Uszat actually he meets Machine who gets trolled :DVIDEO
This was filmed during Homestory Cup 3. And for more Uszat (Carmac) trolling here's the HuK thread: Update from the creator, Carmac:On June 28 2011 02:53 Carmac wrote: I've got news for you: I still have an unreleased IdrA and TLO prank interview sitting on my hard drive
And League of Legends is a new game in the Intel Extreme Masters - so many people to troll!
Now we understand why LoL is one of the main titles of IEM .
Yeah this is from the Homestory Cup 3, and it's the best interview in the history of views that have been interned.
haaha poor machine
When I first saw this, I was laughing so much. I saw it during the livestream.
Oh man. I was hearing "I play DotA!" in the back of my head for the whole time.
"You have reputation... asshole!"
Carmac is a god among trolls.
it says prank/joke in the tags
Love it. So good. "Too handsome to be idra..." :D (lol love how he gives in)
LOL this was really funny, was laughing the whole time, carmac is pro troller
This was a pretty funny interview. I liked watching it.
This guy is not funny, and neither is Sacha Baron Cohen, who he is trying to be like.
i was waiting for this video to get made public. It was set to private before. This video is so hilarious. Carmac is such a boss.
"I'm american Zerg. Very handsome, much like Idra. But too handsome to be Idra. My face: good." Oh Machine :D But I think he was pretty early suspicious that there might be something wrong with that guy or that interview. Just from the answers and the expression at the beginning and the change in the middle.
great interview, he should have been playing along earlier :D