Hey Boss, your fellow the Killers fan here lol.
I just wanted to point out that I just LOVE what you are doing, for the Starcraft community and... well yeah everything else.
On topic: I hope Choya will do well in MLG. I know he has the potential.
I've been a big fan of FXO ever since I saw Karl pulling off multiple cannon rushes on ladder (like a boss... oh wait...) and I hope you are able to keep up the good work.
Also please keep streaming... I just love it. Stupid timezones make it so that I can only follow like an hour before you go for dinner and sleep though..., oh well.
Thanks so much for all that you're giving us and remember...,
Can you send DRG while you are at it? Pretty please?
FXO, awesome stuff! Hopefully your pockets are deep so you can keep this kind of generosity up!
wow FXOpen you. are. awsome.
Aaawesome Hopefully he will do well
Congrats to Choya, be funny if he won MLG but now I'm interested in seeing how far he can get.
FXOpen continues to impress.
Really awesome.
I am ready to change my sleeping schedule here in Sweden just to follow Anaheim event live all weekend long!
We want Leenock! Him vs that cute 8 year old from the last MLG would be adorable
Send DRG as well do it now.
Like a Boss!!! Nice move, really cool that you give him that opportunity.
I'm lovin this mutual respect between gamers across cultures. Good on ya BoSs and Choyo from what ive heard, is a gem of a person. GL HF!
Good stuff cant wait to see him at MLG will be very exciting
Choya's english is actually Excellent so it's a great new
super manner, fxoboss FXOboss confirmed for trying to be more manner than sheth.
O_o Who's gonna train fOu?
FXOChoya would be pretty cool though