HD been a fan of you since the beta. Painuser, been a fan of you since finding your youtube channel (shortly after game got released) and watching your FPVODs and analysis.
HOWEVER. Last night, IPL Team League, Teamliquid vs ColMVP - My impression of you guys as casters went from above average positive to wtf happened?
Painuser: Please dont yell the word "RETARDED" on air. HD: Painuser throws you many lines that you dont seem to catch.. work on your chemistry ppls.
Both of you: 1. You're HIRED. You're PAID. You're professionals!! Know your own map pool! (Calm before the storm). Thats like hockey/sports caster not knowing the name of the city the team's are from. Don't spend 10minutes talking about swatsikas (and other unrelated stuff) and 2 minutes on the actual game. I watch starcraft to also learn/hear/be entertained ABOUT starcraft. 2. Don't make weird calls by saying that Sheth should send his lings in (ZvZ vs ColRyze) when he obviously wants them for banelings (baneling nest 90% complete). I dont even main zerg and i can tell his intentions. There's a reason ppl say "go watch Day9 to learn" and "only watch <insert names> for fun. Its because many ppl make the wrong calls and then newbie players learn to make the wrong decisions. Painuser I expect better from you seen as you were once a high NA player. 3. Watch the minimap! Seriously, im only in diamond and i see so much stuff going on that you guys miss. Drops, flanks etc. 4. Know the players and the scene! You should be ashamed for calling Goswer "Gauss-u-err" and send him an apology! Thats like media/celebrity specialists on MTV calling a celeb by the wrong name. Its GosU User! UU = W. 5. Keep up with the scene! Teamliquid didnt "only recently" acquire Zenio, that was back in late 2011! I get that some ppl won't follow the scene so closely, but you can say "for those of you that dont know, Zenio was transferred to TL 3 months ago" rather than "HEY! New acquisition by liquid!". 6. Dont wonder why someone lost a battle. Its obvious you weren't paying attention earlier because of your random banter and didnt see that one side is way ahead in upgrades 7. If you DONT know the map pool or the map, and then you compare calm before the storm to crevasse, and say that its "a better version of crevasse", at LEAST talk about the differences! Lack of rocked paths means available counter attack routes. One tower in mid (instead of 4) means side paths arent watched. In base nat has double gas. Etc.
What you did good: 1. Being light hearted and chill and having energy at the right moments
Pleaseee FOCUS what your good at into improving the above points!
On February 03 2012 13:03 joshie0808 wrote: Both of you: Don't make weird calls by saying that Sheth should send his lings in when he obviously wants them for banelings (baneling nest 90% complete). I dont even main zerg and i can tell his intentions.
Yeah, that thing pissed me off so much. I'm not sure who said it but I heard "He pretty much HAS TO DO damage with these lings because he did a 10pool" or something like that.
Look, I'm a casual platinum player and I was sitting there saying "WTF?" to that call. It was that retarded.
Sorry if off topic but it has come up a cpl times. How did you guys find out the W = UU? That isnt very intuitive. I wouldnt have assumed thats how his name is said.
On February 03 2012 13:11 CounterOrder wrote: Sorry if off topic but it has come up a cpl times. How did you guys find out the W = UU? That isnt very intuitive. I wouldnt have assumed thats how his name is said.
Watching other casters pronounce his name correctly lol. Yah its not really intuitive but you'd think if they were gonna cast a particular team they'd at least know the player roster and their proper handle.
Like Husky doesnt call MMA "Maveangeace" even tho thats his NA account. He went and did the research to find the actual player's name. I'd expect the same quality from IPL.
honesty i cant stand HD casting i just think its so so so bad... i believe painuser can be put with any of the other casters and do fairly well but HD has no hope how he casts is just terrible thinks his funny makes bad jokes.. not trying to be rude or anything but HD your just bad cant even watch ipl when this guy is on
Really glad i decided to post on this thread after it being mute for 3 or 4 months. Clearly some improving to do, gents!
Gotta agree with joshie0808. Dunno when the last time HD and PainUser casted together but their chemistry was way off for the TL vs. coLMVP tac match. While it was nice to see someone other than Catspajamas and Doa (though I'm fans of both!), this was painful to watch. Though honestly I gotta lay most of this at PainUser's feet. He didn't seem like he wanted to be there. He seemed, to me, to not care in the latest about the games or the casts. Not only were his calls off but he seemed to be quite argumentative. I don't post in these sort of threads, but I hope that the two casters in question will read the two pages of new posts and put some thought into improving. This combo was the awesome last season (I don't mean the chain TAC seasons, I mean the "IPL3 season") but if this is to be expected, I doubt I'll watch anymore IPL stuff until the live event.
On February 03 2012 13:16 naux wrote: honesty i cant stand HD casting i just think its so so so bad... i believe painuser can be put with any of the other casters and do fairly well but HD has no hope how he casts is just terrible thinks his funny makes bad jokes.. not trying to be rude or anything but HD your just bad cant even watch ipl when this guy is on
have you seen catspajamas cast yet? hd/painuser seem like tastosis in comparison
Overall I like the two of you team casting. My one complaint is there is too much competitive banter between the two of you. I realize most of it is play and sarcasm, but after a while it takes away more than it adds. Caster teams that are polite to eachother and help cover blunders rather than point them out cast more smoothly and overall have more depth.
After watching the team league
1)Focus more on the game there were tons of rambling that was happening when things ingame were happening that we wanted to hear about.
2)Know the players names Gosu User (not Goswser) and the maps Calm before the Storm
3)If your going to open a diffrent tab on the UI to make a point please always reset it back to the production tab after your done there were long points in time with out the production tab when the Observer was off looking it something else and we had no idea what kind of builds were happening.
4)In the game where Sheth 10 pooled you missed the baneling nest by a MILE and miss called the entire game until you saw the actual banelings morphing PLEASE be more aware of the game state.
On February 04 2012 00:40 bustanut wrote:Show nested quote +On February 03 2012 13:16 naux wrote: honesty i cant stand HD casting i just think its so so so bad... i believe painuser can be put with any of the other casters and do fairly well but HD has no hope how he casts is just terrible thinks his funny makes bad jokes.. not trying to be rude or anything but HD your just bad cant even watch ipl when this guy is on have you seen catspajamas cast yet? hd/painuser seem like tastosis in comparison
you are comparing hd painuser to tastosis? are we both hearing the same thing? i can easily watch tastosis without any complaints about there casting and i actually laugh when they make jokes. but hd just tries to hard like SO hard that i cant even watch any time they cast its just a gongshow .. at least i am not the only one that thinks there casting is below average i actually like painusers casting when he casts with other commentators but hd i just cant stand him.. loll and yes i have seen catspajamas and i think his doing fairly well i like any other caster besides hd and that should mean something..
On February 04 2012 11:30 naux wrote:Show nested quote +On February 04 2012 00:40 bustanut wrote:On February 03 2012 13:16 naux wrote: honesty i cant stand HD casting i just think its so so so bad... i believe painuser can be put with any of the other casters and do fairly well but HD has no hope how he casts is just terrible thinks his funny makes bad jokes.. not trying to be rude or anything but HD your just bad cant even watch ipl when this guy is on have you seen catspajamas cast yet? hd/painuser seem like tastosis in comparison you are comparing hd painuser to tastosis? are we both hearing the same thing? i can easily watch tastosis without any complaints about there casting and i actually laugh when they make jokes. but hd just tries to hard like SO hard that i cant even watch any time they cast its just a gongshow .. at least i am not the only one that thinks there casting is below average i actually like painusers casting when he casts with other commentators but hd i just cant stand him.. loll and yes i have seen catspajamas and i think his doing fairly well i like any other caster besides hd and that should mean something..
Yeah I had to remove HD from my subs on youtube when it got to the point where I just muted audio on his vids lol. Way too much build up to something where he is screaming about it into the mic then nothing happens, totally wrong calls, no game sense sometimes, and too much random stuff during the casts.
I really have been enjoying the other 2 casters lately though.
Calm Before the Storm was used all Blizzard Cup and GSL November and in your own tournament. It's embarrassing that you're presenting yourselves as professionals but aren't bothered enough to keep up to date, with even your own tournament although any caster who is paid to cast should be following the GSL religiously anyway.
We're not asking much by wanting your to know your own map pool.
When I watch Premier League football I would expect the commentators to have watched the World Cup and I would expect them to know who the players are.
HD especially seems to do absolutely no research at all into the players playing. Especially if a player is Korean and not a massive name he knows nothing about him, when regularly they are Code S players (eg. Keen, Oz)
This is your job, do some research. I wouldn't turn up to my job completely unprepared and lacking the skills and just bungle my way through.
On February 04 2012 11:30 naux wrote:Show nested quote +On February 04 2012 00:40 bustanut wrote:On February 03 2012 13:16 naux wrote: honesty i cant stand HD casting i just think its so so so bad... i believe painuser can be put with any of the other casters and do fairly well but HD has no hope how he casts is just terrible thinks his funny makes bad jokes.. not trying to be rude or anything but HD your just bad cant even watch ipl when this guy is on have you seen catspajamas cast yet? hd/painuser seem like tastosis in comparison you are comparing hd painuser to tastosis? are we both hearing the same thing? i can easily watch tastosis without any complaints about there casting and i actually laugh when they make jokes. but hd just tries to hard like SO hard that i cant even watch any time they cast its just a gongshow .. at least i am not the only one that thinks there casting is below average i actually like painusers casting when he casts with other commentators but hd i just cant stand him.. loll and yes i have seen catspajamas and i think his doing fairly well i like any other caster besides hd and that should mean something..
My main gripe with Cats is that he falls into the Total Biscuit/Mr Bitter model or pretending every player is world class in every match up all the time and just overhyping everything with no sense of perspective.
One of the great things about Tastosis is that they don't give you fake hype. If they think a guy sucks, or sucks in a matchup or is just playing badly on the day or if a match is just plain bad by both players they will call it as such and not pretend every game is played by two God's of Starcraft where one player plays slightly more godly than the other guy.
On February 04 2012 00:56 JPoPP wrote: 4)In the game where Sheth 10 pooled you missed the baneling nest by a MILE and miss called the entire game until you saw the actual banelings morphing PLEASE be more aware of the game state.
This has been the story of HD casting for a LONG time now. I have been muting them cast for a long time now, and I can see that I have been making the right decision.
I don't understand the point of a casting feedback thread if the HUGE, GLARING ERRORS that are being made are not fixed in the least.
That's like building a house, not putting a roof on it, and asking, hey guys, what needs to be improved, then everyone goes OMG PUT A FUCKING ROOF ON THE HOUSE, and six months later, that shit still doesn't have a roof.
Fix your mistakes or stop casting.
HD, you are a graet overall caster. PainUser however needs to tone down the way he talks about some players. Obviously you have to sound professional and cast like a high level player, but the way he talks sometimes just makes it sound like they're noobs or inferior to him. It's fair degrading.
On February 03 2012 13:03 joshie0808 wrote:+ Show Spoiler +HD been a fan of you since the beta. Painuser, been a fan of you since finding your youtube channel (shortly after game got released) and watching your FPVODs and analysis. HOWEVER. Last night, IPL Team League, Teamliquid vs ColMVP - My impression of you guys as casters went from above average positive to wtf happened? + Show Spoiler +Painuser: Please dont yell the word "RETARDED" on air. HD: Painuser throws you many lines that you dont seem to catch.. work on your chemistry ppls.
Both of you: 1. You're HIRED. You're PAID. You're professionals!! Know your own map pool! (Calm before the storm). Thats like hockey/sports caster not knowing the name of the city the team's are from. Don't spend 10minutes talking about swatsikas (and other unrelated stuff) and 2 minutes on the actual game. I watch starcraft to also learn/hear/be entertained ABOUT starcraft. 2. Don't make weird calls by saying that Sheth should send his lings in (ZvZ vs ColRyze) when he obviously wants them for banelings (baneling nest 90% complete). I dont even main zerg and i can tell his intentions. There's a reason ppl say "go watch Day9 to learn" and "only watch <insert names> for fun. Its because many ppl make the wrong calls and then newbie players learn to make the wrong decisions. Painuser I expect better from you seen as you were once a high NA player. 3. Watch the minimap! Seriously, im only in diamond and i see so much stuff going on that you guys miss. Drops, flanks etc. 4. Know the players and the scene! You should be ashamed for calling Goswer "Gauss-u-err" and send him an apology! Thats like media/celebrity specialists on MTV calling a celeb by the wrong name. Its GosU User! UU = W. 5. Keep up with the scene! Teamliquid didnt "only recently" acquire Zenio, that was back in late 2011! I get that some ppl won't follow the scene so closely, but you can say "for those of you that dont know, Zenio was transferred to TL 3 months ago" rather than "HEY! New acquisition by liquid!". 6. Dont wonder why someone lost a battle. Its obvious you weren't paying attention earlier because of your random banter and didnt see that one side is way ahead in upgrades 7. If you DONT know the map pool or the map, and then you compare calm before the storm to crevasse, and say that its "a better version of crevasse", at LEAST talk about the differences! Lack of rocked paths means available counter attack routes. One tower in mid (instead of 4) means side paths arent watched. In base nat has double gas. Etc.
What you did good: 1. Being light hearted and chill and having energy at the right moments
Pleaseee FOCUS what your good at into improving the above points!
I meant to post a similar list after the IPL Team League Liquid vs ColMVP broadcast, but joshie0808 has it all already covered nicely. So I just like to echo his post. Please step it up, IPL and Painuser/HD! Your casting that night was really subpar.
I think you are a good caster HD. You have a style that is agreeable for viewers whom are new to SC2, or do not play the game so frequently. There is a reason why it is a "spectator sport", and you are compatible to this idea.
I find some casters, compareably, are at the same level of knowledge with the game, however, you never become annoying for your opinions, nor do you ruin my enjoyment of the broadcast by becoming "BM", Ageist, or an egotistical know-it-all like Doa and Catspajamas.
I apologize if that last statement aimed at your former(or present) co-casters sounds offensive, however I do find there casting easier to miss everyday due to statements they have made regarding younger players, (such as vileIllusion), and especially their tone of voice for their manner of introducing these competitive players whom are notably younger then average pro-gamers.
I miss you and Pain-User; I am certain that "ageism within the gamer culture" is a great topic and thread worthy! I would like to see you return, and hopefully I can begin enjoying the IPL series again
BTW- Aren't games made for kids in the first place?
I love your light-hearted style of casting. Don't pay attention to these kids with 10 foot pole up their arse. DoA and Cats' chemistry pales to HD and Painuser. You guys seem to geniunely enjoy eachothers' company.
plogamer: I think the main problem isn't their chemistry but the fact that they just don't really understand the game or the players well enough.
For example, saying IdrA doesn't ladder much, calling Theognis "The Oh-gnis" calling "gosu user" "goswer". I would even understand them not knowing that it's gosu user, but they pronounced it wrong THE WRONG WAY! They took out a whole fucking letter! If you're going to mispronounce it, at least mispronounce it with the correct spelling...
On February 06 2012 01:04 Hulavuta wrote: plogamer: I think the main problem isn't their chemistry but the fact that they just don't really understand the game or the players well enough.
For example, saying IdrA doesn't ladder much, calling Theognis "The Oh-gnis" calling "gosu user" "goswer". I would even understand them not knowing that it's gosu user, but they pronounced it wrong THE WRONG WAY! They took out a whole fucking letter! If you're going to mispronounce it, at least mispronounce it with the correct spelling...
Yeah, what a big fuckin' deal. They took out a "whole fucking letter". It wasn't on purpose. But no, you have to rage at them. If you're going to tell me that other casters don't make any mistakes, then I applaud your delusion. I'm watching the Liquid.HerO vs NSHoSeo.Jjakji cast rightnow. I could go on and on about all of mistakes DoA and CatsPJ are making. But that'd be asinine.
HD and Painuser have a chemistry that is possibly exceeded only by Artosis and Tasteless. I love them for making the game more fun with their antics and personality.