stock the energy up without having to stop making probes/spend gas like the mothership required.
On October 22 2011 02:58 NormandyBoy wrote: I foresee A LOT of proxy nexus recalls into enemy bases...
It will probably be ~100 energy... thats like 3 minutes after finished building for 1 recall
If you let me sneak a NEXUS into your base and charge enough energy on it to cast a Recall, you deserve what you get.
You misunderstand.
Recall on Nexus will allow toss to do what Kiwikaki did to Stephano on Shattered.
Namely, blinking into a base to snipe a tech structure/hatchery/CC and recalling OUT before the opposing army arrives. It's a really strong move, you should try it sometime with your mothership (leave your mothership in your base).
On October 22 2011 02:50 Brainiac wrote: Is Blizzard retarded or sth? Boosting Zerg and Toss late game, which is already strong and leaving the terran late game the way it was? That is just ridiciolous. How are they expecting terran to play late game if all we can mass up is shitty bio / weak fact units. N/c
are you reading your own words? terran as a race is strong enough. look at gsl and grand master % in korea.
as of lategame units terran has ghosts wich can single handly take out all lategame units of zerg with snipe. also i think its blizzard way of progressing the series; sc2; terran campaign. terran. sc2hots; zerg campaign. zerg getting better. the final one with protoss to complete the saga of sc2.
I would love to know how protoss got buffed lategame..... These units just look like a disappointment. They bring in the lurker, the defiler and the goliath.... But still no reaver T_T