My picks: - Daniel 'XlorD' Spenst (Zerg, Germany, MeetYourMakers): The former WC3 top player has performed very well at German tournaments, but hasn't shown anything too remarkable in the international arena yet. From what I've heard, he's going to focus on SC2 now that he finished school, so I really expect him to be one of Europe's best Zergs soon.
- John 'Seiplo' Seipel (Protoss, Sweden, Alien Invasion): Let's be honest here – I wouldn't have mentioned him before his great performance at Assembly '11. Still, I believe he is one of those people who are capable of showing good results repeatedly, especially if he gets the opportunity to travel to more events.
- Aleksandr 'Bly' Svusuyk (Zerg, Ukraine, Virus Gaming): Imagine you're from the same country as White-Ra, DIMAGA, Kas and Strelok. Not easy to get noticed, is it?! I think Bly has the best chances of soon becoming the fifth name on that list if he is willing to practise a lot.
- Dmitry 'Happy' Kostin (Terran, Russia, Team Empire): I feel that Happy is showing better results than Brat_OK and is going to surpass him as the best Russian SC2 player if he hasn't already. Wondering why he hasn't been at any major events yet, after all he has quite a reputation from the old WC3 days.
- Nick 'LastShadow' De Cesare (Terran, USA, Team GosuGamers): He didn't show any results lately, but he seems to have a lot of talent – exactly the right kind of guy to send to Korea for practising. If he's dedicated enough, he's going to go far.
- Kim 'Ryung' Dong Won (Terran, South Korea, SlayerS): Everyone agrees that he's pretty good, but he's clearly being overshadowed by MMA and BoxeR. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being the highest-finishing SlayerS player in this Code S season.
- Ahn 'HongUn' Hong Wook (Protoss, South Korea, Team Prime): In my opinion, he's still one of the best Korean Protoss players, even capable of playing in the Code S final, I'd say.
- Park 'July' Sung Joon (Zerg, South Korea, Startale): Zerg is all about NesTea lately, but I believe that July's style can work quite as well as NesTea's. Wouldn't be surprised if he came very far in this Code S season.
ret. ive been saying this for a few months now.
That guy has some of the best minimap awareness and drop defense I've ever seen. And he's only 16 I think.
I think attero is underrated a lot of players don't know him. One of these days i think he will win some big tourneys
I've always thought that SaSe is heavily underrated. I'm pretty sure he will go far in Code A.
+100% to skill since spring.
On July 18 2011 09:57 VPCursed wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2011 01:40 00Visor wrote: EU: Stephano, DeathAngel NA: NamhciR, Major KR: TSL_Smart, sCfou im sorry but, i have to disagree with you on nam.. the guy just cheeses all game long. Ye he can take wins. but will he ever be able to win a series match vs a pro? unlikely.
sounds like someone is upset over a loss or maybe just jelly?
his MLG anaheim results speak for themselves: 2-0 is.edge (who 2-0'd fnatic.fenix) 2-1 pokebunny 2-1 sungpa
and last mlg (where he made it to the championship bracket from the open bracket): 2-1 optikzero 2-1 NGry
and a recent win 2-1 over drewbie in the IEM qualis
yeah he's cheesy, but he also has skill to back it up. (imo, easily top 3 terran micro/control in north america, and excellent transition macro) i find it annoying when people dismiss his play as *solely* "cheesy" when he has plenty of tournament results.
SaSe, Grubby, MaNa, and Grubby
On August 04 2011 09:12 chaopow wrote: Ret. He's an absolute monster but does not get as much attention in comparison to his skill.
Called it!!! He won Blizz Eu :D Hope he wrecks at blizzcon.
On August 08 2011 10:05 chaopow wrote:Show nested quote +On August 04 2011 09:12 chaopow wrote: Ret. He's an absolute monster but does not get as much attention in comparison to his skill. Called it!!! He won Blizz Eu :D Hope he wrecks at blizzcon.
I don't know if calling Ret underrated and acting like you predicted anything when he does well makes you a genius. Nobody has doubted his mechanics and ability to be one of if not the best foreigner Zerg, to the point where for many points over the past year he has been wildly overrated.
WMF_Moon definatly. I know he's gonna play WCIII this winter and probably practise a lot for that, but there is no doubt in my heart that in 1-2 years he will be one of the most dominant players in SCII if he goes for it. Grubby aswell actually, I just know they both have the potential to be extreme. (And yeah, I was a huge WCIII fan )
Lol no one can say DRG is underrated anymore. I'd agree that in fact, he's overhyped. Top 3 in the world? Really?
He's definitely a beast, but he hasn't qualified for GSL (pretty sure, correct me if i'm wrong) and he didn't win in Anaheim. Sure, he's very good, but he hasn't won anything big enough to warrant being called a top 3 in the world status.
TotalBiscuit. Any time now
On August 08 2011 10:20 RegniG wrote: TotalBiscuit. Any time now
He'll get out of gold! ;D
mana, strelok, brat_ok
these are players that have been consistently good for a very long time but people often see them as underdogs coming into a tournament
sjow, state, and stephano are the ones that come to mind for me. especially sjow, he has had great results at columbus and anaheim and you hardly ever hear about him.
On August 08 2011 10:13 Zalitara wrote:WMF_Moon definatly. I know he's gonna play WCIII this winter and probably practise a lot for that, but there is no doubt in my heart that in 1-2 years he will be one of the most dominant players in SCII if he goes for it. Grubby aswell actually, I just know they both have the potential to be extreme. (And yeah, I was a huge WCIII fan  ) I told my friend the other day that when Moon's WC3 contract runs out next year, he's going to become such a beast in SC2. It's ridiculous how well he's doing right now, even. Because he's a hybrid WC3/SC2 player, you'd expect him to underperform in both areas, but he and the rest of the WMF roster are absolutely sick. Just wait for 2012. He'll become one of the best Zergs.
Darkforce. He had a good showing in NASL and I think it's only a matter of time until he wins something big.
United Kingdom14464 Posts
Mana's getting lots of hype cause of Assembly, but I think it's fully deserved. The man is a beast. I've seen him make 2 base carrier rushing work at the top of the european ladder. Like. A. Boss. I've been a fan since DH Winter, but it's awesome to see him getting props again.
On August 08 2011 09:14 Ainvar wrote: Stephano!
That guy has some of the best minimap awareness and drop defense I've ever seen. And he's only 16 I think.
His performance at the Homestory cup was really good.