On August 30 2011 19:00 marttorn wrote: Has this officially become the "whine about every GSL caster except Tastosis like a little bitch" thread? Seems so. Jeez, calm the fuck down and appreciate the fact that you get to see the worlds best SC2 for free (or, if you payed for the ticket, for a low cost. I also hate it when people act as if their paying to watch it means they have the "right" to a caster they personally enjoy. Shut the fuck up, please, what are you, WoW players?)
Paying for it (which I have for every GSL/GSTL since January) makes me a customer for GOM and means that they're going to be at least slightly interested in the opinion of myself and other subscribers when it comes to their casters.
Are you so naive that you think GOM won't sack a caster if the community doesn't like them? That's exactly what happened to Kelly and what will end up happening to Moletrap. The fact is that his casts are unbearable for a really significant portion of viewers and that's a good enough reason to get rid of him. Wolf and Doa as a pair seems to work for most people so they should just go with that.
Some of the vitriol in the thread is a bit over the top but it all boils down to the fact that many people, myself included, think Moletrap is:
a) Not funny. b) Has an annoying voice. c) Talks over his co-casters in a way that bothers the viewer. d) Has poor analytical skills. e) Insists on forcefully predicting scenarios that a savvy observer can clearly see are wrong using said poor analytical skills.
This isn't some case of the forums unjustifiably bashing someone. This is a set of real concerns and the only reason there's this much heated debate about it is that GSL is so popular.
They really should just close this thread, I think we all have a vague idea that yes, Moletrap is casting for Code A. All this is, is a bashing thread for a minority of haters on moletrap, something not allowed and not done for Wolf, Doa, kelly etc [and I would enjoy those threads to be perfectly honest but there retarded as this one is].
No one is perfect the first time they do stuff, some of the concerns are justified, but with a bit of constructive feedback it's not going to be an issue.
On August 31 2011 01:47 lizzard_warish wrote: They really should just close this thread, I think we all have a vague idea that yes, Moletrap is casting for Code A. All this is, is a bashing thread for a minority of haters on moletrap, something not allowed and not done for Wolf, Doa, kelly etc [and I would enjoy those threads to be perfectly honest but there retarded as this one is].
A minority of players? Everyone I know personally that has heard him cast dislikes him and /v/, SA, reddit, and other communities can't stand him. He ruins casts. As a customer why should I not be able to complain that GOM is using awful casters?
On August 31 2011 01:06 IMABUNNEH wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2011 22:43 features wrote: This thread is absolutely full of hateful douchebags, jumping on the hate wagon. Show nested quote + So what are you left with? His voice? That is an absolutely unreasonable complaint especially when its not actually something he can do much about. I find it funny that a bunch of nerds are complaining about a high pitched voice when many of you probably have the same problem, with your inhalers and ear medicines. :p
Talking of hateful douchebags, way to stereotype there bro. You're on this site, do you fall under that (ridiculous) stereotype? If not, why assume others do? I know plenty of athletic "jock" type people who are asthmatic, and plenty of "nerds" who don't come CLOSE to the stereotype that you portrayed. The only thing I can assume is YOU have a whiney high pitch voice with an inhaler and ear medicine if that's how you somehow came to the conclusion that everyone on the internet must be like that too. Show nested quote + Lets put it this way, what if we had a female caster, how would you angry haters handle that? I honestly believe this voice issue is just something those unreasonable enough to object to have to deal with in your own time, and something GOM shouldnt pay any respect to.
We HAD a female caster, the outcry of how terrible people felt she was was FAR and above that of moletrap. Do you really think it's unreasonable for people to have legitimate criticisms of a caster's knowledge, personality, and voice? MOST of the criticisms of him in this thread are perfectly reasonable "his voice irritates the crap out of me", "he really doesn't know much about the game" etc are blunt, but fine. "OMG I HATE HIM SCREW YOU GOM" is obviously unreasonable, but it's NOT unreasonable to give feedback on a product that is paid for.
Well you are a whiney angry nerd afterall.....
Nice to see you only glazed over my post in search of what you wanted to read rather than understanding what I was actually saying. The ear medicine part was a joke, but the majority of us are nerds, theres no point in pretending we're not, starcraft is like a 9 on the nerd-o-meter while ten is probably a theoretical ceiling with Warhammer in cosplay at Comic Con. lol
Did you see that word? 'Majority' I never say "all" or "everyone" because that would be wrong. With that in mind I never said all starcraft players have high pitched voices I said "many" and that could be true, Its not a problem and people shouldnt judge you for it.
I dont even think Moletrap's voice is that high pitched anyway, there is just a very vocal minority of crap people who are completely intolerant of any voice or accent they deem unsuitable which is shameful and fairly prejudice. People like you are just absolutely detest anything mildly different from the norm, ironic of course considering your a starcraft fan....
One thing I've realised lately is how Moletrap actually don't give a shit or just doesn't see what ST_Legend (the GOM observer) is showing us. Like in the Code A finals when + Show Spoiler +MKP went cloak banshee in one of the games when they kinda base traded and Moletrap just talked about something completely different while ST_Legend showed the starports and the cloak research over and over again and when the cloak was half finished they were like "OOOOH AND MKP IS GOING CLOAK BANSHEE!!! -_-.
And it's just not that, ST_Legend actually finds and points out really great timings and cool things like most observers don't and when Moletrap is casting he doesn't pay attention to it and brings it up because he has an awful understanding of this game and can't see these small things.
After following this thread for sometime ive seen its swtiched from critisism (most constructive) to hate and fights. If you have a problem with moletrap casting, as i do, forget about this thread as there are people with strong beliefs on both sides of the fence. Instead, email GOM (support@gomtv.net) or go to their own caster feedback thread (http://www.gomtv.net/forum/view.gom?topicid=201732&cid=0&kind=1) and do something more productive than a circular argument here.
On August 31 2011 02:36 Termit wrote:One thing I've realised lately is how Moletrap actually don't give a shit or just doesn't see what ST_Legend (the GOM observer) is showing us. Like in the Code A finals when + Show Spoiler +MKP went cloak banshee in one of the games when they kinda base traded and Moletrap just talked about something completely different while ST_Legend showed the starports and the cloak research over and over again and when the cloak was half finished they were like "OOOOH AND MKP IS GOING CLOAK BANSHEE!!! -_-. And it's just not that, ST_Legend actually finds and points out really great timings and cool things like most observers don't and when Moletrap is casting he doesn't pay attention to it and brings it up because he has an awful understanding of this game and can't see these small things.
Now thats a legitimate complaint, but again you shouldn't ask too much of him, he's there for the casual lower level players, which could be the majority if you consider anything below Diamond and the only avenue that will help expand the audience. After all its impossible to get into a new game/show when the commentators are just being incredibly hardcore apparently giving an advanced russian maths lecture to a class of english preschoolers.
I started watching BW in 2007 with moletrap, Cholera and Diggity and they did a great job of telling me all the basic info I needed to know, and injected excitement into the cast so that you knew whatever was going on was a big deal (i.e reaver drop, how is a new comer suppose to know thats a big deal? Why were all those little dudes that blew up so important?)
If the Starcraft community wants to expand it needs casual lower level casters who are more in touch with the audience, it all cant be hardcore, but of course thats still important for the established fans.
Tastosis probably hits this balance the best, even if people say tasteless has lost his passion lol, he's just tweaked his style to be more friendly to the nubbins. Angry Nerds need a little less selfishness to understand why casters like DOA and Moletrap are needed.
On August 31 2011 02:36 Termit wrote:One thing I've realised lately is how Moletrap actually don't give a shit or just doesn't see what ST_Legend (the GOM observer) is showing us. Like in the Code A finals when + Show Spoiler +MKP went cloak banshee in one of the games when they kinda base traded and Moletrap just talked about something completely different while ST_Legend showed the starports and the cloak research over and over again and when the cloak was half finished they were like "OOOOH AND MKP IS GOING CLOAK BANSHEE!!! -_-. And it's just not that, ST_Legend actually finds and points out really great timings and cool things like most observers don't and when Moletrap is casting he doesn't pay attention to it and brings it up because he has an awful understanding of this game and can't see these small things.
I'm watching the Code S Ro8, and
+ Show Spoiler +In Game 1 Optimus v. Keen, Keen goes gas first while Optimus goes for a GASLESS fast expand. Moletrap: "Looks like they're going for the same opener..."
Later in the same game: "If Keen loses his natural he won't be mining AT ALL" (there is a third base mining for Keen)
I appreciate Moletrap's enthusiasm, but he does miss tons and tons of stuff while casting. GOM could do better.
I've read the criticism. Its understandable to be critical i guess but what I dont understand is the volume of hate. I overlook a lot of the mistakes casters make. it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't mind moletrap at all
couldnt agree with cryak more.
obviously everyone who isnt tastosis has big shoes to fill when they're standing in for the big games, but gom need to understand that epic games need epic casters and if they need to go shopping for some new talent when the pros arent available then so be it.
Makes watching the games unbearable, terrible caster, forget the voice thats something i can stand but he has indications of poor social skills (nill synergy with any caster) and does not know anything about the game (wouldnt mind that if he at least didnt pretend to know stuff), I appreciate casters who know their stuff and point stuff out to viewers that dont see it right away, which enhances the viewing experience. Also he is barely improving, which is annoying as he has had ample time to fix community concerns, (example is husky who takes casting and improving on his fautls very seriously). I dont hate the dude, I hate his casting.
someone needs to do a haters gonna hate gif with moletrap doing that flip >_>
Cannot stand this caster, GOM should just grab a random pro each time and make him cocast with wolf or doa. Moletrap go back home.
On August 31 2011 02:20 Lafali wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2011 01:47 lizzard_warish wrote: They really should just close this thread, I think we all have a vague idea that yes, Moletrap is casting for Code A. All this is, is a bashing thread for a minority of haters on moletrap, something not allowed and not done for Wolf, Doa, kelly etc [and I would enjoy those threads to be perfectly honest but there retarded as this one is]. A minority of players? Everyone I know personally that has heard him cast dislikes him and /v/, SA, reddit, and other communities can't stand him. He ruins casts. As a customer why should I not be able to complain that GOM is using awful casters?
Not everyone hates him, you just refuse to hear the other end of it.
I will never personally understand the choice of Moletrap in light of the MANY people they could have chosen. It's just kind of confusing to me. I've stopped watching code A games (which i used to really enjoy) due to the lack-luster casting combo of Wolf / Moletrap. And, yes Mileycyrus................. Wait Mileycyrus....? Really....? Wow sorry i got off topic there. But YES, sir, i have filed my complaints to the Gomtv headquarters, thank you for suggesting it. We need strength in numbers people.
Will wolf still be doing code a?
I can't say I am happy about this. I've been subscribed to moletrap for like two years now and I enjoyed his BW content, likely because I was really bad at the game. In Sc2 however I dont enjoy his commentary at all, it actually lowers the quality of GOMtv a LOT for me, especially since we get so little Tastosis nowadays. Out of all the other combos only Wolf/QXC and Wolf/Doa were decent.
But well hey, at least it's not Kelly...
Really great to hear the Wolf is full time, not so sure about the others, they need to play more with tastosis so that their analysis isn't so bad.