I gg every game these days just as it costs me nothing and helps me move on to the next game (I'm not saying everyone should).
On topic, I once was playing against a Terran in a long macro game where, without meaning to sound like a bitch, I was ahead pretty much the whole time but I really appreciated how good my opponent was, he just wasn't having much luck against me in that game. He asked for a pause as I was building up for what I thought would be the final push and I let him have it (I always allow 5 minutes if asked) and when he got back I said something like "Even if I win this [I was about a minute away from doing so] I just wanted to say now, I think you're the best Terran I've ever played".
I genuinely meant it, but he didn't believe me so as my push was winning I was having to explain his counter attack drops were awesome and the way he was expanding and holding was almost impossible for me to break, he got 4 bases up and I just couldn't do anything about it and was feeling constantly pressured with the way he was positioning himself and intercepting my drops was really well executed. So yeah, if you're going to compliment someone and don't want to come off as an arrogant git, be prepared to explain.
On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D
Heh, this could just as easily be construed as sarcasm.
I would keep it just to GG WP because a lot of that comes off sarcastic Lol.
On August 17 2011 19:58 OhYess wrote:If I win against a player, I give them tips on how they can improve their build/timing :DAnd if I lose I usually just say "gg" which seems adequate. Sometimes I add a little "  " if I'm feeling super nice. :D
Yeaaah that's almost definitely irritating and rude.
I was slumping a long while ago and had toe misfortune to play against a gold league Zerg who did something I suppose you could call similar to the "Destiny 4 gate" where you just make roaches off two base and win ZvZs, and it is "unbeatable".
After the game he took time to explain to me that I lost because the build was unbeatable and that the only way to defend it was to do it as well and that he could teach me how to do the build if I was interested. I responded by shaking my head at the ignorance facing me, and carrying on with more games.
The moral of the story is simply because you won a game does not mean you're better than your opponent, much less so qualified to give them tips. If someone -asks- for help then it is an entirely different story (I've had friendly chats with many a Protoss on what the hell I'm supposed to do against them) but if you're offering unsolicited advice you're likely just making someone frustrated at a loss even more frustrated. Is a dick move, bro.
nice idea, mannered comments probably help you play better by stopping rage (which leads to tilt etc)
i dont BM but if i get cheesed i dont gg thats about it. If i get beat by some crazy tactic i would say "I dont even know what happened GG man"
u're so well mannered its a little scary lol. good thou. Ill just say gg well played. I would assume it would make him happy already
lame, I enjoy a good rage when I win and I think it only a favor to the next guy who enjoys a good rage when I lose. I will not follow, and respectfully decline your manner invitation
On August 18 2011 02:52 KimJongChill wrote:Show nested quote +On August 17 2011 11:38 TheRageKage12 wrote:Hi Everyone, I had an epiphany the other day. So many people bad manners on ladder after they lose, but nobody good manners. I guess it makes sense, it is easier to yell and blame someone for beating you than it is to accept that they played better. So, in an effort to make the ladder a better place, I've decided to end every game I lose with some good manner for my opponent. Thus far, I have 6 instances of good manner: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +Replays: http://www.mediafire.com/?drqka1kc3volxt1Furthermore, I've found myself much more willing to go back and see how I lost after complementing my opponent on a job well done. That might just be a coincidence (or maybe I'm weird). NOTE: Some players may become confused and frightened at the sight of such a rare occurrence of good manner. If they do begin to lash out, calmly explain to them that you meant your complements and that you most definitely aren't trolling. :D Heh, this could just as easily be construed as sarcasm.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Usually if I'm feeling particularly well mannered, I'll say something along the lines of "Ah damn wasn't expecting that... should have scouted better". I dono, I know the OP means well but it just seems to come off as a glorified gg to me...
when i lose, a 3 second question comes in my mind to gg or not... so i have a long way to go.
i don't say anything at the start or finish of the game, unless i have respect for the person or it's a professional setting. what you do is alright i guess but it could be easily taken as bm
i feel like comments like these are sarcastic whenever i read them. in terms of manner i think 'gg' or 'gg wp' are the best.
sounds like ur being sarcastic in each of the 6 cases i would consider this worse then BM if i encountered it. i think a simple gg/wp is manner enough and maybe some friendly conversation in begging of games
The only reason I don't compliment my opponent is because I always blame myself for my losses. "Should have seen that coming. My macro was terrible. I overreacted to that 3 rax." etc. Sometimes I'll play someone that's just superior to me in terms of micro or multi-tasking but I also leave out of frustration like "wow I got demolished. I'm terrible at this game." Good manner is always nice to see but I'd probably never end gg out of a game with it. On the other hand, I'll never bm because of that same reasoning.
I say gg every game, and gg wp after good games/long macro games.
I consider it to be gm when people simply GG. That's all I need. GG WP is even better, but I would never expect it.
Anything else and it usually sounds sarcastic.
Cool thread.
I am absolutely starting to do this. I could be like the free hugs movement for SC2!
On August 17 2011 11:52 DFDream wrote: The only people who are ever mannered to me are on the Korean server T.T
Its very true, I got a "gg wp good to meet you" last night from a Korean, most of them are really nice guys and if they aren't, they usually vent in Korean so I don't understand them anyways.
If only I could find a way for those pesky Korean Terrans to leave the game earlier I'd have a blast
Very impressive! I will absolutely start to do this. Before this, I would only say something other than gg if I felt my opponent did something really good, like great drops or absolutely destroyed me with a nice push. I like the idea, it's win-win: Makes your opponents feel better (Unless they are paranoid bastards, in which case screw em ) and keeps your mindset more positive.
In all those screenshots I felt like you were sarcastic.
If you really want to be manner, just say "gg" or talk with him more or something.
And I'm not even sure if the thread itself was a troll.