![[image loading]](http://www.fragster.de/de/esport/coverages/blizzcon/2011/invitational/eu/bilder/blizzcon-regionals-eu-teaser.jpg)
fragster sat down with White-Ra and talked with him about his play at the EU Battle.net Invitational and his feelings about the current state of the community.
-> To the interview (be aware of spoilers according EU Battle.NET Invitational)
Some impressions:
What is more important for you: Winnig tournaments or having a lot of fans?
White-Ra: I think second one. Because there are too many events and not enough fans. Of course, winning is very important and you will get many fans. But I like being friendly and open for the community better. I know that it is important to give something back to the community. So for me the community support is more important than winning tournaments. Maybe tournament wins would give me more money, but community support it gives me energy and support for the future. And, of course, I am feeling good myself, when I see such a good support by the fans. And family and friends see and like it as well.
![[image loading]](http://fragster.de/de/esport/coverages/blizzcon/2011/invitational/eu/galerie/samstag/sc2-blizzard-european-battle-net-invitational-54-whitera.jpg)
Does your family follow your tournament results, the streams and so on?
White-Ra: Streams no, some tournaments yes. Because they miss me when I have a long travel or something. So they can see me online and cheer for me.
How did you like MLG and the experience in America?
White-Ra: It's very good for the community, because there are many fans in America. It has been a good support. But I think the MLG rules are not perfekt. Like the extend series rule. And I got a def loss for being ten minutes too late. I had a travel of ten hours and it were only ten minutes. The next day I won eleven Bo3s. That was very exhausting. Not for my body, but for my brain and my emotions. The next day I couldn't concentrate.
Enjoy reading the whole interview! (Be aware of spoilers about the European Battle.NET invitational)
For more content, pictures and interview head over to this thread
![[image loading]](http://www.ebears.eu/files/wer/fragster.jpg) Brought to you by fragster.de Follow me on twitter Follow fragster on twitter Follow fragster on facebook
I read this in Whitra-english.^^
thanks for posting, WhiteRa is perfekt!
ye white ra is right : he won 11 bo3s and he barely placed 24th that rule is so mean for a players travelling so much to attend the tuornament
haha oh man, nice set of priorities.. so that's why he keeps on giving out his personally used items to fans all over the world.. you're so baller mr Aleks
White-Ra for presidentoss! :D
Thanks! Really nice interview.
On August 07 2011 07:06 Hardigan wrote: I read this in Whitra-english.^^
As did i. Whitera-english is the shit.
Whitera such a beast.
Maybe you could put all these interviews into a single thread?
"Will you take time off?" 'Yes, it needs two weeks, very easy'
Hahaha, <3 White-Ra
White-ra is my favorite player. During the MLG Def thing i almost swore to never watch MLG again but then White-ra decided to keep at it and win many bo3. White-ra you have my support forever man
On August 07 2011 07:12 ProxyKnoxy wrote: Maybe you could put all these interviews into a single thread?
They are all (it´s only 2 from warschau) in one thread. But these single threads are necessary as well. If they are only in the "main thread" nobody can discuss the interview.
(MrBitter and Naniwa are not interviews from us)
haha, yeah, I hear white-ra's responses in his accent. <3
On August 07 2011 07:06 Hardigan wrote: I read this in Whitra-english.^^
Same here :-P
People would rage at this title if it was anyone else =/
White Ra, awesome as always
Best of luck to White-ra. Definitely my favorite toss out there. I don't care if he wins or not, his presence is enough to make any tournament exciting for me. GLHF
I wish more progamers would adopt WhiteRa's beliefs in community build. Obviously not so much that winning isn't important, but it would be nice if some progamers could do more to show their personalities to make them a loveable or a love to hate character. Also I love how WhiteRa advocates good manners. With so many fans following people like Idra, it's great to see WhiteRa being such a mannerbear.