I watched the GSTL with mute on and I almost never do that. I realise this is what they do for a living but Moletrap/ Khaldor is a terribly bad combination of casters. I dont understand the constant pausing between words by both of them, especially Khaldor and the sudden yelling from Moletrap, effectively shutting up Khaldor for a good minute.
I was OK with Moletrap but his casting today was pretty off, maybe due to the extended break (benefit of doubt). I don't like how he's biased towards MMA and discredit OZ throughout the cast today. Lastly, he doesn't seem to be able to build up the excitement (definitely not by his shouting) and seems to cut off Khaldor a lot. Much to improve on if he's gonna stay long term.
bad calls happen even to tastosis, it's the risk of trying to estimate what is going to happen before it happens. sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong. could moletrap brush up on his current meta game? sure, especially in races he doesn't play, but i don't think it was awful.
The only thing today was the awkward joke/insult that accidentally happened over ESFI vs esfee pronounciation. I felt like Khaldor actually felt like he was being bashed by moletrap, especially when moletrap went on about gissle instead of GSL. I don't think moletrap purposefully did it of course, but everyone in irc agreed that it was a bit awkward, and kind of dickish for moletrap to make khaldor feel bad. Good thing boys will be boys, and khaldor will probably just shit on his head at the gomhouse to get back at him or something =P Or throw an elbow as he suggested on stream. hah
I personally dont like Moletraps casting, he doesnt mesh well with others causing awkward/cringeworthy situations and has a terrible voice and not to mention very lackluster humour. Wolf is probably the best Code A caster, knows his stuff well, knows how to work with his cocaster, although can be boring at times. Doa's humor can be hit/miss, I personally find it to be a miss 80% of the time, and his game knowledge is lacking. Khaldor's an okay caster, sometimes he can't articulate properly, but he seems fairly honest in his casts which is nice.
On January 27 2012 21:31 Psychobabas wrote: what can i say...?
I watched the GSTL with mute on and I almost never do that. I realise this is what they do for a living but Moletrap/ Khaldor is a terribly bad combination of casters. I dont understand the constant pausing between words by both of them, especially Khaldor and the sudden yelling from Moletrap, effectively shutting up Khaldor for a good minute.
Not good... to say the least
I really enjoy khaldors casting, but yeah, i didnt listen to any of the casting tonight either. it simply isnt enjoyable
Doa went back to the US, so I think it will be those three for code a and most of the GSTL, the bigger problem imo is who do you replace them with. Finding good well liked commentators who want to move to korea and can mesh well with different co-casters I'd imagine would be very difficult.
Hopefully all three code a guys keep working on improving because it was pretty bad tonight.
On January 27 2012 21:45 Laryleprakon wrote: Doa went back to the US, so I think it will be those three for code a and most of the GSTL, the bigger problem imo is who do you replace them with. Finding good well liked commentators who want to move to korea and can mesh well with different co-casters I'd imagine would be very difficult.
Hopefully all three code a guys keep working on improving because it was pretty bad tonight.
well, wolf is amazing, they found an amazing caster in him, and he goes really well with other people, and khaldor does fine. its a pity doa left, doa.wolf were amazing
i wanted to show my girlfriend starcraft 2 for the first time today but we had to stop the experiment because i thought it was quite a bad first time for her :D
in all honesty though, i like moletrap as a guy but his casting hasn't improved much and his bias against oz/fxo kinda annoyed me as well
I really think that Khaldor is the best they have ever had besides Tastosis. It is really too bad that they do not have a good cocaster to go with him right now.
However, I do think that Moletrap has been improving a ton. Give him a little more time, and I think that Khaldor/Moletrap will be a great casting team.
While there are things that one just cannot change about oneself, the one thing about moletrap that overshadows everything for me is that it seems like he just isn't trying. That includes preparation in general, becoming better at the game itself or specifically improving in casting skills.
Maybe i'm wrong, but it shines through in almost every of his casts that he has little will to improve.
its fine for now but i think this this is a case of people not knowing what they are missing. you are missing a really good caster and are blinded by the current caster you THINK is so good. hes ok but time will give us a really good one and you will look back and be like "wow how did i think what they were doing was good"
Yes, seriously I wonder how is it possible to voice our opinion on Moletrap. Seriously I have nothing against the guy, but he really should't shoutcast the GSL. Between his very annoying voices, the non sense and lack of analysis he says, I just prefer to watch the vod muted, or even don't watch it and just read the results and analysis.
Is there some petition somewhere on the gomwebsite ? Is there a feedback thingy we could fill ? I don't like spamming their poor forums for this, and I feel like they don't even read it.
On January 27 2012 22:02 zerglingrodeo wrote: I really think that Khaldor is the best they have ever had besides Tastosis. It is really too bad that they do not have a good cocaster to go with him right now.
However, I do think that Moletrap has been improving a ton. Give him a little more time, and I think that Khaldor/Moletrap will be a great casting team.
You've got to realize he's been commentating for almost 5 years now. He's not going to suddenly improve in the casting department. Yes, his game knowledge might improve, but his casting won't improve in just a few months if he's not improved at all in the 5 years he's been casting for.
Doa gets to cast for GSL AND IPL? What a lucky bastard! anyway I like doa and can only hope moletrap improves. If gom thinks he's a good caster there must be something we don't know since gom doesn't wanna lose customers
Thats great news. Im so happy for moletrap and I think hes one of the guys that really deserves it considering the hours he been putting in since the BW days. Too bad hes going to keep working for an organization that doesnt keep their promises though. I wouldnt be surpsied if they changed his contract when it suited them just like they did to Naniwa.
On January 27 2012 22:36 devPLEASE wrote: Doa gets to cast for GSL AND IPL? What a lucky bastard! anyway I like doa and can only hope moletrap improves. If gom thinks he's a good caster there must be something we don't know since gom doesn't wanna lose customers
Doa has quit Gom and moved to IPL for personal reasons, as far as I know. He will not be back, which is a pity considering how well Doawolf was shaping up.