On September 24 2011 01:44 Mattchew wrote: Ladder results dont seem thread worthy to me personally.. but GL at IPL this guy is a beast who should always be watched
On September 24 2011 01:44 Mattchew wrote: Ladder results dont seem thread worthy to me personally.. but GL at IPL this guy is a beast who should always be watched
^ this ladder means jack and shit basically
Ladder means nothing USUALLY. Being #1 GrandMasters and going on a streak like that is actually proof of skill, it's not like he's facing High Diamond scrubs.
Naniwa "NA very easy, EU easy, Korea Hard" Ladder doesn't mean that much, we already know Stephano is a monster zerg, dominating EU ladder doesn't mean much, winning vs the best in the world in EU and America in tournaments is what counts.
On September 24 2011 01:44 Mattchew wrote: Ladder results dont seem thread worthy to me personally.. but GL at IPL this guy is a beast who should always be watched
^ this ladder means jack and shit basically
Ladder means nothing USUALLY. Being #1 GrandMasters and going on a streak like that is actually proof of skill, it's not like he's facing High Diamond scrubs.
On September 24 2011 01:44 Mattchew wrote: Ladder results dont seem thread worthy to me personally.. but GL at IPL this guy is a beast who should always be watched
^ this ladder means jack and shit basically
Ladder means nothing USUALLY. Being #1 GrandMasters and going on a streak like that is actually proof of skill, it's not like he's facing High Diamond scrubs.
Still. It's ONLY practice.
Yeah, it's not like he went 64-2 in tournament games. Still, it's extremely impressive. Progamers practice on ladder in every region, even if they don't perform as well as they do in tournaments.
For people saying "He should go with CoL to train in Korea"
Actually , as we can read in all this interview, I think he just dont want go to Korea for many month ( he will probably go one month at the end of the years) He dont follow GSL and it's not his dream to play in Korea, I dont think you can "forced" him to play in a country he dont wanna go even if it's make him better and it will probably not working.
Then , He will go to MLG after IPL and Millenium will send him in all event he got an invitation ( That wasnt the case in the begin of the years and he was under 18 , so he couldnt travel as he want)
So, probably CoL can support him better but I am not sure his wish is to live in Korea and travelling in all lan world as far I can know him in interview and Millenium tv.
On September 24 2011 11:07 ForlornHope wrote: Stephano beat MMA and Marineking (almost beat alive 2-1) so i think we could say his ZvT is better than a lot of Korean.
Yeah, his weakest match up is definately ZvP.
he beat puzzle 2-0 too but yeah i think ZvP is his worst
I dont know if anyone stated this before or the same but here is the win rate on NA ladder, BcuzofuPros is actually Fnatic.Rain, we can also see that the winrate on American is much higher and there are so many no name on that list --->>> EU>>>> AM by far
On September 24 2011 15:58 minhbq299 wrote: I dont know if anyone stated this before or the same but here is the win rate on NA ladder, BcuzofuPros is actually Fnatic.Rain, we can also see that the winrate on American is much higher and there are so many no name on that list --->>> EU>>>> AM by far
He has a smaller sample size so this doesn't mean anything whatsoever.
80-10 score isn't impressive if it's a new account bceause you have to play through tens and tens of gold and diamond noobs.
Credit where credit is due. I have watched his stream and he tries a lot of different strategies. Including asking the users on the stream what to do. He's having a blast, it's as if he's just toying with them. People say 'oh no-one takes ladders run seriously', well nor does Stephano from my experience, and yet he's still winning. Incredible!
In that sense, maybe he's still a little immature. And the true test will come playing offline in front of a crowd, with more pressure and money on the line.
This is still very impressive, given the standard of the EU ladder.