Replacement for Marauder? Marauder really doesn't feel like a terran unit, huge hp bio unit that move fast? Wtf, it make like zero sense. A mech unit that does what marauder does would be better imho.
Reapers -> improve and give them the role of the fast harass unit that is of the hellion primarily now, no real use in having two units that overlap so much Marauder -> Kill it with fire or rework for less hp less cost, or make them the Bio AoE (hello firebat) Hellion -> give them the role of old marauders
When is this expansion supposed to get out btw?
On October 07 2011 19:58 Brotocol wrote: To address the "reveal in order of the expansions" thing... Is there any reason to do so?
It doesn't counter the claim made by some that Blizz favors Terran. "Naw dude, they're doing it in the order of the games." Why? What's the purpose of that? If anything, this is a Zerg expansion. The order is meaningless.
Let's be honest, this does look Terran favored. Because there's no real reason to go in the order of the expansions. It would be MUCH more intuitive to start with the race being highlighted.
As far as multiplayer is concerned, this is not a "Zerg expansion." It's only a Zerg expansion because they're providing a Zerg-based single-player campaign.
Blizzard is not out to counter "counter the claim made by some" guys on a forum. They really don't care. If forumites want to think that Blizzard favors Terran, then they're not going to waste their time convincing you otherwise.
Terran: -Something that makes mech viable: I've always loved the brood war style mech where you slow push with missile turrets and tanks all across the map and I feel that this is truely where the spirit of terran is; in turtling and crawling across the map setting up "camp" throughout the midgame across the map.
Mech is already viable in 2/3rds of the matchups. Does Mech really need to be the dominant playstyle in all matchups?
On October 08 2011 02:53 jinorazi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2011 15:22 Grummler wrote:On October 07 2011 06:43 jinorazi wrote:On October 07 2011 05:43 Swimcito wrote: to those wondering why they are adding another unit to terran.
So you basically want us terran to throw up $40 or something for basically the same game ??
THEY HAVE TO ADD SOMETHING, OR PEOPLE WONT BUY IT i'd be more happy to buy it if they took out some units and add back some old units (thor -> goliath, colossus -> reaver, ms -> arbitor, just to name some obvious ones. if it aint broke, dont fix it, right?). They didnt fix and broke sc1, its still out there. Go play it if you like it more. Lurkers, reavers, arbitors, they all are waiting for you. There is no point in having the same game 2 times. why did they keep marine, zealot, high temp, ghost, etc. etc. etc. just sayin, they tried to make it different but it didnt make it as good or better but worse.
Because Blizzard was too frightened to mess with certain "iconic" units. So they designed around them.
You could think of SC1 as a jigsaw puzzle: each piece fits exactly and only with the pieces around it. With SC2, they only took out half of the pieces, then tried to make new pieces that would fit with the remaining ones. It doesn't work very well.
A better approach would have been to dump everything from SC1 wholesale and start over with the most basic mechanics (workers, collecting resources, etc).
On October 08 2011 05:55 sGs.Kal_rA wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2011 05:52 I_PROTOSSED_MY_HW wrote: Why does so many people think that the Marauder's gonna be replaced? I mean, is there a problem with the Marauder or something? Yes. It represents everything that is anti terran. Just listen to any Artosis rant on marauders and you will see the light.
Marauders were intended to fix Terran play, by making it multidimensional. The sheer range and firepower of Siege Tanks means that any tank-based strategy where you can effectively defend and protect them will be the dominant Terran playstyle. Essentially, all SC1 Terran play (except TvZ SK-Terran, and even that's considered old-school now) is built around STs. Everything else is some support unit designed to allow the STs to do their job.
And why? Because M&M dies to AoE too easily. It's cheap and high DPS, but easily crushed by any AoE. Which SC1 Terrans and Protoss have a lot of. Zerg have less, which is why SK-Terran actually worked in TvZ. But notice how that's fallen by the wayside in favor of... you guess it: Siege Tanks. Because massed Siege Tanks win against pretty much anything that doesn't have a specific mechanic designed to foil them (ie: Immortals or flying units).
Marauders in SC2 exist to allow Barracks play to actually work. By itself, or in partial tandem with Factory/Starport play. Marauders are a Barracks unit, but they can actually survive. They don't instantly die in the presence of AoE, the way Marines do. While mass Marauders can't assault a fortified Siege Tank line, their high health and ability to pick off units is still strong vs. Protoss. Marauders also can act as meatshields for Marines.
Basically, the Marauder question is this: do you want Terran to actually have some stratigies other than "Build Siege Tanks and stuff that protects Siege Tanks?" I'm sure Artosis would say, "No." Personally, I like "mobile infantry" style Terran play. I enjoyed SK Terran style in SC1 far more than tank pushes.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't have STs (though I wouldn't be against that either). But however "foreign" Marauders are to Terrans, they do give them the ability to actually use Barracks units primarily.
I find it odd how people complain about Terrans using "only Tier 1" units in TvP (despite the fact that Medivacs are not Tier 1). While Protosses and Zerg do incorporate a few high-tech units into their player, what is their army primarily composed of? Zerglings/Banelings/Roaches, or Zealots/Stalkers/Sentries. Yes, they get some Infestors and Colossi in there, but TvP play incorporates Medivacs, Vikings (where needed) and Ghosts (where needed). All higher-tech units.
It just looks bio to me. As for what the fuck it is, I have absolutely no idea.
When is this expansion supposed to get out btw?
I'm guessing July or early August 2012
@NicolBolas - well-written post, props 
However, you say that you want Terran to have a style of play available that isn't just based around Siege Tanks, and this requires Marauders. Actually, Marines have such high DPS that actually Marines+Medivacs with Ghosts later on is good against most Protoss styles anyway, especially with things like Banshees mixed in. Of course, this hasn't really been experimented with because Marauders make the style unnecessary, but I don't think it can be ruled out by any means.
On October 08 2011 06:38 Noak3 wrote: I think the best idea for a new unit in HOTS for terran would be some kind of flying unit that drops an AOE on the ground, like fire on the ground or something- sort of like overseers pooping out creep, but an AOE damage spell. It would increase micro required in the game and it'd be a good space-controlling mechanic, which is one of the core mechanics of terran. You mean a Science Vessel? Irradiate is exactly this.
so when are they going to tease the zerg and protoss units?
It's the SCVGG. When you upgrade your CC accordingly it will now train only SCVGG's which will mine twice the amount of regular SCV's !
Seriously, I wish it were some kind of melee mech unit (maybe the flamethrower thingy indicates a special aoe ability) but it's hard to tell.
if it ends up being a different form of the hellion this could be pretty sweet (Kind of like a battle version of it). Terran would be able to actually go full mech without the need for any bio.
The hellion would have its main form, or "harass" form
and then it would have an assault form, kinda like the vikings in assault form except not bad lol
Firebat. And they remove the maruder. Seriously it would be way more interesting if they just basically make it so the anti-armor bio unit is melee, but it doesn't do extra vs light.
I think its going to be a replacement for the reaper some sort of mech bio mix, maybe with a transform option to allow it to move faster but not attack.
this just looks like an troll joke from some1 hellion maruder? lol
merging of viking and hellion maybe ?
Hellion that transforms into infantry so that it doesn't out run the bio and die to Collosi like regular hellions do. It gets stim.
Super Imba
Hellion that transforms into Goliath but loses ground attack (can transform back to hellion), after they remove vikings and colosus? Please?
We are looking at a troll/firebat.
Based on DB's comment, this replaces the hellion and reaper... The hellper...
Drives faster than hellions (mounted afterburners) and can jump over cliffs in walker mode and attacks with afterburners and hellion flame.
Just speculation. >.>
On October 08 2011 07:35 brachester wrote: so when are they going to tease the zerg and protoss units?
I thought the next teaser was supposed to come out today?
@ NicolBolas, I just feel like pointing out, that the MAIN unit that each terran and protess are dependent on in their matchup is A) the marine, as the terrans primary source of damage... and B) the colossus, as the protoss primary source of damage
Terran's excell at Tier 1, because their tier 1 is the climax of terran power... in the later stages of the game they do have "some" units that are usefull, ghosts do not apply they are also tier 1....
This leaves vikings as a response/precaution to colossus (but they're worthless if your opponent doesn't have any) Medivacs, if you have gas that wasn't put into bio(ghosts/marauders) or the occasional (tanks/thors)...
Banshee's are used as a gimmick, but are not standard play because well, they're kinda like mutas... i.e. not good in conventional battles, but deadly if ignored.
THEREFOR: Terran strong tier 1 vs protoss, and gets PROGRESSIVLY WEAKER as the game goes on...
Protoss is OPPOSITE THIS: because protoss tier 1 fucking SUFFERs against terran tier 1, and protoss strength steadily increases as it adds more deathball units together until protoss has Colossus and high templars in the same army where it because incredibly difficult for terran to win.
This is why terran players have become EXCEPTIONAL at timing attacks and allins because early in the game is where Terran has the inherent advantage, and the longer a game goes (without either side suffering heavy losses) the more the advantage shifts in protoss favor...
And with that, your statement that "Terran is a tech beneficial race and that protoss and zerg tend to be tier 1 reliant" is completely wrong!
statement here of course:I find it odd how people complain about Terrans using "only Tier 1" units in TvP (despite the fact that Medivacs are not Tier 1). While Protosses and Zerg do incorporate a few high-tech units into their player, what is their army primarily composed of? Zerglings/Banelings/Roaches, or Zealots/Stalkers/Sentries. Yes, they get some Infestors and Colossi in there, but TvP play incorporates Medivacs, Vikings (where needed) and Ghosts (where needed). All higher-tech units.
The reason people say this, is that Terran PREFER the tier 1 battle, while protoss PREFER the tier 3 battle. Medivacs are good army multipliers and vikings are necessary to deal with colossus and ghosts are useful in small numbers (as well as necessary to deal with high templar)... but all in all, a Terran player's tooth fairy wish is to not NEED any vikings or ghosts and just MAKE MORE BIO because bio is super efficient.
To contrast, the protoss player's tooth fairy wish is to have MORE RANGE COLOSSUS FASTER or substitute with MORE STORM TEMPLAR FASTER... because that is the unit that gives the army strength!
You need to realise that the zealot/stalker/sentry is not the CORE of the protoss army, its the meat shield for the real core units: high templar and colossus. (provided no gimmicks necessary like dark templar or void ray rushes)
... fuck, I think i just repeated myself LIKE A BAW- ...ASS but you get my point. i hope.
On October 08 2011 04:30 nerak wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2011 04:00 Chargelot wrote:On October 08 2011 03:04 Xpace wrote: - Fastest ground unit in the game
Have you ever seen a speedling? Hellions: 4.25 Speedling: 4.6991 Speedling on creep: 6.10883 Hellion with legs: 6,803 I love how technically you didn't use a decimal, so you are saying a hellion with legs would cross the map in under 1 second.
come on guys, look at the hint from the blues.
besides the fact that's a unit that could get out (I'm so funny), I think the gun on top if it probably freezes stuff or whatnot.