On July 02 2011 13:20 StickNMove wrote:
Wait a second, this should make the 2nd and 3rd players invited. It was discussed on Inside the Game by MLG Lee and Mr. Chae that ST_Bomber would be the 1st player invited to MLG Anaheim. I specifically remember the discussion of who would be invited and being excited to see bomber, is this not the case anymore? And if not why leave that information out of this post? It would be a real shame to see them retract their previous statements about allowing bomber to play in MLG. And although I like Slayers_Boxer, I really would like to see them choose at least 1 player from each race instead of sending us 3 or 4 Terans. They should really try and promote diversity within the races when they select players for MLG. There are definitely more than enough players of each race deserving of a spot and singling one race out of this program would be tragic. I was really hoping MKP would be selected but if Bomber is in fact going (as he rightfully should be) I fear that 4 Korean Terans is really too much for this exchange program.
Wait a second, this should make the 2nd and 3rd players invited. It was discussed on Inside the Game by MLG Lee and Mr. Chae that ST_Bomber would be the 1st player invited to MLG Anaheim. I specifically remember the discussion of who would be invited and being excited to see bomber, is this not the case anymore? And if not why leave that information out of this post? It would be a real shame to see them retract their previous statements about allowing bomber to play in MLG. And although I like Slayers_Boxer, I really would like to see them choose at least 1 player from each race instead of sending us 3 or 4 Terans. They should really try and promote diversity within the races when they select players for MLG. There are definitely more than enough players of each race deserving of a spot and singling one race out of this program would be tragic. I was really hoping MKP would be selected but if Bomber is in fact going (as he rightfully should be) I fear that 4 Korean Terans is really too much for this exchange program.
Bomber is still in GSL Code S for July. Presumably, they have two more tentative invitees but cannot announce until they can be confirmed. Since the Code S Finals are the same weekend, it seems likely that the remaining two candidates are in Code S and they have to wait until they are eliminated to confirm. So presumably, Bomber is one but they won't confirm until (if) he is knocked out. If he were to make it to the Code S Finals, obviously he would be unable to attend and a different player would go, so they don't want to make a premature announcement.